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#pragma once
#include "dxvk_include.h"
namespace dxvk {
enum class DxvkFormatFlag {
BlockCompressed = 0, ///< Image format is block compressed
SampledUInt = 1, ///< Sampled type is an unsigned integer type
SampledSInt = 2, ///< Sampled type is a signed integer type
ColorSpaceSrgb = 3, ///< Non-linear SRGB color format
MultiPlane = 4, ///< Multi-plane format
using DxvkFormatFlags = Flags<DxvkFormatFlag>;
* \brief Format support info
struct DxvkFormatFeatures {
VkFormatFeatureFlags2 optimal;
VkFormatFeatureFlags2 linear;
VkFormatFeatureFlags2 buffer;
* \brief Format support limits for a given set of image usage flags
struct DxvkFormatLimits {
VkExtent3D maxExtent;
uint32_t maxMipLevels;
uint32_t maxArrayLayers;
VkSampleCountFlags sampleCounts;
VkDeviceSize maxResourceSize;
VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlags externalFeatures;
* \brief Format query info
struct DxvkFormatQuery {
VkFormat format;
VkImageType type;
VkImageTiling tiling;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
VkImageCreateFlags flags;
VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits handleType;
* \brief Planar format info
struct DxvkPlaneFormatInfo {
/// Byte size of a pixel in the current plane
VkDeviceSize elementSize = 0;
/// Number of image pixels covered by a
/// single pixel in the current plane
VkExtent2D blockSize = { 1, 1 };
* \brief Format info structure
* Provides some useful information
* about a Vulkan image format.
struct DxvkFormatInfo {
/// Size of an element in this format. For compressed
/// formats, this is the size of a block, in bytes.
VkDeviceSize elementSize = 0;
/// Available component mask
VkColorComponentFlags componentMask = 0;
/// Available image aspect flags
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask = 0;
/// Some other format info flags
DxvkFormatFlags flags = 0;
/// Size, in pixels, of a compressed block. For
/// non-block formats, all these values are 1.
VkExtent3D blockSize = { 1, 1, 1 };
/// Plane info for multi-planar formats
std::array<DxvkPlaneFormatInfo, 3> planes;
/// Number of formats defined in lookup table
constexpr size_t DxvkFormatCount = 152;
/// Format lookup table
extern const std::array<DxvkFormatInfo, DxvkFormatCount> g_formatInfos;
* \brief Looks up format info
* \param [in] format Format to look up
* \returns Info for the given format
const DxvkFormatInfo* lookupFormatInfoSlow(VkFormat format);
* \brief Queries image format info
* Provides a fast path for the most common base formats.
* \param [in] format Format to look up
* \returns Info for the given format
inline const DxvkFormatInfo* lookupFormatInfo(VkFormat format) {
if (likely(format <= VK_FORMAT_BC7_SRGB_BLOCK))
return &g_formatInfos[uint32_t(format)];
return lookupFormatInfoSlow(format);