
673 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//model "name" framestart= frames= framerate= alpha= trail= orient additive transparent fullbright shadow noshadow
r_part namespace q2part
r_part pe_default
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
r_part te_splashsparks
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xe0
r_part te_splashunknown
assoc te_splashsparks
r_part teq2_sparks
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 6
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xe0
r_part te_splashbluewater
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xb0
r_part te_splashbrownwater
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0x50
r_part te_splashslime
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xd0
r_part te_splashlava
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xe0
r_part te_splashblood
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xe8
r_part teq2_shield_sparks
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 40
colorindex 0xb0
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
r_part teq2_screen_sparks
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 40
colorindex 0xd0
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
r_part teq2_bullet_sparks
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 6
colorindex 0xe0
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
r_part q2_smoke
count 0 0 1
model "models/objects/smoke/tris.md2" framestart=0 frameend=4 framerate=10 alpha=1
r_part q2_smokeandflash
count 0 0 1
model "models/objects/flash/tris.md2" framestart=0 frameend=2 framerate=10 alpha=-1 fullbright
assoc q2_smoke
r_part teq2_gunshot /*machinegun*/
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 40
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0 7
/*smoke puff models*/
assoc q2_smokeandflash
/*low chance of various sounds*/
sound world/ric1.wav 1 1 0 0 1
sound world/ric2.wav 1 1 0 0 1
sound world/ric3.wav 1 1 0 0 1
sound "" 1 1 0 0 12
r_part teq2_shotgun /*shotgun... duh*/
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 20
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0 7
/*smoke puff models*/
assoc q2_smokeandflash
r_part teq2_blood
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 60
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 20
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 232 7
r_part q2_blasterpuff
count 0 0 1
model "models/objects/explode/tris.md2" framestart=0 frameend=4 framerate=10 alpha=1 orient additive fullbright noshadow
r_part teq2_blaster
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 60
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 40
orgadd 0 15
veladd 30
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xe0 7
assoc q2_blasterpuff /*the model*/
lightradius 150
lightradiusfade 400
lightrgb 1 1 0
lightshadows 0
sound "weapons/lashit.wav" 1 1 0 0
r_part teq2_blaster2
{ //green version.
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 60
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.8
randomvel 40
orgadd 0 15
veladd 30
spawnorg 4
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xd0 7
assoc q2_blasterpuff /*the model*/
lightradius 150
lightradiusfade 400
lightrgb 0.05 1.0 0.05
lightshadows 0
sound "weapons/lashit.wav" 1 1 0 0
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
scale 0.5
alpha 1
scalefactor 0.8
step 5
spawnorg 1
randomvel 5
die 0.3 0.5
colorindex 0xe0
//green version
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
scale 0.5
alpha 1
scalefactor 0.8
step 5
spawnorg 1
randomvel 5
die 0.3 0.5
colorindex 0xd0
r_part teq2_bubbletrail
/*blue spiral*/
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
scale 0.5
alpha 1
scalefactor 0.8
step 32
spawnorg 2
spawnvel 5
die 1 1.2
colorindex 4 7
/*blue spiral*/
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
scale 0.5
alpha 1
scalefactor 0.8
step 1
spawnmode spiral 64
spawnorg 3
spawnvel 6
die 1 1.2
colorindex 116 7
sound "weapons/railgf1a.wav" 1 1 0 0
/*grey filler*/
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
scale 0.5
alpha 1
scalefactor 0.8
step 0.75
spawnorg 3
spawnvel 3
die 0.6 0.8
colorindex 0 15
//regular explosion particles
r_part std_explosion_particles
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 256
scale 4
alpha 0.4
die 1 0.625
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 16
spawnvel 192
scalefactor 0.8
gravity 40
colorindex 0xe0 7
r_part teq2_explosion1_big
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.4
lightrgbfade 0.36 0.19 0.19
sound "weapons/rocklx1a.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "models/objects/r_explode2/tris.md2" framestart=0 frames=15 skin=-1 transparent fullbright noshadow
