
727 lines
24 KiB

#include <sstream>
#include "dxvk_buffer.h"
#include "dxvk_device.h"
#include "dxvk_image.h"
#include "dxvk_sparse.h"
namespace dxvk {
: m_pool(nullptr),
m_page(nullptr) {
Rc<DxvkSparsePageAllocator> allocator,
Rc<DxvkSparsePage> page)
: m_pool(std::move(allocator)),
m_page(std::move(page)) {
DxvkSparseMapping&& other)
: m_pool(std::move(other.m_pool)),
m_page(std::move(other.m_page)) {
// No need to acquire here. The only place from which
// this constructor can be called does this atomically.
const DxvkSparseMapping& other)
: m_pool(other.m_pool),
m_page(other.m_page) {
DxvkSparseMapping& DxvkSparseMapping::operator = (
DxvkSparseMapping&& other) {
m_pool = std::move(other.m_pool);
m_page = std::move(other.m_page);
return *this;
DxvkSparseMapping& DxvkSparseMapping::operator = (
const DxvkSparseMapping& other) {
m_pool = other.m_pool;
m_page = other.m_page;
return *this;
DxvkSparseMapping::~DxvkSparseMapping() {
void DxvkSparseMapping::acquire() const {
if (m_page != nullptr)
void DxvkSparseMapping::release() const {
if (m_page != nullptr)
DxvkMemoryAllocator& memoryAllocator)
: m_memory(&memoryAllocator) {
DxvkSparsePageAllocator::~DxvkSparsePageAllocator() {
DxvkSparseMapping DxvkSparsePageAllocator::acquirePage(
uint32_t page) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex);
if (unlikely(page >= m_pageCount))
return DxvkSparseMapping();
m_useCount += 1;
return DxvkSparseMapping(this, m_pages[page]);
void DxvkSparsePageAllocator::setCapacity(
uint32_t pageCount) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex);
if (pageCount < m_pageCount) {
if (!m_useCount)
} else if (pageCount > m_pageCount) {
while (m_pages.size() < pageCount)
m_pageCount = pageCount;
Rc<DxvkSparsePage> DxvkSparsePageAllocator::allocPage() {
DxvkMemoryRequirements memoryRequirements = { };
memoryRequirements.core = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2 };
// We don't know what kind of resource the memory6
// might be bound to, so just guess the memory types
auto& core = memoryRequirements.core.memoryRequirements;
core.size = SparseMemoryPageSize;
core.alignment = SparseMemoryPageSize;
core.memoryTypeBits = m_memory->getSparseMemoryTypes();
DxvkMemoryProperties memoryProperties = { };
DxvkMemory memory = m_memory->alloc(memoryRequirements,
memoryProperties, DxvkMemoryFlag::GpuReadable);
return new DxvkSparsePage(std::move(memory));
void DxvkSparsePageAllocator::acquirePage(
const Rc<DxvkSparsePage>& page) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex);
m_useCount += 1;
void DxvkSparsePageAllocator::releasePage(
const Rc<DxvkSparsePage>& page) {
std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex);
m_useCount -= 1;
if (!m_useCount)
DxvkSparsePageTable::DxvkSparsePageTable() {
DxvkDevice* device,
const DxvkBuffer* buffer)
: m_buffer(buffer) {
VkDeviceSize bufferSize = buffer->info().size;
// For linear buffers, the mapping is very simple
// and consists of consecutive 64k pages
size_t pageCount = align(bufferSize, SparseMemoryPageSize) / SparseMemoryPageSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
VkDeviceSize pageOffset = SparseMemoryPageSize * i;
m_metadata[i].type = DxvkSparsePageType::Buffer;
m_metadata[i].buffer.offset = pageOffset;
m_metadata[i].buffer.length = std::min(SparseMemoryPageSize, bufferSize - pageOffset);
// Initialize properties and subresource info so that we can
// easily query this without having to know the resource type
m_subresources[0].pageCount = { uint32_t(pageCount), 1u, 1u };
m_subresources[0].pageIndex = 0;
m_properties.pageRegionExtent = { uint32_t(SparseMemoryPageSize), 1u, 1u };
DxvkDevice* device,
const DxvkImage* image)
: m_image(image) {
auto vk = device->vkd();
// Query sparse memory requirements
uint32_t reqCount = 0;
vk->vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements(vk->device(), image->handle(), &reqCount, nullptr);
