
510 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "dxvk_include.h"
#include "dxvk_limits.h"
#include "dxvk_pipelayout.h"
#include "dxvk_shader_key.h"
#include "../spirv/spirv_code_buffer.h"
#include "../spirv/spirv_compression.h"
#include "../spirv/spirv_module.h"
namespace dxvk {
class DxvkShader;
class DxvkShaderModule;
class DxvkPipelineManager;
struct DxvkPipelineStats;
* \brief Shader flags
* Provides extra information about the features
* used by a shader.
enum DxvkShaderFlag : uint64_t {
using DxvkShaderFlags = Flags<DxvkShaderFlag>;
* \brief Shader info
struct DxvkShaderCreateInfo {
/// Shader stage
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
/// Descriptor info
uint32_t bindingCount = 0;
const DxvkBindingInfo* bindings = nullptr;
/// Input and output register mask
uint32_t inputMask = 0;
uint32_t outputMask = 0;
/// Flat shading input mask
uint32_t flatShadingInputs = 0;
/// Push constant range
uint32_t pushConstOffset = 0;
uint32_t pushConstSize = 0;
/// Uniform buffer data
uint32_t uniformSize = 0;
const char* uniformData = nullptr;
/// Rasterized stream, or -1
int32_t xfbRasterizedStream = 0;
/// Transform feedback vertex strides
uint32_t xfbStrides[MaxNumXfbBuffers] = { };
* \brief Shader module create info
struct DxvkShaderModuleCreateInfo {
bool fsDualSrcBlend = false;
bool fsFlatShading = false;
uint32_t undefinedInputs = 0;
std::array<VkComponentMapping, MaxNumRenderTargets> rtSwizzles = { };
bool eq(const DxvkShaderModuleCreateInfo& other) const;
size_t hash() const;
* \brief Shader object
* Stores a SPIR-V shader and information on the
* bindings that the shader uses. In order to use
* the shader with a pipeline, a shader module
* needs to be created from he shader object.
class DxvkShader : public RcObject {
const DxvkShaderCreateInfo& info,
SpirvCodeBuffer&& spirv);
* \brief Shader info
* \returns Shader info
const DxvkShaderCreateInfo& info() const {
return m_info;
* \brief Retrieves shader flags
* \returns Shader flags
DxvkShaderFlags flags() const {
return m_flags;
* \brief Retrieves binding layout
* \returns Binding layout
const DxvkBindingLayout& getBindings() const {
return m_bindings;
* \brief Retrieves spec constant mask
* \returns Bit mask of used spec constants
uint32_t getSpecConstantMask() const {
return m_specConstantMask;
* \brief Tests whether this shader needs to be compiled
* If pipeline libraries are supported, this will return
* \c false once the pipeline library is being compiled.
* \returns \c true if compilation is still needed
bool needsLibraryCompile() const {
return m_needsLibraryCompile.load();
* \brief Notifies library compile
* Called automatically when pipeline compilation begins.
* Subsequent calls to \ref needsLibraryCompile will return
* \c false.
void notifyLibraryCompile() {
* \brief Gets raw code without modification
SpirvCodeBuffer getRawCode() const {
return m_code.decompress();
* \brief Patches code using given info
* Rewrites binding IDs and potentially fixes up other
* parts of the code depending on pipeline state.
* \param [in] layout Biding layout
* \param [in] state Pipeline state info
* \returns Uncompressed SPIR-V code buffer
SpirvCodeBuffer getCode(
const DxvkBindingLayoutObjects* layout,
const DxvkShaderModuleCreateInfo& state) const;
* \brief Tests whether this shader supports pipeline libraries
* This is true for any vertex, fragment, or compute shader that does not
* require additional pipeline state to be compiled into something useful.
* \returns \c true if this shader can be used with pipeline libraries
bool canUsePipelineLibrary() const;
* \brief Dumps SPIR-V shader
* Can be used to store the SPIR-V code in a file.
* \param [in] outputStream Stream to write to
void dump(std::ostream& outputStream) const;
* \brief Sets the shader key
* \param [in] key Unique key
void setShaderKey(const DxvkShaderKey& key) {
m_key = key;
m_hash = key.hash();
* \brief Retrieves shader key
* \returns The unique shader key
DxvkShaderKey getShaderKey() const {
return m_key;
* \brief Get lookup hash
* Retrieves a non-unique hash value derived from the
* shader key which can be used to perform lookups.
* This is better than relying on the pointer value.
* \returns Hash value for map lookups
size_t getHash() const {
return m_hash;
* \brief Retrieves debug name
* \returns The shader's name
std::string debugName() const {
return m_key.toString();
* \brief Get lookup hash for a shader
* Convenience method that returns \c 0 for a null
* pointer, and the shader's lookup hash otherwise.