model "models/objects/r_explode2/tris.md2" framestart=15 frames=15 skin=-1 transparent fullbright noshadow
r_part teq2_explosion1_np
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.4
lightrgbfade 0.36 0.19 0.19
sound "weapons/rocklx1a.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=0 frames=15 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=15 frames=150 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
r_part teq2_explosion1
assoc teq2_rocket_explosion
r_part teq2_rocket_explosion
assoc std_explosion_particles
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.4
lightrgbfade 0.36 0.19 0.19
sound "weapons/rocklx1a.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=0 frames=15 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=15 frames=15 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
r_part teq2_rocket_explosion_water
assoc std_explosion_particles
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.4
lightrgbfade 0.36 0.19 0.19
sound "weapons/xpld_wat.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=0 frames=15 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=15 frames=15 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
r_part teq2_explosion2
assoc teq2_grenade_explosion
r_part teq2_grenade_explosion
assoc std_explosion_particles
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.4
lightrgbfade 0.36 0.19 0.19
sound "weapons/grenlx1a.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=30 frames=19 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
r_part teq2_grenade_explosion_water
assoc std_explosion_particles
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.4
lightrgbfade 0.36 0.19 0.19
sound "weapons/xpld_wat.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2" framestart=30 frames=19 skin=-1 fullbright noshadow
r_part trq2_rocket
texture "particles/quake"
step 8
scale 4
die 1.0 1.2
colorindex 0xdc 3
spawnorg 1
spawnvel 20
gravity 40
assoc trq2_grenade
r_part trq2_grenade
texture "particles/quake"
step 3
scale 4
die 1.0 1.2
colorindex 0x4 7
spawnorg 1
spawnvel 5
gravity -20
r_part trq2_gib
assoc tr_gib
//FIXME: implement
r_part trq2_greengib
assoc tr_gib
r_part TR_PLASMA
//FIXME: add particles
r_part tr_ionripper
lighttime 0
lightradius 100
lightrgb 1.0 0.5 0.5
//FIXME: add particles
r_part tr_tracker
lighttime 0
lightradius 200
lightrgb -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
//FIXME: add particles
r_part tr_tagtrail
lighttime 0
lightradius 225
lightrgb 1.0 1.0 0.0
//flags do NOT use coronas, because it obscures the holding player's skin colour
r_part tr_flag1
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
step 5
scale 1
alpha 1
die 1.0 0.8
spawnorg 16
spawnvel 5
veladd 32
scalefactor 0
colorindex 0xf2
lighttime 0
lightcorona 0.0 0.0
lightradius 225
lightrgb 1.0 0.25 0.25
r_part tr_flag2
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
step 5
scale 1
alpha 1
die 1.0 0.8
spawnorg 16
spawnvel 5
veladd 32
scalefactor 0
colorindex 0x73
lighttime 0
lightcorona 0.0 0.0
lightradius 225
lightrgb 0.25 0.25 1.0
//FIXME: add particles
r_part tr_trap
lighttime 0
lightradius 100 200
lightrgb 1.0 0.8 0.25
r_part EF_FLIES
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 1
scale 0.5
alpha 1
die 0
spawnmode syncfield 16 64
spawnorg 0
scalefactor 0
colorindex 0
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 0 0 162
scale 0.5
alpha 1
die 0
spawnmode syncfield 16 64
spawnorg 0
scalefactor 0
colorindex 0xd0 7
r_part ev_item_respawn
sound "items/respawn1.wav" 1 2 0 0 1
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 64
scale 1
alpha 1
die 1.3 1
randomvel 8
orgadd 0 31
spawnorg 8
gravity 8
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0xd4 3
r_part ev_player_teleport
sound "misc/tele1.wav" 1 2 0 0 1
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 96
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.3 0.4
randomvel 8
orgadd 0 31
spawnmode telebox 0 4
spawnorg 32 48
gravity 40
scalefactor 0.8
colorindex 0x07 7
r_part ev_footstep
sound "player/step1.wav" 1 1 0 0 1
sound "player/step2.wav" 1 1 0 0 1
sound "player/step3.wav" 1 1 0 0 1
sound "player/step4.wav" 1 1 0 0 1
//central explosion
r_part teq2_bfg_bigexplosion
texture "classicparticle"
tcoords 0 0 16 16 32
count 256
scale 1
alpha 1
die 0.625 1
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 16
spawnvel 192
scalefactor 0.8
gravity 40
colorindex 0xd0 7
//splashed onto an entity
r_part teq2_bfg_explosion
lighttime 0.5
lightradius 350
lightradiusfade 300
lightrgb 0.0 1.0 0.0
lightrgbfade 0.0 0.0 0.0
sound "weapons/xpld_wat.wav" 1 1 0 0
model "sprites/s_bfg2.sp2" framestart=0 frameend=4 alpha=0.3 transparent fullbright noshadow