std::vector<VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements> req(reqCount);
vk->vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements(vk->device(), image->handle(), &reqCount, req.data());
// Find first non-metadata struct and use it to fill in the image properties
bool foundMainAspect = false;
for (const auto& r : req) {
if (r.formatProperties.aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_METADATA_BIT) {
VkDeviceSize metadataSize = r.imageMipTailSize;
if (!(r.formatProperties.flags & VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SINGLE_MIPTAIL_BIT))
metadataSize *= m_image->info().numLayers;
m_properties.metadataPageCount += uint32_t(metadataSize / SparseMemoryPageSize);
} else if (!foundMainAspect) {
m_properties.flags = r.formatProperties.flags;
m_properties.pageRegionExtent = r.formatProperties.imageGranularity;
if (r.imageMipTailFirstLod < image->info().mipLevels && r.imageMipTailSize) {
m_properties.pagedMipCount = r.imageMipTailFirstLod;
m_properties.mipTailOffset = r.imageMipTailOffset;
m_properties.mipTailSize = r.imageMipTailSize;
m_properties.mipTailStride = r.imageMipTailStride;
} else {
m_properties.pagedMipCount = image->info().mipLevels;
foundMainAspect = true;
} else {
Logger::err(str::format("Found multiple aspects for sparse image:"
"\n Type: ", image->info().type,
"\n Format: ", image->info().format,
"\n Flags: ", image->info().flags,
"\n Extent: ", "(", image->info().extent.width,
",", image->info().extent.height,
",", image->info().extent.depth, ")",
"\n Mip levels: ", image->info().mipLevels,
"\n Array layers: ", image->info().numLayers,
"\n Samples: ", image->info().sampleCount,
"\n Usage: ", image->info().usage,
"\n Tiling: ", image->info().tiling));
// Fill in subresource metadata and compute page count
uint32_t totalPageCount = 0;
uint32_t subresourceCount = image->info().numLayers * image->info().mipLevels;
for (uint32_t l = 0; l < image->info().numLayers; l++) {
for (uint32_t m = 0; m < image->info().mipLevels; m++) {
if (m < m_properties.pagedMipCount) {
// Compute block count for current mip based on image properties
DxvkSparseImageSubresourceProperties subresourceInfo;
subresourceInfo.isMipTail = VK_FALSE;
subresourceInfo.pageCount = util::computeBlockCount(
image->mipLevelExtent(m), m_properties.pageRegionExtent);
// Advance total page count by number of pages in the subresource
subresourceInfo.pageIndex = totalPageCount;
totalPageCount += util::flattenImageExtent(subresourceInfo.pageCount);
} else {
DxvkSparseImageSubresourceProperties subresourceInfo = { };
subresourceInfo.isMipTail = VK_TRUE;
subresourceInfo.pageCount = { 0u, 0u, 0u };
subresourceInfo.pageIndex = 0u;
if (m_properties.mipTailSize) {
m_properties.mipTailPageIndex = totalPageCount;
// We may need multiple mip tails for the image
uint32_t mipTailPageCount = m_properties.mipTailSize / SparseMemoryPageSize;
if (!(m_properties.flags & VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SINGLE_MIPTAIL_BIT))
mipTailPageCount *= m_image->info().numLayers;
totalPageCount += mipTailPageCount;
// Fill in page metadata
for (uint32_t l = 0; l < image->info().numLayers; l++) {
for (uint32_t m = 0; m < m_properties.pagedMipCount; m++) {
VkExtent3D mipExtent = image->mipLevelExtent(m);
VkExtent3D pageCount = util::computeBlockCount(mipExtent, m_properties.pageRegionExtent);
for (uint32_t z = 0; z < pageCount.depth; z++) {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < pageCount.height; y++) {
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < pageCount.width; x++) {
DxvkSparsePageInfo pageInfo;
pageInfo.type = DxvkSparsePageType::Image;
pageInfo.image.subresource.aspectMask = image->formatInfo()->aspectMask;
pageInfo.image.subresource.mipLevel = m;
pageInfo.image.subresource.arrayLayer = l;
