
181 lines
6.7 KiB

#ifndef __GLX_packrender_h__
#define __GLX_packrender_h__
* SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008)
* Copyright (C) 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: SGI-B-2.0
#include "glxclient.h"
** The macros in this header convert the client machine's native data types to
** wire protocol data types. The header is part of the porting layer of the
** client library, and it is intended that hardware vendors will rewrite this
** header to suit their own machines.
** Pad a count of bytes to the nearest multiple of 4. The X protocol
** transfers data in 4 byte quantities, so this macro is used to
** insure the right amount of data being sent.
#define __GLX_PAD(a) (((a)+3) & ~3)
** Network size parameters
#define sz_double 8
/* Setup for all commands */
struct glx_context *gc; \
GLubyte *pc, *pixelHeaderPC; \
GLuint compsize, cmdlen
#define __GLX_LOAD_VARIABLES() \
gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); \
pc = gc->pc; \
/* Muffle compilers */ \
cmdlen = 0; (void)cmdlen; \
compsize = 0; (void)compsize; \
pixelHeaderPC = NULL; (void)pixelHeaderPC
** Variable sized command support macro. This macro is used by calls
** that are potentially larger than __GLX_SMALL_RENDER_CMD_SIZE.
** Because of their size, they may not automatically fit in the buffer.
** If the buffer can't hold the command then it is flushed so that
** the command will fit in the next buffer.
#define __GLX_BEGIN_VARIABLE(opcode,size) \
if (pc + (size) > gc->bufEnd) { \
pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
} \
__GLX_PUT_SHORT(0,size); \
#define __GLX_BEGIN_VARIABLE_LARGE(opcode,size) \
pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
__GLX_PUT_LONG(0,size); \
#define __GLX_BEGIN_VARIABLE_WITH_PIXEL(opcode,size) \
if (pc + (size) > gc->bufEnd) { \
pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
} \
__GLX_PUT_SHORT(0,size); \
__GLX_PUT_SHORT(2,opcode); \
pixelHeaderPC = pc; \
#define __GLX_BEGIN_VARIABLE_LARGE_WITH_PIXEL(opcode,size) \
pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
__GLX_PUT_LONG(0,size); \
__GLX_PUT_LONG(4,opcode); \
pixelHeaderPC = pc; \
#define __GLX_BEGIN_VARIABLE_WITH_PIXEL_3D(opcode,size) \
if (pc + (size) > gc->bufEnd) { \
pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
} \
__GLX_PUT_SHORT(0,size); \
__GLX_PUT_SHORT(2,opcode); \
pixelHeaderPC = pc; \
#define __GLX_BEGIN_VARIABLE_LARGE_WITH_PIXEL_3D(opcode,size) \
pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
__GLX_PUT_LONG(0,size); \
__GLX_PUT_LONG(4,opcode); \
pixelHeaderPC = pc; \
** Fixed size command support macro. This macro is used by calls that
** are never larger than __GLX_SMALL_RENDER_CMD_SIZE. Because they
** always fit in the buffer, and because the buffer promises to
** maintain enough room for them, we don't need to check for space
** before doing the storage work.
#define __GLX_BEGIN(opcode,size) \
__GLX_PUT_SHORT(0,size); \
** Finish a rendering command by advancing the pc. If the pc is now past
** the limit pointer then there is no longer room for a
** __GLX_SMALL_RENDER_CMD_SIZE sized command, which will break the
** assumptions present in the __GLX_BEGIN macro. In this case the
** rendering buffer is flushed out into the X protocol stream (which may
** or may not do I/O).
#define __GLX_END(size) \
pc += size; \
if (pc > gc->limit) { \
(void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, pc); \
} else { \
gc->pc = pc; \
/* Array copy macros */
#define __GLX_MEM_COPY(dest,src,bytes) \
if (src && dest) \
memcpy(dest, src, bytes)
/* Single item copy macros */
#define __GLX_PUT_CHAR(offset,a) \
do { \
int8_t __tmp = (a); \
memcpy((pc + (offset)), &__tmp, 1); \
} while (0)
#define __GLX_PUT_SHORT(offset,a) \
do { \
int16_t __tmp = (a); \
memcpy((pc + (offset)), &__tmp, 2); \
} while (0)
#define __GLX_PUT_LONG(offset,a) \
do { \
int32_t __tmp = (a); \
memcpy((pc + (offset)), &__tmp, 4); \
} while (0)
#define __GLX_PUT_FLOAT(offset,a) \
do { \
float __tmp = (a); \
memcpy((pc + (offset)), &__tmp, 4); \
} while (0)
#define __GLX_PUT_DOUBLE(offset,a) \
do { \
double __tmp = (a); \
memcpy((pc + (offset)), &__tmp, 8); \
} while (0)
#define __GLX_PUT_CHAR_ARRAY(offset,a,alen) \
__GLX_MEM_COPY(pc + offset, a, alen * __GLX_SIZE_INT8)
#define __GLX_PUT_SHORT_ARRAY(offset,a,alen) \
__GLX_MEM_COPY(pc + offset, a, alen * __GLX_SIZE_INT16)
#define __GLX_PUT_LONG_ARRAY(offset,a,alen) \
__GLX_MEM_COPY(pc + offset, a, alen * __GLX_SIZE_INT32)
#define __GLX_PUT_FLOAT_ARRAY(offset,a,alen) \
__GLX_MEM_COPY(pc + offset, a, alen * __GLX_SIZE_FLOAT32)
#define __GLX_PUT_DOUBLE_ARRAY(offset,a,alen) \
__GLX_MEM_COPY(pc + offset, a, alen * __GLX_SIZE_FLOAT64)
#endif /* !__GLX_packrender_h__ */