
430 lines
12 KiB

//basic cube plane normals, for selection.
static nosave const vector axis[6] = {
'-1 0 0',
'0 -1 0',
'0 0 -1',
'1 0 0',
'0 1 0',
'0 0 1'
float dists[6];
//generates default quakeed-style texture mapping for the given surface.
//this sucks for cylinders, but keeps slopes and things easy.
void(brushface_t *fa) reset_texturecoords =
//figure out some default texture coords
fa->sdir = '0 0 0';
fa->sbias = 0;
fa->tdir = '0 0 0';
fa->tbias = 0;
float a=fabs(fa->planenormal[0]),b=fabs(fa->planenormal[1]),c=fabs(fa->planenormal[2]);
if (a>=b&&a>=c)
fa->sdir[1] = 1;
fa->sdir[0] = 1;
if (c>a&&c>b)
fa->tdir[1] = -1;
fa->tdir[2] = -1;
int(brushface_t *fa, int famax, vector *points, int numpoints, float height) BrushFromPoints =
int count = 0;
fa->planenormal = normalize(crossproduct(points[2] - points[0], points[1] - points[0]));
fa->planedist = bt_point[0] * fa->planenormal + height;
fa->shadername = autocvar_ca_newbrushtexture;
fa->planenormal = -normalize(crossproduct(points[2] - points[0], points[1] - points[0]));
fa->planedist = (bt_point[0] * fa->planenormal);
fa->shadername = autocvar_ca_newbrushtexture;
count = 2;
for (int p = 0; p < numpoints; p++)
int n = p + 1;
if (n == numpoints)
n = 0;
fa->planenormal = normalize(crossproduct(points[p] - bt_point[n], tmp.faces[0].planenormal));
fa->planedist = points[p] * fa->planenormal;
fa->shadername = autocvar_ca_newbrushtexture;
return count;
vector(vector guess) brush_snappoint =
if (nogrid)
return guess;
int facenum, points;
float bestdist = autocvar_ca_grid*autocvar_ca_grid; //worst case value so we don't snap to grid when there's a vertex 0.001qu away from the grid.
vector best = guess * (1.0/autocvar_ca_grid);
best_x = rint(best_x); //snap to grid
best_y = rint(best_y);
best_z = rint(best_z);
best *= autocvar_ca_grid;
//find surfaces within 32qu of the point (via plane volume). use a tetrahedron instead if you want something more circular
for (facenum = 0; facenum < axis.length; facenum++)
dists[facenum] = (guess * axis[facenum]) + autocvar_ca_grid;
int numbrushes = brush_findinvolume(selectedbrushmodel, axis, dists, 6, brushlist, __NULL__, brushlist.length);
for (int brushnum = 0; brushnum < numbrushes; brushnum++)
for (facenum = 0; ; )
points = brush_getfacepoints(selectedbrushmodel, brushlist[brushnum], ++facenum, facepoints, MAX_FACEPOINTS);
if (!points)
break; //end of face list, I guess
//walk the faces we found and use the point if its nearer than our previous guess.
for (int point = 0; point < points; point++)
vector disp = facepoints[point] - guess;
float dist = disp*disp;
if (dist < bestdist)
best = facepoints[point];
return best;
//move a brush so that its planes all move without any translations in positions or texcoords
void brushface_translate(brushface_t *fa, int numfaces, vector displacement)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numfaces; i++, fa++)
fa->planedist += fa->planenormal * displacement;
fa->sbias -= fa->sdir * displacement;
fa->tbias -= fa->tdir * displacement;
//rotates a list of faces by the current v_* vectors, around the origin.
//translate before+after first in order to deal with pivots.
void brushface_rotate(brushface_t *fa, int numfaces)
for (int i = 0; i < numfaces; i++, fa++)
vector orig = fa->planenormal;
fa->planenormal[0] = orig * v_forward;
fa->planenormal[1] = orig * -v_right; //quake just isn't right...
fa->planenormal[2] = orig * v_up;
orig = fa->sdir;
fa->sdir[0] = orig * v_forward;
fa->sdir[1] = orig * -v_right; //quake just isn't right...
fa->sdir[2] = orig * v_up;
orig = fa->tdir;
fa->tdir[0] = orig * v_forward;
fa->tdir[1] = orig * -v_right; //quake just isn't right...
