
469 lines
17 KiB

use crate::api::icd::*;
use crate::api::types::*;
use crate::api::util::*;
use crate::core::device::*;
use crate::core::platform::*;
use crate::core::program::*;
use mesa_rust::compiler::clc::*;
use mesa_rust_util::string::*;
use rusticl_opencl_gen::*;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::iter;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
use std::sync::Arc;
impl CLInfo<cl_program_info> for cl_program {
fn query(&self, q: cl_program_info, vals: &[u8]) -> CLResult<Vec<u8>> {
let prog = self.get_ref()?;
Ok(match q {
CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES => cl_prop::<Vec<*mut u8>>(prog.binaries(vals)),
CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES => cl_prop::<Vec<usize>>(prog.bin_sizes()),
// Note we use as_ptr here which doesn't increase the reference count.
let ptr = Arc::as_ptr(&prog.context);
.map(|d| {
// Note we use as_ptr here which doesn't increase the reference count.
CL_PROGRAM_KERNEL_NAMES => cl_prop::<String>(prog.kernels().join(";")),
CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES => cl_prop::<cl_uint>(prog.devs.len() as cl_uint),
CL_PROGRAM_NUM_KERNELS => cl_prop::<usize>(prog.kernels().len()),
CL_PROGRAM_REFERENCE_COUNT => cl_prop::<cl_uint>(self.refcnt()?),
CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE => cl_prop::<&CStr>(prog.src.as_c_str()),
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if param_name is not one of the supported values
_ => return Err(CL_INVALID_VALUE),
impl CLInfoObj<cl_program_build_info, cl_device_id> for cl_program {
fn query(&self, d: cl_device_id, q: cl_program_build_info) -> CLResult<Vec<u8>> {
let prog = self.get_ref()?;
let dev = d.get_arc()?;
Ok(match q {
CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_TYPE => cl_prop::<cl_program_binary_type>(prog.bin_type(&dev)),
CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG => cl_prop::<String>(prog.log(&dev)),
CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_OPTIONS => cl_prop::<String>(prog.options(&dev)),
CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS => cl_prop::<cl_build_status>(prog.status(&dev)),
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if param_name is not one of the supported values
_ => return Err(CL_INVALID_VALUE),
fn validate_devices(
device_list: *const cl_device_id,
num_devices: cl_uint,
default: &[Arc<Device>],
) -> CLResult<Vec<Arc<Device>>> {
let mut devs = cl_device_id::get_arc_vec_from_arr(device_list, num_devices)?;
// If device_list is a NULL value, the compile is performed for all devices associated with
// program.
if devs.is_empty() {
devs = default.to_vec();
fn call_cb(
pfn_notify: Option<ProgramCB>,
program: cl_program,
user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) {
if let Some(cb) = pfn_notify {
unsafe { cb(program, user_data) };
pub fn create_program_with_source(
context: cl_context,
count: cl_uint,
strings: *mut *const c_char,
lengths: *const usize,
) -> CLResult<cl_program> {
let c = context.get_arc()?;
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if count is zero or if strings ...
if count == 0 || strings.is_null() {
// ... or any entry in strings is NULL.
let srcs = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(strings, count as usize) };
if srcs.contains(&ptr::null()) {
// "lengths argument is an array with the number of chars in each string
// (the string length). If an element in lengths is zero, its accompanying
// string is null-terminated. If lengths is NULL, all strings in the
// strings argument are considered null-terminated."
// A length of zero represents "no length given", so semantically we're
// dealing not with a slice of usize but actually with a slice of
// Option<NonZeroUsize>. Handily those two are layout compatible, so simply
// reinterpret the data.
// Take either an iterator over the given slice or - if the `lengths`
// pointer is NULL - an iterator that always returns None (infinite, but
// later bounded by being zipped with the finite `srcs`).
