import asyncio import hashlib import json import logging import re import shutil import zipfile from os import PathLike from pathlib import Path from worthless import constants, launcher from worthless.classes import installer from import ( Variant, VoicepackArchiveType, UpdateStatus, InstallStatus, VoicepackArchiveLanguage, ) from import HDiffPatch from import LauncherConfig _logger = logging.getLogger("worthless.Game") _game_version_regex = re.compile(r"([1-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)_\d+_\d+") def _calculate_md5(file: str | bytes | PathLike): file = Path(file) if not file.exists(): return "" with"rb") as f: file_hash = hashlib.md5() while chunk := file_hash.update(chunk) return file_hash.hexdigest() def _read_version_from_game_file(globalgamemanagers: Path | bytes) -> str | None: """ Reads the version from the globalgamemanagers file. (Data/globalgamemanagers) This function uses `An Anime Game Launcher` method to read the version: Returns: Version as string "x.x.x" or None if not found. """ if isinstance(globalgamemanagers, Path): data = globalgamemanagers.read_text(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore") else: data = globalgamemanagers.decode(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore") result = if not result: return return def parse_pkg_version(pkg_version: str | bytes | PathLike) -> dict: """ Parse a pkg_version file Args: pkg_version: The pkg_version file to be parsed Returns: A parsed pkg_version as a dict {"": ", "": "", ...} """ contents = Path(pkg_version).read_text() pkg_version = {} for content in contents.split("\r\n"): if not content.strip(): continue info = json.loads(content) pkg_version.update({info["remoteName"]: info["md5"]}) return pkg_version def voicepack_lang_translate(lang: str, base_language="game") -> str | None: """ Translates the voicepack language to the language code used by the game (and reverse) Args: lang: Language to translate base_language: Base language type (game/locale/both) Returns: Translated language code such as "en-us" or "English(US)" """ if base_language == "game" or base_language == "both": match lang.lower(): case "english(us)": return "en-us" case "japanese": return "ja-jp" case "chinese": return "zh-cn" case "korean": return "ko-kr" if base_language == "locale" or base_language == "both": match lang.lower().replace("_", "-"): case "en-us": return "English(US)" case "ja-jp": return "Japanese" case "zh-cn": return "Chinese" case "ko-kr": return "Korean" def get_voicepack_archive_language( archive: str | bytes | PathLike, ) -> VoicepackArchiveLanguage: """ Gets voicepack archive language. Args: archive: The voicepack archive to get type Returns: VoicepackArchiveLanguage """ if not isinstance(archive, Path): archive = Path(archive).resolve() if not archive.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Voiceover archive {archive} not found") with zipfile.ZipFile(archive, "r") as f: for file in zipfile.Path(f).iterdir(): if"Audio_") and"_pkg_version"): # Audio__pkg_version return VoicepackArchiveLanguage("_")[1]) def get_voicepack_archive_type(archive: str | bytes | PathLike) -> VoicepackArchiveType: """ Gets voicepack archive type. Args: archive: The voicepack archive to get type Returns: VoicepackArchiveType.UPDATE for update archive, and VoicepackArchiveType.FULL for a full voicepack archive. """ vo_lang = get_voicepack_archive_language(archive) with zipfile.ZipFile(archive, "r") as f: archive_path = zipfile.Path(f) files ="Audio_{}_pkg_version".format(vo_lang)).decode().split("\n") for file in files: if ( file.strip() and not archive_path.joinpath(json.loads(file)["remoteName"]).exists() ): return VoicepackArchiveType.UPDATE return VoicepackArchiveType.FULL def verify_game_file( file: str | bytes | PathLike, game_dir: str | bytes | PathLike, pkg_version: dict[str, str] | str | bytes | PathLike, ignore_mismatch=True, ) -> (str, str, str) | None: """ Verifies a game file It is strongly recommended to parse pkg_version with parse_pkg_version and use that as pkg_version argument if you're planning to verify multiple game files to save resource and verify faster. Args: file: File to verify (e.g. GenshinImpact_Data/sharedassets0.assets.resS) game_dir: Game directory pkg_version: pkg_version file to read MD5 from, if not specified it'll use the file from the current game installation ignore_mismatch: Do not raise exception if a file has mismatch MD5, instead return as a (file, expected md5, actual md5) tuple Returns: None if the file is good, (file, expected md5, actual md5) if the file has mismatch md5 Raises: FileNotFoundError if the file to verify doesn't exist """ game_dir = Path(game_dir) file_full = game_dir.joinpath(file) if not isinstance(pkg_version, dict): pkg_version = parse_pkg_version(pkg_version=pkg_version) if not pkg_version.get(file): raise FileNotFoundError(file) file_md5 = _calculate_md5(file_full) if file_md5 == pkg_version[file]: return None if ignore_mismatch: return file, pkg_version[file], file_md5 raise ValueError( f"MD5 does not match for {file}, expected md5: {pkg_version[file]}, actual md5: {file_md5}" ) async def verify_game_files( game_dir: str | bytes | PathLike, pkg_version: dict[str, str] | str | bytes | PathLike, ignore_mismatch=True, ): if not isinstance(game_dir, Path): game_dir = Path(game_dir) if not isinstance(pkg_version, dict): pkg_version = parse_pkg_version(pkg_version=pkg_version) # Wrapper for catching FileNotFoundError def verify(f): try: result = verify_game_file( file=f, game_dir=game_dir, pkg_version=pkg_version, ignore_mismatch=ignore_mismatch, ) except FileNotFoundError: return return result verify_jobs = [] for file in pkg_version: verify_jobs.append(asyncio.to_thread(verify, file)) verify_result = await asyncio.gather(*verify_jobs) failed_files = [] for file in verify_result: if file is not None: failed_files.append(file) return failed_files class Game: """ Manages game & voicepacks installation. This class handles installing and updating game & voicepacks installation. Args: game_dir: Game directory variant: Game variant cache_dir: Cache directory, if not specified it'll automatically detect your system cache directory and use that. """ def __init__( self, game_dir: str | bytes | PathLike = None, variant: Variant = None, cache_dir: str | bytes | PathLike = None, ): if not game_dir: game_dir = Path.cwd() if not isinstance(game_dir, Path): game_dir = Path(game_dir) self._game_dir = game_dir if cache_dir: if not isinstance(cache_dir, Path): cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) self._cache_path = cache_dir.joinpath("Installer/") else: self._cache_path = Path(constants.APPDIRS.user_cache_dir).joinpath( "Installer" ) Path(self._cache_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._variant = variant self._version = None self._launcher = launcher.Launcher(variant=variant) self._hdiffpatch = HDiffPatch(data_dir=cache_dir) self._game_config_file = self._game_dir.joinpath("config.ini") self._game_config = LauncherConfig( self._game_config_file, game_version=self.version ) def _read_version_from_config(self) -> str | None: """ Reads the version from config.ini Returns: Version as string "x.x.x" or None if not found. """ if not self._game_config_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config file {self._game_config_file} not found") return self._game_config.get("General", "game_version", fallback=None) async def get_resource_info(self) -> installer.Resource: """ Alias for `launcher.get_resource_info()` """ return await self._launcher.get_resource_info() async def get_server_game_info(self, pre_download: bool = False) -> installer.Game: game_resource = await self.get_resource_info() game = if not pre_download: return game game = game_resource.pre_download_game if game is None: raise RuntimeError("Pre-download version is not available.") @property def version(self) -> str | None: """ Gets the current game version Returns: Version as string "x.x.x" or None if not found. """ if not self._version: self._version = self.get_current_game_version() return self._version @property def variant(self) -> Variant: """ Gets the current game variant This property is a shorthand for get_current_game_variant() Returns: GameVariant """ if not self._variant: self._version = self.get_current_game_variant() return self._variant @property def cache_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache_path @staticmethod def voicepack_lang_translate(lang: str, base_language="game") -> str | None: """ This function is an alias to """ return voicepack_lang_translate(lang=lang, base_language=base_language) @staticmethod def get_voicepack_archive_language( archive: str | bytes | PathLike, ) -> VoicepackArchiveLanguage: """ This function is an alias to """ return get_voicepack_archive_language(archive=archive) @staticmethod def get_voicepack_archive_type( archive: str | bytes | PathLike, ) -> VoicepackArchiveType: """ This function is an alias to """ return get_voicepack_archive_type(archive=archive) def get_game_data_name(self) -> str: """ Gets the game data path name Returns: A string containing game data path (e.g. GenshinImpact_Data) """ match self.variant: case Variant.INTERNATIONAL: return "GenshinImpact_Data" case Variant.CHINESE: return "YuanShen_Data" case Variant.BILIBILI: return "YuanShen_Data" def get_game_data_path(self) -> Path: """ Gets the game data path Returns: A Path object with the game data path. """ return self._game_dir.joinpath(self.get_game_data_name()) def get_archive_game_version( self, game_archive: str | bytes | PathLike ) -> str | None: """ Gets the game version in the archive Returns: Version as string "x.x.x" or None if not found. """ game_archive = Path(game_archive) if not game_archive.