fa->tdir[2] = orig * v_up;
vector(vector dir) axialize =
vector a;
a_x = fabs(dir_x);
a_y = fabs(dir_y);
a_z = fabs(dir_z);
if (a_x > a_y && a_x > a_z)
return (dir_x > 0)?[1,0,0]:[-1,0,0];
if (a_y > a_x && a_y > a_z)
return (dir_y > 0)?[0,1,0]:[0,-1,0];
return (dir_z > 0)?[0,0,1]:[0,0,-1];
vector(vector in) channelizeangle =
in_x = anglemod(in_x);
in_y = anglemod(in_y);
in_z = anglemod(in_z);
if (in_x > 180)
in_x -= 360;
if (in_y > 180)
in_y -= 360;
if (in_z > 180)
in_z -= 360;
float fx = fabs(in_x);
float fy = fabs(in_y);
float fz = fabs(in_z);
cprint(sprintf("%v", in));
if (fx > fy && fx > fz)
return [in_x,0,0];
if (fy > fz)
return [0,in_y,0];
return [0,0,in_z];
vector(vector p1, vector p2, vector norm, float dist) planelinepoint =
float d1 = p1*norm - dist;
float d2 = p2*norm - dist;
float frac = d1 / (d2-d1);
// frac = bound(0, frac, 1);
return p2 + (p1-p2)*frac; //convert that frac into an actual position
int(brushface_t *faces, int numfaces, vector *points, int numpoints) isconcave =
int result = 0;
//if any of the points are outside the brush, then we know that one of the planes cut straight through in a concavey kind of way
for(int f = 0; f < numfaces; f++)
vector n = faces[f].planenormal;
float d = faces[f].planedist + EPSILON; //epsilon to cover precision issues
for (int p = 0; p < numpoints; p++)
if (points[p] * n > d)
return result;
//returns the resulting brush id
int(int model, int brush1, int brush2, int face1, int face2) mergebrushes =
int extrafaces;
float found = FALSE;
brushface_t *fa;
brushface_t *infa;
int i;
if (brush1 == brush2)
print("cannot merge brush with itself\n");
return 0;
if (!brush1 || !brush2)
print("no brush targetted\n");
return 0;
if (patch_getcp(model, brush1, __NULL__, 0, __NULL__) || patch_getcp(model, brush2, __NULL__, 0, __NULL__))
{ //fixme: should be possible if they're reasonably adjacent with the same numbers of CPs
print("unable to merge patches\n");
return 0;
tmp.numfaces = brush_get(model, brush1, tmp.faces, tmp.faces.length, &tmp.contents);
tmp.numcp = 0;
infa = &tmp.faces[tmp.numfaces];
extrafaces = brush_get(model, brush2, &tmp.faces[tmp.numfaces], tmp.faces.length-tmp.numfaces, &tmp.contents);
//merge the two sets of planes together.
for(infa = &tmp.faces[tmp.numfaces]; extrafaces > 0; infa++, extrafaces--)
for (fa = tmp.faces, i = 0; i < tmp.numfaces; i++, fa++)
//fixme: needs some tolerance / epsilon
if (fa->planenormal == -infa->planenormal && fa->planedist == -infa->planedist)
//inverted. this is the plane we're merging over, so strip it out
memcpy(fa, &fa[1], sizeof(brushface_t) * ((tmp.numfaces-i)-1));
found = TRUE;
else if (fa->planenormal * infa->planenormal > 0.999 && fa->planedist == infa->planedist)
//coplanar surfaces are considered safe to ignore. we use the selected brush's texturing info
if (i == tmp.numfaces)
{ //okay, this plane is important, merge it into the selected brush.
//print("merge plane\n");
memcpy(fa, infa, sizeof(brushface_t));
if (!found)
print("Brushes do not share a plane\n");
#if 0
//try to find a surface to move to match to the given plane
float val;
float bestval = -0.707; //must be within 45 degrees
int bestface = -1;
tmp_numfaces = brush_get(model, brush1, tmp_faces, tmp_faces.length, &tmp_contents);
brush_get(model, brush2, &tmp_faces[tmp_numfaces], tmp_faces.length-tmp_numfaces, &tmp_contents);
infa = &tmp_faces[tmp_numfaces + face2-1i];
for (i = 0; i < tmp_numfaces; i++)
val = tmp_faces[i].planenormal * infa->planenormal;
if (val < bestval)
bestval = val;
bestface = i;
if (bestface != -1)
//FIXME: determine volume and reject it if we shrink?
