vkd3d: Don't create user descriptors until we have observed a pipeline.

If we don't get a swapchain on first frame for whatever reason, defer
creating the descriptors.

Signed-off-by: Hans-Kristian Arntzen <post@arntzen-software.no>
This commit is contained in:
Hans-Kristian Arntzen 2022-05-23 12:25:03 +02:00
parent 4ac0a3b455
commit a94e9b8b6a
1 changed files with 33 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -804,11 +804,16 @@ static BOOL d3d12_swapchain_is_present_mode_supported(struct d3d12_swapchain *sw
return supported;
static BOOL d3d12_swapchain_has_user_images(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain)
static bool d3d12_swapchain_has_user_images(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain)
return !!swapchain->vk_images[0];
static bool d3d12_swapchain_has_user_descriptors(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain)
return swapchain->descriptors.pool != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
static HRESULT d3d12_swapchain_get_user_graphics_pipeline(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapchain, VkFormat format)
struct d3d12_device *device = d3d12_swapchain_device(swapchain);
@ -929,9 +934,6 @@ static HRESULT d3d12_swapchain_create_user_buffers(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapc
if (d3d12_swapchain_has_user_images(swapchain))
return S_OK;
heap_properties.Type = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
heap_properties.CPUPageProperty = D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN;
heap_properties.MemoryPoolPreference = D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_UNKNOWN;
@ -951,31 +953,38 @@ static HRESULT d3d12_swapchain_create_user_buffers(struct d3d12_swapchain *swapc
resource_desc.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN;
for (i = 0; i < swapchain->desc.BufferCount; i++)
if (!d3d12_swapchain_has_user_images(swapchain))
if (FAILED(hr = d3d12_resource_create_committed(d3d12_swapchain_device(swapchain),
&resource_desc, &heap_properties, D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
for (i = 0; i < swapchain->desc.BufferCount; i++)
ERR("Failed to create image for swapchain buffer");
return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = d3d12_resource_create_committed(d3d12_swapchain_device(swapchain),
&resource_desc, &heap_properties, D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
ERR("Failed to create image for swapchain buffer");
return hr;
swapchain->vk_images[i] = object->res.vk_image;
swapchain->buffers[i] = (ID3D12Resource *)&object->ID3D12Resource_iface;
/* It is technically possible to just start presenting images without rendering to them.
* The initial resource state for swapchain images is PRESENT.
* Since presentable images are dedicated allocations, we can safely queue a transition into common state
* right away. We will also drain the queue when we release the images, so there is no risk of early delete. */
vkd3d_enqueue_initial_transition(&swapchain->command_queue->ID3D12CommandQueue_iface, swapchain->buffers[i]);
swapchain->vk_images[i] = object->res.vk_image;
swapchain->buffers[i] = (ID3D12Resource *)&object->ID3D12Resource_iface;
/* It is technically possible to just start presenting images without rendering to them.
* The initial resource state for swapchain images is PRESENT.
* Since presentable images are dedicated allocations, we can safely queue a transition into common state
* right away. We will also drain the queue when we release the images, so there is no risk of early delete. */
vkd3d_enqueue_initial_transition(&swapchain->command_queue->ID3D12CommandQueue_iface, swapchain->buffers[i]);
if (FAILED(hr = d3d12_swapchain_create_user_descriptors(swapchain, vk_format)))
return hr;
/* If we don't have a swapchain pipeline layout yet (0x0 surface on first frame),
* we cannot allocate any descriptors yet. We'll create the descriptors eventually
* when we get a proper swapchain working. */
if (!d3d12_swapchain_has_user_descriptors(swapchain) && swapchain->pipeline.vk_set_layout)
if (FAILED(hr = d3d12_swapchain_create_user_descriptors(swapchain, vk_format)))
return hr;
return S_OK;