
574 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "dxvk_hash.h"
#include "dxvk_include.h"
namespace dxvk {
class DxvkDevice;
* \brief Descriptor set indices
struct DxvkDescriptorSets {
static constexpr uint32_t FsViews = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t FsBuffers = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t VsAll = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t SetCount = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t CsAll = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t CsSetCount = 1;
* \brief Binding info
* Stores metadata for a single binding in
* a given shader, or for the whole pipeline.
struct DxvkBindingInfo {
VkDescriptorType descriptorType; ///< Vulkan descriptor type
uint32_t resourceBinding; ///< API binding slot for the resource
VkImageViewType viewType; ///< Image view type
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage; ///< Shader stage
VkAccessFlags access; ///< Access mask for the resource
* \brief Computes descriptor set index for the given binding
* This is determines based on the shader stages that use the binding.
* \returns Descriptor set index
uint32_t computeSetIndex() const;
* \brief Numeric value of the binding
* Used when sorting bindings.
* \returns Numeric value
uint32_t value() const;
* \brief Checks for equality
* \param [in] other Binding to compare to
* \returns \c true if both bindings are equal
bool eq(const DxvkBindingInfo& other) const;
* \brief Hashes binding info
* \returns Binding hash
size_t hash() const;
* \brief Binding list
* Linear structure that can be used to look
* up descriptor set objects.
class DxvkBindingList {
* \brief Number of Vulkan bindings
* \returns Binding count
uint32_t getBindingCount() const {
return uint32_t(m_bindings.size());
* \brief Retrieves binding info
* \param [in] idx Binding index
* \returns Binding info
const DxvkBindingInfo& getBinding(uint32_t index) const {
return m_bindings[index];
* \brief Adds a binding to the list
* \param [in] binding Binding info
void addBinding(const DxvkBindingInfo& binding);
* \brief Merges binding lists
* Adds bindings from another list to the current list. Useful
* when creating descriptor set layouts for pipelines consisting
* of multiple shader stages.
* \param [in] layout Binding list to merge
void merge(const DxvkBindingList& list);
* \brief Checks for equality
* \param [in] other Binding layout to compare to
* \returns \c true if both binding layouts are equal
bool eq(const DxvkBindingList& other) const;
* \brief Hashes binding layout
* \returns Binding layout hash
size_t hash() const;
std::vector<DxvkBindingInfo> m_bindings;
* \brief Binding set layout key entry
* Stores unique info for a single binding.
struct DxvkBindingSetLayoutKeyEntry {
VkDescriptorType descriptorType;
VkShaderStageFlags stages;
* \brief Binding set layout key
* Stores relevant information to look
* up unique descriptor set layouts.
class DxvkBindingSetLayoutKey {
DxvkBindingSetLayoutKey(const DxvkBindingList& list);
* \brief Retrieves binding count
* \returns Binding count
uint32_t getBindingCount() const {
return uint32_t(m_bindings.size());
* \brief Retrieves binding info
* \param [in] index Binding index
* \returns Binding info
DxvkBindingSetLayoutKeyEntry getBinding(uint32_t index) const {
return m_bindings[index];
* \brief Checks for equality
* \param [in] other Binding layout to compare to
* \returns \c true if both binding layouts are equal
bool eq(const DxvkBindingSetLayoutKey& other) const;
* \brief Hashes binding layout
* \returns Binding layout hash
size_t hash() const;
std::vector<DxvkBindingSetLayoutKeyEntry> m_bindings;
* \brief Binding list objects
* Manages a Vulkan descriptor set layout
* object for a given binding list.
class DxvkBindingSetLayout {
DxvkDevice* device,
const DxvkBindingSetLayoutKey& key);
* \brief Queries descriptor set layout
* \returns Descriptor set layout
VkDescriptorSetLayout getSetLayout() const {
return m_layout;
* \brief Queries descriptor template
* \returns Descriptor update template
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate getSetUpdateTemplate() const {
return m_template;
DxvkDevice* m_device;
VkDescriptorSetLayout m_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate m_template = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
* \brief Binding layout
* Convenience class to map out shader bindings for use in
* descriptor set layouts and pipeline layouts. If possible,
* bindings that only differ in stage will be merged.
class DxvkBindingLayout {
DxvkBindingLayout(VkShaderStageFlags stages);
* \brief Number of Vulkan bindings per set
* \param [in] set Descriptor set index
* \returns Binding count for the given set
uint32_t getBindingCount(uint32_t set) const {
return m_bindings[set].getBindingCount();
* \brief Retrieves binding info
* \param [in] set Descriptor set index
* \param [in] idx Binding index
* \returns Binding info
const DxvkBindingInfo& getBinding(uint32_t set, uint32_t idx) const {
return m_bindings[set].getBinding(idx);
* \brief Retrieves binding list for a given set
* Use convenience methods above to gather info about
* individual descriptors. This is intended to be used
* for descriptor set lookup primarily.
const DxvkBindingList& getBindingList(uint32_t set) const {
return m_bindings[set];
* \brief Retrieves push constant range
* \returns Push constant range
VkPushConstantRange getPushConstantRange() const {
return m_pushConst;
* \brief Queries shader stages
* \returns Shader stages
VkShaderStageFlags getStages() const {
return m_stages;
* \brief Queries defined descriptor set layouts
* Any set layout not included in this must be null.
* \returns Bit mask of defined descriptor sets
uint32_t getSetMask() const;
* \brief Adds a binding to the layout
* \param [in] binding Binding info
void addBinding(const DxvkBindingInfo& binding);
* \brief Adds push constant range
* \param [in] range Push constant range
void addPushConstantRange(VkPushConstantRange range);
* \brief Merges binding layouts
* Adds bindings and push constant range from another layout to
* the current layout. Useful when creating pipeline layouts and
* descriptor set layouts for pipelines consisting of multiple
* shader stages.