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Game archive {game_archive} not found") with zipfile.ZipFile(game_archive, "r") as f: return _read_version_from_game_file( + "globalgamemanagers") ) def get_current_game_variant(self) -> Variant: """ Gets the current game variant Returns: GameVariant """ if self._game_dir.joinpath("GenshinImpact.exe").is_file(): return Variant.INTERNATIONAL if not self._game_dir.joinpath("YuanShen.exe").is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("Game installation not found.") # We can't depend on get_game_data_name() because it depends on self._variant # which depends on this function. if self._game_dir.joinpath("YuanShen_Data/Plugins/PCGameSDK.dll").is_file(): return Variant.BILIBILI return Variant.CHINESE def get_current_game_version(self) -> str | None: """ Gets the current game version Returns: Version as string "x.x.x" or None if not found. """ globalgamemanagers = self.get_game_data_path().joinpath("./globalgamemanagers") if not globalgamemanagers.exists(): try: return self._read_version_from_config() except FileNotFoundError: return return _read_version_from_game_file(globalgamemanagers) def get_installed_voicepacks(self) -> list[str]: """ Returns a list of installed voicepacks. :return: List of installed voicepacks """ voicepacks = [] for file in ( self.get_game_data_path() .joinpath("StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks/Windows") .iterdir() ): if file.is_dir(): voicepacks.append( return voicepacks async def update_game(self, game_archive: str | bytes | PathLike, callback=None): if not self.get_game_data_path().exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Game not found in {self._game_dir}") if not isinstance(game_archive, Path): game_archive = Path(game_archive).resolve() if not game_archive.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Update archive {game_archive} not found") def call(status, f=None): if not callback: return callback(status=status, file=f) if not self._hdiffpatch.get_hpatchz_executable(): call(UpdateStatus.DOWNLOADING_PATCHER) await self._hdiffpatch.download_latest_release() archive = zipfile.ZipFile(game_archive, "r") files = archive.namelist() # Don't extract these files (they're useless and if the game isn't patched then it'll # raise 31-4xxx error in-game) call(UpdateStatus.PREPARING_PATCH) for file in ["deletefiles.txt", "hdifffiles.txt"]: try: files.remove(file) except ValueError: pass # hdiffpatch implementation hdifffiles = [] for x in ( (await asyncio.to_thread(, "hdifffiles.txt")) .decode() .split("\n") ): if x: hdifffiles.append(json.loads(x)["remoteName"]) patch_jobs = [] for file in hdifffiles: call(UpdateStatus.PREPARING_PATCH, f=file) current_game_file = self._game_dir.joinpath(file) if not current_game_file.exists(): # Not patching since we don't have the file continue patch_file = str(file) + ".hdiff" async def extract_and_patch(old_file, diff_file): call(UpdateStatus.PATCHING, f=old_file) diff_path = self._cache_path.joinpath(diff_file) if diff_path.is_file(): diff_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) await asyncio.to_thread(archive.extract, diff_file, self._cache_path) patch_path = self._cache_path.joinpath(diff_file) old_suffix = old_file.suffix old_file = await old_file.rename(old_file.with_suffix(".bak")) proc = await self._hdiffpatch.patch_file( old_file, old_file.with_suffix(old_suffix), patch_path, wait=True ) patch_path.unlink() if proc.returncode != 0: # Let the game download the file. await old_file.rename(old_file.with_suffix(old_suffix)) return await old_file.unlink() files.remove(patch_file) patch_jobs.append(extract_and_patch(current_game_file, patch_file)) await asyncio.gather(*patch_jobs) call(UpdateStatus.PREPARING_REMOVE_UNUSED) deletefiles ="deletefiles.txt").decode().split("\n") for file in deletefiles: current_game_file = Path(self._game_dir.joinpath(file)) if not current_game_file.exists(): continue if current_game_file.is_file(): call(UpdateStatus.REMOVING_UNUSED, f=file) current_game_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) call(UpdateStatus.EXTRACTING) await asyncio.to_thread(archive.extractall, self._game_dir, members=files) archive.close() # Update game version on local variable. self._version = self.get_current_game_version() self.set_version_config() call(UpdateStatus.COMPLETED) def set_version_config(self, version: str = None): """ Sets the version in config.ini Args: version: Version to be set, if not specified then it'll use the current game version """ if not version: version = self.version self._game_config.set_game_version(version) def _extract_game_file(self, archive: str | bytes | PathLike): if not isinstance(archive, Path): archive = Path(archive).resolve() if not archive.