/*************************************************************************** simple block-fill item non-interactable. */ class mitem_fill : mitem { virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { ui.drawfill(pos, this.item_size, this.item_rgb, this.item_alpha, 0); }; }; #define menuitemfill_spawn(sz,rgb,alph) spawn(mitem_fill, item_size:sz, item_rgb:rgb, item_alpha:alph) /*************************************************************************** basic picture item. non-interactable. item_text: the normal image to use item_text_mactive: the image to use when the mouse is over it. item_size: if not set, will be set to the size of the image named by item_text. if only y is set, x will be sized to match aspect with y. */ class mitem_pic : mitem { string item_text_mactive; virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { if (item_text_mactive != "" && (item_flags & IF_MFOCUSED)) ui.drawpic(pos, item_text_mactive, item_size, item_rgb, item_alpha, 0); else ui.drawpic(pos, item_text, item_size, item_rgb, item_alpha, 0); }; void() mitem_pic = { if (dp_workarounds) { if (substring(item_text, -4, 4) == ".lmp") item_text = substring(item_text, 0, -5); if (substring(item_text_mactive , -4, 5) == ".lmp") item_text_mactive = substring(item_text_mactive, 0, -4); } item_text = strzone(item_text); precache_pic(item_text); if (item_text_mactive) { item_text_mactive = strzone(item_text_mactive); precache_pic(item_text_mactive); } if (!item_size[0]) { float y = item_size[1]; item_size = drawgetimagesize(item_text); if (y) //rescale x to ma { if (!item_size[1]) //bad image? don't glitch out too much. item_size = item_size[0] * '1 1 0'; else item_size = [item_size[0] * (y / item_size[1]), y, 0]; } } }; virtual void() item_remove = { strunzone(item_text); if (item_text_mactive) strunzone(item_text_mactive); super::item_remove(); }; }; #define menuitempic_spawn(img,sz) spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:img, item_size:sz) /*************************************************************************** basic text item. interactable - executes a given console command. */ class mitem_text : mitem { virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { vector rgb = menuitem_textcolour(this); float w; if (item_flags & IF_CENTERALIGN) { w = stringwidth(item_text, TRUE, '1 1 0'*item_scale); ui.drawstring(pos + [(item_size_x-w)/2, 0], item_text, '1 1 0' * item_scale, rgb, item_alpha, 0); } else if (item_flags & IF_RIGHTALIGN) { w = stringwidth(item_text, TRUE, '1 1 0'*item_scale); ui.drawstring(pos + [(item_size_x-w), 0], item_text, '1 1 0' * item_scale, rgb, item_alpha, 0); } else ui.drawstring(pos, item_text, '1 1 0' * item_scale, rgb, item_alpha, 0); }; virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress = { if (this.item_command) { if (!down) return FALSE; if (scan == K_ENTER || (scan == K_MOUSE1 && mouseinbox(pos, this.item_size))) { item_parent.item_execcommand(this, this.item_command); // localcmd(strcat(this.item_command, "\n")); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }; //zone+unzone input strings as needed virtual void() item_remove = { strunzone(item_text); if (item_command) strunzone(item_command); super::item_remove(); }; void() mitem_text = { item_text = strzone(item_text); if (item_command != "") { item_command = strzone(item_command); item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE; } }; }; mitem(string text, string command, float height) menuitemtext_spawn = { return spawn(mitem_text, item_scale:height, item_text:text, item_command:command, item_size:[stringwidth(text, TRUE, '1 1 0'*height), height, 0]); }; class mitem_label : mitem { //class that queries its frame to find the text to show. mitem_vslider vslider; virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { vector rgb = menuitem_textcolour(this); string text = get(item_text); float fl = 2; //top-align vector textpos = pos; vector clientsize = item_size; if (item_flags & IF_CENTERALIGN) fl |= 0; //default is to center align else if (item_flags & IF_RIGHTALIGN) fl |= 