* \param [in] shader The shader
* \returns The shader's lookup hash, or 0
static size_t getHash(const Rc<DxvkShader>& shader) {
return shader != nullptr ? shader->getHash() : 0;
struct BindingOffsets {
uint32_t bindingId;
uint32_t bindingOffset;
uint32_t setOffset;
DxvkShaderCreateInfo m_info;
SpirvCompressedBuffer m_code;
DxvkShaderFlags m_flags;
DxvkShaderKey m_key;
size_t m_hash = 0;
size_t m_o1IdxOffset = 0;
size_t m_o1LocOffset = 0;
uint32_t m_specConstantMask = 0;
std::atomic<bool> m_needsLibraryCompile = { true };
std::vector<char> m_uniformData;
std::vector<BindingOffsets> m_bindingOffsets;
DxvkBindingLayout m_bindings;
static void eliminateInput(
SpirvCodeBuffer& code,
uint32_t location);
static void emitOutputSwizzles(
SpirvCodeBuffer& code,
uint32_t outputMask,
const VkComponentMapping* swizzles);
static void emitFlatShadingDeclarations(
SpirvCodeBuffer& code,
uint32_t inputMask);
* \brief Shader module object
* Manages a Vulkan shader module. This will not
* perform any shader compilation. Instead, the
* context will create pipeline objects on the
* fly when executing draw calls.
class DxvkShaderStageInfo {
DxvkShaderStageInfo(const DxvkDevice* device);
DxvkShaderStageInfo (DxvkShaderStageInfo&& other) = delete;
DxvkShaderStageInfo& operator = (DxvkShaderStageInfo&& other) = delete;
* \brief Counts shader stages
* \returns Shader stage count
uint32_t getStageCount() const {
return m_stageCount;
* \brief Queries shader stage infos
* \returns Pointer to shader stage infos
const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* getStageInfos() const {
return m_stageInfos.data();
* \brief Adds a shader stage with specialization info
* \param [in] stage Shader stage
* \param [in] code SPIR-V code
* \param [in] specinfo Specialization info
void addStage(
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
SpirvCodeBuffer&& code,
const VkSpecializationInfo* specInfo);
* \brief Adds stage using a module identifier
* \param [in] stage Shader stage
* \param [in] identifier Shader module identifier
* \param [in] specinfo Specialization info
void addStage(
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT& identifier,
const VkSpecializationInfo* specInfo);
const DxvkDevice* m_device;
struct ShaderModuleIdentifier {
VkPipelineShaderStageModuleIdentifierCreateInfoEXT createInfo;
union ShaderModuleInfo {
ShaderModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier;
VkShaderModuleCreateInfo moduleInfo;
std::array<SpirvCodeBuffer, 5> m_codeBuffers;
std::array<ShaderModuleInfo, 5> m_moduleInfos = { };
std::array<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo, 5> m_stageInfos = { };
uint32_t m_stageCount = 0;
* \brief Shader pipeline library compile args
struct DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs {
VkBool32 depthClipEnable = VK_TRUE;
bool operator == (const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs& other) const {
return depthClipEnable == other.depthClipEnable;
bool operator != (const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs& other) const {
return !this->operator == (other);
size_t hash() const {
return size_t(depthClipEnable);
* \brief Shader pipeline library key
struct DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryKey {
Rc<DxvkShader> shader;
bool eq(const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryKey& other) const {
return shader == other.shader;
size_t hash() const {
return DxvkShader::getHash(shader);
* \brief Shader pipeline library
* Stores a pipeline object for either a complete compute
* pipeline, a pre-rasterization pipeline library consisting
* of a single vertex shader, or a fragment shader pipeline
* library. All state unknown at shader compile time will
* be made dynamic.
class DxvkShaderPipelineLibrary {
const DxvkDevice* device,
DxvkPipelineManager* manager,
DxvkShader* shader,
const DxvkBindingLayoutObjects* layout);
* \brief Queries shader module identifier
* Can be used to compile an optimized pipeline using the same
* shader code, but without having to wait for the pipeline
* library for this shader shader to compile first.
* \returns Shader module identifier
VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT getModuleIdentifier();
* \brief Acquires pipeline handle for the given set of arguments
* Either returns an already compiled pipeline library object, or
* performs the compilation step if that has not happened yet.
* Increments the use count by one.
* \param [in] args Compile arguments
* \returns Vulkan pipeline handle
VkPipeline acquirePipelineHandle(
const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs& args);
* \brief Releases pipeline
* Decrements the use count by 1. If the use count reaches 0,
* any previously compiled pipeline library object may be
* destroyed in order to save memory.
void releasePipelineHandle();
* \brief Compiles the pipeline with default arguments
* This is meant to be called from a worker thread in
* order to reduce the amount of work done on the app's
* main thread.
void compilePipeline();
const DxvkDevice* m_device;
DxvkPipelineStats* m_stats;
DxvkShader* m_shader;
const DxvkBindingLayoutObjects* m_layout;
dxvk::mutex m_mutex;
VkPipeline m_pipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPipeline m_pipelineNoDepthClip = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
uint32_t m_useCount = 0u;
bool m_compiledOnce = false;
dxvk::mutex m_identifierMutex;
VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT m_identifier = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SHADER_MODULE_IDENTIFIER_EXT };
void destroyShaderPipelinesLocked();
VkPipeline compileShaderPipelineLocked(
const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs& args);
VkPipeline compileShaderPipeline(
const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs& args,
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags);
VkPipeline compileVertexShaderPipeline(
const DxvkShaderPipelineLibraryCompileArgs& args,
const DxvkShaderStageInfo& stageInfo,
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags);
VkPipeline compileFragmentShaderPipeline(
const DxvkShaderStageInfo& stageInfo,
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags);
VkPipeline compileComputeShaderPipeline(
const DxvkShaderStageInfo& stageInfo,
VkPipelineCreateFlags flags);
SpirvCodeBuffer getShaderCode() const;
void generateModuleIdentifierLocked(
const SpirvCodeBuffer& spirvCode);
VkShaderStageFlagBits getShaderStage() const;
bool canUsePipelineCacheControl() const;