
82 lines
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#pragma once
#include "../spirv_code_buffer.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief SPIR-V entry point info
* Accumulates information about the entry
* point of the generated shader module,
* including execution mode info.
class SpirvEntryPoint {
* \brief Generates SPIR-V code
* \returns SPIR-V code buffer
SpirvCodeBuffer code() const;
* \brief Sets memory model
* Generates an \c OpMemoryModel instruction.
* Only ever call this once, or otherwise the
* resulting shader will become undefined.
* \param [in] addressModel Address model
* \param [in] memoryModel Memory model
void setMemoryModel(
spv::AddressingModel addressModel,
spv::MemoryModel memoryModel);
* \brief Adds an entry point
* Currently, DXVK expects there to be a single entry point
* with the name \c main. Do not create additional entry points.
* \param [in] functionId Entry point function ID
* \param [in] execModel Execution model for the function
* \param [in] name Entry point name that is used by Vulkan
* \param [in] interfaceCount Number of additional interface IDs
* \param [in] interfaceIds List of additional interface IDs
void addEntryPoint(
uint32_t functionId,
spv::ExecutionModel execModel,
const char* name,
uint32_t interfaceCount,
const uint32_t* interfaceIds);
* \brief Sets local work group size for a compute shader
* Adds a \c OpExecutionMode instruction that sets
* the local work group size for a compute shader.
* \param [in] functionId Entry point ID
* \param [in] x Number of threads in X direction
* \param [in] y Number of threads in Y direction
* \param [in] z Number of threads in Z direction
void setLocalSize(
uint32_t functionId,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t z);
SpirvCodeBuffer m_memoryModel;
SpirvCodeBuffer m_entryPoints;
SpirvCodeBuffer m_execModeInfo;