
3157 lines
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//Released under the terms of the gpl as this file uses a bit of quake derived code. All sections of the like are marked as such
#include "../plugin.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "../../engine/common/netinc.h"
#include "xml.h"
//#define NOICE
#define VOIP_SPEEX
#define VOIP
#define QUAKEMEDIATYPE "quake"
#define QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS "fteqw.com:netmedia"
icefuncs_t *piceapi;
#define Q_strncpyz(o, i, l) do {strncpy(o, i, l-1);o[l-1]='\0';}while(0)
#define JCL_BUILD "3"
#define ARGNAMES ,sock,certhostname
BUILTINR(int, Net_SetTLSClient, (qhandle_t sock, const char *certhostname));
#define ARGNAMES ,funcname
BUILTINR(void *, Plug_GetNativePointer, (const char *funcname));
void (*Con_TrySubPrint)(const char *conname, const char *message);
void Fallback_ConPrint(const char *conname, const char *message)
void Con_SubPrintf(char *subname, char *format, ...)
va_list argptr;
static char string[1024];
va_start (argptr, format);
Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), format,argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Con_TrySubPrint(subname, string);
//porting zone:
#define COLOURGREEN "^2"
#define COLORWHITE "^7"
#define COLOURWHITE "^7" // word
#define COLOURRED "^1"
#define COLOURYELLOW "^3"
#define COLOURPURPLE "^5"
#define COMMANDPREFIX "xmpp"
#define COMMANDPREFIX2 "jab"
#define COMMANDPREFIX3 "jabbercl"
#define playsound(s)
#define TL_NETGETPACKETERROR "NET_GetPacket Error %s\n"
static char *JCL_ParseOut (char *data, char *buf, int bufsize) //this is taken out of quake
int c;
int len;
len = 0;
buf[0] = 0;
if (!data)
return NULL;
// skip whitespace
while ( (c = *data) <= ' ')
if (c == 0)
return NULL; // end of file;
// handle quoted strings specially
if (c == '\"')
while (1)
if (len >= bufsize-1)
return data;
c = *data++;
if (c=='\"' || !c)
buf[len] = 0;
return data;
buf[len] = c;
// parse a regular word
if (len >= bufsize-1)
return data;
buf[len] = c;
c = *data;
} while (c>32);
buf[len] = 0;
return data;
char *JCL_Info_ValueForKey (char *s, const char *key, char *valuebuf, int valuelen)
char pkey[1024];
char *o;
if (*s == '\\')
while (1)
o = pkey;
while (*s != '\\')
if (!*s)
return valuebuf;
*o++ = *s++;
if (o+2 >= pkey+sizeof(pkey)) //hrm. hackers at work..
return valuebuf;
*o = 0;
o = valuebuf;
while (*s != '\\' && *s)
if (!*s)
return valuebuf;
*o++ = *s++;
if (o+2 >= valuebuf+valuelen) //hrm. hackers at work..
return valuebuf;
*o = 0;
if (!strcmp (key, pkey) )
return valuebuf;
if (!*s)
return valuebuf;
void RenameConsole(char *totrim);
void JCL_Command(char *consolename);
void JCL_LoadConfig(void);
void JCL_WriteConfig(void);
qintptr_t JCL_ExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args)
char cmd[256];
pCmd_Argv(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
if (!strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX) || !strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX2) || !strcmp(cmd, COMMANDPREFIX3))
if (!args[0])
return true;
return false;
qintptr_t JCL_ConsoleLink(qintptr_t *args);
qintptr_t JCL_ConExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args);
qintptr_t JCL_Frame(qintptr_t *args);
qintptr_t Plug_Init(qintptr_t *args)
if ( Plug_Export("Tick", JCL_Frame) &&
Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", JCL_ExecuteCommand))
Con_Printf("XMPP Plugin Loaded ^1without^7 TLS\n");
Con_Printf("XMPP Plugin Loaded. For help, use: ^[/"COMMANDPREFIX" /help^]\n");
Plug_Export("ConsoleLink", JCL_ConsoleLink);
if (!Plug_Export("ConExecuteCommand", JCL_ConExecuteCommand))
Con_Printf("XMPP plugin in single-console mode\n");
Con_TrySubPrint = Fallback_ConPrint;
Con_TrySubPrint = pCon_SubPrint;
//flags&1 == archive
pCvar_Register("xmpp_nostatus", "0", 0, "xmpp");
pCvar_Register("xmpp_autoacceptjoins", "0", 0, "xmpp");
pCvar_Register("xmpp_autoacceptinvites", "0", 0, "xmpp");
pCvar_Register("xmpp_autoacceptvoice", "0", 0, "xmpp");
pCvar_Register("xmpp_debug", "0", 0, "xmpp");
pCvar_Register("xmpp_disabletls", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "xmpp");
pCvar_Register("xmpp_allowplainauth", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "xmpp");
if (BUILTINISVALID(Plug_GetNativePointer))
piceapi = pPlug_GetNativePointer(ICE_API_CURRENT);
return 1;
Con_Printf("JCL Client Plugin failed\n");
return 0;
//\r\n is used to end a line.
//meaning \0s are valid.
//but never used cos it breaks strings
#define JCL_MAXMSGLEN 10000
#define CAP_QUERIED 1 //a query is pending or something.
#define CAP_VOICE 2 //supports voice
#define CAP_INVITE 4 //supports game invites.
typedef struct bresource_s
char bstatus[128]; //basic status
char fstatus[128]; //full status
char server[256];
int servertype; //0=none, 1=already a client, 2=joinable
unsigned int caps;
struct bresource_s *next;
char resource[1];
} bresource_t;
typedef struct buddy_s
bresource_t *resources;
bresource_t *defaultresource; //this is the one that last replied
int defaulttimestamp;
qboolean friended;
char name[256];
struct buddy_s *next;
char accountdomain[1]; //no resource on there
} buddy_t;
typedef struct jclient_s
char server[64];
int port;
JCL_DEAD, //not connected. connection died or something.
JCL_AUTHING, //connected, but not able to send any info on it other than to auth
JCL_ACTIVE //we're connected, we got a buddy list and everything
} status;
unsigned int timeout; //reconnect/ping timer
qhandle_t socket;
//we buffer output for times when the outgoing socket is full.
//mostly this only happens at the start of the connection when the socket isn't actually open yet.
char *outbuf;
int outbufpos;
int outbuflen;
int outbufmax;
char bufferedinmessage[JCL_MAXMSGLEN+1]; //servers are required to be able to handle messages no shorter than a specific size.
//which means we need to be able to handle messages when they get to us.
//servers can still handle larger messages if they choose, so this might not be enough.
int bufferedinammount;
char defaultdest[256];
char domain[256];
char username[256];
char password[256];
char resource[256];
char jid[256]; //this is our full username@domain/resource string
char localalias[256];//this is what's shown infront of outgoing messages. >> by default until we can get our name.
int tagdepth;
int openbracket;
int instreampos;
qboolean tlsconnect; //use the old tls method on port 5223.
qboolean connected; //fully on server and authed and everything.
qboolean issecure; //tls enabled (either upgraded or initially)
qboolean streamdebug; //echo the stream to subconsoles
qboolean preapproval; //server supports presence preapproval
char curquakeserver[2048];
char defaultnamespace[2048]; //should be 'jabber:client' or blank (and spammy with all the extra xmlns attribs)
struct iq_s
struct iq_s *next;
char id[64];
int timeout;
qboolean (*callback) (struct jclient_s *jcl, struct subtree_s *tree, struct iq_s *iq);
void *usrptr;
} *pendingiqs;
struct c2c_s
struct c2c_s *next;
enum iceproto_e mediatype;
enum icemode_e method; //ICE_RAW or ICE_ICE. this is what the peer asked for. updated if we degrade it.
qboolean accepted; //connection is going
qboolean creator; //true if we're the creator.
struct icestate_s *ice;
char *peeraddr;
int peerport;
char *with;
char sid[1];
} *c2c;
buddy_t *buddies;
} jclient_t;
jclient_t *jclient;
int jclient_curtime;
struct subtree_s;
void JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient_t *jcl, char *fmt, ...);
qboolean JCL_FindBuddy(jclient_t *jcl, char *jid, buddy_t **buddy, bresource_t **bres);
void JCL_GeneratePresence(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean force);
struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQf(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, struct subtree_s *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, char *fmt, ...);
struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQNode(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, xmltree_t *node, qboolean destroynode);
char *TrimResourceFromJid(char *jid)
char *slash;
slash = strchr(jid, '/');
if (slash)
*slash = '\0';
return slash+1;
return NULL;
static struct c2c_s *JCL_JingleCreateSession(jclient_t *jcl, char *with, qboolean creator, char *sid, int method, int mediatype)
struct icestate_s *ice = NULL;
struct c2c_s *c2c;
char generatedname[64];
if (piceapi)
ice = piceapi->ICE_Create(NULL, sid, with, method, mediatype);
if (ice)
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "sid", generatedname, sizeof(generatedname));
sid = generatedname;
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec96", "speex@8000");
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec97", "speex@16000");
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec98", "opus");
return NULL; //no way to get the local ip otherwise, which means things won't work proper
c2c = malloc(sizeof(*c2c) + strlen(sid));
memset(c2c, 0, sizeof(*c2c));
c2c->next = jcl->c2c;
jcl->c2c = c2c;
strcpy(c2c->sid, sid);
c2c->mediatype = mediatype;
c2c->creator = creator;
c2c->method = method;
//FIXME: we need to query this from the server.
