
285 lines
6.9 KiB

hue selection thing, directly linked to a cvar.
We hard code 1 in the saturation+value arguments for the selection
Screw Quake colours, they're too brown!
class mitem_colours : mitem
float quakecolours;
virtual void(vector pos) item_draw;
virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress;
virtual void() item_resized =
if (isvalid(item_command))
item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE;
item_flags &= ~IF_SELECTABLE;
static vector(vector rgb) rgbtohsv =
float r = rgb_x, g = rgb_y, b = rgb_z;
float maxc = max(r, g, b), minc = min(r, g, b);
float h, s, l = (maxc + minc) / 2;
local float d = maxc - minc;
if (maxc)
s = d / maxc;
s = 0;
if(maxc == minc)
h = 0; // achromatic
if (maxc == r)
h = (g - b) / d + ((g < b) ? 6 : 0);
else if (maxc == g)
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h /= 6;
return [h, s, l];
static vector(vector hsv) hsvtorgb =
float h = hsv_x, s = hsv_y, v = hsv_z;
float r=0, g=1, b=0;
while(h < 0)
while(h >= 1)
float i = floor(h * 6);
float f = h * 6 - i;
float p = v * (1 - s);
float q = v * (1 - f * s);
float t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
return [r, g, b];
float(float chr) nibbletofloat =
chr = chr&0xff;
if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9')
return chr - '0';
if (chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'f')
return chr - 'a' + 10;
if (chr >= 'A' && chr <= 'F')
return chr - 'A' + 10;
return 0;
static vector(string v) hextorgb =
if (!strncmp(v, "0x", 2))
vector r;
r_x = (nibbletofloat(str2chr(v, 2))*16 + nibbletofloat(str2chr(v, 3)))/255;
r_y = (nibbletofloat(str2chr(v, 4))*16 + nibbletofloat(str2chr(v, 5)))/255;
r_z = (nibbletofloat(str2chr(v, 6))*16 + nibbletofloat(str2chr(v, 7)))/255;
return r;
float legacycolour = stof(v);
case 0: return [0xeb, 0xeb, 0xeb]/255;
case 1: return [0x8f, 0x6f, 0x23]/255;
case 2: return [0x8b, 0x8b, 0xcb]/255;
case 3: return [0x6b, 0x6b, 0x0f]/255;
case 4: return [0x7f, 0x00, 0x00]/255;
case 5: return [0xaf, 0x67, 0x23]/255;
case 6: return [0xff, 0xf3, 0x1b]/255;
case 7: return [0xe3, 0xb3, 0x97]/255;
case 8: return [0xab, 0x8b, 0xa3]/255;
case 9: return [0xbb, 0x73, 0x97]/255;
case 10: return [0xdb, 0xc3, 0xbb]/255;
case 11: return [0x6f, 0x83, 0x7b]/255;
case 12: return [0xff, 0xf3, 0x1b]/255;
case 13: return [0x00, 0x00, 0xff]/255;
//14+15 are fullbrights, so not valid.
return '0 0 0';
static string(vector v) rgbtohex =
v *= 255;
return sprintf("0x%02x%02x%02x", v_x, v_y, v_z);
void(vector pos) mitem_colours::item_draw =
local float step;
local float stride;
local string curval;
local vector rgb;
//calculate the rgb from hue at each step across the colour block
pos_x += item_size_x / 2;
if (ui.mgrabs == this)
float frac;
//if we're sliding it, update the value
frac = (ui.mousepos[1] - pos_x-(item_size_y+4)) / (item_size_x / 2 - (item_size_y+4));
if (frac >= 0 && frac <= 1)
set(item_command, rgbtohex(hsvtorgb([frac, 1, 1])));
curval = get(item_command);
if (quakecolours)
#define STEPS 14
stride = (item_size_x / 2) / STEPS;
for (step = 0; step < STEPS; step++, pos_x += stride)
string v = ftos(step);
rgb = hextorgb(v);
if (!(item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE))
rgb *= 0.2;
rgb *= 0.5;
if (v == curval)
ui.drawfill(pos, [stride, item_size_y], rgb*2, item_alpha, 0);
rgb *= 1 + sin(time*4)*.2;
ui.drawfill(pos+[0,2], [stride, item_size_y-4], rgb, item_alpha, 0);
ui.drawfill(pos+[0,2], [stride, item_size_y-4], rgb, item_alpha, 0);
#undef STEPS
#define STEPS 32
stride = (item_size_x / 2 - (item_size_y+4)) / STEPS;
ui.drawfill(pos, [item_size_y, item_size_y], hextorgb(curval), item_alpha, 0);
pos_x += item_size_y+4;
pos_y += 1;
#if defined(MENU) || 1
for (step = 0; step < STEPS; step += 1, pos_x += stride)
rgb = hsvtorgb([step/STEPS, 1, 1]);
if (!(item_flags & IF_SELECTABLE))
rgb *= 0.2;
ui.drawfill(pos, [stride, item_size_y-2], rgb, item_alpha, 0);
//FIXME: WTF is going on here? it comes out as black? wtf?
//draw quads (we should probably not use an internal-to-engine shader here...)
R_BeginPolygon("fill_opaque", 4); //outside so we can skip it for faster reuse by avoiding lookups
rgb = hsvtorgb([0, 1, 1]);
for (step = 0; step < STEPS;)
R_PolygonVertex([pos_x, pos_y+item_size_y-2], '0 1', rgb, item_alpha);
R_PolygonVertex([pos_x, pos_y], '0 0', rgb, 1);
pos_x += stride;
step += 1;
rgb = hsvtorgb([step/STEPS, 1, 1]);
R_PolygonVertex([pos_x, pos_y], '1 0', rgb, 1);
R_PolygonVertex([pos_x, pos_y+item_size_y-2], '1 1', rgb, item_alpha);
#undef STEPS
float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) mitem_colours::item_keypress =
if (!down)
if (ui.mgrabs == this)
ui.mgrabs = __NULL__;
return FALSE;
if (scan == K_MWHEELUP || scan == K_MWHEELDOWN)
if (mouseinbox(pos, item_size))
local float curval = rgbtohsv(hextorgb(get(item_command)))[0];
if (scan == K_MOUSE1)
float width = item_size_x / 2;
pos_x += width;
if (!quakecolours)
pos_x += item_size_y+4;
width = width - item_size_y+4;
curval = (ui.mousepos[0] - pos_x) / width;
if (curval < 0 || curval > 1)
return FALSE;
curval = curval;
if (quakecolours)
set(item_command, ftos(floor(curval*14)));
set(item_command, rgbtohex(hsvtorgb([(curval), 1, 1])));
ui.mgrabs = this;
else if (scan == K_LEFTARROW || scan == K_SPACE)
set(item_command, rgbtohex(hsvtorgb([curval - (1/64.0), 1, 1]))); //yay autorepeat
else if (scan == K_RIGHTARROW || scan == K_ENTER)
set(item_command, rgbtohex(hsvtorgb([curval + (1/64.0), 1, 1])));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
mitem_colours(string text, string command, float limited, vector sz) menuitemcolour_spawn =
mitem_colours n = spawn(mitem_colours);
n.item_scale = sz_y;
n.item_text = text;
n.item_size = sz;
n.quakecolours = limited;
n.item_command = command;
n.item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE;
return n;