4; //right align. else fl |= 1; //left align. if (vslider) { textpos[1] -= vslider.val; clientsize[1] += vslider.val; clientsize[0] -= vslider.item_size[0]; } local vector omin = ui.drawrectmin, omax = ui.drawrectmax; //clip the draw rect to our area, so text doesn't appear outside it. don't draw if its inverted. if (pos_x > ui.drawrectmin[0]) ui.drawrectmin[0] = pos_x; if (pos_y > ui.drawrectmin[1]) ui.drawrectmin[1] = pos_y; if (pos_x+clientsize_x < ui.drawrectmax[0]) ui.drawrectmax[0] = pos_x+clientsize_x; if (pos_y+clientsize_y < ui.drawrectmax[1]) ui.drawrectmax[1] = pos_y+clientsize[1]; if (ui.drawrectmax[0] > ui.drawrectmin[0] && ui.drawrectmax[1] > ui.drawrectmin[1]) { ui.setcliparea(ui.drawrectmin[0], ui.drawrectmin[1], ui.drawrectmax[0] - ui.drawrectmin[0], ui.drawrectmax[1] - ui.drawrectmin[1]); if (checkbuiltin(drawtextfield)) clientsize[1] = drawtextfield(textpos, clientsize, fl, text) * item_scale; else { drawstring(textpos, text, [8,8], [1,1,1],1,0); clientsize[1] = 8; } ui.setcliparea(omin_x, omin_y, omax_x - omin_x, omax_y - omin_y); if (vslider) { vslider.item_size[1] = item_size[1]; if (ui.mousepos != ui.oldmousepos) { if (mouseinbox(pos + [clientsize[0], 0], vslider.item_size)) this.item_focuschange(vslider, IF_MFOCUSED); } vslider.item_draw(pos + [clientsize[0], 0]); } } ui.drawrectmin = omin; ui.drawrectmax = omax; if (clientsize[1] > item_size[1]) { //enough text that we need a scrollbar. if (!vslider) vslider = spawn(mitem_vslider, val:0, stride:8); vslider.maxv = clientsize[1] - item_size[1]; item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE; } else if (vslider) { //the text got shorter... vslider.item_remove(); vslider = (mitem_vslider)__NULL__; if (item_command == "") item_flags &~= IF_SELECTABLE; } }; virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress = { if (vslider) if (vslider.item_keypress(pos, scan, char, down)) return TRUE; if (this.item_command) { if (!down) return FALSE; if (scan == K_ENTER || (scan == K_MOUSE1 && mouseinbox(pos, this.item_size))) { item_parent.item_execcommand(this, this.item_command); // localcmd(strcat(this.item_command, "\n")); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }; //zone+unzone input strings as needed virtual void() item_remove = { if (item_command) strunzone(item_command); if (vslider) { vslider.item_remove(); vslider = (mitem_vslider)__NULL__; } super::item_remove(); }; void() mitem_label = { if (item_command != "") { item_command = strzone(item_command); item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE; } }; }; /*************************************************************************** basic text item. identical to text, but includes a 3dish border. */ class mitem_button : mitem { virtual void(vector pos) item_draw = { ui.drawfill(pos, [this.item_size[0], 1], TD_TOP, this.item_alpha, 0); ui.drawfill(pos, [1, this.item_size[1] - 1], TD_LFT, this.item_alpha, 0); ui.drawfill(pos + [this.item_size[0]-1, 1], [1, this.item_size[1] - 1], TD_RGT, this.item_alpha, 0); ui.drawfill(pos + [0, this.item_size[1]-1], [this.item_size[0], 1], TD_BOT, this.item_alpha, 0); pos_x += (this.item_size[0] - stringwidth(this.item_text, TRUE, '1 1 0'*this.item_scale)) * 0.5; pos_y += (this.item_size[1] - this.item_scale)*0.5; ui.drawstring(pos, this.item_text, '1 1 0' * this.item_scale, menuitem_textcolour(this), this.item_alpha, 0); }; virtual float(vector pos, float scan, float char, float down) item_keypress = { if (!down) return FALSE; if (scan == K_ENTER || (scan == K_MOUSE1 && mouseinbox(pos, this.item_size))) item_parent.item_execcommand(this, item_command); else return FALSE; return TRUE; }; virtual void() item_remove = { strunzone(item_text); if (item_command) strunzone(item_command); super::item_remove(); }; }; mitem_button(string text, string command, vector sz) menuitembutton_spawn = { mitem_button n = spawn(mitem_button); n.item_scale = sz_y - 4; n.item_text = strzone(text); n.item_size = sz; if (command != "") { n.item_command = strzone(command); n.item_flags |= IF_SELECTABLE; } return n; };