
489 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright 2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
/* This lowers image and texture opcodes to typed buffer opcodes (equivalent to image buffers)
* for some CDNA chips. Sampler buffers and image buffers are not lowered.
* Only the subset of opcodes and states that is used by VAAPI and OpenMAX is lowered.
* That means CLAMP_TO_EDGE is always used. Only level 0 can be accessed. The minification
* and magnification filter settings are assumed to be equal.
* This uses a custom image descriptor that is used in conjunction with this pass. The first
* 4 dwords of the descriptor contain the buffer descriptor where the format matches the image
* format and the stride matches the pixel size, and the last 4 dwords contain parameters
* for manual address computations and bounds checking like the pitch, the number of elements
* per slice, etc.
#include "ac_nir.h"
#include "nir_builder.h"
#include "amdgfxregs.h"
static nir_def *get_field(nir_builder *b, nir_def *desc, unsigned index, unsigned mask)
return nir_ubfe_imm(b, nir_channel(b, desc, index), ffs(mask) - 1, util_bitcount(mask));
static unsigned get_coord_components(enum glsl_sampler_dim dim, bool is_array)
switch (dim) {
return is_array ? 2 : 1;
return is_array ? 3 : 2;
return 3;
unreachable("unexpected sampler type");
/* Lower image coordinates to a buffer element index. Return UINT_MAX if the image coordinates
* are out of bounds.
static nir_def *lower_image_coords(nir_builder *b, nir_def *desc, nir_def *coord,
enum glsl_sampler_dim dim, bool is_array,
bool handle_out_of_bounds)
unsigned num_coord_components = get_coord_components(dim, is_array);
nir_def *zero = nir_imm_int(b, 0);
/* Get coordinates. */
nir_def *x = nir_channel(b, coord, 0);
nir_def *y = num_coord_components >= 2 ? nir_channel(b, coord, 1) : NULL;
nir_def *z = num_coord_components >= 3 ? nir_channel(b, coord, 2) : NULL;
if (dim == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_1D && is_array) {
z = y;
y = NULL;
if (is_array) {
nir_def *first_layer = get_field(b, desc, 5, 0xffff0000);
z = nir_iadd(b, z, first_layer);
/* Compute the buffer element index. */
nir_def *index = x;
if (y) {
nir_def *pitch = nir_channel(b, desc, 6);
index = nir_iadd(b, index, nir_imul(b, pitch, y));
if (z) {
nir_def *slice_elements = nir_channel(b, desc, 7);
index = nir_iadd(b, index, nir_imul(b, slice_elements, z));
/* Determine whether the coordinates are out of bounds. */
nir_def *out_of_bounds = NULL;
if (handle_out_of_bounds) {
nir_def *width = get_field(b, desc, 4, 0xffff);
out_of_bounds = nir_ior(b, nir_ilt(b, x, zero), nir_ige(b, x, width));
if (y) {
nir_def *height = get_field(b, desc, 4, 0xffff0000);
out_of_bounds = nir_ior(b, out_of_bounds,
nir_ior(b, nir_ilt(b, y, zero), nir_ige(b, y, height)));
if (z) {
nir_def *depth = get_field(b, desc, 5, 0xffff);
out_of_bounds = nir_ior(b, out_of_bounds,
nir_ior(b, nir_ilt(b, z, zero), nir_ige(b, z, depth)));
/* Make the buffer opcode out of bounds by setting UINT_MAX. */
index = nir_bcsel(b, out_of_bounds, nir_imm_int(b, UINT_MAX), index);
return index;
static nir_def *emulated_image_load(nir_builder *b, unsigned num_components, unsigned bit_size,
nir_def *desc, nir_def *coord,
enum gl_access_qualifier access, enum glsl_sampler_dim dim,
bool is_array, bool handle_out_of_bounds)
nir_def *zero = nir_imm_int(b, 0);
return nir_load_buffer_amd(b, num_components, bit_size, nir_channels(b, desc, 0xf),
zero, zero,
lower_image_coords(b, desc, coord, dim, is_array,
.base = 0,
.memory_modes = nir_var_image,
.access = access | ACCESS_USES_FORMAT_AMD);
static void emulated_image_store(nir_builder *b, nir_def *desc, nir_def *coord,
nir_def *data, enum gl_access_qualifier access,
enum glsl_sampler_dim dim, bool is_array)
nir_def *zero = nir_imm_int(b, 0);
nir_store_buffer_amd(b, data, nir_channels(b, desc, 0xf), zero, zero,
lower_image_coords(b, desc, coord, dim, is_array, true),
.base = 0,
.memory_modes = nir_var_image,
.access = access | ACCESS_USES_FORMAT_AMD);
/* Return the width, height, or depth for dim=0,1,2. */
static nir_def *get_dim(nir_builder *b, nir_def *desc, unsigned dim)
return get_field(b, desc, 4 + dim / 2, 0xffff << (16 * (dim % 2)));
/* Lower txl with lod=0 to typed buffer loads. This is based on the equations in the GL spec.
