// ==UserScript== // @name lol just redirect to nitter // @namespace https://git.froggi.es/tom/redirect-to-nitter-n-shit/ // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/448085-lol-just-redirect-to-nitter // @version 0.102 // @license GNU GPLv3 // @description see title. edit code for settings. // @author Thomas F. // @match https://twitter.com/* // @icon https://git.froggi.es/tom/redirect-to-nitter-n-shit/raw/branch/main/icon.ico // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // Settings let timelineRedirect = true; // Redirect on main home page/timeline? true/false (script's still a wip so getting redirected to nitter by clicking on a tweet on the twitter timeline isn't programmed in yet. true by default until then.) let nitterInstance = "https://nitter.ca/"; // (PLEASE INCLUDE "https://" AT THE START OF THE DOMAIN AND "/" AT THE END) | What Nitter instance you'd like to be redirected to. Using ".ca" as default because it's the best instance I personally know, I also recommend "twiit.com", which selects an instance that's running well and isn't rate-limited. // // console.log("is this even loading"); let href = document.location.href; var ofm = href.split("/"); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ofm.shift(); } // console.log(ofm); var goTo = nitterInstance; if (ofm[1] == "home" || ofm[1] == "" || ofm[1] == "i") { console.log("j"); if (timelineRedirect == false) { goTo = "false"; } } else { for (var m = 1; m < ofm.length; m++) { goTo += ofm[m] + "/"; } } if (goTo == "false") { // console.log("no"); } else { // console.info("this was supposed to redirect to " + goTo); document.location = goTo; }