// Looping over different iterators is no problem as long as they return
// the same item type. However, since we can only decide which to use at
// runtime, we need to use dynamic dispatch. The compiler also needs to
// know how much space to reserve on the stack, but different
// implementations of the `Iterator` trait will need different amounts of
// memory. This is resolved by putting the actual iterator on the heap
// with `Box` and only a reference to it on the stack.
let lengths: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = _>> = if lengths.is_null() {
} else {
// SAFETY: Option<NonZeroUsize> is guaranteed to be layout compatible
// with usize. The zero niche represents None.
let lengths = lengths as *const Option<NonZeroUsize>;
Box::new(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(lengths, count as usize) }.iter())
// We don't want encoding or any other problems with the source to prevent
// compilation, so don't convert this to a Rust `String`.
let mut source = Vec::new();
for (&string_ptr, len_opt) in iter::zip(srcs, lengths) {
let arr = match len_opt {
Some(len) => {
// The spec doesn't say how nul bytes should be handled here or
// if they are legal at all. Assume they truncate the string.
let arr = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(string_ptr.cast(), len.get()) };
// TODO: simplify this a bit with from_bytes_until_nul once
// that's stabilized and available in our msrv
.position(|&x| x == 0)
.map_or(arr, |nul_index| &arr[..nul_index])
None => unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(string_ptr) }.to_bytes(),
// SAFETY: We've constructed `source` such that it contains no nul bytes.
unsafe { CString::from_vec_unchecked(source) },
pub fn create_program_with_binary(
context: cl_context,
num_devices: cl_uint,
device_list: *const cl_device_id,
lengths: *const usize,
binaries: *mut *const ::std::os::raw::c_uchar,
binary_status: *mut cl_int,
) -> CLResult<cl_program> {
let c = context.get_arc()?;
let devs = cl_device_id::get_arc_vec_from_arr(device_list, num_devices)?;
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if device_list is NULL or num_devices is zero.
if devs.is_empty() {
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if lengths or binaries is NULL
if lengths.is_null() || binaries.is_null() {
// CL_INVALID_DEVICE if any device in device_list is not in the list of devices associated with
// context.
if !devs.iter().all(|d| c.devs.contains(d)) {
let lengths = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(lengths, num_devices as usize) };
let binaries = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(binaries, num_devices as usize) };
// now device specific stuff
let mut err = 0;
let mut bins: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![&[]; num_devices as usize];
for i in 0..num_devices as usize {
let mut dev_err = 0;
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if lengths[i] is zero or if binaries[i] is a NULL value
if lengths[i] == 0 || binaries[i].is_null() {
if !binary_status.is_null() {
unsafe { binary_status.add(i).write(dev_err) };
// just return the last one
err = dev_err;
bins[i] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(binaries[i], lengths[i] as usize) };
if err != 0 {
return Err(err);
Ok(cl_program::from_arc(Program::from_bins(c, devs, &bins)))
//• CL_INVALID_BINARY if an invalid program binary was encountered for any device. binary_status will return specific status for each device.
pub fn create_program_with_il(
context: cl_context,
il: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void,
length: usize,
) -> CLResult<cl_program> {
let c = context.get_arc()?;
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if il is NULL or if length is zero.
if il.is_null() || length == 0 {
// SAFETY: according to API spec
let spirv = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(il.cast(), length) };
Ok(cl_program::from_arc(Program::from_spirv(c, spirv)))
pub fn build_program(
program: cl_program,
num_devices: cl_uint,
device_list: *const cl_device_id,
options: *const c_char,
pfn_notify: Option<ProgramCB>,
user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> CLResult<()> {
let mut res = true;
let p = program.get_ref()?;
let devs = validate_devices(device_list, num_devices, &p.devs)?;
check_cb(&pfn_notify, user_data)?;
// CL_INVALID_OPERATION if there are kernel objects attached to program.
if p.active_kernels() {
// CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE if there is a failure to build the program executable. This error
// will be returned if clBuildProgram does not return until the build has completed.
for dev in &devs {
res &=, c_string_to_string(options));
call_cb(pfn_notify, program, user_data);
//• CL_INVALID_BINARY if program is created with clCreateProgramWithBinary and devices listed in device_list do not have a valid program binary loaded.
//• CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS if the build options specified by options are invalid.
//• CL_INVALID_OPERATION if the build of a program executable for any of the devices listed in device_list by a previous call to clBuildProgram for program has not completed.
