
756 lines
19 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "dxvk_memory.h"
#include "dxvk_resource.h"
namespace dxvk {
class DxvkCommandList;
class DxvkDevice;
class DxvkBuffer;
class DxvkImage;
class DxvkPagedResource;
class DxvkSparsePage;
class DxvkSparsePageAllocator;
class DxvkSparsePageTable;
constexpr static VkDeviceSize SparseMemoryPageSize = 1ull << 16;
* \brief Sparse page handle
struct DxvkSparsePageHandle {
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize length;
* \brief Buffer info for sparse page
* Stores the buffer region backed by
* any given page.
struct DxvkSparsePageBufferInfo {
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize length;
* \brief Image info for sparse page
* Stores the image region backed by
* any given page.
struct DxvkSparsePageImageInfo {
VkImageSubresource subresource;
VkOffset3D offset;
VkExtent3D extent;
* \brief Image mip tail info for sparse page
* Stores the virtual resource offset and size
* within the mip tail backed by any given page.
struct DxvkSparsePageMipTailInfo {
VkDeviceSize resourceOffset;
VkDeviceSize resourceLength;
* \brief Page type
enum class DxvkSparsePageType : uint32_t {
None = 0,
Buffer = 1,
Image = 2,
ImageMipTail = 3,
* \brief Sparse page table metadata
* Stores the resource region backed by any given page.
struct DxvkSparsePageInfo {
DxvkSparsePageType type;
union {
DxvkSparsePageBufferInfo buffer;
DxvkSparsePageImageInfo image;
DxvkSparsePageMipTailInfo mipTail;
* \brief Image tiling info
struct DxvkSparseImageProperties {
VkSparseImageFormatFlags flags;
VkExtent3D pageRegionExtent;
uint32_t pagedMipCount;
uint32_t metadataPageCount;
uint32_t mipTailPageIndex;
VkDeviceSize mipTailOffset;
VkDeviceSize mipTailSize;
VkDeviceSize mipTailStride;
* \brief Image subresource tiling info
struct DxvkSparseImageSubresourceProperties {
VkBool32 isMipTail;
VkExtent3D pageCount;
uint32_t pageIndex;
* \brief Sparse binding flags
enum class DxvkSparseBindFlag : uint32_t {
using DxvkSparseBindFlags = Flags<DxvkSparseBindFlag>;
* \brief Sparse page binding mode
enum class DxvkSparseBindMode : uint32_t {
Null, ///< Unbind the given resource page
Bind, ///< Bind to given allocator page
Copy, ///< Copy bindig from source resource
* \brief Sparse page binding info for a given page
* Stores the resource page index as well as the index
* of the allocator page that should be bound to that
* resource page.
struct DxvkSparseBind {
DxvkSparseBindMode mode;
uint32_t dstPage;
uint32_t srcPage;
* \brief Sparse binding info
* Stores the resource to change page bindings for, the
* allocator from which pages will be allocated, and
* a list of page bidnings
struct DxvkSparseBindInfo {
Rc<DxvkPagedResource> dstResource;
Rc<DxvkPagedResource> srcResource;
Rc<DxvkSparsePageAllocator> srcAllocator;
std::vector<DxvkSparseBind> binds;
* \brief Sparse memory page
* Stores a single reference-counted page
* of memory. The page size is 64k.
class DxvkSparsePage : public DxvkResource {
DxvkSparsePage(DxvkMemory&& memory)
: m_memory(std::move(memory)) { }
* \brief Queries memory handle
* \returns Memory information
DxvkSparsePageHandle getHandle() const {
DxvkSparsePageHandle result;
result.memory = m_memory.memory();
result.offset = m_memory.offset();
result.length = m_memory.length();
return result;
DxvkMemory m_memory;
* \brief Sparse page mapping
* Stores a reference to a page as well as the pool that the page
* was allocated from, and automatically manages the use counter
* of the pool as the reference is being moved or copied around.
