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Want you try new Operating system?




Quickly download, create and run VM of any(TODO) operating system.

Licensed under AGPL3

Still Testing version!


quickly create and run VMs

As a base excellent quickemu

you can download new distro with few clicks of a mouse

GUI using yad

See it in action on youtube...


or command line?...

TUI using fzf


.Desktop file generator

It will simple generate .desktop files for every supported and downloaded VM in quickemu. So you can link it anywhere...

Why I creating this?

Because I wanna learn

  • Linux

  • Bash

  • yad

  • project management

And contribute to open source

play with Quickemu

And easily add new distros to it

How to run DistroHopper?

You need fullfill the requirement first...


quickemu video: Replace VirtualBox with Bash &QEMU


Installing Requirements

For Ubuntu, Arch and nixos systems the ppa, AUR or nix packaging will take care of the dependencies. For other host distributions or operating systems it will be necessary to install the above requirements or their equivalents.

These examples may save a little typing


sudo apt install qemu bash coreutils ovmf grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-client-gtk swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs zsync unzip


sudo dnf install qemu bash coreutils edk2-tools grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-gtk-tools swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs xrandr unzip

Void Linux:

sudo xbps-install qemu bash coreutils grep jq procps-ng python3 util-linux sed spice-gtk swtpm usbutils wget xdg-user-dirs xrandr unzip zsync socat

How to install DistroHopper?

You need get copy of distrohopper

If you want more stable, download latest release version

If you want developer version... (could have bugs)

git clone https://github.com/oSoWoSo/DistroHopper

Enter created/unpacked distrohopper directory

Then enter config directory

cd distrohopper/config

And run


Now should be good to go...

How to run

Just run from terminal


or for TUI version (Download and run from/into same directory)

dh -t

Desktop files

All desktop files will be storred in your .config in directories /distrohopper/ready and supported

Fell free to link them anywhere you want...

Currently supported Distribution:

In screenshot above...

Testing version!

Project chat group:

If anyone wanna join, here is one SimpleX way

(check the software! even if you don't want chat about DistroHopper) Simplex website

Without these amazing projects it wouldn't be posible:




GUI depends on yad

TUI depends on fzf

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