* \param [in] layout Binding layout to merge
void merge(const DxvkBindingLayout& layout);
* \brief Checks for equality
* \param [in] other Binding layout to compare to
* \returns \c true if both binding layouts are equal
bool eq(const DxvkBindingLayout& other) const;
* \brief Hashes binding layout
* \returns Binding layout hash
size_t hash() const;
std::array<DxvkBindingList, DxvkDescriptorSets::SetCount> m_bindings;
VkPushConstantRange m_pushConst;
VkShaderStageFlags m_stages;
* \brief Descriptor set and binding number
struct DxvkBindingMapping {
uint32_t set;
uint32_t binding;
* \brief Key for binding lookups
struct DxvkBindingKey {
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
uint32_t binding;
size_t hash() const {
DxvkHashState hash;
return hash;
bool eq(const DxvkBindingKey& other) const {
return stage == other.stage && binding == other.binding;
* \brief Global resource barrier
* Stores the way any resources will be
* accessed by this pipeline.
struct DxvkGlobalPipelineBarrier {
VkPipelineStageFlags stages;
VkAccessFlags access;
* \brief Pipeline and descriptor set layouts for a given binding layout
* Creates the following Vulkan objects for a given binding layout:
* - A descriptor set layout for each required descriptor set
* - A descriptor update template for each set with non-zero binding count
* - A pipeline layout referencing all descriptor sets and the push constant ranges
class DxvkBindingLayoutObjects {
DxvkDevice* device,
const DxvkBindingLayout& layout,
const DxvkBindingSetLayout** setObjects);
* \brief Binding layout
* \returns Binding layout
const DxvkBindingLayout& layout() const {
return m_layout;
* \brief Queries total number of bindings
* \returns Binding count in all sets
uint32_t getBindingCount() const {
return m_bindingCount;
* \brief Queries active descriptor set mask
* \returns Bit mask of non-empty descriptor sets
uint32_t getSetMask() const {
return m_setMask;
* \brief Retrieves descriptor set layout for a given set
* \param [in] set Descriptor set index
* \returns Vulkan descriptor set layout
VkDescriptorSetLayout getSetLayout(uint32_t set) const {
return m_bindingObjects[set]->getSetLayout();
* \brief Retrieves descriptor update template for a given set
* \param [in] set Descriptor set index
* \returns Vulkan descriptor update template
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate getSetUpdateTemplate(uint32_t set) const {
return m_bindingObjects[set]->getSetUpdateTemplate();
* \brief Retrieves pipeline layout
* \param [in] independent Request INDEPENDENT_SETS_BIT
* \returns Pipeline layout handle
VkPipelineLayout getPipelineLayout(bool independent) const {
return independent
? m_independentLayout
: m_completeLayout;
* \brief Looks up set and binding number by resource binding
* \param [in] stage Shader stage
* \param [in] index Resource binding index
* \returns Descriptor set and binding number
std::optional<DxvkBindingMapping> lookupBinding(VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, uint32_t index) const {
DxvkBindingKey key = { stage, index };
auto entry = m_mapping.find(key);
if (entry != m_mapping.end())
return entry->second;
return std::nullopt;
* \brief Queries global resource barrier
* Can be used to determine whether the pipeline
* reads or writes any resources, and which shader
* stages it uses.
* \returns Global barrier
DxvkGlobalPipelineBarrier getGlobalBarrier() const;
DxvkDevice* m_device;
DxvkBindingLayout m_layout;
VkPipelineLayout m_completeLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPipelineLayout m_independentLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
uint32_t m_bindingCount = 0;
uint32_t m_setMask = 0;
std::array<const DxvkBindingSetLayout*, DxvkDescriptorSets::SetCount> m_bindingObjects = { };
std::unordered_map<DxvkBindingKey, DxvkBindingMapping, DxvkHash, DxvkEq> m_mapping;
* \brief Dirty descriptor set state
class DxvkDescriptorState {
void dirtyBuffers(VkShaderStageFlags stages) {
m_dirtyBuffers |= stages;
void dirtyViews(VkShaderStageFlags stages) {
m_dirtyViews |= stages;
void dirtyStages(VkShaderStageFlags stages) {
m_dirtyBuffers |= stages;
m_dirtyViews |= stages;
void clearStages(VkShaderStageFlags stages) {
m_dirtyBuffers &= ~stages;
m_dirtyViews &= ~stages;
bool hasDirtyGraphicsSets() const {
return (m_dirtyBuffers | m_dirtyViews) & (VK_SHADER_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS);
bool hasDirtyComputeSets() const {
return (m_dirtyBuffers | m_dirtyViews) & (VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT);
uint32_t getDirtyGraphicsSets() const {
uint32_t result = 0;
if (m_dirtyBuffers & VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT)
result |= (1u << DxvkDescriptorSets::FsBuffers);
result |= (1u << DxvkDescriptorSets::FsViews) | (1u << DxvkDescriptorSets::FsBuffers);
if ((m_dirtyBuffers | m_dirtyViews) & (VK_SHADER_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS & ~VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT))
result |= (1u << DxvkDescriptorSets::VsAll);
return result;
uint32_t getDirtyComputeSets() const {
uint32_t result = 0;
if ((m_dirtyBuffers | m_dirtyViews) & VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT)
result |= (1u << DxvkDescriptorSets::CsAll);
return result;
VkShaderStageFlags m_dirtyBuffers = 0;
VkShaderStageFlags m_dirtyViews = 0;