tmp_faces[bestface].planenormal = -infa->planenormal;
tmp_faces[bestface].planedist = -infa->planedist;
// if (isconcave(tmp_faces, tmp_numfaces))
// {
// print("Resulting brush would be concave\n");
// return 0;
// }
brush_history_delete(model, brush1);
return brush_history_create(model, tmp_faces, tmp_numfaces, tmp_contents);
return 0;
vector *points = memalloc(sizeof(vector)*64*64);
int numpoints = 0, f;
for(f = 0; (i = brush_getfacepoints(model, brush1, ++f, points+numpoints, 64*64-numpoints)); )
numpoints += i;
for(f = 0; (i = brush_getfacepoints(model, brush2, ++f, points+numpoints, 64*64-numpoints)); )
numpoints += i;
if (isconcave(tmp.faces, tmp.numfaces, points, numpoints))
print("Resulting brush would be concave\n");
return 0;
//FIXME: verify that no planes got dropped, as this indicates that the region wasn't convex, and we probably just destroyed the entire thing.
brush_history_delete(model, brush1);
brush_history_delete(model, brush2);
return brush_history_create(model, tmp.faces, tmp.numfaces, tmp.contents, TRUE);
void(vector org, vector ang) editor_brushes_simpleclone =
vector midpoint;
if (!selectedbrush)
tmp.numfaces = brush_get(selectedbrushmodel, selectedbrush, tmp.faces, tmp.faces.length, &tmp.contents);
if (ang != '0 0 0')
brush_getfacepoints(selectedbrushmodel, selectedbrush, 0, &midpoint, 1);
brushface_translate(tmp.faces, tmp_numfaces, -midpoint);
brushface_rotate(tmp_faces, tmp_numfaces);
brushface_translate(tmp.faces, tmp_numfaces, midpoint + org);
brushface_translate(tmp.faces, tmp_numfaces, org);
brush_history_create(selectedbrushmodel, tmp.faces, tmp.numfaces, tmp.contents, TRUE);
void() brushedit_subtract =
int discard;
vector selnormals[tmp.faces.length];
float seldists[tmp.faces.length];
for (int sb = 0; sb < selectedbrushcount; sb++)
int mod = selectedbrushes[sb].model;
int brush = selectedbrushes[sb].id;
int planecount = brush_get(mod, brush, tmp.faces, tmp.faces.length, &tmp.contents);
if (!planecount)
continue; //csg can't subtract patches
for (int i = 0; i < planecount; i++)
selnormals[i] = tmp.faces[i].planenormal;
seldists[i] = tmp.faces[i].planedist;
int numbrushes = brush_findinvolume(mod, selnormals, seldists, planecount, brushlist, __NULL__, brushlist.length);
while (numbrushes --> 0)
int br = brushlist[numbrushes];
if (brush_isselected(mod, br))
continue; //ignore other selected brushes. race conditions suck
int counto = brush_get(mod, br, tmp.faces, tmp.faces.length, &tmp.contents);
if (!counto)
continue; //don't cut into patches.
int counts = counto + brush_get(mod, brush, tmp.faces+counto, tmp.faces.length-counto, &discard);
brush_history_delete(mod, br);
while(counts --> counto)
//only consider the resulting brush if the new face actually contributed anything.
//this reduces dupes.
if (brush_calcfacepoints(1+counts, tmp.faces, counts+1, facepoints, MAX_FACEPOINTS))
//determine the brush defined by this plane
tmp.faces[counts].planenormal *= -1;
tmp.faces[counts].planedist *= -1;
brush_history_create(mod, tmp.faces, counts+1, tmp.contents, FALSE);
void() brushedit_resettextures =
for (int sb = 0; sb < selectedbrushcount; sb++)
int model = selectedbrushes[sb].model;
int brush = selectedbrushes[sb].id;
int face = selectedbrushes[sb].face;
int planecount = brush_get(model, brush, tmp.faces, tmp.faces.length, &tmp.contents);
if (planecount)
for (int i = 0; i < planecount; i++)
if (!face || face == planecount+1)
brush_history_edit(model, brush, tmp.faces, planecount, tmp.contents);