
162 lines
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#if defined(DXVK_WSI_SDL2)
#include "../wsi_window.h"
#include "native/wsi/native_sdl2.h"
#include "wsi_platform_sdl2.h"
#include "../../util/util_string.h"
#include "../../util/log/log.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <SDL_vulkan.h>
namespace dxvk::wsi {
void Sdl2WsiDriver::getWindowSize(
HWND hWindow,
uint32_t* pWidth,
uint32_t* pHeight) {
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
int32_t w, h;
SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &w, &h);
if (pWidth)
*pWidth = uint32_t(w);
if (pHeight)
*pHeight = uint32_t(h);
void Sdl2WsiDriver::resizeWindow(
HWND hWindow,
DxvkWindowState* pState,
uint32_t Width,
uint32_t Height) {
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, int32_t(Width), int32_t(Height));
bool Sdl2WsiDriver::setWindowMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
HWND hWindow,
const WsiMode& pMode) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
SDL_DisplayMode wantedMode = { };
wantedMode.w = pMode.width;
wantedMode.h = pMode.height;
wantedMode.refresh_rate = pMode.refreshRate.numerator != 0
? pMode.refreshRate.numerator / pMode.refreshRate.denominator
: 0;
// TODO: Implement lookup format for bitsPerPixel here.
SDL_DisplayMode mode = { };
if (SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(displayId, &wantedMode, &mode) == nullptr) {
Logger::err(str::format("SDL2 WSI: setWindowMode: SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode: ", SDL_GetError()));
return false;
if (SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(window, &mode) != 0) {
Logger::err(str::format("SDL2 WSI: setWindowMode: SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode: ", SDL_GetError()));
return false;
return true;
bool Sdl2WsiDriver::enterFullscreenMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
HWND hWindow,
DxvkWindowState* pState,
bool ModeSwitch) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
uint32_t flags = ModeSwitch
// TODO: Set this on the correct monitor.
// Docs aren't clear on this...
if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, flags) != 0) {
Logger::err(str::format("SDL2 WSI: enterFullscreenMode: SDL_SetWindowFullscreen: ", SDL_GetError()));
return false;
return true;
bool Sdl2WsiDriver::leaveFullscreenMode(
HWND hWindow,
DxvkWindowState* pState,
bool restoreCoordinates) {
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0) != 0) {
Logger::err(str::format("SDL2 WSI: leaveFullscreenMode: SDL_SetWindowFullscreen: ", SDL_GetError()));
return false;
return true;
bool Sdl2WsiDriver::restoreDisplayMode() {
// Don't need to do anything with SDL2 here.
return true;
HMONITOR Sdl2WsiDriver::getWindowMonitor(HWND hWindow) {
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
const int32_t displayId = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(window);
return toHmonitor(displayId);
bool Sdl2WsiDriver::isWindow(HWND hWindow) {
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
return window != nullptr;
void Sdl2WsiDriver::updateFullscreenWindow(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
HWND hWindow,
bool forceTopmost) {
// Don't need to do anything with SDL2 here.
VkResult Sdl2WsiDriver::createSurface(
HWND hWindow,
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr pfnVkGetInstanceProcAddr,
VkInstance instance,
VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface) {
SDL_Window* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
return SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface(window, instance, pSurface)