//however, google don't implement the 'standard' way
//the 'standard' way contains a huge big fat do-not-implement message.
//and google's way equally says 'don't implement'... so...
//as I kinda expect most users to use google's network anyway, I *hope* they won't mind too much. I doubt they'll get much traffic anyway. its just stun.
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunport", "19302");
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunip", "stun.l.google.com");
//copy out the interesting parameters
c2c->with = strdup(with);
c2c->ice = ice;
return c2c;
static qboolean JCL_JingleAcceptAck(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
struct c2c_s *c2c;
if (tree)
for (c2c = jcl->c2c; c2c; c2c = c2c->next)
if (c2c == iq->usrptr)
if (c2c->ice)
piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->ice, "state", STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTING));
return true;
sends a jingle message to the peer.
action should be one of multiple things:
session-terminate - totally not acceptable. this also closes the c2c
session-accept - details are okay. this also begins ice polling (on iq ack, once we're sure the peer got our message)
(internally generated) transport-replace - details are okay, except we want a different transport method.
qboolean JCL_JingleSend(jclient_t *jcl, struct c2c_s *c2c, char *action)
qboolean result;
xmltree_t *jingle;
struct icestate_s *ice = c2c->ice;
qboolean wasaccept = false;
int transportmode = ICEM_ICE;
if (!ice)
action = "session-terminate";
jingle = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "jingle", "urn:xmpp:jingle:1", "");
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "sid", c2c->sid);
if (!strcmp(action, "session-initiate"))
{ //these attributes are meant to only be present in initiate. for call forwarding etc. which we don't properly support.
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "initiator", jcl->jid);
if (!strcmp(action, "session-terminate"))
struct c2c_s **link;
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (*link == c2c)
*link = c2c->next;
if (c2c->ice)
result = false;
xmltree_t *content = XML_CreateNode(jingle, "content", "", "");
result = true;
if (!strcmp(action, "session-accept"))
if (c2c->method == transportmode)
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "responder", jcl->jid);
c2c->accepted = wasaccept = true;
action = "transport-replace";
xmltree_t *description;
xmltree_t *transport;
if (transportmode == ICEM_RAW)
transport = XML_CreateNode(content, "transport", "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1", "");
xmltree_t *candidate;
struct icecandinfo_s *b = NULL;
struct icecandinfo_s *c;
while ((c = piceapi->ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(ice)))
if (!b || b->priority < c->priority)
b = c;
if (b)
candidate = XML_CreateNode(transport, "candidate", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "ip", b->addr);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "port", b->port);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "id", b->candidateid);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "generation", b->generation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "component", b->component);
else if (transportmode == ICEM_ICE)
char val[64];
transport = XML_CreateNode(content, "transport", "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1", "");
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "lufrag", val, sizeof(val));
XML_AddParameter(transport, "ufrag", val);
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "lpwd", val, sizeof(val));
XML_AddParameter(transport, "pwd", val);
struct icecandinfo_s *c;
while ((c = piceapi->ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(ice)))
char *ctypename[]={"host", "srflx", "prflx", "relay"};
xmltree_t *candidate = XML_CreateNode(transport, "candidate", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "type", ctypename[c->type]);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "protocol", "udp"); //is this not just a little bit redundant? ice-udp? seriously?
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "priority", c->priority);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "port", c->port);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "network", c->network);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "ip", c->addr);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "id", c->candidateid);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "generation", c->generation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "foundation", c->foundation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "component", c->component);
#ifdef VOIP
if (c2c->mediatype == ICEP_VOICE)
xmltree_t *payload;
int i;
XML_AddParameter(content, "senders", "both");
XML_AddParameter(content, "name", "audio-session");
XML_AddParameter(content, "creator", "initiator");
description = XML_CreateNode(content, "description", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1", "");
XML_AddParameter(description, "media", "audio");
for (i = 96; i <= 127; i++)
char codecname[64];
char argn[64];
Q_snprintf(argn, sizeof(argn), "codec%i", i);
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, argn, codecname, sizeof(codecname));
if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@8000"))
{ //speex narrowband
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "clockrate", "8000");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "SPEEX");
else if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@16000"))
{ //speex wideband
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "clockrate", "16000");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "SPEEX");
else if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@32000"))
{ //speex ultrawideband
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "clockrate", "32000");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "SPEEX");
else if (!strcmp(codecname, "opus"))
{ //opus codec.
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "OPUS");
description = XML_CreateNode(content, "description", QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS, "");
XML_AddParameter(description, "media", QUAKEMEDIATYPE);
if (c2c->mediatype == ICEP_QWSERVER)
XML_AddParameter(description, "host", "me");
else if (c2c->mediatype == ICEP_QWCLIENT)
XML_AddParameter(description, "host", "you");
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "action", action);
// Con_Printf("Sending Jingle:\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(jingle, 1);
JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, wasaccept?JCL_JingleAcceptAck:NULL, "set", c2c->with, jingle, true)->usrptr = c2c;
return result;
void JCL_JingleTimeouts(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean killall)
struct c2c_s *c2c;
for (c2c = jcl->c2c; c2c; c2c = c2c->next)
struct icecandinfo_s *lc;
if (c2c->method == ICEM_ICE)
char bah[2];
piceapi->ICE_Get(c2c->ice, "newlc", bah, sizeof(bah));
if (atoi(bah))
Con_DPrintf("Sending updated local addresses\n");
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "transport-info");
void JCL_Join(jclient_t *jcl, char *target, char *sid, qboolean allow, int protocol)
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL, **link;
xmltree_t *jingle;
struct icestate_s *ice;
char autotarget[256];
if (!jcl)
if (!strchr(target, '/'))
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, target, &b, &br);
if (!br)
br = b->defaultresource;
if (!br)
br = b->resources;
if (!br)
Con_Printf("User name not valid\n");
Q_snprintf(autotarget, sizeof(autotarget), "%s/%s", b->accountdomain, br->resource);
target = autotarget;
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (!strcmp((*link)->with, target) && (!sid || !strcmp((*link)->sid, sid)) && ((*link)->mediatype == protocol || protocol == ICEP_INVALID))
c2c = *link;
if (allow)
if (!c2c)
if (!sid)
c2c = JCL_JingleCreateSession(jcl, target, true, sid, DEFAULTICEMODE, ((protocol == ICEP_INVALID)?ICEP_QWCLIENT:protocol));
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-initiate");
Con_Printf("%s ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] ^[[Hang Up]\\xmppact\\jdeny\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppsid\\%s^].\n", protocol==ICEP_VOICE?"Calling":"Requesting session with", target, target, target, c2c->sid);
Con_Printf("That session has expired.\n");
else if (c2c->creator)
//resend initiate if they've not acked it... I dunno...
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-initiate");
Con_Printf("Restarting session with ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^].\n", target, target);
else if (c2c->accepted)
Con_Printf("That session was already accepted.\n");
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-accept");
Con_Printf("Accepting session from ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^].\n", target, target);
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-terminate");
Con_Printf("Terminating session with ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^].\n", target, target);
Con_Printf("That session has already expired.\n");
void JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jclient_t *jcl, struct c2c_s *c2c, xmltree_t *inj, char *from)
xmltree_t *incontent = XML_ChildOfTree(inj, "content", 0);
xmltree_t *intransport = XML_ChildOfTree(incontent, "transport", 0);
xmltree_t *incandidate;
struct icecandinfo_s rem;
int i;
if (strcmp(c2c->with, from) || strcmp(c2c->sid, XML_GetParameter(inj, "sid", "")))
Con_Printf("%s is trying to mess with our connections...\n", from);
if (!c2c->sid)
if (!intransport)
if (!c2c->ice)
piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->ice, "rufrag", XML_GetParameter(intransport, "ufrag", ""));
piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->ice, "rpwd", XML_GetParameter(intransport, "pwd", ""));
for (i = 0; (incandidate = XML_ChildOfTree(intransport, "candidate", i)); i++)
char *s;
memset(&rem, 0, sizeof(rem));
Q_strlcpy(rem.addr, XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "ip", ""), sizeof(rem.addr));
Q_strlcpy(rem.candidateid, XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "id", ""), sizeof(rem.candidateid));
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "type", "");
if (s && !strcmp(s, "srflx"))
rem.type = ICE_SRFLX;
else if (s && !strcmp(s, "prflx"))
rem.type = ICE_PRFLX;
else if (s && !strcmp(s, "relay"))
rem.type = ICE_RELAY;
rem.type = ICE_HOST;
rem.port = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "port", "0"));
rem.priority = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "priority", "0"));
rem.network = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "network", "0"));
rem.generation = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "generation", "0"));
rem.foundation = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "foundation", "0"));
rem.component = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "component", "0"));
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "protocol", "udp");
if (s && !strcmp(s, "udp"))
rem.transport = 0;
rem.transport = 0;
piceapi->ICE_AddRCandidateInfo(c2c->ice, &rem);
qboolean JCL_JingleHandleInitiate(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *inj, char *from)
/*inj contains something like:
<jingle sid='purplea84196dc' responder='me@example.com/Quake' initiator='them@example.com/Quake' action='session-initiate' xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:1'>
<content senders='both' name='audio-session' creator='initiator'>
<transport ufrag='SES2' pwd='3XkwverVxJLy2lRXD1lOAb' xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1'>
<candidate type='host' protocol='udp' priority='2013266431' port='53177' network='0' ip='' id='purplea84196de' generation='0' foundation='1' component='1'/>
<candidate type='host' protocol='udp' priority='2013266430' port='36480' network='0' ip='' id='purplea84196dd' generation='0' foundation='1' component='2'/>
<description media='audio' xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1'>
<payload-type channels='1' clockrate='8000' id='104' name='SPEEX'/>
<payload-type channels='1' clockrate='16000' id='103' name='SPEEX'/>
xmltree_t *incontent = XML_ChildOfTree(inj, "content", 0);
xmltree_t *intransport = XML_ChildOfTree(incontent, "transport", 0);
xmltree_t *indescription = XML_ChildOfTree(incontent, "description", 0);
char *transportxmlns = intransport?intransport->xmlns:"";
char *descriptionxmlns = indescription?indescription->xmlns:"";
char *descriptionmedia = XML_GetParameter(indescription, "media", "");
char *sid = XML_GetParameter(inj, "sid", "");
xmltree_t *jingle;
struct icestate_s *ice;
qboolean accepted = false;
enum icemode_e imode;
char *response = "session-terminate";
char *offer = "pwn you";
char *autocvar = "xmpp_autoaccepthax";
char *initiator;
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL;
int mt = ICEP_INVALID;
//FIXME: add support for session forwarding so that we might forward the connection to the real server. for now we just reject it.