pageInfo.image.offset.x = x * m_properties.pageRegionExtent.width;
pageInfo.image.offset.y = y * m_properties.pageRegionExtent.height;
pageInfo.image.offset.z = z * m_properties.pageRegionExtent.depth;
pageInfo.image.extent.width = std::min(m_properties.pageRegionExtent.width, mipExtent.width - pageInfo.image.offset.x);
pageInfo.image.extent.height = std::min(m_properties.pageRegionExtent.height, mipExtent.height - pageInfo.image.offset.y);
pageInfo.image.extent.depth = std::min(m_properties.pageRegionExtent.depth, mipExtent.depth - pageInfo.image.offset.z);
if (m_properties.mipTailSize) {
uint32_t pageCount = m_properties.mipTailSize / SparseMemoryPageSize;
uint32_t layerCount = 1;
if (!(m_properties.flags & VK_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SINGLE_MIPTAIL_BIT))
layerCount = image->info().numLayers;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < pageCount; j++) {
DxvkSparsePageInfo pageInfo;
pageInfo.type = DxvkSparsePageType::ImageMipTail;
pageInfo.mipTail.resourceOffset = m_properties.mipTailOffset
+ i * m_properties.mipTailStride
+ j * SparseMemoryPageSize;
pageInfo.mipTail.resourceLength = SparseMemoryPageSize;
VkBuffer DxvkSparsePageTable::getBufferHandle() const {
return m_buffer ? m_buffer->getSliceHandle().handle : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkImage DxvkSparsePageTable::getImageHandle() const {
return m_image ? m_image->handle() : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
uint32_t DxvkSparsePageTable::computePageIndex(
uint32_t subresource,
VkOffset3D regionOffset,
VkExtent3D regionExtent,
VkBool32 regionIsLinear,
uint32_t pageIndex) const {
auto subresourceInfo = getSubresourceProperties(subresource);
// The mip tail is always linear
if (subresourceInfo.isMipTail)
return m_properties.mipTailPageIndex + pageIndex;
// Compute offset into the given subresource
VkOffset3D pageOffset = regionOffset;
if (!regionIsLinear) {
pageOffset.x += (pageIndex % regionExtent.width);
pageOffset.y += (pageIndex / regionExtent.width) % regionExtent.height;
pageOffset.z += (pageIndex / regionExtent.width) / regionExtent.height;
pageIndex = 0;
uint32_t result = subresourceInfo.pageIndex + pageOffset.x
+ subresourceInfo.pageCount.width * (pageOffset.y
+ subresourceInfo.pageCount.height * pageOffset.z);
return result + pageIndex;
DxvkSparseMapping DxvkSparsePageTable::getMapping(
uint32_t page) {
return page < m_mappings.size()
? m_mappings[page]
: DxvkSparseMapping();
void DxvkSparsePageTable::updateMapping(
DxvkCommandList* cmd,
uint32_t page,
DxvkSparseMapping&& mapping) {
if (m_mappings[page] != page) {
if (m_mappings[page])
m_mappings[page] = std::move(mapping);
DxvkSparseBindSubmission::DxvkSparseBindSubmission() {
DxvkSparseBindSubmission::~DxvkSparseBindSubmission() {
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::waitSemaphore(
VkSemaphore semaphore,
uint64_t value) {
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::signalSemaphore(
VkSemaphore semaphore,
uint64_t value) {
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::bindBufferMemory(
const DxvkSparseBufferBindKey& key,
const DxvkSparsePageHandle& memory) {
m_bufferBinds.insert_or_assign(key, memory);
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::bindImageMemory(
const DxvkSparseImageBindKey& key,
const DxvkSparsePageHandle& memory) {
m_imageBinds.insert_or_assign(key, memory);
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::bindImageOpaqueMemory(
const DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindKey& key,
const DxvkSparsePageHandle& memory) {
m_imageOpaqueBinds.insert_or_assign(key, memory);
VkResult DxvkSparseBindSubmission::submit(
DxvkDevice* device,
VkQueue queue) {
auto vk = device->vkd();
DxvkSparseBufferBindArrays buffer;
DxvkSparseImageBindArrays image;
DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindArrays opaque;
