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Here are a few environment variable debug environment variables
specific to ANV:
If defined to ``0`` or ``false``, this will disable pipeline
caching, forcing ANV to reparse and recompile any VkShaderModule
(SPIRV) it is given.
If defined to ``1`` or ``true``, this will prevent usage of self
modifying command buffers to implement ``vkCmdExecuteCommands``. As
a result of this, it will also disable ``VK_KHR_performance_query``.
If defined to ``1`` or ``true``, this forces all descriptor sets to
use the internal `Bindless model`_.
If defined to ``1`` or ``true``, this disables support for timeline
If defined to ``1`` or ``true``, this forces ANV to always do
kernel relocations in command buffers. This should only have an
effect on hardware that doesn't support soft-pinning (Ivybridge,
Haswell, Cherryview).
Specifies up to how many view shaders can be lowered to handle
VK_KHR_multiview. Beyond this number, multiview is implemented
using instanced rendering. If unspecified, the value default to
Experimental features
If defined to ``1`` or ``true``, this advertise support for
VK_NV_mesh_shader extension for platforms that have hardware
support for it.
.. _`Bindless model`:
Binding Model
Here is the ANV bindless binding model that was implemented for the
descriptor indexing feature of Vulkan 1.2 :
.. graphviz::
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_1 {
label = "Binding Table (HW)";
node [ style=filled,shape="record",fillcolor="white",
label="RT0" ] n0;
node [ label="RT1" ] n1;
node [ label="dynbuf0"] n2;
node [ label="set0" ] n3;
node [ label="set1" ] n4;
node [ label="set2" ] n5;
n0 -> n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4 -> n5 [style=invis];
subgraph cluster_2 {
label = "Descriptor Set 0";
fixedsize = true;
node [ style=filled,shape="record",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=4,
label="binding 0 - STORAGE_IMAGE\n anv_storage_image_descriptor" ] n8;
node [ label="binding 1 - COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER\n anv_sampled_image_descriptor" ] n9;
node [ label="binding 2 - UNIFORM_BUFFER\n anv_address_range_descriptor" ] n10;
node [ label="binding 3 - UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER\n anv_storage_image_descriptor" ] n11;
n8 -> n9 -> n10 -> n11 [style=invis];
subgraph cluster_5 {
label = "Vulkan Objects"
subgraph cluster_6 {
label = "VkImageView";
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=2,
label="surface_state" ] n12;
subgraph cluster_7 {
label = "VkSampler";
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=2,
label="sample_state" ] n13;
subgraph cluster_8 {
label = "VkImageView";
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=2,
label="surface_state" ] n14;
subgraph cluster_9 {
label = "VkBuffer";
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=2,
label="address" ] n15;
subgraph cluster_10 {
label = "VkBufferView";
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=2,
label="surface_state" ] n16;
n12 -> n13 -> n14 -> n15 -> n16 [style=invis];
subgraph cluster_11 {
subgraph cluster_12 {
label = "CommandBuffer state stream";
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="white", fixedsize = true, width=2,
label="surface_state" ] n17;
node [ label="surface_state" ] n18;
node [ label="surface_state" ] n19;
n17 -> n18 -> n19 [style=invis];
n3 -> n8 [lhead=cluster_2];
n8 -> n12;
n9 -> n13;
n9 -> n14;
n10 -> n15;
n11 -> n16;
n0 -> n17;
n1 -> n18;
n2 -> n19;
The HW binding table is generated when the draw or dispatch commands
are emitted. Here are the types of entries one can find in the binding
table :
- The currently bound descriptor sets, one entry per descriptor set
(our limit is 8).
- For dynamic buffers, one entry per dynamic buffer.
- For draw commands, render target entries if needed.
The entries of the HW binding table for descriptor sets are
RENDER_SURFACE_STATE similar to what you would have for a normal
uniform buffer. The shader will emit reads this buffer first to get
the information it needs to access a surface/sampler/etc... and then
emits the appropriate message using the information gathered from the
descriptor set buffer.
Each binding type entry gets an associated structure in memory
(``anv_storage_image_descriptor``, ``anv_sampled_image_descriptor``,
``anv_address_range_descriptor``, ``anv_storage_image_descriptor``).
This is the information read by the shader.
.. _`Descriptor Set Memory Layout`:
Descriptor Set Memory Layout
Here is a representation of how the descriptor set bindings, with each
elements in each binding is mapped to a the descriptor set memory :
.. graphviz::
digraph structs {
node [shape=record];
struct1 [label="Descriptor Set | \
<b0> binding 0\n STORAGE_IMAGE \n (array_length=3) | \
<b1> binding 1\n COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER \n (array_length=2) | \
<b2> binding 2\n UNIFORM_BUFFER \n (array_length=1) | \
<b3> binding 3\n UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER \n (array_length=1)"];
struct2 [label="Descriptor Set Memory | \
<b0e0> anv_storage_image_descriptor|\
<b0e1> anv_storage_image_descriptor|\
<b0e2> anv_storage_image_descriptor|\
<b1e0> anv_sampled_image_descriptor|\
<b1e1> anv_sampled_image_descriptor|\
<b2e0> anv_address_range_descriptor|\
<b3e0> anv_storage_image_descriptor"];
struct1:b0 -> struct2:b0e0;
struct1:b0 -> struct2:b0e1;
struct1:b0 -> struct2:b0e2;
struct1:b1 -> struct2:b1e0;
struct1:b1 -> struct2:b1e1;
struct1:b2 -> struct2:b2e0;
struct1:b3 -> struct2:b3e0;
Each Binding in the descriptor set is allocated an array of
``anv_*_descriptor`` data structure. The type of ``anv_*_descriptor``
used for a binding is selected based on the ``VkDescriptorType`` of
the bindings.
The value of ``anv_descriptor_set_binding_layout::descriptor_offset``
is a byte offset from the descriptor set memory to the associated
binding. ``anv_descriptor_set_binding_layout::array_size`` is the
number of ``anv_*_descriptor`` elements in the descriptor set memory
from that offset for the binding.
Pipeline state emission
Vulkan initially started by baking as much state as possible in
pipelines. But extension after extension, more and more state has
become potentially dynamic.
ANV tries to limit the amount of time an instruction has to be packed
to reprogram part of the 3D pipeline state. The packing is happening
in 2 places :
- ``genX_pipeline.c`` where the non dynamic state is emitted in the
pipeline batch. This batch is copied into the command buffer batch
when calling ``vkCmdBindPipeline()``
- ``genX_cmd_buffer.c`` in the ``cmd_buffer_flush_state`` function
which ends up calling into ``gfx8_cmd_buffer.c`` &
The rule to know where to emit an instruction programming the 3D
pipeline is as follow :
- If any field of the instruction can be made dynamic, it should be
emitted in ``genX_cmd_buffer.c``, ``gfx8_cmd_buffer.c`` or
- Otherwise, the instruction can be emitted in ``genX_pipeline.c``
When a piece of state programming is dynamic, it should have a
corresponding field in ``anv_dynamic_state`` and the
``anv_dynamic_state_copy()`` function should be updated to ensure we
minimize the amount of time an instruction should be emitted. Each
instruction should have a associated ``ANV_CMD_DIRTY_*`` mask so that
the dynamic emission code can tell when to re-emit an instruction.
An instruction can also be re-emitted when a pipeline changes by
checking for ``ANV_CMD_DIRTY_PIPELINE``. It should only do so if it
requires to know some value that is coming from the
``anv_graphics_pipeline`` object that is not available from