
432 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright © 2022 Collabora, Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "nak_private.h"
#include "nir_builder.h"
static void
push_block(nir_builder *b, nir_block *block)
assert(nir_cursors_equal(b->cursor, nir_after_impl(b->impl)));
block->cf_node.parent = &b->impl->cf_node;
exec_list_push_tail(&b->impl->body, &block->cf_node.node);
b->cursor = nir_after_block(block);
enum scope_type {
struct scope {
enum scope_type type;
struct scope *parent;
uint32_t depth;
nir_block *merge;
nir_def *bar;
uint32_t escapes;
static struct scope
push_scope(nir_builder *b,
enum scope_type scope_type,
struct scope *parent,
bool needs_sync,
nir_block *merge_block)
struct scope scope = {
.parent = parent,
.type = scope_type,
.depth = parent != NULL ? parent->depth + 1 : 0,
.merge = merge_block,
if (needs_sync) = nir_bar_set_nv(b);
return scope;
static void
pop_scope(nir_builder *b, nir_def *esc_reg, struct scope scope)
if ( == NULL)
if (scope.escapes > 0) {
/* Find the nearest scope with a sync. */
nir_block *parent_merge = b->impl->end_block;
for (struct scope *p = scope.parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
if (p->bar != NULL) {
parent_merge = p->merge;
/* No escape is ~0, halt is 0, and we choose outer scope indices such
* that outer scopes always have lower indices than inner scopes.
nir_def *esc = nir_ult_imm(b, nir_load_reg(b, esc_reg), scope.depth);
/* We have to put the escape in its own block to avoid critical edges.
* If we just did goto_if, we would end up with multiple successors,
* including a jump to the parent's merge block which has multiple
* predecessors.
nir_block *esc_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
nir_block *next_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
nir_goto_if(b, esc_block, esc, next_block);
push_block(b, esc_block);
nir_goto(b, parent_merge);
push_block(b, next_block);
static enum scope_type
jump_target_scope_type(nir_jump_type jump_type)
switch (jump_type) {
case nir_jump_break: return SCOPE_TYPE_LOOP_BREAK;
case nir_jump_continue: return SCOPE_TYPE_LOOP_CONT;
unreachable("Unknown jump type");
static void
break_scopes(nir_builder *b, nir_def *esc_reg,
struct scope *current_scope,
nir_jump_type jump_type)
nir_block *first_sync = NULL;
uint32_t target_depth = UINT32_MAX;
enum scope_type target_scope_type = jump_target_scope_type(jump_type);
for (struct scope *scope = current_scope; scope; scope = scope->parent) {
if (first_sync == NULL && scope->bar != NULL)
first_sync = scope->merge;
if (scope->type == target_scope_type) {
if (first_sync == NULL) {
first_sync = scope->merge;
} else {
/* In order for our cascade to work, we need to have the invariant
* that anything which escapes any scope with a warp sync needs to
* target a scope with a warp sync.
assert(scope->bar != NULL);
target_depth = scope->depth;
} else {
assert(target_depth < UINT32_MAX);
nir_store_reg(b, nir_imm_int(b, target_depth), esc_reg);
nir_goto(b, first_sync);
static void
normal_exit(nir_builder *b, nir_def *esc_reg, nir_block *merge_block)
assert(nir_cursors_equal(b->cursor, nir_after_impl(b->impl)));
nir_block *block = nir_cursor_current_block(b->cursor);
if (!nir_block_ends_in_jump(block)) {
nir_store_reg(b, nir_imm_int(b, ~0), esc_reg);
nir_goto(b, merge_block);
/* This is a heuristic for what instructions are allowed before we sync.
* Annoyingly, we've gotten rid of phis so it's not as simple as "is it a
* phi?".
static bool
instr_is_allowed_before_sync(nir_instr *instr)
switch (instr->type) {
case nir_instr_type_alu: {
nir_alu_instr *alu = nir_instr_as_alu(instr);
/* We could probably allow more ALU as long as it doesn't contain
* derivatives but let's be conservative and only allow mov for now.
return alu->op == nir_op_mov;
case nir_instr_type_intrinsic: {
nir_intrinsic_instr *intrin = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
return intrin->intrinsic == nir_intrinsic_load_reg ||
intrin->intrinsic == nir_intrinsic_store_reg;
return false;
/** Returns true if our successor will sync for us
* This is a bit of a heuristic
static bool
parent_scope_will_sync(nir_cf_node *node, struct scope *parent_scope)
/* First search forward to see if there's anything non-trivial after this
* node within the parent scope.
nir_block *block = nir_cf_node_as_block(nir_cf_node_next(node));
nir_foreach_instr(instr, block) {
if (!instr_is_allowed_before_sync(instr))
return false;
/* There's another loop or if following and we didn't find a sync */
if (nir_cf_node_next(&block->cf_node))
return false;
/* See if the parent scope will sync for us. */
if (parent_scope->bar != NULL)
return true;
switch (parent_scope->type) {
return true;
return parent_scope_will_sync(block->cf_node.parent,
/* In this case, the loop doesn't have a sync of its own so we're
* expected to be uniform before we hit the continue.