class DxvkSparseMapping {
friend DxvkSparsePageAllocator;
friend DxvkSparsePageTable;
DxvkSparseMapping(DxvkSparseMapping&& other);
DxvkSparseMapping(const DxvkSparseMapping& other);
DxvkSparseMapping& operator = (DxvkSparseMapping&& other);
DxvkSparseMapping& operator = (const DxvkSparseMapping& other);
* \brief Queries memory handle
* \returns Memory information
DxvkSparsePageHandle getHandle() const {
if (m_page == nullptr)
return DxvkSparsePageHandle();
return m_page->getHandle();
bool operator == (const DxvkSparseMapping& other) const {
// Pool is a function of the page, so no need to check both
return m_page == other.m_page;
bool operator != (const DxvkSparseMapping& other) const {
return m_page != other.m_page;
operator bool () const {
return m_page != nullptr;
Rc<DxvkSparsePageAllocator> m_pool;
Rc<DxvkSparsePage> m_page;
Rc<DxvkSparsePageAllocator> allocator,
Rc<DxvkSparsePage> page);
void acquire() const;
void release() const;
* \brief Sparse memory allocator
* Provides an allocator for sparse pages with variable capacity.
* Pages are use-counted to make sure they are not removed from
* the allocator too early.
class DxvkSparsePageAllocator : public RcObject {
friend DxvkSparseMapping;
DxvkMemoryAllocator& memoryAllocator);
* \brief Acquires page at the given offset
* If the offset is valid, this will atomically
* increment the allocator's use count and return
* a reference to the page.
* \param [in] page Page index
* \returns Page mapping object
DxvkSparseMapping acquirePage(
uint32_t page);
* \brief Changes the allocator's maximum capacity
* Allocates new pages as necessary, and frees existing
* pages if none of the pages are currently in use.
* \param [in] pageCount New capacity, in pages
void setCapacity(
uint32_t pageCount);
DxvkMemoryAllocator* m_memory;
dxvk::mutex m_mutex;
uint32_t m_pageCount = 0u;
uint32_t m_useCount = 0u;
std::vector<Rc<DxvkSparsePage>> m_pages;
Rc<DxvkSparsePage> allocPage();
void acquirePage(
const Rc<DxvkSparsePage>& page);
void releasePage(
const Rc<DxvkSparsePage>& page);
* \brief Sparse page table
* Stores mappings from a resource region to a given memory page,
* as well as mapping tile indices to the given resource region.
class DxvkSparsePageTable {
DxvkDevice* device,
const DxvkBuffer* buffer);
DxvkDevice* device,
const DxvkImage* image);
* \brief Checks whether page table is defined
* \returns \c true if the page table is defined
operator bool () const {
return m_buffer || m_image;
* \brief Queries buffer handle
* \returns Buffer handle
VkBuffer getBufferHandle() const;
* \brief Queries image handle
* \returns Image handle
VkImage getImageHandle() const;
* \brief Counts total number of pages in the resources
* Counts the number of pages for the entire resource, both
* for paged subresources as well as the mip tail.
* \returns Total number of pages
uint32_t getPageCount() const {
return uint32_t(m_metadata.size());
* \brief Counts number of subresource infos
* \returns Subresource info count
uint32_t getSubresourceCount() const {
return uint32_t(m_subresources.size());
* \brief Retrieves image properties
* Only contains meaningful info if the page
* table object was created for an image.
* \returns Image properties
DxvkSparseImageProperties getProperties() const {
return m_properties;
* \brief Retrieves image subresource properties
* \param [in] subresource The subresource to query
* \returns Properties of the given subresource
DxvkSparseImageSubresourceProperties getSubresourceProperties(uint32_t subresource) const {
return subresource < getSubresourceCount()
? m_subresources[subresource]
: DxvkSparseImageSubresourceProperties();
* \brief Queries info for a given page
* \param [in] page Page index
* \returns Page info
DxvkSparsePageInfo getPageInfo(uint32_t page) const {
return page < getPageCount()
? m_metadata[page]
: DxvkSparsePageInfo();
* \brief Computes page index within a given image region
* \param [in] subresource Subresource index
* \param [in] regionOffset Region offset, in pages
* \param [in] regionExtent Region extent, in pages
* \param [in] regionIsLinear Whether to use the region extent
* \param [in] pageIndex Page within the given region
* \returns Page index. The returned number may be out
* of bounds if the given region is invalid.
