import Widget from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widget.js'; import { lookUpIcon, timeout } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/utils.js'; const NotificationIcon = ({ appEntry, appIcon, image }) => { if (image) { return Widget.Box({ valign: 'start', hexpand: false, className: 'icon img', style: ` background-image: url("${image}"); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; min-width: 78px; min-height: 78px; `, }); } let icon = 'dialog-information-symbolic'; if(lookUpIcon(appIcon)) icon = appIcon; if (lookUpIcon(appEntry)) icon = appEntry; return Widget.Box({ valign: 'start', hexpand: false, className: 'icon', style: ` min-width: 78px; min-height: 78px; `, children: [Widget.Icon({ icon, size: 58, halign: 'center', hexpand: true, valign: 'center', vexpand: true, })], }); }; export const Notification = n => Widget.EventBox({ className: `notification ${n.urgency}`, onPrimaryClick: () => n.dismiss(), properties: [['hovered', false]], onHover: self => { if (self._hovered) return; // if there are action buttons and they are hovered // EventBox onHoverLost will fire off immediately, // so to prevent this we delay it timeout(300, () => self._hovered = true); }, onHoverLost: self => { if (!self._hovered) return; self._hovered = false; n.dismiss(); }, vexpand: false, child: Widget.Box({ vertical: true, children: [ Widget.Box({ children: [ NotificationIcon(n), Widget.Box({ hexpand: true, vertical: true, children: [ Widget.Box({ children: [ Widget.Label({ className: 'title', xalign: 0, justification: 'left', hexpand: true, maxWidthChars: 24, truncate: 'end', wrap: true, label: n.summary, useMarkup: true, }), Widget.Button({ className: 'close-button', valign: 'start', child: Widget.Icon('window-close-symbolic'), onClicked: n.close.bind(n), }), ], }), Widget.Label({ className: 'description', hexpand: true, useMarkup: true, xalign: 0, justification: 'left', label: n.body, wrap: true, }), ], }), ], }), Widget.Box({ className: 'actions', children:{ id, label }) => Widget.Button({ className: 'action-button', onClicked: () => n.invoke(id), hexpand: true, child: Widget.Label(label), })), }), ], }), });