initiator = XML_GetParameter(inj, "initiator", "");
if (strcmp(initiator, from))
return false;
if (incontent && !strcmp(descriptionmedia, QUAKEMEDIATYPE) && !strcmp(descriptionxmlns, QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS))
char *host = XML_GetParameter(indescription, "host", "you");
if (!strcmp(host, "you"))
offer = "join your game";
autocvar = "xmpp_autoacceptjoins";
else if (!strcmp(host, "me"))
offer = "invite you to thier game";
autocvar = "xmpp_autoacceptinvites";
if (incontent && !strcmp(descriptionmedia, "audio") && !strcmp(descriptionxmlns, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1"))
offer = "have a natter with you";
autocvar = "xmpp_autoacceptvoice";
if (mt == ICEP_INVALID)
return false;
//FIXME: if both people try to establish a connection to the other simultaneously, the higher session id is meant to be canceled, and the lower accepted automagically.
c2c = JCL_JingleCreateSession(jcl, from, false,
strcmp(transportxmlns, "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1")?ICEM_ICE:ICEM_RAW,
if (!c2c)
return false;
if (c2c->mediatype == ICEP_VOICE)
qboolean okay = false;
int i = 0;
xmltree_t *payload;
//chuck it at the engine and see what sticks. at least one must...
while((payload = XML_ChildOfTree(indescription, "payload-type", i++)))
char *name = XML_GetParameter(payload, "name", "");
char *clock = XML_GetParameter(payload, "clockrate", "");
char *id = XML_GetParameter(payload, "id", "");
char parm[64];
char val[64];
if (!strcmp(name, "SPEEX"))
Q_snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "codec%i", atoi(id));
Q_snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "speex@%i", atoi(clock));
okay |= piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->ice, parm, val);
else if (!strcmp(name, "OPUS"))
Q_snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "codec%i", atoi(id));
okay |= piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->ice, parm, "opus");
//don't do it if we couldn't successfully set any codecs, because the engine doesn't support the ones that were listed, or something.
if (!okay)
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-terminate");
return false;
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, inj, from);
if (c2c->mediatype != ICEP_INVALID)
if (!pCvar_GetFloat(autocvar))
//show a prompt for it, send the reply when the user decides.
"^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] wants to %s. "
"^[[Authorise]\\xmppact\\jauth\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppsid\\%s^] "
from, from,
from, sid,
from, sid);
return true;
Con_Printf("Auto-accepting session from ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^]\n", from, from);
response = "session-accept";
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, response);
return true;
qboolean JCL_ParseJingle(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, char *from, char *id)
char *action = XML_GetParameter(tree, "action", "");
char *sid = XML_GetParameter(tree, "sid", "");
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL, **link;
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (!strcmp((*link)->sid, sid))
c2c = *link;
if (!c2c->accepted)
//validate sender
if (c2c && strcmp(c2c->with, from))
Con_Printf("%s is trying to mess with our connections...\n", from);
return false;
//FIXME: transport-info, transport-replace
if (!strcmp(action, "session-terminate"))
xmltree_t *reason = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "reason", 0);
if (!c2c)
Con_Printf("Received session-terminate without an active session\n");
return false;
if (reason && reason->child)
Con_Printf("Session ended: %s\n", reason->child->name);
Con_Printf("Session ended\n");
//unlink it
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (*link == c2c)
*link = c2c->next;
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
if (c2c->ice)
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-info"))
{ //peer wants to add ports.
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, tree, from);
Con_DPrintf("Received transport-info without an active session\n");
//FIXME: we need to add support for this to downgrade to raw if someone tries calling through a SIP gateway
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-replace"))
if (c2c)
if (1)
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "transport-reject");
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, tree, from);
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "transport-accept");
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-reject"))
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-terminate");
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-accept"))
if (!c2c)
Con_DPrintf("Unknown session acceptance\n");
return false;
else if (!c2c->creator)
Con_DPrintf("Peer tried to accept a session that *they* created!\n");
return false;
else if (c2c->accepted)
//pidgin is buggy and can dupe-accept sessions multiple times.
Con_DPrintf("Duplicate session-accept from peer.\n");
//XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
return false;
char *responder = XML_GetParameter(tree, "responder", from);
if (strcmp(responder, from))
return false;
Con_Printf("Session Accepted!\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, tree, from);
c2c->accepted = true;
//if we didn't error out, the ICE stuff is meant to start sending handshakes/media as soon as the connection is accepted
if (c2c->ice)
piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->ice, "state", STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTING));
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-initiate"))
// Con_Printf("Peer initiating connection!\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
if (!JCL_JingleHandleInitiate(jcl, tree, from))
return false;
Con_Printf("Unknown jingle action: %s\n", action);
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s' />", from, id);
return true;
qintptr_t JCL_ConsoleLink(qintptr_t *args)
char text[256];
char link[256];
char who[256];
char what[256];
// pCmd_Argv(0, text, sizeof(text));
pCmd_Argv(1, link, sizeof(link));
JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmpp", who, sizeof(who));
JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppact", what, sizeof(what));
if (!*who && !*what)
return false;
if (!strcmp(what, "pauth"))
//we should friend them too.
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient, "<presence to='%s' type='subscribed'/>", who);
return true;
else if (!strcmp(what, "pdeny"))
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient, "<presence to='%s' type='unsubscribed'/>", who);
return true;
else if (!strcmp(what, "jauth"))
JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppsid", what, sizeof(what));
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_Join(jclient, who, what, true, ICEP_INVALID);
return true;
else if (!strcmp(what, "jdeny"))
JCL_Info_ValueForKey(link, "xmppsid", what, sizeof(what));
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_Join(jclient, who, what, false, ICEP_INVALID);
return true;
else if (!strcmp(what, "join"))
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_Join(jclient, who, NULL, true, ICEP_QWCLIENT);
return true;
else if (!strcmp(what, "invite"))
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_Join(jclient, who, NULL, true, ICEP_QWSERVER);
return true;
else if (!strcmp(what, "call"))
if (jclient && jclient->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_Join(jclient, who, NULL, true, ICEP_VOICE);
return true;
else if ((*who && !*what) || !strcmp(what, "msg"))
if (jclient)
char *f;
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
JCL_FindBuddy(jclient, *who?who:jclient->defaultdest, &b, &br);
f = b->name;
b->defaultresource = br;
pCon_SubPrint(f, "");
if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_SetActive))
return true;
Con_Printf("Unsupported xmpp action (%s) in link\n", what);
return false;
qintptr_t JCL_ConExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args)
buddy_t *b;
char consolename[256];
if (!jclient)
char buffer[256];
pCmd_Argv(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Con_SubPrintf(buffer, "You were disconnected\n");
return true;
pCmd_Argv(0, consolename, sizeof(consolename));
for (b = jclient->buddies; b; b = b->next)
if (!strcmp(b->name, consolename))
if (b->defaultresource)
Q_snprintf(jclient->defaultdest, sizeof(jclient->defaultdest), "%s/%s", b->accountdomain, b->defaultresource->resource);
Q_snprintf(jclient->defaultdest, sizeof(jclient->defaultdest), "%s", b->accountdomain);
return true;
void JCL_FlushOutgoing(jclient_t *jcl)
int sent;
if (!jcl || !jcl->outbuflen)
sent = pNet_Send(jcl->socket, jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos, jcl->outbuflen); //FIXME: This needs rewriting to cope with errors.
if (sent > 0)
//and print it on some subconsole if we're debugging
if (jcl->streamdebug)
char t = jcl->outbuf[jcl->outbufpos+sent];
jcl->outbuf[jcl->outbufpos+sent] = 0;
Con_SubPrintf("xmppout", COLOURYELLOW "%s\n", jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos);
jcl->outbuf[jcl->outbufpos+sent] = t;
jcl->outbufpos += sent;
jcl->outbuflen -= sent;
// else
// Con_Printf("Unable to send anything\n");
void JCL_AddClientMessage(jclient_t *jcl, char *msg, int datalen)
//handle overflows
if (jcl->outbufpos+jcl->outbuflen+datalen > jcl->outbufmax)
if (jcl->outbuflen+datalen <= jcl->outbufmax)
//can get away with just moving the data
memmove(jcl->outbuf, jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos, jcl->outbuflen);
jcl->outbufpos = 0;
//need to expand the buffer.
int newmax = (jcl->outbuflen+datalen)*2;
char *newbuf;
if (newmax < jcl->outbuflen)
newbuf = NULL; //eep... some special kind of evil overflow.
newbuf = malloc(newmax+1);
if (newbuf)
memcpy(newbuf, jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos, jcl->outbuflen);
jcl->outbufmax = newmax;
jcl->outbufpos = 0;
jcl->outbuf = newbuf;
datalen = 0; //eep!
