git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5

This commit is contained in:
Spoike 2011-12-17 16:37:07 +00:00
parent 2d23892be0
commit c44096f0b2
6 changed files with 647 additions and 0 deletions

quakec/csaddon/src/cam.qc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
typedef struct
int maxpoints;
int something;
vector pos[64];
} spline_t;
typedef struct
int numsplines;
spline_t spline[64];
} splinedata_t;
static splinedata_t *splinedata;
static var float splinefile = -1;
void() spline_init =
/*precache the shader*/
shaderforname("camsplineshader", "{\n{\nmap splinetexture.tga\nblendfunc blend\nrgbgen vertex\nalphagen vertex\n}\n}\n");
splinefile = fopen("spline.dat", FILE_MMAP_RW, sizeof(splinedata_t));
if (splinefile < 0)
/*too lazy to create a file, just use it as a malloc*/
splinefile = fopen("", FILE_MMAP_RW, sizeof(splinedata_t));
splinedata = (splinedata_t*)(fgets(splinefile));
print("Temp test code\n");
splinedata->numsplines = 1;
splinedata->spline[0].maxpoints = 4;
splinedata->spline[0].pos[0] = '-1024 -1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[1] = '+1024 -1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[2] = '+1024 +1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[3] = '-1024 +1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[4] = '-1024 +1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[5] = '+1024 +1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[6] = '+1024 -1024';
splinedata->spline[0].pos[7] = '-1024 -1024';
void() spline_shutdown =
splinefile = -1;
/*called each frame*/
void(float attime) spline_overrides =
local spline_t *spline;
/*find correct spline based upon time global*/
if (spline->something)
// setviewprop(VF_ORIGIN, somepos);
// setviewprop(VF_ANGLE, someangle);
// setviewprop(VF_AFOV, 90);
static void(spline_t *s) spline_draw =
/*example of drawing convex polygons*/
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[0], '0 0', '1 1 1', 1);
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[1], '1 0', '1 1 1', 1);
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[2], '1 1', '1 1 1', 1);
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[3], '0 1', '1 1 1', 1);
/*do another with the same shader*/
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[4], '0 0', '1 1 1', 1);
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[5], '1 0', '1 1 1', 1);
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[6], '1 1', '1 1 1', 1);
R_PolygonVertex(s->pos[7], '0 1', '1 1 1', 1);
void() editor_spline_add =
int i;
if (splinefile < 0)
/*add visible splines to the scene*/
for (i = 0; i < splinedata->numsplines; i+=1i)
/*sort out the overrides*/
// spline_overrides(simtime);
void(vector curmousepos) editor_spline_overlay =
if (splinefile < 0)
/*draw menu*/
/*dunno if the light editor has any convienient code*/
drawrawstring('0 32 0', "crappy not-implemented menu", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1);
float(float keycode, float unicode, vector curmousepos) editor_spline_key
/*print/figure out the codes yourself :P */
return FALSE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
float autocvar_ca_show;
float autocvar_ca_editormode;
string autocvar_ca_colourtint;
vector curmousepos;
float mousedown;
/*the renderscene builtin in the parent progs is redirected to here*/
void() wrap_renderscene =
vector col;
/*inactive? then show nothing*/
if (!autocvar_ca_show)
if (isdemo())
if (autocvar_ca_colourtint)
local string shdrname = strcat("tint_", autocvar_ca_colourtint);
/*make sure the shader exist*/
//if we can actually use glsl...
"if $glsl\n"
"varying vec4 tf;\n"
"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
"void main ()\n"
"gl_Position = tf = ftetransform();\n"
"uniform sampler2D s_t0;\n"
"uniform sampler3D s_t1;\n"
"void main()\n"
"vec2 fc;\n"
"fc = tf.xy / tf.w;\n"
"vec3 raw = texture2D(s_t0, (1.0 + fc) / 2.0).rgb;\n"
//scale+bias the sample to not clamp out at the edges
"#define LUTSIZE 16.0\n"
"vec3 scale = vec3((LUTSIZE-1.0)/LUTSIZE);\n"
"vec3 bias = vec3(1.0/(2.0*LUTSIZE));\n"
"gl_FragColor = texture3D(s_t1, raw * scale + bias);\n"
"map $currentrender\n"
//16*16*16 image
"clampmap $3d:",autocvar_ca_colourtint,"\n"
//else (glsl not available)
//just don't draw anything.