// The sparse binding API has never been updated to take the new
// semaphore submission info structs, so we have to do this instead
VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo timelineInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_SUBMIT_INFO };
timelineInfo.waitSemaphoreValueCount = m_waitSemaphoreValues.size();
timelineInfo.pWaitSemaphoreValues = m_waitSemaphoreValues.data();
timelineInfo.signalSemaphoreValueCount = m_signalSemaphoreValues.size();
timelineInfo.pSignalSemaphoreValues = m_signalSemaphoreValues.data();
if (!m_waitSemaphores.empty()) {
bindInfo.pNext = &timelineInfo;
bindInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = m_waitSemaphores.size();
bindInfo.pWaitSemaphores = m_waitSemaphores.data();
if (!buffer.infos.empty()) {
bindInfo.bufferBindCount = buffer.infos.size();
bindInfo.pBufferBinds = buffer.infos.data();
if (!opaque.infos.empty()) {
bindInfo.imageOpaqueBindCount = opaque.infos.size();
bindInfo.pImageOpaqueBinds = opaque.infos.data();
if (!image.infos.empty()) {
bindInfo.imageBindCount = image.infos.size();
bindInfo.pImageBinds = image.infos.data();
if (!m_signalSemaphores.empty()) {
bindInfo.pNext = &timelineInfo;
bindInfo.signalSemaphoreCount = m_signalSemaphores.size();
bindInfo.pSignalSemaphores = m_signalSemaphores.data();
VkResult vr = vk->vkQueueBindSparse(queue, 1, &bindInfo, VK_NULL_HANDLE);
if (vr) {
Logger::err(str::format("Sparse binding failed: ", vr));
this->logSparseBindingInfo(LogLevel::Error, &bindInfo);
return vr;
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::reset() {
bool DxvkSparseBindSubmission::tryMergeMemoryBind(
VkSparseMemoryBind& oldBind,
const VkSparseMemoryBind& newBind) {
if (newBind.memory != oldBind.memory || newBind.flags != oldBind.flags)
return false;
// The resource region must be consistent
if (newBind.resourceOffset != oldBind.resourceOffset + oldBind.size)
return false;
// If memory is not null, the memory range must also be consistent
if (newBind.memory && newBind.memoryOffset != oldBind.memoryOffset + oldBind.size)
return false;
oldBind.size += newBind.size;
return true;
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::processBufferBinds(
DxvkSparseBufferBindArrays& buffer) {
std::vector<std::pair<VkBuffer, VkSparseMemoryBind>> ranges;
for (const auto& e : m_bufferBinds) {
const auto& key = e.first;
const auto& handle = e.second;
VkSparseMemoryBind bind = { };
bind.resourceOffset = key.offset;
bind.size = key.size;
bind.memory = handle.memory;
bind.memoryOffset = handle.offset;
bool merged = false;
if (!ranges.empty() && ranges.back().first == key.buffer)
merged = tryMergeMemoryBind(ranges.back().second, bind);
if (!merged)
ranges.push_back({ key.buffer, bind });
populateOutputArrays(buffer.binds, buffer.infos, ranges);
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::processImageBinds(
DxvkSparseImageBindArrays& image) {
std::vector<std::pair<VkImage, VkSparseImageMemoryBind>> ranges;
for (const auto& e : m_imageBinds) {
const auto& key = e.first;
const auto& handle = e.second;
VkSparseImageMemoryBind bind = { };
bind.subresource = key.subresource;
bind.offset = key.offset;
bind.extent = key.extent;
bind.memory = handle.memory;
bind.memoryOffset = handle.offset;
ranges.push_back({ key.image, bind });
populateOutputArrays(image.binds, image.infos, ranges);
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::processOpaqueBinds(
DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindArrays& opaque) {
std::vector<std::pair<VkImage, VkSparseMemoryBind>> ranges;
for (const auto& e : m_imageOpaqueBinds) {
const auto& key = e.first;
const auto& handle = e.second;
VkSparseMemoryBind bind = { };
bind.resourceOffset = key.offset;
bind.size = key.size;
bind.memory = handle.memory;
bind.memoryOffset = handle.offset;
bind.flags = key.flags;