* This basically converts the tex opcode into 1 or more image_load opcodes.
static nir_def *emulated_tex_level_zero(nir_builder *b, unsigned num_components,
unsigned bit_size, nir_def *desc,
nir_def *sampler_desc, nir_def *coord_vec,
enum glsl_sampler_dim sampler_dim, bool is_array)
const enum gl_access_qualifier access =
const unsigned num_coord_components = get_coord_components(sampler_dim, is_array);
const unsigned num_dim_coords = num_coord_components - is_array;
const unsigned array_comp = num_coord_components - 1;
nir_def *zero = nir_imm_int(b, 0);
nir_def *fp_one = nir_imm_floatN_t(b, 1, bit_size);
nir_def *coord[3] = {0};
assert(num_coord_components <= 3);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_coord_components; i++)
coord[i] = nir_channel(b, coord_vec, i);
/* Convert to unnormalized coordinates. */
if (sampler_dim != GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_RECT) {
for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < num_dim_coords; dim++)
coord[dim] = nir_fmul(b, coord[dim], nir_u2f32(b, get_dim(b, desc, dim)));
/* The layer index is handled differently and ignores the filter and wrap mode. */
if (is_array) {
coord[array_comp] = nir_f2i32(b, nir_fround_even(b, coord[array_comp]));
coord[array_comp] = nir_iclamp(b, coord[array_comp], zero,
nir_iadd_imm(b, get_dim(b, desc, 2), -1));
/* Determine the filter by reading the first bit of the XY_MAG_FILTER field,
* which is 1 for linear, 0 for nearest.
* We assume that XY_MIN_FILTER and Z_FILTER are identical.
nir_def *is_nearest =
nir_ieq_imm(b, nir_iand_imm(b, nir_channel(b, sampler_desc, 2), 1 << 20), 0);
nir_def *result_nearest, *result_linear;
nir_if *if_nearest = nir_push_if(b, is_nearest);
/* Nearest filter. */
nir_def *coord0[3] = {0};
memcpy(coord0, coord, sizeof(coord));
for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < num_dim_coords; dim++) {
/* Convert to integer coordinates. (floor is required) */
coord0[dim] = nir_f2i32(b, nir_ffloor(b, coord0[dim]));
/* Apply the wrap mode. We assume it's always CLAMP_TO_EDGE, so clamp. */
coord0[dim] = nir_iclamp(b, coord0[dim], zero, nir_iadd_imm(b, get_dim(b, desc, dim), -1));
/* Load the texel. */
result_nearest = emulated_image_load(b, num_components, bit_size, desc,
nir_vec(b, coord0, num_coord_components),
access, sampler_dim, is_array, false);
nir_push_else(b, if_nearest);
/* Linear filter. */
nir_def *coord0[3] = {0};
nir_def *coord1[3] = {0};
nir_def *weight[3] = {0};
memcpy(coord0, coord, sizeof(coord));
for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < num_dim_coords; dim++) {
/* First subtract 0.5. */
coord0[dim] = nir_fadd_imm(b, coord0[dim], -0.5);
/* Use fract to compute the filter weights. (FP16 results will get FP16 filter precision) */
weight[dim] = nir_f2fN(b, nir_ffract(b, coord0[dim]), bit_size);
/* Floor to get the top-left texel of the filter. */
/* Add 1 to get the bottom-right texel. */
coord0[dim] = nir_f2i32(b, nir_ffloor(b, coord0[dim]));
coord1[dim] = nir_iadd_imm(b, coord0[dim], 1);
/* Apply the wrap mode. We assume it's always CLAMP_TO_EDGE, so clamp. */
coord0[dim] = nir_iclamp(b, coord0[dim], zero, nir_iadd_imm(b, get_dim(b, desc, dim), -1));
coord1[dim] = nir_iclamp(b, coord1[dim], zero, nir_iadd_imm(b, get_dim(b, desc, dim), -1));
/* Load all texels for the linear filter.