"surfaceparm nodraw\n"
drawpic(getproperty(VF_MIN), shdrname, getproperty(VF_SIZE), '1 1 1', 1);
/*hide hud and crosshair*/
setproperty(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0);
setproperty(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0);
if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT)
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT)
col = '1 0 0';
else if (curmousepos_y < 8 && curmousepos_x >= 64*(MODE_LIGHTEDIT-1) && curmousepos_x < 64*MODE_LIGHTEDIT)
col = '0 0 1';
col = '1 1 1';
drawrawstring('64 0 0'*(MODE_LIGHTEDIT-1), "LIGHTS", '8 8 0', col, 1);
if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
col = '1 0 0';
else if (curmousepos_y < 8 && curmousepos_x >= 64*(MODE_SPLINEEDIT-1) && curmousepos_x < 64*MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
col = '0 0 1';
col = '1 1 1';
drawrawstring('64 0 0'*(MODE_SPLINEEDIT-1), "SPLINES", '8 8 0', col, 1);
if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT)
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
drawcharacter(curmousepos - '4 4', '+', '8 8', '1 1 1', 1);
var float(float,float,float) orig_input_event = __NULL__;
float (float event, float parama, float paramb) wrap_InputEvent =
if (autocvar_ca_show)
if (event == 0)
if (parama == 512 && curmousepos_y < 8)
cvar_set("ca_editormode", ftos(floor(curmousepos_x / 64)+1));
return TRUE;
if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT)
if (editor_lights_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos))
return TRUE;
else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT)
if (editor_spline_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos))
return TRUE;
if (parama == 512)
mousedown = 1;
return TRUE;
if (parama == 513)
mousedown = 2;
return TRUE;
else if (event == 1)
if (parama == 511+mousedown)
mousedown = FALSE;
else if (event == 2)
if (mousedown == 2)
return FALSE;
curmousepos_x += parama;
curmousepos_y += paramb;
if (curmousepos_x < 0)
curmousepos_x = 0;
if (curmousepos_y < 0)
curmousepos_y = 0;
if (curmousepos_x > 640)
curmousepos_x = 640;
if (curmousepos_y > 480)
curmousepos_y = 480;
return TRUE;
else if (event == 3)
curmousepos_x = parama;
curmousepos_y = paramb;
if (mousedown == 2)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if (orig_input_event)
return orig_input_event(event, parama, paramb);
return FALSE;
/*this is a fallback function, in case the main progs does not have one*/
void(float width, float height, float do2d) CSQC_UpdateView =
setproperty(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 1);
setproperty(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 1);
/*this is a fallback function, in case the main progs does not have one*/
float (float event, float parama, float paramb) CSQC_InputEvent =
return wrap_InputEvent(event, parama, paramb);
void(float prevprogs) init =
if (prevprogs >= 0)
/*its easy to wrap a builtin*/
externset(0, wrap_renderscene, "renderscene");
/*wrap the parent's input event function*/
orig_input_event = externvalue(0, "CSQC_InputEvent");
externset(0, wrap_InputEvent, "CSQC_InputEvent");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
//pr_dumpplatform -FFTE -Fdefines -TCS -O csplat

View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
/*FTE has some special light editing builtins, I don't ever expect them to be standard or anything, but they're handy for this*/
/*you probably want to change this if you're running hexen2*/
var string autocvar_cg_editor_lightmodel = "progs/s_light.spr";
static float selectedlight;
static float editfield;
static string editvalue;
static entity tempent;
void() editor_lights_add =
float l;
if (!tempent)
tempent = spawn();
l = dynamiclight_get(-1, -1);
precache_model(autocvar_cg_editor_lightmodel); /*just to silence it*/
setmodel(tempent, autocvar_cg_editor_lightmodel);
while(l > 0)
l = l-1;
if (l == selectedlight)
if (gettime(0)*5 & 1)
tempent.effects |= 8192;
tempent.effects &~= 8192;
if (!(float)dynamiclight_get(l, LFIELD_RADIUS))
setorigin(tempent, dynamiclight_get(l, LFIELD_ORIGIN));
static string fldname[10] = {
static string(float fld, float foredit) readfield =
case 1:
if (foredit)
return ftos(selectedlight);
return strcat(ftos(selectedlight), " / ", ftos(dynamiclight_get(-1, -1)));
case 2:
return vtos(dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN));
case 3:
return vtos(dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_COLOUR));
case 4:
return ftos(dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_RADIUS));
case 5:
float fl = (float)dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_FLAGS);
string ret;
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_NORMALMODE)?"d":"");
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE)?"w":"");
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_LIGHTMAP)?"l":"");
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_FLASHBLEND)?"f":"");
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_NOSHADOWS)?"c":"");
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_SHADOWMAP)?"s":"");
ret = strcat(ret, (fl & LFLAG_CREPUSCULAR)?"r":"");
return ret;
case 6:
return ftos(dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_STYLE));
case 7:
return vtos(dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_ANGLES));
case 8:
return ftos(dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_FOV));
return "";
static void(float fld, string newval) writefield =
case 1:
selectedlight = stof(newval);
case 2:
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN, stov(newval));
case 3:
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_COLOUR, stov(newval));
case 4:
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_RADIUS, stof(newval));
case 5:
float fl;