bool merged = false;
if (!ranges.empty() && ranges.back().first == key.image)
merged = tryMergeMemoryBind(ranges.back().second, bind);
if (!merged)
ranges.push_back({ key.image, bind });
populateOutputArrays(opaque.binds, opaque.infos, ranges);
template<typename HandleType, typename BindType, typename InfoType>
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::populateOutputArrays(
std::vector<BindType>& binds,
std::vector<InfoType>& infos,
const std::vector<std::pair<HandleType, BindType>>& input) {
HandleType handle = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Resize bind array so that pointers remain
// valid as we iterate over the input array
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
binds[i] = input[i].second;
if (handle != input[i].first) {
// Create new info entry if the handle
// differs from that of the previous entry
handle = input[i].first;
infos.push_back({ handle, 1u, &binds[i] });
} else {
// Otherwise just increment the bind count
infos.back().bindCount += 1;
void DxvkSparseBindSubmission::logSparseBindingInfo(
LogLevel level,
const VkBindSparseInfo* info) {
std::stringstream str;
str << "VkBindSparseInfo:" << std::endl;
auto timelineInfo = static_cast<const VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo*>(info->pNext);
if (info->waitSemaphoreCount) {
str << " Wait semaphores (" << std::dec << info->waitSemaphoreCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->waitSemaphoreCount; i++)
str << " " << info->pWaitSemaphores[i] << " (" << timelineInfo->pWaitSemaphoreValues[i] << ")" << std::endl;
if (info->bufferBindCount) {
str << " Buffer binds (" << std::dec << info->bufferBindCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->bufferBindCount; i++) {
const auto* bindInfo = &info->pBufferBinds[i];
str << " VkBuffer " << bindInfo->buffer << " (" << bindInfo->bindCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bindInfo->bindCount; j++) {
const auto* bind = &bindInfo->pBinds[j];
str << " " << bind->resourceOffset << " -> " << bind->memory
<< " (" << bind->memoryOffset << "," << bind->size << ")" << std::endl;
if (info->imageOpaqueBindCount) {
str << " Opaque image binds (" << std::dec << info->imageOpaqueBindCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->imageOpaqueBindCount; i++) {
const auto* bindInfo = &info->pImageOpaqueBinds[i];
str << " VkImage " << bindInfo->image << " (" << bindInfo->bindCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bindInfo->bindCount; j++) {
const auto* bind = &bindInfo->pBinds[j];
str << " " << bind->resourceOffset << " -> " << bind->memory
<< " (" << bind->memoryOffset << "," << bind->size << ")" << std::endl;
if (info->imageBindCount) {
str << " Opaque image binds (" << std::dec << info->imageOpaqueBindCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->imageBindCount; i++) {
const auto* bindInfo = &info->pImageBinds[i];
str << " VkImage " << bindInfo->image << " (" << bindInfo->bindCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bindInfo->bindCount; j++) {
const auto* bind = &bindInfo->pBinds[j];
str << " Aspect 0x" << std::hex << bind->subresource.aspectMask
<< ", Mip " << std::dec << bind->subresource.mipLevel
<< ", Layer " << bind->subresource.arrayLayer
<< ":" << std::endl;
str << " " << bind->offset.x << "," << bind->offset.y << "," << bind->offset.z << ":"
<< bind->extent.width << "x" << bind->extent.height << "x" << bind->extent.depth
<< " -> " << bind->memory << " (" << bind->memoryOffset << ")" << std::endl;
if (info->signalSemaphoreCount) {
str << " Signal semaphores (" << std::dec << info->signalSemaphoreCount << "):" << std::endl;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->signalSemaphoreCount; i++)
str << " " << info->pSignalSemaphores[i] << " (" << timelineInfo->pSignalSemaphoreValues[i] << ")" << std::endl;
Logger::log(level, str.str());