uint32_t computePageIndex(
uint32_t subresource,
VkOffset3D regionOffset,
VkExtent3D regionExtent,
VkBool32 regionIsLinear,
uint32_t pageIndex) const;
* \brief Queries page mapping
* \param [in] page Page index
* \returns Current page mapping
DxvkSparseMapping getMapping(
uint32_t page);
* \brief Changes a page mapping
* Updates the given page mapping in the table, and ensures
* that the previously mapped page does not get destroyed
* prematurely by tracking it in the given command list.
* \param [in] cmd Command list
* \param [in] page Page index
* \param [in] mapping New mapping
void updateMapping(
DxvkCommandList* cmd,
uint32_t page,
DxvkSparseMapping&& mapping);
const DxvkBuffer* m_buffer = nullptr;
const DxvkImage* m_image = nullptr;
DxvkSparseImageProperties m_properties = { };
std::vector<DxvkSparseImageSubresourceProperties> m_subresources;
std::vector<DxvkSparsePageInfo> m_metadata;
std::vector<DxvkSparseMapping> m_mappings;
* \brief Paged resource
* Base class for any resource that can
* hold a sparse page table.
class DxvkPagedResource : public DxvkResource {
* \brief Queries sparse page table
* \returns Sparse page table, if defined
DxvkSparsePageTable* getSparsePageTable() {
return m_sparsePageTable
? &m_sparsePageTable
: nullptr;
DxvkSparsePageTable m_sparsePageTable;
* \brief Key for sparse buffer binding entry
* Provides a strong ordering by resource, resource offset,
* and finally, size. The ordering can be used to easily
* merge adjacent ranges.
struct DxvkSparseBufferBindKey {
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
bool operator < (const DxvkSparseBufferBindKey& other) const {
if (buffer < other.buffer) return true;
if (buffer > other.buffer) return false;
if (offset < other.offset) return true;
if (offset > other.offset) return false;
return size < other.size;
* \brief Key for sparse image binding entry
* Provides a strong ordering by resource, subresource,
* offset (z -> y -> x), and finally, extent (d -> h -> w).
* The ordering can be used to easily merge adjacent regions.
struct DxvkSparseImageBindKey {
VkImage image;
VkImageSubresource subresource;
VkOffset3D offset;
VkExtent3D extent;
bool operator < (const DxvkSparseImageBindKey& other) const {
if (image < other.image) return true;
if (image > other.image) return false;
uint64_t aSubresource = this->encodeSubresource();
uint64_t bSubresource = other.encodeSubresource();
if (aSubresource < bSubresource) return true;
if (aSubresource > bSubresource) return false;
uint64_t aOffset = this->encodeOffset();
uint64_t bOffset = other.encodeOffset();
if (aOffset < bOffset) return true;
if (aOffset > bOffset) return false;
uint64_t aExtent = this->encodeExtent();
uint64_t bExtent = other.encodeExtent();
return aExtent < bExtent;
uint64_t encodeSubresource() const {
return uint64_t(subresource.aspectMask) << 48
| uint64_t(subresource.arrayLayer) << 24
| uint64_t(subresource.mipLevel);
uint64_t encodeOffset() const {
return uint64_t(offset.z) << 48
| uint64_t(offset.y) << 24
| uint64_t(offset.x);
uint64_t encodeExtent() const {
return uint64_t(extent.depth) << 48
| uint64_t(extent.height) << 24
| uint64_t(extent.width);
* \brief Key for sparse opaque image binding entry
* Provides a strong ordering by resource, resource offset,
* and finally, size. The ordering can be used to easily
* merge adjacent ranges.
