//history is implemented using a ringbuffer typedef struct { float timestamp; int brushmodel; int wasdelete; int id; brushface_t *brushdata; //list of faces patchvert_t *patchdata; //list of control points union { struct { int numfaces; int contents; } brushinfo; patchinfo_t patchinfo; }; } history_t; history_t *historyring; int historyring_length; int history_min; //oldest we can go int history; //updated on each change int history_max; //max value for redo //when replaying history, ids get changed, which makes things fun. this updates selection state for edited brushes. void(int modelidx, int old, int new) history_remap = { for (int i = history_min; i < history_max; i++) { history_t *h = &historyring[i & (historyring_length-1)]; if (h->id == old) h->id = new; } int i = brush_isselected(modelidx, old); if (i) { i--; brush_selected(modelidx, old, -1, FALSE); brush_selected(modelidx, new, -1, TRUE); selectedbrushes[i].id = new; } }; void() brush_undo = { if (history == history_min) print("Nothing to undo.\n"); do { if (history <= history_min) return; history--; history_t *h = &historyring[history & (historyring_length-1)]; //we're undoing, so deletes create and creates delete. weird, yes. if (h->wasdelete) { int newid; if (h->patchdata) newid = patch_create(h->brushmodel, 0, h->patchdata, h->patchinfo); else newid = brush_create(h->brushmodel, h->brushdata, h->brushinfo.numfaces, h->brushinfo.contents); history_remap(h->brushmodel, h->id, newid); h->id = newid; } else { brush_delete(h->brushmodel, h->id); h->id = 0; } if (history == history_min) break; //as far back as we can go, more timestamps are invalid } while (historyring[(history-1) & (historyring_length-1)].timestamp == h->timestamp); }; void() brush_redo = { if (history == history_max) print("Nothing to redo."); do { if (history >= history_max) return; history_t *h = &historyring[history & (historyring_length-1)]; //we're redoing stuff that has previously been done. yay. if (h->wasdelete) { brush_delete(h->brushmodel, h->id); h->id = 0; } else { int newid; if (h->patchdata) newid = patch_create(h->brushmodel, 0, h->patchdata, h->patchinfo); else newid = brush_create(h->brushmodel, h->brushdata, h->brushinfo.numfaces, h->brushinfo.contents); history_remap(h->brushmodel, h->id, newid); h->id = newid; } history++; if (history == history_max) return; //don't poke beyond the end... } while (historyring[history & (historyring_length-1)].timestamp == h->timestamp); }; history_t *() history_allocate = //returns a new history entry. { if (!historyring) { history_min = history_max = history; historyring_length = 512; historyring = memalloc(sizeof(*historyring)*historyring_length); } history_t *h = &historyring[history & (historyring_length-1)]; history++; history_max = history; //always break any pending redos if (history_min < history_max - historyring_length) history_min = history_max - historyring_length; h->timestamp = time; memfree(h->brushdata); h->brushdata = __NULL__; return h; }; void(history_t *h) history_deallocate = //cancels a newly created history entry, in case something went wrong. { history--; if (h == &historyring[history & (historyring_length-1)]) history_max--; }; //create and journal. int(int mod, brushface_t *faces, int numfaces, int contents, float selectnow) brush_history_create = { history_t *h = history_allocate(); h->brushdata = memalloc(sizeof(brushface_t) * numfaces); memcpy(h->brushdata, faces, sizeof(brushface_t) * numfaces); h->brushinfo.numfaces = numfaces; h->brushinfo.contents = contents; h->brushmodel = mod; h->wasdelete = FALSE; h->id = brush_create(h->brushmodel, h->brushdata, h->brushinfo.numfaces, h->brushinfo.contents); if (!h->id) history_deallocate(h); else if (selectnow) brush_select(mod, h->id); return h->id; }; //delete and journal. void(int mod, int id) brush_history_delete = { int numfaces = brush_get(mod, id, __NULL__, 0, __NULL__); int numcp = patch_getcp(mod, id, __NULL__, 0, __NULL__); brush_deselect(mod, id); if (!numfaces && !numcp) return; //doesn't exist or something, some kind of error. we can't log a delete if it didn't delete anything, if only because we can't recreate it if its undone. history_t *h = history_allocate(); h->brushmodel = mod; h->id = id; h->wasdelete = TRUE; if (numcp) { h->patchdata = memalloc(sizeof(patchvert_t) * numcp); patch_getcp(mod, id, h->patchdata, numcp, &h->patchinfo); } else { h->brushdata = memalloc(sizeof(brushface_t) * numfaces); h->brushinfo.numfaces = brush_get(mod, id, h->brushdata, numfaces, &h->brushinfo.contents); } brush_delete(mod, id); }; int(int mod, int id, brushface_t *faces, int numfaces, int contents) brush_history_edit = { int wasselected = brush_isselected(mod, id); if (wasselected) selectedbrushes[wasselected-1].id = -id; //hack so that brush_history_delete won't remove this entry. brush_history_delete(mod, id); id = brush_history_create(mod, faces, numfaces, contents, FALSE); if (wasselected) { selectedbrushes[wasselected-1].id = id; brush_selected(mod, id, -1, TRUE); } return id; };