//• CL_INVALID_OPERATION if program was not created with clCreateProgramWithSource, clCreateProgramWithIL or clCreateProgramWithBinary.
if res {
} else {
if Platform::get().debug.program {
for dev in &devs {
eprintln!("{}", p.log(dev));
pub fn compile_program(
program: cl_program,
num_devices: cl_uint,
device_list: *const cl_device_id,
options: *const c_char,
num_input_headers: cl_uint,
input_headers: *const cl_program,
header_include_names: *mut *const c_char,
pfn_notify: Option<ProgramCB>,
user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> CLResult<()> {
let mut res = true;
let p = program.get_ref()?;
let devs = validate_devices(device_list, num_devices, &p.devs)?;
check_cb(&pfn_notify, user_data)?;
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if num_input_headers is zero and header_include_names or input_headers are
// not NULL or if num_input_headers is not zero and header_include_names or input_headers are
// NULL.
if num_input_headers == 0 && (!header_include_names.is_null() || !input_headers.is_null())
|| num_input_headers != 0 && (header_include_names.is_null() || input_headers.is_null())
let mut headers = Vec::new();
for h in 0..num_input_headers as usize {
unsafe {
headers.push(spirv::CLCHeader {
name: CStr::from_ptr(*header_include_names.add(h)).to_owned(),
source: &(*input_headers.add(h)).get_ref()?.src,
// CL_INVALID_OPERATION if program has no source or IL available, i.e. it has not been created
// with clCreateProgramWithSource or clCreateProgramWithIL.
if p.is_binary() {
// CL_INVALID_OPERATION if there are kernel objects attached to program.
if p.active_kernels() {
// CL_COMPILE_PROGRAM_FAILURE if there is a failure to compile the program source. This error
// will be returned if clCompileProgram does not return until the compile has completed.
for dev in &devs {
res &= p.compile(dev, c_string_to_string(options), &headers);
call_cb(pfn_notify, program, user_data);
// • CL_INVALID_COMPILER_OPTIONS if the compiler options specified by options are invalid.
// • CL_INVALID_OPERATION if the compilation or build of a program executable for any of the devices listed in device_list by a previous call to clCompileProgram or clBuildProgram for program has not completed.
if res {
} else {
if Platform::get().debug.program {
for dev in &devs {
eprintln!("{}", p.log(dev));
pub fn link_program(
context: cl_context,
num_devices: cl_uint,
device_list: *const cl_device_id,
options: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
num_input_programs: cl_uint,
input_programs: *const cl_program,
pfn_notify: Option<ProgramCB>,
user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> CLResult<(cl_program, cl_int)> {
let c = context.get_arc()?;
let devs = validate_devices(device_list, num_devices, &c.devs)?;
let progs = cl_program::get_arc_vec_from_arr(input_programs, num_input_programs)?;
check_cb(&pfn_notify, user_data)?;
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if num_input_programs is zero and input_programs is NULL
if progs.is_empty() {
// CL_INVALID_DEVICE if any device in device_list is not in the list of devices associated with
// context.
if !devs.iter().all(|d| c.devs.contains(d)) {
// CL_INVALID_OPERATION if the compilation or build of a program executable for any of the
// devices listed in device_list by a previous call to clCompileProgram or clBuildProgram for
// program has not completed.
for d in &devs {
if progs
.map(|p| p.status(d))
.any(|s| s != CL_BUILD_SUCCESS as cl_build_status)
// CL_LINK_PROGRAM_FAILURE if there is a failure to link the compiled binaries and/or libraries.
let res = Program::link(c, &devs, &progs, c_string_to_string(options));
let code = if devs
.map(|d| res.status(d))
.all(|s| s == CL_BUILD_SUCCESS as cl_build_status)
CL_SUCCESS as cl_int
} else {
let res = cl_program::from_arc(res);
call_cb(pfn_notify, res, user_data);
Ok((res, code))
//• CL_INVALID_LINKER_OPTIONS if the linker options specified by options are invalid.
//• CL_INVALID_OPERATION if the rules for devices containing compiled binaries or libraries as described in input_programs argument above are not followed.
pub fn set_program_specialization_constant(
program: cl_program,
spec_id: cl_uint,
spec_size: usize,
spec_value: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> CLResult<()> {
let program = program.get_ref()?;
// CL_INVALID_PROGRAM if program is not a valid program object created from an intermediate
// language (e.g. SPIR-V)
// TODO: or if the intermediate language does not support specialization constants.
if {
if spec_size != program.get_spec_constant_size(spec_id).into() {
// CL_INVALID_VALUE if spec_size does not match the size of the specialization constant in
// the module,
// or if spec_value is NULL.
if spec_value.is_null() {
// SAFETY: according to API spec
program.set_spec_constant(spec_id, unsafe {
slice::from_raw_parts(spec_value.cast(), spec_size)
pub fn set_program_release_callback(
_program: cl_program,
_pfn_notify: ::std::option::Option<ProgramCB>,
_user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> CLResult<()> {