//and write our data to it
memcpy(jcl->outbuf + jcl->outbufpos + jcl->outbuflen, msg, datalen);
jcl->outbuflen += datalen;
//try and flush it now
void JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient_t *jcl, char *msg)
JCL_AddClientMessage(jcl, msg, strlen(msg));
void JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient_t *jcl, char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char body[2048];
va_start (argptr, fmt);
Q_vsnprintf (body, sizeof(body), fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, body);
qboolean JCL_Reconnect(jclient_t *jcl)
//destroy any data that never got sent
jcl->outbuf = NULL;
jcl->outbuflen = 0;
jcl->outbufpos = 0;
jcl->outbufmax = 0;
jcl->instreampos = 0;
jcl->bufferedinammount = 0;
jcl->tagdepth = 0;
Q_strlcpy(jcl->localalias, ">>", sizeof(jcl->localalias));
Con_Printf("XMPP: Trying to connect to %s\n", jcl->domain);
jcl->socket = pNet_TCPConnect(jcl->server, jcl->tlsconnect?5223:5222); //port is only used if the url doesn't contain one. It's a default.
//not yet blocking. So no frequent attempts please...
//non blocking prevents connect from returning worthwhile sensible value.
if ((int)jcl->socket < 0)
Con_Printf("JCL_OpenSocket: couldn't connect\n");
return false;
jcl->issecure = false;
if (jcl->tlsconnect)
if (pNet_SetTLSClient(jcl->socket, jcl->server)>=0)
jcl->issecure = true;
jcl->status = JCL_AUTHING;
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
"<stream:stream to='");
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->domain);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>");
return true;
jclient_t *JCL_Connect(char *server, qboolean usesecure, char *account, char *password)
char gamename[64];
jclient_t *jcl;
char *domain;
char *res;
res = TrimResourceFromJid(account);
if (!res)
//the default resource matches the game that they're trying to play.
if (pCvar_GetString("fs_gamename", gamename, sizeof(gamename)))
//strip out any weird chars (namely whitespace)
char *o;
for (o = gamename, res = gamename; *res; )
if (*res == ' ' || *res == '\t')
*o++ = *res++;
res = gamename;
if (usesecure)
Con_Printf("XMPP: TLS is not supported\n");
return NULL;
domain = strchr(account, '@');
if (domain)
*domain = '\0';
if (domain && *domain)
Con_Printf("XMPP: domain not specified, assuming %s\n", domain);
Con_Printf("XMPP: domain not specified\n");
return NULL;
jcl = malloc(sizeof(jclient_t));
if (!jcl)
return NULL;
memset(jcl, 0, sizeof(jclient_t));
jcl->tlsconnect = usesecure;
jcl->streamdebug = !!pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_debug");
Q_strlcpy(jcl->server, server, sizeof(jcl->server));
Q_strlcpy(jcl->username, account, sizeof(jcl->username));
Q_strlcpy(jcl->domain, domain, sizeof(jcl->domain));
Q_strlcpy(jcl->password, password, sizeof(jcl->password));
Q_strlcpy(jcl->resource, (res&&*res)?res:"FTE", sizeof(jcl->password));
if (!JCL_Reconnect(jcl))
jcl = NULL;
return jcl;
char base64[512+1];
unsigned int base64_len; //current output length
unsigned int base64_cur; //current pending value
unsigned int base64_bits;//current pending bits
char Base64_From64(int byt)
if (byt >= 0 && byt < 26)
return 'A' + byt - 0;
if (byt >= 26 && byt < 52)
return 'a' + byt - 26;
if (byt >= 52 && byt < 62)
return '0' + byt - 52;
if (byt == 62)
return '+';
if (byt == 63)
return '/';
return '!';
void Base64_Byte(unsigned int byt)
if (base64_len+8>=sizeof(base64)-1)
base64_cur |= byt<<(16- base64_bits);//first byte fills highest bits
base64_bits += 8;
if (base64_bits == 24)
base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>18)&63);
base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>12)&63);
base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>6)&63);
base64[base64_len++] = Base64_From64((base64_cur>>0)&63);
base64[base64_len] = '\0';
// Con_Printf("base64: %s\n", base64+base64_len-4);
base64_bits = 0;
base64_cur = 0;
void Base64_Add(char *s, int len)
unsigned char *us = (unsigned char *)s;
void Base64_Finish(void)
//output is always a multiple of four
if (base64_bits != 0)
if (base64_bits == 8)
base64[base64_len++]= '=';
base64[base64_len++]= '=';
if (base64_bits == 16)
base64[base64_len++]= '=';
base64[base64_len++] = '\0';
base64_len = 0; //for next time (use strlen)
base64_bits = 0;
base64_cur = 0;
//decode a base64 byte to a 0-63 value. Cannot cope with =.
static int Base64_DecodeByte(char byt)
if (byt >= 'A' && byt <= 'Z')
return (byt-'A') + 0;
if (byt >= 'a' && byt <= 'z')
return (byt-'a') + 26;
if (byt >= '0' && byt <= '9')
return (byt-'0') + 52;
if (byt == '+')
return 62;
if (byt == '/')
return 63;
return -1;
int Base64_Decode(char *out, int outlen, char *src, int srclen)
int len = 0;
int result;
//4 input chars give 3 output chars
while(srclen >= 4)
if (len+3 > outlen)
result = Base64_DecodeByte(src[0])<<18;
result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[1])<<12;
out[len++] = (result>>16)&0xff;
if (src[2] != '=')
result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[2])<<6;
out[len++] = (result>>8)&0xff;
if (src[3] != '=')
result |= Base64_DecodeByte(src[3])<<0;
out[len++] = (result>>0)&0xff;
if (result & 0xff000000)
return 0; //some kind of invalid char
src += 4;
srclen -= 4;
//some kind of error
if (srclen)
return 0;
return len;
void JCL_ForgetBuddyResource(jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *buddy, bresource_t *bres)
bresource_t **link;
bresource_t *r;
for (link = &buddy->resources; *link; )
r = *link;
if (!bres || bres == r)
*link = r->next;
if (bres)
link = &r->next;
void JCL_ForgetBuddy(jclient_t *jcl, buddy_t *buddy, bresource_t *bres)
buddy_t **link;
buddy_t *b;
for (link = &jcl->buddies; *link; )
b = *link;
if (!buddy || buddy == b)
*link = b->next;
JCL_ForgetBuddyResource(jcl, b, bres);
if (buddy)
link = &b->next;
qboolean JCL_FindBuddy(jclient_t *jcl, char *jid, buddy_t **buddy, bresource_t **bres)
char name[256];
char *res;
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *r = NULL;
Q_strlcpy(name, jid, sizeof(name));
res = TrimResourceFromJid(name);
for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next)
if (!strcmp(b->accountdomain, name))
if (!b)
b = malloc(sizeof(*b) + strlen(name));
memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b));
b->next = jcl->buddies;
jcl->buddies = b;
strcpy(b->accountdomain, name);
Q_strlcpy(b->name, name, sizeof(b->name)); //default
*buddy = b;
if (res && bres)
for (r = b->resources; r; r = r->next)
if (!strcmp(r->resource, res))
if (!r)
r = malloc(sizeof(*r) + strlen(res));
memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));
r->next = b->resources;
b->resources = r;
strcpy(r->resource, res);
*bres = r;
else if (bres)
*bres = NULL;
return false;
struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQ(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, char *body)
struct iq_s *iq;
iq = malloc(sizeof(*iq));
iq->next = jcl->pendingiqs;
jcl->pendingiqs = iq;
Q_snprintf(iq->id, sizeof(iq->id), "%i", rand());
iq->callback = callback;
if (target)
if (*jcl->jid)
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<iq type='%s' id='%s' from='%s' to='%s'>", iqtype, iq->id, jcl->jid, target);
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<iq type='%s' id='%s' to='%s'>", iqtype, iq->id, target);
if (*jcl->jid)
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<iq type='%s' id='%s' from='%s'>", iqtype, iq->id, jcl->jid);
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<iq type='%s' id='%s'>", iqtype, iq->id);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, body);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</iq>");
return iq;
struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQf(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
char body[2048];
va_start (argptr, fmt);
Q_vsnprintf (body, sizeof(body), fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
return JCL_SendIQ(jcl, callback, iqtype, target, body);
struct iq_s *JCL_SendIQNode(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean (*callback) (jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq), char *iqtype, char *target, xmltree_t *node, qboolean destroynode)
struct iq_s *n;
char *s = XML_GenerateString(node);
n = JCL_SendIQ(jcl, callback, iqtype, target, s);
if (destroynode)
return n;
static void JCL_RosterUpdate(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *listp)
xmltree_t *i;
buddy_t *buddy;
int cnum = 0;
while ((i = XML_ChildOfTree(listp, "item", cnum++)))
char *name = XML_GetParameter(i, "name", "");
char *jid = XML_GetParameter(i, "jid", "");
// char *sub = XML_GetParameter(i, "subscription", "");
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, jid, &buddy, NULL);
if (*name)
Q_strlcpy(buddy->name, name, sizeof(buddy->name));
buddy->friended = true;
static qboolean JCL_RosterReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
xmltree_t *c;
//we're probably connected once we've had this reply.