return false;
unreachable("Loops must have a continue scope");
unreachable("Unknown scope type");
static bool
block_is_merge(const nir_block *block)
/* If it's unreachable, there is no merge */
if (block->imm_dom == NULL)
return false;
unsigned num_preds = 0;
set_foreach(block->predecessors, entry) {
const nir_block *pred = entry->key;
/* We don't care about unreachable blocks */
if (pred->imm_dom == NULL)
return num_preds > 1;
static void
lower_cf_list(nir_builder *b, nir_def *esc_reg, struct scope *parent_scope,
struct exec_list *cf_list)
foreach_list_typed_safe(nir_cf_node, node, node, cf_list) {
switch (node->type) {
case nir_cf_node_block: {
nir_block *block = nir_cf_node_as_block(node);
if (exec_list_is_empty(&block->instr_list))
nir_cursor start = nir_before_block(block);
nir_cursor end = nir_after_block(block);
nir_jump_instr *jump = NULL;
nir_instr *last_instr = nir_block_last_instr(block);
if (last_instr->type == nir_instr_type_jump) {
jump = nir_instr_as_jump(last_instr);
end = nir_before_instr(&jump->instr);
nir_cf_list instrs;
nir_cf_extract(&instrs, start, end);
b->cursor = nir_cf_reinsert(&instrs, b->cursor);
if (jump != NULL) {
if (jump->type == nir_jump_halt) {
/* Halt instructions map to OpExit on NVIDIA hardware and
* exited lanes never block a bsync.
nir_builder_instr_insert(b, &jump->instr);
} else {
/* Everything else needs a break cascade */
break_scopes(b, esc_reg, parent_scope, jump->type);
case nir_cf_node_if: {
nir_if *nif = nir_cf_node_as_if(node);
nir_def *cond = nif->condition.ssa;
nir_instr_clear_src(NULL, &nif->condition);
nir_block *then_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
nir_block *else_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
nir_block *merge_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
const bool needs_sync = cond->divergent &&
block_is_merge(nir_cf_node_as_block(nir_cf_node_next(node))) &&
!parent_scope_will_sync(&nif->cf_node, parent_scope);
struct scope scope = push_scope(b, SCOPE_TYPE_IF_MERGE,
parent_scope, needs_sync,
nir_goto_if(b, then_block, cond, else_block);
push_block(b, then_block);
lower_cf_list(b, esc_reg, &scope, &nif->then_list);
normal_exit(b, esc_reg, merge_block);
push_block(b, else_block);
lower_cf_list(b, esc_reg, &scope, &nif->else_list);
normal_exit(b, esc_reg, merge_block);
push_block(b, merge_block);
pop_scope(b, esc_reg, scope);
case nir_cf_node_loop: {
nir_loop *loop = nir_cf_node_as_loop(node);
nir_block *head_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
nir_block *break_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
nir_block *cont_block = nir_block_create(b->shader);
/* TODO: We can potentially avoid the break sync for loops when the
* parent scope syncs for us. However, we still need to handle the
* continue clause cascading to the break. If there is a
* nir_jump_halt involved, then we have a real cascade where it needs
* to then jump to the next scope. Getting all these cases right
* while avoiding an extra sync for the loop break is tricky at best.
struct scope break_scope = push_scope(b, SCOPE_TYPE_LOOP_BREAK,
parent_scope, loop->divergent,
nir_goto(b, head_block);
push_block(b, head_block);
struct scope cont_scope = push_scope(b, SCOPE_TYPE_LOOP_CONT,
&break_scope, loop->divergent,
lower_cf_list(b, esc_reg, &cont_scope, &loop->body);
normal_exit(b, esc_reg, cont_block);
push_block(b, cont_block);
pop_scope(b, esc_reg, cont_scope);
lower_cf_list(b, esc_reg, &break_scope, &loop->continue_list);
nir_goto(b, head_block);
push_block(b, break_block);
pop_scope(b, esc_reg, break_scope);
unreachable("Unknown CF node type");
static bool
lower_cf_func(nir_function *func)
if (func->impl == NULL)
return false;
if (exec_list_is_singular(&func->impl->body)) {
nir_metadata_preserve(func->impl, nir_metadata_all);
return false;
nir_function_impl *old_impl = func->impl;
/* We use this in block_is_merge() */
nir_metadata_require(old_impl, nir_metadata_dominance);
/* First, we temporarily get rid of SSA. This will make all our block
* motion way easier.
nir_foreach_block(block, old_impl)
/* We create a whole new nir_function_impl and copy the contents over */
func->impl = NULL;
nir_function_impl *new_impl = nir_function_impl_create(func);
new_impl->structured = false;
/* We copy defs from the old impl */
new_impl->ssa_alloc = old_impl->ssa_alloc;
nir_builder b = nir_builder_at(nir_before_impl(new_impl));
nir_def *esc_reg = nir_decl_reg(&b, 1, 32, 0);
/* Having a function scope makes everything easier */
struct scope scope = {
.merge = new_impl->end_block,
lower_cf_list(&b, esc_reg, &scope, &old_impl->body);
normal_exit(&b, esc_reg, new_impl->end_block);
/* Now sort by reverse PDFS and restore SSA
* Note: Since we created a new nir_function_impl, there is no metadata,
* dirty or otherwise, so we have no need to call nir_metadata_preserve().
return true;
nak_nir_lower_cf(nir_shader *nir)
bool progress = false;
nir_foreach_function(func, nir) {
if (lower_cf_func(func))
progress = true;
return progress;