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"'{archive}' not found") with zipfile.ZipFile(archive, "r") as f: f.extractall(path=self._game_dir) def apply_voicepack(self, archive: str | bytes | PathLike): """ Install or update a voicepack to the game Args: archive: The voicepack to install or update """ # Since voicepack packages are unclear about diff package or full package # we will try to extract the voicepack package and apply it to the game # making this function universal for both cases if not self.get_game_data_path().exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Game not found in {self._game_dir}") self._extract_game_file(archive) async def install_game( self, game_archive: str | bytes | PathLike, force_reinstall: bool = False, callback=None, ): """Installs the game to the current directory If `force_reinstall` is True, the game will be uninstalled then reinstalled. """ def call(status): if not callback: return callback(status=status) if self.get_game_data_path().exists(): if not force_reinstall: raise ValueError(f"Game is already installed in {self._game_dir}") call(InstallStatus.REMOVING_OLD_GAME) self.delete_game() self._game_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) call(InstallStatus.EXTRACTING) self._extract_game_file(game_archive) self._version = self.get_current_game_version() self.set_version_config() call(InstallStatus.COMPLETED) async def get_voicepack_diff_archive( self, lang: str, from_version: str = None, pre_download=False ) -> installer.Diff: """Gets a diff archive from `from_version` to the latest one If from_version is not specified, it will be taken from the current game version. """ from_version = from_version if from_version else self.version game = await self.get_server_game_info(pre_download=pre_download) translated_lang = voicepack_lang_translate(lang) for v in game.diffs: if v.version != from_version: continue for vo in v.voice_packs: if vo.language == translated_lang: return vo async def get_game_diff_archive( self, from_version: str = None, pre_download=False ) -> installer.Diff: """Gets a diff archive from `from_version` to the latest one If from_version is not specified, it will be taken from the current game version. """ from_version = from_version if from_version else self.version game = await self.get_server_game_info(pre_download=pre_download) for v in game.diffs: if v.version == from_version: return v def verify_game_file( self, file: str | bytes | PathLike, pkg_version: dict[str, str] | str | bytes | PathLike = None, ignore_mismatch=True, ): """ Verifies a game file It is strongly recommended to parse pkg_version with parse_pkg_version and use that as pkg_version argument if you're planning to verify multiple game files to save resource and verify faster. Args: file: The file to verify (e.g. GenshinImpact_Data/sharedassets0.assets.resS) pkg_version: The pkg_version file to read MD5 from, if not specified it'll use the file from the current game installation ignore_mismatch: Do not raise exception if a file has mismatch MD5, instead return as a (file, expected md5, actual md5) tuple Returns: None if the file is good, (file, expected md5, actual md5) if the file has mismatch md5 Raises: FileNotFoundError if the file to verify doesn't exist """ if pkg_version is None: pkg_version = self._game_dir.joinpath("pkg_version") return verify_game_file( file=file, game_dir=self._game_dir, pkg_version=pkg_version, ignore_mismatch=ignore_mismatch, ) async def verify_game_files( self, pkg_version: dict[str, str] | str | bytes | PathLike = None, ignore_mismatch=True, ): """ Verifies the current game installation Args: pkg_version: The pkg_version file to read MD5 from, if not specified it'll use the file from the current game installation ignore_mismatch: Do not raise exception if a file has mismatch MD5, instead return all of them as a list with (file, expected md5, actual md5) Returns: None if all files are good, a list with (file, expected md5, actual md5) for mismatch files """ if pkg_version is None: pkg_version = self._game_dir.joinpath("pkg_version") return await verify_game_files( game_dir=self._game_dir, pkg_version=pkg_version, ignore_mismatch=ignore_mismatch, ) def delete_game(self): """ Deletes the current game installation """ shutil.rmtree(self._game_dir, ignore_errors=True) self._version = None self._variant = None def clear_cache(self): """ Clears the cache (e.g. downloaded game files) """ shutil.rmtree(self._cache_path, ignore_errors=True)