* This is 2 texels for 1D, 4 texels for 2D, and 8 texels for 3D.
nir_def *texel[8];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (1 << num_dim_coords); i++) {
nir_def *texel_coord[3];
/* Determine whether the current texel should use channels from coord0
* or coord1. The i-th bit of the texel index determines that.
for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < num_dim_coords; dim++)
texel_coord[dim] = (i >> dim) & 0x1 ? coord1[dim] : coord0[dim];
/* Add the layer index, which doesn't change between texels. */
if (is_array)
texel_coord[array_comp] = coord0[array_comp];
/* Compute how much the texel contributes to the final result. */
nir_def *texel_weight = fp_one;
for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < num_dim_coords; dim++) {
/* Let's see what "i" represents:
* Texel i=0 = 000
* Texel i=1 = 001
* Texel i=2 = 010 (2D & 3D only)
* Texel i=3 = 011 (2D & 3D only)
* Texel i=4 = 100 (3D only)
* Texel i=5 = 101 (3D only)
* Texel i=6 = 110 (3D only)
* Texel i=7 = 111 (3D only)
* The rightmost bit (LSB) represents the X direction, the middle bit represents
* the Y direction, and the leftmost bit (MSB) represents the Z direction.
* If we shift the texel index "i" by the dimension "dim", we'll get whether that
* texel value should be multiplied by (1 - weight[dim]) or (weight[dim]).
texel_weight = nir_fmul(b, texel_weight,
(i >> dim) & 0x1 ? weight[dim] :
nir_fadd(b, fp_one, nir_fneg(b, weight[dim])));
/* Load the linear filter texel. */
texel[i] = emulated_image_load(b, num_components, bit_size, desc,
nir_vec(b, texel_coord, num_coord_components),
access, sampler_dim, is_array, false);
/* Multiply the texel by the weight. */
texel[i] = nir_fmul(b, texel[i], texel_weight);
/* Sum up all weighted texels to get the final result of linear filtering. */
result_linear = zero;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (1 << num_dim_coords); i++)
result_linear = nir_fadd(b, result_linear, texel[i]);
nir_pop_if(b, if_nearest);
return nir_if_phi(b, result_nearest, result_linear);
static bool lower_image_opcodes(nir_builder *b, nir_instr *instr, void *data)
if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_intrinsic) {
nir_intrinsic_instr *intr = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
nir_deref_instr *deref;
enum gl_access_qualifier access;
enum glsl_sampler_dim dim;
bool is_array;
nir_def *desc = NULL, *result = NULL;
ASSERTED const char *intr_name;
nir_def *dst = &intr->def;
b->cursor = nir_before_instr(instr);
switch (intr->intrinsic) {
case nir_intrinsic_image_load:
case nir_intrinsic_image_store:
access = nir_intrinsic_access(intr);
dim = nir_intrinsic_image_dim(intr);
return false;
is_array = nir_intrinsic_image_array(intr);
desc = nir_image_descriptor_amd(b, dim == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_BUF ? 4 : 8,
32, intr->src[0].ssa);
case nir_intrinsic_image_deref_load:
case nir_intrinsic_image_deref_store:
deref = nir_instr_as_deref(intr->src[0].ssa->parent_instr);
access = nir_deref_instr_get_variable(deref)->data.access;
dim = glsl_get_sampler_dim(deref->type);
return false;
is_array = glsl_sampler_type_is_array(deref->type);
desc = nir_image_deref_descriptor_amd(b, dim == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_BUF ? 4 : 8,
32, intr->src[0].ssa);
case nir_intrinsic_bindless_image_load:
case nir_intrinsic_bindless_image_store:
access = nir_intrinsic_access(intr);
dim = nir_intrinsic_image_dim(intr);
return false;
is_array = nir_intrinsic_image_array(intr);
desc = nir_bindless_image_descriptor_amd(b, dim == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_BUF ? 4 : 8,
32, intr->src[0].ssa);
intr_name = nir_intrinsic_infos[intr->intrinsic].name;
/* No other intrinsics are expected from VAAPI and OpenMAX.