if (strstrofs(newval, "d")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_NORMALMODE;
if (strstrofs(newval, "w")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE;
if (strstrofs(newval, "l")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_LIGHTMAP;
if (strstrofs(newval, "f")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_FLASHBLEND;
if (strstrofs(newval, "c")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_NOSHADOWS;
if (strstrofs(newval, "s")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_SHADOWMAP;
if (strstrofs(newval, "r")>=0) fl |= LFLAG_CREPUSCULAR;
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_FLAGS, fl);
case 6:
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_STYLE, stof(newval));
case 7:
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ANGLES, stov(newval));
case 8:
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_FOV, stof(newval));
void(vector m) editor_lights_overlay =
float i;
string s;
vector col;
m_y = floor((m_y - 32) / 8);
for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
if (editfield == i)
s = editvalue;
s = readfield(i, 0);
s = strcat(ftos(i), " ", fldname[i], ": ", s);
if (editfield == i)
col = '1 0 0';
else if (m_y == i && m_x < 64)
col = '0 0 1';
col = '1 1 1';
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, s, '8 8 0', col, 1);
if (editfield == 5)
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "d: dynamic mode\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "w: realtime world lights mode\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "l: lightmap hack (not valid above index 32)\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "f: flashblend coronas\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "c: does not cast shadows\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "s: shadowmapped light\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "r: crepuscular rays\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "+/- change selected light\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "mouse also selects lights\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "m moves the light to the crosshair\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "i inserts new light\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "p points the light to aim at the crosshair\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "[ and ] move the light towards/away from indicated plane\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
drawrawstring('0 32 0' + '0 8 0' * i, "don't forget to save\n", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); i+=1;
static void(vector fwd, vector vorg) selectbestlight =
float l, b=selectedlight, d, bd;
vector ldir;
l = dynamiclight_get(-1, -1);
while(l > 0)
ldir = dynamiclight_get(l, LFIELD_ORIGIN);
ldir = normalize(ldir - vorg);
d = fwd*ldir;
if (d > bd)
bd = d;
b = l;
selectedlight = b;
float(float keyc, float unic, vector m) editor_lights_key =
vector t = unproject(m + '0 0 8192');
vector o = unproject(m);
string ns;
if (keyc == 512)
if (editfield)
writefield(editfield, editvalue);
editfield = 0;
editfield = floor((m_y - 32) / 8);
if (editfield <= 0 || editfield > 8 || m_x >= 64)
editfield = 0;
selectbestlight(t - o, o);
editvalue = strzone(readfield(editfield, 1));
else if (editfield)
ns = strcat(editvalue);
if (keyc == 10 || keyc == 13)
writefield(editfield, ns);
editfield = 0;
else if (keyc == 127)
if (ns != "")
ns = substring(ns, 0, -2);
else if (keyc == 8)
ns = "";
ns = strcat(ns, chr2str(unic));
ns = strzone(ns);
editvalue = ns;
writefield(editfield, ns);
else if (keyc >= '0' && keyc <= '9')
editfield = keyc - '0';
editvalue = strzone(readfield(editfield, 1));
else if (keyc == '=')
else if (keyc == '-')
else if (keyc == 'n')
// else if (keyc == 's')
// {
// selectbestlight(t - o, o);
// }
else if (keyc == 'm')
traceline(o, t, TRUE, world);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN, trace_endpos + trace_plane_normal*4);
else if (keyc == 'p')
traceline(o, t, TRUE, world);
vector ang = vectoangles((trace_endpos + trace_plane_normal*4) - (vector)dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN));
ang_x *= -1;
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ANGLES, ang);
/*if we're pointing the light at something, it should probably have a fov*/
if (!(float)dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN))
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_FOV, 90);
else if (keyc == 'i')
for (selectedlight = 32; ; selectedlight++)
if (!(float)dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_RADIUS))
/*reset the light's properties*/
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_RADIUS, 300);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_COLOUR, '1 1 1');
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_FOV, 0);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_STYLE, 0);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ANGLES, '0 0 0');
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_FLAGS, LFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
/*place it at the pointed location*/
traceline(o, t, TRUE, world);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN, trace_endpos + trace_plane_normal*4);
else if (keyc == '[')
o = getproperty(11);
traceline(o, t, TRUE, world);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN, dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN) - trace_plane_normal);
else if (keyc == ']')
o = getproperty(11);
traceline(o, t, TRUE, world);
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN, dynamiclight_get(selectedlight, LFIELD_ORIGIN) + trace_plane_normal);
else if (keyc == 127)
dynamiclight_set(selectedlight, LFIELD_RADIUS, 0);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.4 KiB