jcl->status = JCL_ACTIVE;
JCL_GeneratePresence(jcl, true);
c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0);
if (c)
JCL_RosterUpdate(jcl, c);
return true;
return false;
static qboolean JCL_BindReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
xmltree_t *c;
c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "bind", 0);
if (c)
c = XML_ChildOfTree(c, "jid", 0);
if (c)
Q_strlcpy(jcl->jid, c->body, sizeof(jcl->jid));
Con_Printf("Bound to jid ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^]\n", jcl->jid, jcl->jid);
return true;
return false;
static qboolean JCL_VCardReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
xmltree_t *vc, *fn, *nickname;
vc = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "vCard", 0);
fn = XML_ChildOfTree(vc, "FN", 0);
nickname = XML_ChildOfTree(vc, "NICKNAME", 0);
if (nickname && *nickname->body)
Q_strlcpy(jcl->localalias, nickname->body, sizeof(jcl->localalias));
else if (fn && *fn->body)
Q_strlcpy(jcl->localalias, fn->body, sizeof(jcl->localalias));
return true;
static qboolean JCL_SessionReply(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_RosterReply, "get", NULL, "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'/>");
JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_VCardReply, "get", NULL, "<vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'/>");
return true;
static char *caps[] =
#if 1
// "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items",
// "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/camera/v1",
// "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/session",
// "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1",
// "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/video/v1",
#ifdef VOIP
// "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:video",//we don't support rtp video chat
#ifndef NOICE
#ifndef Q3_VM
"urn:xmpp:ping", //FIXME: I'm not keen on this. I only added support to stop errors from pidgin when trying to debug.
//for testing, this is the list of features pidgin supports (which is the other client I'm testing against).
// "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer",
static void buildcaps(char *out, int outlen)
int i;
Q_strncpyz(out, "<identity category='client' type='pc' name='FTEQW'/>", outlen);
for (i = 0; caps[i]; i++)
Q_strlcat(out, "<feature var='", outlen);
Q_strlcat(out, caps[i], outlen);
Q_strlcat(out, "'/>", outlen);
static int qsortcaps(const void *va, const void *vb)
char *a = *(char**)va;
char *b = *(char**)vb;
return strcmp(a, b);
int SHA1(char *digest, int maxdigestsize, char *string, int stringlen);
char *buildcapshash(void)
int i, l;
char out[8192];
int outlen = sizeof(out);
unsigned char digest[64];
Q_strlcpy(out, "client/pc//FTEQW<", outlen);
qsort(caps, sizeof(caps)/sizeof(caps[0]) - 1, sizeof(char*), qsortcaps);
for (i = 0; caps[i]; i++)
Q_strlcat(out, caps[i], outlen);
Q_strlcat(out, "<", outlen);
l = SHA1(digest, sizeof(digest), out, strlen(out));
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
return base64;
void JCL_ParseIQ(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree)
qboolean unparsable = true;
char *from;
// char *to;
char *id;
char *f;
xmltree_t *ot;
//FIXME: block from people who we don't know.
id = XML_GetParameter(tree, "id", "");
from = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", "");
// to = XML_GetParameter(tree, "to", "");
f = XML_GetParameter(tree, "type", "");
if (!strcmp(f, "get"))
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0);
if (ot)
if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"))
{ //http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html
char msg[2048];
char *hash;
unparsable = false;
buildcaps(msg, sizeof(msg));
hash = buildcapshash();
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info' node='http://fteqw.com/ftexmppplug#%s'>"
"</iq>", from, id, hash, msg);
else if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "jabber:iq:version"))
{ //client->client version request
char msg[2048];
unparsable = false;
Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<query xmlns='jabber:iq:version'>"
"<name>FTEQW XMPP</name>"
#ifdef Q3_VM
"<os>QVM plugin</os>"
//don't specify the os otherwise, as it gives away required base addresses etc for exploits
"</iq>", from, id);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg);
else if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "jabber:iq:last"))
unparsable = false;
"<iq type='error' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<error type='cancel'>"
"<service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"
"</iq>", from, id);
/* else if (from && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "jabber:iq:last"))
{ //http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0012.html
char msg[2048];
int idletime = 0;
unparsable = false;
//last activity
Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<query xmlns='jabber:iq:last' seconds='%i'/>"
"</iq>", from, id, idletime);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg);
#ifndef Q3_VM
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "time", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "urn:xmpp:time"))
{ //http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0202.html
char msg[2048];
char tz[256];
char timestamp[256];
struct tm * timeinfo;
int tzh, tzm;
time_t rawtime;
time (&rawtime);
timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
tzh = timeinfo->tm_hour;
tzm = timeinfo->tm_min;
timeinfo = gmtime (&rawtime);
tzh -= timeinfo->tm_hour;
tzm -= timeinfo->tm_min;
Q_snprintf(tz, sizeof(tz), "%+i:%i", tzh, tzm);
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", timeinfo);
unparsable = false;
Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<time xmlns='urn:xmpp:time'>"
"</iq>", from, id, tz, timestamp);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg);
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "ping", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "urn:xmpp:ping"))
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s' />", from, id);
if (unparsable)
{ //unsupported stuff
char msg[2048];
unparsable = false;
Con_Printf("Unsupported iq get\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
//tell them OH NOES, instead of requiring some timeout.
Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
"<iq type='error' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<error type='cancel'>"
"<service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"
"</iq>", from, id);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg);
else if (!strcmp(f, "set"))
xmltree_t *c;
c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0);
if (c && !strcmp(c->xmlns, "jabber:iq:roster"))
unparsable = false;
JCL_RosterUpdate(jcl, c);
c = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "jingle", 0);
if (c && !strcmp(c->xmlns, "urn:xmpp:jingle:1"))
unparsable = !JCL_ParseJingle(jcl, c, from, id);
if (unparsable)
char msg[2048];
//tell them OH NOES, instead of requiring some timeout.
Q_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
"<iq type='error' to='%s' id='%s'>"
"<error type='cancel'>"
"<service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"
"</iq>", from, id);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, msg);
unparsable = false;
else if (!strcmp(f, "result") || !strcmp(f, "error"))
char *id = XML_GetParameter(tree, "id", "");
struct iq_s **link, *iq;
unparsable = false;
for (link = &jcl->pendingiqs; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
iq = *link;
if (!strcmp(iq->id, id))
if (*link)
iq = *link;
*link = iq->next;
if (iq->callback)
if (!iq->callback(jcl, !strcmp(f, "error")?NULL:tree, iq))
Con_Printf("Invalid iq result\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
Con_Printf("Unrecognised iq result\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
if (unparsable)
unparsable = false;
Con_Printf("Unrecognised iq type\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
void JCL_ParseMessage(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree)
xmltree_t *ot;
qboolean unparsable = true;
char *f = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", NULL);
if (f && !strcmp(f, jcl->jid))
unparsable = false;
if (f)
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
Q_strlcpy(jcl->defaultdest, f, sizeof(jcl->defaultdest));
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, f, &b, &br);
f = b->name;
b->defaultresource = br;
if (f)
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "composing", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"))
unparsable = false;
Con_SubPrintf(f, "%s is typing\r", f);
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "paused", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"))
unparsable = false;
Con_SubPrintf(f, "%s has stopped typing\r", f);
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "inactive", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"))
unparsable = false;
Con_SubPrintf(f, "\r", f);
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "active", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"))
unparsable = false;
Con_SubPrintf(f, "\r", f);
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "gone", 0);
if (ot && !strcmp(ot->xmlns, "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"))
unparsable = false;
Con_SubPrintf(f, "%s has gone away\r", f);
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "body", 0);
if (ot)
unparsable = false;
if (f)
if (!strncmp(ot->body, "/me ", 4))
Con_SubPrintf(f, "*^2%s^7%s\n", f, ot->body+3);
Con_SubPrintf(f, "^2%s^7: %s\n", f, ot->body);
Con_Printf("NOTICE: %s\n", ot->body);
if (unparsable)
unparsable = false;
if (jcl->streamdebug)
Con_Printf("Received a message without a body\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
qboolean JCL_ClientDiscoInfo(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
xmltree_t *query = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "query", 0);
xmltree_t *feature;
char *var;
int i = 0;
unsigned int caps = 0;
qboolean rtp = false;
qboolean rtpaudio = false;
qboolean quake = false;
qboolean ice = false;
qboolean raw = false;
qboolean jingle = false;
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *r;
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", ""), &b, &r);
while((feature = XML_ChildOfTree(query, "feature", i++)))
var = XML_GetParameter(feature, "var", "");
//check ones we recognise.