struct DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindKey {
VkImage image;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
VkSparseMemoryBindFlags flags;
bool operator < (const DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindKey& other) const {
if (image < other.image) return true;
if (image > other.image) return false;
if (offset < other.offset) return true;
if (offset > other.offset) return false;
return size < other.size;
* \brief Arrays required for buffer binds
struct DxvkSparseBufferBindArrays {
std::vector<VkSparseMemoryBind> binds;
std::vector<VkSparseBufferMemoryBindInfo> infos;
* \brief Arrays required for image binds
struct DxvkSparseImageBindArrays {
std::vector<VkSparseImageMemoryBind> binds;
std::vector<VkSparseImageMemoryBindInfo> infos;
* \brief Arrays required for opaque image binds
struct DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindArrays {
std::vector<VkSparseMemoryBind> binds;
std::vector<VkSparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo> infos;
* \brief Sparse bind submission
* Stores information for a single sparse binding operation,
* and supports submitting that operation to a device queue.
* All methods to add bindings assume that the binding range is
* either identical to an existing range, in which case the old
* binding will be overwritten, or otherwise, that the range is
* disjoint from all existing ranges. Overlapping ranges are not
* supported. This condition is trivial to maintain when binding
* only one sparse page at a time.
class DxvkSparseBindSubmission {
* \brief Waits for a semaphore
* \param [in] semaphore Semaphore to wait for
* \param [in] value Semaphore value to wait on
void waitSemaphore(
VkSemaphore semaphore,
uint64_t value);
* \brief Signals a semaphore
* \param [in] semaphore Semaphore to signal
* \param [in] value Calue to signal semaphore to
void signalSemaphore(
VkSemaphore semaphore,
uint64_t value);
* \brief Adds a buffer memory bind
* \param [in] key Buffer range key
* \param [in] memory Page handle
void bindBufferMemory(
const DxvkSparseBufferBindKey& key,
const DxvkSparsePageHandle& memory);
* \brief Adds an image memory bind
* \param [in] key Image region key
* \param [in] memory Page handle
void bindImageMemory(
const DxvkSparseImageBindKey& key,
const DxvkSparsePageHandle& memory);
* \brief Adds an opaque image memory bind
* \param [in] key Opaque region key
* \param [in] memory Page handle
void bindImageOpaqueMemory(
const DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindKey& key,
const DxvkSparsePageHandle& memory);
* \brief Submits sparse binding operation
* Generates structures required for the sparse bind, resolving
* any conflicts in the process and merging ranges where possible.
* Note that this operation is slow. Resets object after the call.
* \param [in] device DXVK device
* \param [in] queue Queue to perform the operation on
* \returns Return value of the sparse bind operation
VkResult submit(
DxvkDevice* device,
VkQueue queue);
* \brief Resets object
* Clears all internal structures.
void reset();
std::vector<uint64_t> m_waitSemaphoreValues;
std::vector<VkSemaphore> m_waitSemaphores;
std::vector<uint64_t> m_signalSemaphoreValues;
std::vector<VkSemaphore> m_signalSemaphores;
std::map<DxvkSparseBufferBindKey, DxvkSparsePageHandle> m_bufferBinds;
std::map<DxvkSparseImageBindKey, DxvkSparsePageHandle> m_imageBinds;
std::map<DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindKey, DxvkSparsePageHandle> m_imageOpaqueBinds;
static bool tryMergeMemoryBind(
VkSparseMemoryBind& oldBind,
const VkSparseMemoryBind& newBind);
void processBufferBinds(
DxvkSparseBufferBindArrays& buffer);
void processImageBinds(
DxvkSparseImageBindArrays& image);
void processOpaqueBinds(
DxvkSparseImageOpaqueBindArrays& opaque);
template<typename HandleType, typename BindType, typename InfoType>
void populateOutputArrays(
std::vector<BindType>& binds,
std::vector<InfoType>& infos,
const std::vector<std::pair<HandleType, BindType>>& input);
void logSparseBindingInfo(
LogLevel level,
const VkBindSparseInfo* info);