* (this lowering is only used by CDNA, which only uses those frontends)
if (strstr(intr_name, "image") == intr_name ||
strstr(intr_name, "bindless_image") == intr_name) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected image opcode: ");
nir_print_instr(instr, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "\nAborting to prevent a hang.");
return false;
switch (intr->intrinsic) {
case nir_intrinsic_image_load:
case nir_intrinsic_image_deref_load:
case nir_intrinsic_bindless_image_load:
result = emulated_image_load(b, intr->def.num_components, intr->def.bit_size,
desc, intr->src[1].ssa, access, dim, is_array, true);
nir_def_rewrite_uses_after(dst, result, instr);
return true;
case nir_intrinsic_image_store:
case nir_intrinsic_image_deref_store:
case nir_intrinsic_bindless_image_store:
emulated_image_store(b, desc, intr->src[1].ssa, intr->src[3].ssa, access, dim, is_array);
return true;
unreachable("shouldn't get here");
} else if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_tex) {
nir_tex_instr *tex = nir_instr_as_tex(instr);
nir_tex_instr *new_tex;
nir_def *coord = NULL, *desc = NULL, *sampler_desc = NULL, *result = NULL;
nir_def *dst = &tex->def;
b->cursor = nir_before_instr(instr);
switch (tex->op) {
case nir_texop_tex:
case nir_texop_txl:
case nir_texop_txf:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < tex->num_srcs; i++) {
switch (tex->src[i].src_type) {
case nir_tex_src_texture_deref:
case nir_tex_src_texture_handle:
if (tex->sampler_dim == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_BUF)
return false;
new_tex = nir_tex_instr_create(b->shader, 1);
new_tex->op = nir_texop_descriptor_amd;
new_tex->sampler_dim = tex->sampler_dim;
new_tex->is_array = tex->is_array;
new_tex->texture_index = tex->texture_index;
new_tex->sampler_index = tex->sampler_index;
new_tex->dest_type = nir_type_int32;
new_tex->src[0].src = nir_src_for_ssa(tex->src[i].src.ssa);
new_tex->src[0].src_type = tex->src[i].src_type;
nir_def_init(&new_tex->instr, &new_tex->def,
nir_tex_instr_dest_size(new_tex), 32);
nir_builder_instr_insert(b, &new_tex->instr);
desc = &new_tex->def;
case nir_tex_src_sampler_deref:
case nir_tex_src_sampler_handle:
if (tex->sampler_dim == GLSL_SAMPLER_DIM_BUF)
return false;
new_tex = nir_tex_instr_create(b->shader, 1);
new_tex->op = nir_texop_sampler_descriptor_amd;
new_tex->sampler_dim = tex->sampler_dim;
new_tex->is_array = tex->is_array;
new_tex->texture_index = tex->texture_index;
new_tex->sampler_index = tex->sampler_index;
new_tex->dest_type = nir_type_int32;
new_tex->src[0].src = nir_src_for_ssa(tex->src[i].src.ssa);
new_tex->src[0].src_type = tex->src[i].src_type;
nir_def_init(&new_tex->instr, &new_tex->def,
nir_tex_instr_dest_size(new_tex), 32);
nir_builder_instr_insert(b, &new_tex->instr);
sampler_desc = &new_tex->def;
case nir_tex_src_coord:
coord = tex->src[i].src.ssa;
case nir_tex_src_projector:
case nir_tex_src_comparator:
case nir_tex_src_offset:
case nir_tex_src_texture_offset:
case nir_tex_src_sampler_offset:
case nir_tex_src_plane:
unreachable("unsupported texture src");
switch (tex->op) {
case nir_texop_txf:
result = emulated_image_load(b, tex->def.num_components, tex->def.bit_size,
desc, coord,
tex->sampler_dim, tex->is_array, true);
nir_def_rewrite_uses_after(dst, result, instr);
return true;
case nir_texop_tex:
case nir_texop_txl:
result = emulated_tex_level_zero(b, tex->def.num_components, tex->def.bit_size,
desc, sampler_desc, coord, tex->sampler_dim, tex->is_array);
nir_def_rewrite_uses_after(dst, result, instr);
return true;
unreachable("shouldn't get here");
case nir_texop_descriptor_amd:
case nir_texop_sampler_descriptor_amd:
return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected texture opcode: ");
nir_print_instr(instr, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "\nAborting to prevent a hang.");
return false;
bool ac_nir_lower_image_opcodes(nir_shader *nir)
return nir_shader_instructions_pass(nir, lower_image_opcodes,
nir_metadata_dominance |