if (!strcmp(var, QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS))
quake = true;
if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:audio"))
rtpaudio = true;
if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1"))
rtp = true; //kinda implied, but ensures version is okay
if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"))
ice = true;
if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1"))
raw = true;
if (!strcmp(var, "urn:xmpp:jingle:1"))
jingle = true; //kinda implied, but ensures version is okay
if ((ice||raw) && jingle)
if (rtpaudio && rtp)
caps |= CAP_VOICE;
if (quake)
caps |= CAP_INVITE;
if (b && r)
r->caps = (r->caps & CAP_QUERIED) | caps;
return true;
void JCL_ParsePresence(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree)
buddy_t *buddy;
bresource_t *bres;
char *from = XML_GetParameter(tree, "from", "");
xmltree_t *show = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "show", 0);
xmltree_t *status = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "status", 0);
xmltree_t *quake = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "quake", 0);
char *type = XML_GetParameter(tree, "type", "");
char *serverip = NULL;
char *servermap = NULL;
if (quake && !strcmp(quake->xmlns, "fteqw.com:game"))
serverip = XML_GetParameter(quake, "serverip", NULL);
servermap = XML_GetParameter(quake, "servermap", NULL);
if (type && !strcmp(type, "subscribe"))
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] wants to be your friend! ^[[Authorize]\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppact\\pauth^] ^[[Deny]\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppact\\pdeny^]\n", from, from, from, from);
else if (type && !strcmp(type, "subscribed"))
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] is now your friend!\n", from, from, from, from);
else if (type && !strcmp(type, "unsubscribe"))
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] has unfriended you\n", from, from);
else if (type && !strcmp(type, "unsubscribed"))
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] is no longer unfriended you\n", from, from);
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, from, &buddy, &bres);
if (bres)
if (servermap)
bres->servertype = 2;
Q_strlcpy(bres->server, servermap, sizeof(bres->server));
else if (serverip)
bres->servertype = 1;
Q_strlcpy(bres->server, serverip, sizeof(bres->server));
bres->servertype = 0;
Q_strlcpy(bres->server, "", sizeof(bres->server));
Q_strlcpy(bres->fstatus, (status && *status->body)?status->body:"", sizeof(bres->fstatus));
if (!tree->child)
Q_strlcpy(bres->bstatus, "offline", sizeof(bres->bstatus));
bres->caps = 0;
Q_strlcpy(bres->bstatus, (show && *show->body)?show->body:"present", sizeof(bres->bstatus));
if (!(bres->caps & CAP_QUERIED))
bres->caps |= CAP_QUERIED;
JCL_SendIQ(jcl, JCL_ClientDiscoInfo, "get", from, "<query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/>");
if (bres->servertype == 2)
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] is now ^[[Playing Quake - %s]\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppact\\join^]\n", buddy->name, from, bres->server, from);
else if (bres->servertype == 1)
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] is now ^[[Playing Quake - %s]\\observe\\%s^]\n", buddy->name, from, bres->server, bres->server);
else if (*bres->fstatus)
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] is now %s: %s\n", buddy->name, from, bres->bstatus, bres->fstatus);
Con_Printf("^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^] is now %s\n", buddy->name, from, bres->bstatus);
if (!tree->child)
//remove this buddy resource
Con_Printf("Weird presence:\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
#define JCL_DONE 0 //no more data available for now.
#define JCL_CONTINUE 1 //more data needs parsing.
#define JCL_KILL 2 //some error, needs reconnecting.
#define JCL_NUKEFROMORBIT 3 //permanent error (or logged on from elsewhere)
int JCL_ClientFrame(jclient_t *jcl)
int pos;
xmltree_t *tree, *ot;
char *f;
int ret;
qboolean unparsable;
int olddepth;
ret = pNet_Recv(jcl->socket, jcl->bufferedinmessage+jcl->bufferedinammount, sizeof(jcl->bufferedinmessage)-1 - jcl->bufferedinammount);
if (ret == 0)
if (!jcl->bufferedinammount) //if we are half way through a message, read any possible conjunctions.
return JCL_DONE; //nothing more this frame
if (ret < 0)
Con_Printf("XMPP: socket error\n");
return JCL_KILL;
if (ret>0)
jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->bufferedinammount] = 0;
olddepth = jcl->tagdepth;
//we never end parsing in the middle of a < >
//this means we can filter out the <? ?>, <!-- --> and < /> stuff properly
for (pos = jcl->instreampos; pos < jcl->bufferedinammount; pos++)
if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] == '<')
jcl->instreampos = pos;
else if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] == '>')
if (pos < 1)
break; //erm...
if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos-1] != '/') //<blah/> is a tag without a body
if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->instreampos+1] != '?') //<? blah ?> is a tag without a body
if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos-1] != '?')
if (jcl->bufferedinmessage[jcl->instreampos+1] == '/') //</blah> is the end of a tag with a body
jcl->tagdepth++; //<blah> is the start of a tag with a body
if (jcl->tagdepth == 1 && olddepth == 0)
{ //first bit of info
pos = 0;
tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, true, "");
while (tree && !strcmp(tree->name, "?xml"))
tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, true, "");
if (jcl->streamdebug)
char t = jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos];
jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = 0;
Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", jcl->bufferedinmessage);
if (tree)
Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", "\n");
jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = t;
if (!tree)
Con_Printf("Not an xml stream\n");
return JCL_KILL;
if (strcmp(tree->name, "stream") || strcmp(tree->xmlns, "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"))
Con_Printf("Not an xmpp stream\n");
return JCL_KILL;
Q_strlcpy(jcl->defaultnamespace, tree->xmlns_dflt, sizeof(jcl->defaultnamespace));
ot = tree;
tree = tree->child;
ot->child = NULL;
// Con_Printf("Discard\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(ot, 0);
if (!tree)
memmove(jcl->bufferedinmessage, jcl->bufferedinmessage+pos, jcl->bufferedinammount - (pos));
return JCL_DONE;
if (jcl->tagdepth != 1)
if (jcl->tagdepth < 1 && jcl->bufferedinammount==jcl->instreampos)
Con_Printf("End of XML stream\n");
return JCL_KILL;
return JCL_DONE;
pos = 0;
tree = XML_Parse(jcl->bufferedinmessage, &pos, jcl->instreampos, false, jcl->defaultnamespace);
if (jcl->streamdebug)
char t = jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos];
jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = 0;
Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", jcl->bufferedinmessage);
Con_TrySubPrint("xmppin", "\n");
jcl->bufferedinmessage[pos] = t;
if (!tree)
// Con_Printf("No input tree: %s", jcl->bufferedinmessage);
return JCL_DONE;
// Con_Printf("read\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
jcl->timeout = jclient_curtime + 60*1000;
unparsable = true;
if (!strcmp(tree->name, "features"))
if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "bind", 0)))
unparsable = false;
JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_BindReply, "set", NULL, "<bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'><resource>%s</resource></bind>", jcl->resource);
if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "session", 0)))
unparsable = false;
JCL_SendIQf(jcl, JCL_SessionReply, "set", NULL, "<session xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session'/>");
jcl->connected = true;
// JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<iq type='get' to='gmail.com' id='H_2'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'/></iq>");
if (unparsable)
if ((!jclient->issecure) && BUILTINISVALID(Net_SetTLSClient) && XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "starttls", 0) != NULL && !pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_disabletls"))
Con_Printf("Attempting to switch to TLS\n");
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls' />");
unparsable = false;
else if ((ot=XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "mechanisms", 0)))
qboolean canplain = false;
// qboolean canmd5 = false;
// qboolean canscramsha1 = false;
// qboolean canxoath2 = false;
for(ot = ot->child; ot; ot = ot->sibling)
if (!strcmp(ot->body, "PLAIN"))
canplain = true;
// else if (!strcmp(ot->body, "SCRAM-SHA-1"))
// cansha1 = true;
// else if (!strcmp(ot->body, "DIGEST-MD5"))
// canmd5 = true;
// else if (!strcmp(ot->body, "X-OAUTH2"))
// canxoath2 = true;
// else
// Con_Printf("Unknown auth method \'%s\'\n", ot->body);
if (canscramsha1)
Con_Printf("Using scram-sha-1%s\n", jclient->issecure?" over tls/ssl":"");
strcpy(jcl->authnonce, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); //FIXME: should be random
Base64_Add("n,,n=", 5);
Base64_Add(jclient->username, strlen(jcl->username));
Base64_Add(",r=", 3);
Base64_Add(jcl->authnonce, strlen(jcl->authnonce)); //must be random ascii.
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<auth xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism='SCRAM-SHA-1'>%s</auth>", base64);
unparsable = false;
if (canplain && (jclient->issecure || pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_allowplainauth")))
//plain can still be read with man-in-the-middle attacks, of course, even with tls if the certificate is spoofed, so this should always be the lowest priority.
//we just hope that the tls certificate cannot be spoofed.
Con_Printf("Using plain auth%s\n", jclient->issecure?" over tls/ssl":"");
Base64_Add("", 1);
Base64_Add(jclient->username, strlen(jcl->username));
Base64_Add("", 1);
Base64_Add(jcl->password, strlen(jcl->password));
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<auth xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism='PLAIN'>%s</auth>", base64);
unparsable = false;
Con_Printf("XMPP: No suitable auth methods. Unable to connect.\n");
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
return JCL_KILL;
else //we cannot auth, no suitable method.
Con_Printf("XMPP: Neither SASL or TLS are usable\n");
return JCL_KILL;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "challenge") && !strcmp(tree->xmlns, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"))
//sasl SCRAM-SHA-1 challenge
//send back the same 'r' attribute
buf saslchal;
int l, i;
buf salt;
buf csn;
buf itr;
buf final;
buf sigkey;
char salted_password[20];
char proof[20];
char proof64[30];
char clientkey[20];
char storedkey[20];
void hmacsha1(char *out, char *key, int keysize, char *data, int datalen);
void Hi(char *out, char *password, buf salt, int i);
saslchal.len = Base64_Decode(saslchal.buf, sizeof(saslchal.buf), tree->body, strlen(tree->body));
//be warned, these CAN contain nulls.
csn = saslattr(&saslchal, 'r');
salt = saslattr(&saslchal, 's');
itr = saslattr(&saslchal, 'i');
//this is the first part of the message we're about to send, with no proof.
//c(channel) is mandatory but nulled and forms part of the hash
final.len = 0;
buf_cat(&final, "c=", 2);
Base64_Add("n,,", 3));
final.cat(&final, base64, strlen(base64));
final.cat(&final, "r=", 2);
final.cat(&final, csn.buf, csn.len);
//our original message + ',' + challenge + ',' + the message we're about to send.
sigkey.len = 0;
buf_cat(&sigkey, "n,,n=", 5);
buf_cat(&sigkey, jcl->username, strlen(jcl->username));
buf_cat(&sigkey, "r=", 2);
buf_cat(&sigkey, jcl->authnonce, strlen(jcl->authnonce));
buf_cat(&sigkey, ",", 1);
buf_cat(&sigkey, saslchal.buf, saslchal.len);
buf_cat(&sigkey, ",", 1);
buf_cat(&sigkey, final.buf, final.len);
Hi(salted_password, password, salt, atoi(itr));
hmacsha1(clientkey, salted_password, sizeof(salted_password), "Client Key", strlen("Client Key"));
storedkey = sha1(clientkey, sizeof(clientkey));
hmacsha1(clientsignature, storedkey, sizeof(storedkey), sigkey.buf, sigkey.len);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(proof); i++)
proof[i] = clientkey[i] ^ clientsignature[i];
Base64_Add(proof, sizeof(proof));
strcpy(proof64, base64);
Base64_Add(final, buflen(final));
Base64_Add(",p=", 3);
Base64_Add(proof64, strlen(proof64));
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<response xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>%s</response>", base64);
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "proceed"))
//switch to TLS, if we can
//Restart everything, basically.
jcl->bufferedinammount = 0;
jcl->instreampos = 0;
jcl->tagdepth = 0;
Con_Printf("XMPP: proceed without TLS\n");
return JCL_KILL;
if (pNet_SetTLSClient(jcl->socket, jcl->domain)<0)
Con_Printf("XMPP: failed to switch to TLS\n");
return JCL_KILL;
jclient->issecure = true;
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
"<stream:stream to='");
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->domain);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>");
return JCL_DONE;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "failure"))
if (tree->child)
Con_Printf("XMPP: Failure: %s\n", tree->child->name);
Con_Printf("XMPP: Unknown failure\n");
return JCL_KILL;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "error"))
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "text", 0);
if (ot)
Con_Printf("XMPP: %s\n", ot->body);
Con_Printf("XMPP: Unknown error\n");
ot = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "conflict", 0);
if (ot)
return JCL_KILL;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "success"))
//Restart everything, basically, AGAIN! (third time lucky?)
jcl->bufferedinammount = 0;
jcl->instreampos = 0;
jcl->tagdepth = 0;
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
"<stream:stream to='");
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, jcl->domain);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>");
return JCL_DONE;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "iq"))
JCL_ParseIQ(jcl, tree);
unparsable = false;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "message"))
JCL_ParseMessage(jcl, tree);
unparsable = false;
else if (!strcmp(tree->name, "presence"))
JCL_ParsePresence(jcl, tree);
//we should keep a list of the people that we know of.
unparsable = false;
Con_Printf("JCL unrecognised stanza: %s\n", tree->name);
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
memmove(jcl->bufferedinmessage, jcl->bufferedinmessage+pos, jcl->bufferedinammount-pos);
jcl->bufferedinammount -= pos;
jcl->instreampos -= pos;
if (unparsable)
Con_Printf("XMPP: Input corrupt, urecognised, or unusable. Disconnecting.\n");
return JCL_KILL;
void JCL_CloseConnection(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean reconnect)
//send our signoff to the server, if we're still alive.
Con_Printf("XMPP: Disconnected from %s@%s\n", jcl->username, jcl->domain);
if (jcl->status == JCL_ACTIVE)
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "<presence type='unavailable'/>");
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</stream:stream>");
//forget all our friends.
JCL_ForgetBuddy(jcl, NULL, NULL);
//destroy any data that never got sent
jcl->outbuf = NULL;
jcl->outbuflen = 0;
jcl->outbufpos = 0;
jcl->outbufmax = 0;
jcl->socket = -1;
jcl->status = JCL_DEAD;
jcl->timeout = jclient_curtime + 30*1000; //wait 30 secs before reconnecting, to avoid flood-prot-protection issues.
if (!reconnect)
if (jclient == jcl)
jclient = NULL;
//can be polled for server address updates
void JCL_GeneratePresence(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean force)
int dummystat;
char serveraddr[1024*16];
char servermap[1024*16];
//get the last server address
serveraddr[0] = 0;
servermap[0] = 0;
if (!pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_nostatus"))
if (pCvar_GetFloat("sv.state"))
pCvar_GetString("sv.mapname", servermap, sizeof(servermap));
if (!pCvar_GetString("cl_serveraddress", serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)))
serveraddr[0] = 0;
//if we can't get any stats, its because we're not actually on the server.
if (!pCL_GetStats(0, &dummystat, 1))
serveraddr[0] = 0;
if (force || strcmp(jcl->curquakeserver, *servermap?servermap:serveraddr))
char caps[256];
Q_strlcpy(jcl->curquakeserver, *servermap?servermap:serveraddr, sizeof(jcl->curquakeserver));
Con_DPrintf("Sending presence %s\n", jcl->curquakeserver);
//note: ext='voice-v1 camera-v1 video-v1' is some legacy nonsense, and is required for voice calls with googletalk clients or something stupid like that
Q_snprintf(caps, sizeof(caps), "<c xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' hash='sha-1' node='http://fteqw.com/ftexmppplugin' ver='%s'/>", buildcapshash());
if (!*jcl->curquakeserver)
"</presence>", caps);
else if (*servermap) //if we're running a server, say so
"<quake xmlns='fteqw.com:game' servermap='%s'/>"
, servermap, caps);
else //if we're connected to a server, say so
"<quake xmlns='fteqw.com:game' serverip='%s' />"
,jcl->curquakeserver, caps);
//functions above this line allow connections to multiple servers.
//it is just the control functions that only allow one server.
qintptr_t JCL_Frame(qintptr_t *args)
int stat = JCL_CONTINUE;
jclient_t *jcl = jclient;
jclient_curtime = args[0];
if (jcl)
JCL_JingleTimeouts(jcl, false);
if (jcl->status == JCL_DEAD)
if (jclient_curtime > jcl->timeout)
jcl->timeout = jclient_curtime + 60*1000;
if (jcl->connected)
JCL_GeneratePresence(jcl, false);
while(stat == JCL_CONTINUE)
stat = JCL_ClientFrame(jcl);
JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, false);
else if (stat == JCL_KILL)
JCL_CloseConnection(jcl, true);
return 0;
void JCL_WriteConfig(void)
if (jclient->connected)
qhandle_t config;
pFS_Open("**plugconfig", &config, 2);
if (config >= 0)
char buffer[8192];
Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%i \"%s\" \"%s@%s\" \"%s\"\n",
jclient->tlsconnect, jclient->server, jclient->username, jclient->domain, jclient->password);
pFS_Write(config, buffer, strlen(buffer));
void JCL_LoadConfig(void)
if (!jclient)
int len;
qhandle_t config;
char buf[8192];
char tls[256];
char server[256];
char account[256];
char password[256];
char *line = buf;
qboolean oldtls;
len = pFS_Open("**plugconfig", &config, 1);
if (config >= 0)
if (len >= sizeof(buf))
len = sizeof(buf)-1;
buf[len] = 0;
pFS_Read(config, buf, len);
line = JCL_ParseOut(line, tls, sizeof(tls));
line = JCL_ParseOut(line, server, sizeof(server));
line = JCL_ParseOut(line, account, sizeof(account));
line = JCL_ParseOut(line, password, sizeof(password));
oldtls = atoi(tls);
jclient = JCL_Connect(server, oldtls, account, password);
static void JCL_PrintBuddyStatus(char *console, buddy_t *b, bresource_t *r)
if (r->servertype == 2)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "^[[Playing Quake - %s]\\xmpp\\%s/%s\\xmppact\\join^]", r->server, b->accountdomain, r->resource);
else if (r->servertype)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "^[[Playing Quake - %s]\\observe\\%s^]", r->server, r->server);
else if (*r->fstatus)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s - %s", r->bstatus, r->fstatus);
Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s", r->bstatus);
if ((r->caps & CAP_INVITE) && !r->servertype)
Con_SubPrintf(console, " ^[[Invite]\\xmpp\\%s/%s\\xmppact\\invite^]", b->accountdomain, r->resource);
if (r->caps & CAP_VOICE)
Con_SubPrintf(console, " ^[[Call]\\xmpp\\%s/%s\\xmppact\\call^]", b->accountdomain, r->resource);
void JCL_PrintBuddyList(char *console, jclient_t *jcl, qboolean all)
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *r;
struct c2c_s *c2c;
if (!jcl->buddies)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "You have no friends\n");
for (b = jcl->buddies; b; b = b->next)
//if we don't actually know them, don't list them.
if (!b->friended)
if (!b->resources) //offline
if (all)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "^[^7[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^]: offline\n", b->name, b->accountdomain);
else if (b->resources->next)
{ //multiple potential resources
Con_SubPrintf(console, "^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s^]\n", b->name, b->accountdomain);
for (r = b->resources; r; r = r->next)
Con_SubPrintf(console, " ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s/%s^]: ", r->resource, b->accountdomain, r->resource);
JCL_PrintBuddyStatus(console, b, r);
Con_SubPrintf(console, "\n");
else //only one resource
r = b->resources;
Con_SubPrintf(console, "^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s/%s^]: ", b->name, b->accountdomain, r->resource);
JCL_PrintBuddyStatus(console, b, r);
Con_SubPrintf(console, "\n");
if (jcl->c2c)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "Active sessions:\n");
for (c2c = jcl->c2c; c2c; c2c = c2c->next)
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, c2c->with, &b, &r);
Con_SubPrintf(console, " ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s/%s^]: voice ^[[Hang Up]\\xmppact\\jdeny\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppsid\\%s^]\n", b->name, b->accountdomain, r->resource, c2c->with, c2c->sid);
Con_SubPrintf(console, " ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s/%s^]: server ^[[Kick]\\xmppact\\jdeny\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppsid\\%s^]\n", b->name, b->accountdomain, r->resource, c2c->with, c2c->sid);
Con_SubPrintf(console, " ^[[%s]\\xmpp\\%s/%s^]: client ^[[Disconnect]\\xmppact\\jdeny\\xmpp\\%s\\xmppsid\\%s^]\n", b->name, b->accountdomain, r->resource, c2c->with, c2c->sid);
void JCL_SendMessage(jclient_t *jcl, char *to, char *msg)
char markup[1024];
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, to, &b, &br);
if (br)
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<message to='%s/%s'><body>", b->accountdomain, br->resource);
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jcl, "<message to='%s'><body>", b->accountdomain);
JCL_AddClientMessage(jcl, markup, XML_Markup(msg, markup, sizeof(markup)) - markup);
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jcl, "</body></message>");
if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4))
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "*^5%s^7"COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", ((!strcmp(jcl->localalias, ">>"))?"me":jcl->localalias), msg+3);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "^5%s^7: "COLOURYELLOW"%s\n", jcl->localalias, msg);
void JCL_Command(char *console)
char imsg[8192];
char arg[6][256];
char *msg;
int i;
pCmd_Args(imsg, sizeof(imsg));
msg = imsg;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (!msg)
msg = JCL_ParseOut(msg, arg[i], sizeof(arg[i]));
if (arg[0][0] == '/' && arg[0][1] != '/' && strcmp(arg[0]+1, "me"))
if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "open") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "connect") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "tlsopen") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "tlsconnect"))
{ //tlsconnect is 'old'.
if (!*arg[1])
Con_SubPrintf(console, "%s <account@domain/resource> <password> <server>\n", arg[0]+1);
if (jclient)
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "You are already connected\nPlease /quit first\n");
jclient = JCL_Connect(arg[3], !strncmp(arg[0]+1, "tls", 3), arg[1], arg[2]);
if (!jclient)
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "Connect failed\n");
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "help"))
Con_Printf("eg for gmail: ^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect myusername@gmail.com mypassword talk.google.com^]\n");
Con_Printf("eg for facebook: ^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /connect myusername@chat.facebook.com mypassword chat.facebook.com^]\n");
Con_Printf("Note that this info will be used the next time you start quake.\n");
//small note:
//for the account 'me@example.com' the server to connect to can be displayed with:
//nslookup -querytype=SRV _xmpp-client._tcp.example.com
//srv resolving seems to be non-standard on each system, I don't like having to special case things.
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /help^]\n"
"This text...\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /raw <XML STANZAS/>^]\n"
"For debug hackery.\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /friend accountname friendlyname^]\n"
"Befriends accountname, and shows them in your various lists using the friendly name. Can also be used to rename friends.\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /unfriend accountname^]\n"
"Ostracise your new best enemy. You will no longer see them and they won't be able to contact you.\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /blist^]\n"
"Show all your friends! Names are clickable and will begin conversations.\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /quit^]\n"
"Disconnect from the XMPP server, noone will be able to hear you scream.\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /join accountname^]\n"
"Joins your friends game (they will be prompted).\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /invite accountname^]\n"
"Invite someone to join your game (they will be prompted).\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /voice accountname^]\n"
"Begin a bi-directional peer-to-peer voice conversation with someone (they will be prompted).\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /msg ACCOUNTNAME your message goes here^]\n"
"Sends a message to the named person. If given a resource postfix, your message will be sent only to that resource.\n");
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "If no arguments, will print out your friends list. If no /command is used, the arguments will be sent as a message to the person you last sent a message to.\n");
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "clear"))
//just clears the current console.
if (*console)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "");
pCmd_AddText("\nclear\n", true);
else if (!jclient)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "No account specified. Cannot %s\n", arg[0]);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "quit"))
//disconnect from the xmpp server.
JCL_CloseConnection(jclient, false);
else if (jclient->status != JCL_ACTIVE)
Con_SubPrintf(console, "You are not authed. Please wait.\n", arg[0]);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "blist"))
//print out a full list of everyone, even those offline.
JCL_PrintBuddyList(console, jclient, true);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "msg"))
//FIXME: validate the dest. deal with xml markup in dest.
Q_strlcpy(jclient->defaultdest, arg[1], sizeof(jclient->defaultdest));
msg = arg[2];
JCL_SendMessage(jclient, jclient->defaultdest, msg);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "friend"))
//FIXME: validate the name. deal with xml markup.
//can also rename. We should probably read back the groups for the update.
JCL_SendIQf(jclient, NULL, "set", NULL, "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'><item jid='%s' name='%s'></item></query>", arg[1], arg[2]);
//start looking for em
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient, "<presence to='%s' type='subscribe'/>", arg[1]);
//let em see us
if (jclient->preapproval)
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient, "<presence to='%s' type='subscribed'/>", arg[1]);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "unfriend"))
//FIXME: validate the name. deal with xml markup.
//hide from em
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient, "<presence to='%s' type='unsubscribed'/>", arg[1]);
//stop looking for em
JCL_AddClientMessagef(jclient, "<presence to='%s' type='unsubscribe'/>", arg[1]);
//stop listing em
JCL_SendIQf(jclient, NULL, "set", NULL, "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'><item jid='%s' subscription='remove' /></query>", arg[1]);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "join"))
JCL_Join(jclient, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, NULL, true, ICEP_QWCLIENT);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "invite"))
JCL_Join(jclient, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, NULL, true, ICEP_QWSERVER);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "voice") || !strcmp(arg[0]+1, "call"))
JCL_Join(jclient, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, NULL, true, ICEP_VOICE);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "kick"))
JCL_Join(jclient, *arg[1]?arg[1]:console, NULL, false, ICEP_INVALID);
else if (!strcmp(arg[0]+1, "raw"))
jclient->streamdebug = true;
JCL_AddClientMessageString(jclient, arg[1]);
Con_SubPrintf(console, "Unrecognised command: %s\n", arg[0]);
if (jclient)
msg = imsg;
if (!*msg)
if (!*console)
JCL_PrintBuddyList(console, jclient, false);
//Con_TrySubPrint(console, "For help, type \"^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /help^]\"\n");
JCL_SendMessage(jclient, jclient->defaultdest, msg);
Con_TrySubPrint(console, "Not connected. For help, type \"^[/" COMMANDPREFIX " /help^]\"\n");