#ifndef MINIMAL #define PROGSUSED #include "qcc.h" int mkdir(const char *path); char QCC_copyright[1024]; int QCC_packid; char QCC_Packname[5][128]; extern QCC_def_t *functemps; //floats/strings/funcs/ents... extern int optres_test1; extern int optres_test2; int writeasm; pbool QCC_PR_SimpleGetToken (void); void QCC_PR_LexWhitespace (void); void *FS_ReadToMem(char *fname, void *membuf, int *len); void FS_CloseFromMem(void *mem); struct qcc_includechunk_s *currentchunk; unsigned int MAX_REGS; int MAX_STRINGS; int MAX_GLOBALS; int MAX_FIELDS; int MAX_STATEMENTS; int MAX_FUNCTIONS; int MAX_CONSTANTS; int max_temps; int *qcc_tempofs; int tempsstart; int numtemps; pbool compressoutput; pbool newstylesource; char destfile[1024]; float *qcc_pr_globals; unsigned int numpr_globals; char *strings; int strofs; QCC_dstatement_t *statements; int numstatements; int *statement_linenums; QCC_dfunction_t *functions; int numfunctions; QCC_ddef_t *qcc_globals; int numglobaldefs; QCC_ddef_t *fields; int numfielddefs; //typedef char PATHSTRING[MAX_DATA_PATH]; PATHSTRING *precache_sounds; int *precache_sounds_block; int numsounds; PATHSTRING *precache_textures; int *precache_textures_block; int numtextures; PATHSTRING *precache_models; int *precache_models_block; int nummodels; PATHSTRING *precache_files; int *precache_files_block; int numfiles; extern int numCompilerConstants; hashtable_t compconstantstable; hashtable_t globalstable; hashtable_t localstable; hashtable_t floatconstdefstable; hashtable_t stringconstdefstable; pbool qccwarningdisabled[WARN_MAX]; qcc_targetformat_t qcc_targetformat; pbool bodylessfuncs; QCC_type_t *qcc_typeinfo; int numtypeinfos; int maxtypeinfos; struct { char *name; int index; } warningnames[] = { {"Q302", WARN_NOTREFERENCED}, // {"", WARN_NOTREFERENCEDCONST}, // {"", WARN_CONFLICTINGRETURNS}, {"Q105", WARN_TOOFEWPARAMS}, {"Q101", WARN_TOOMANYPARAMS}, // {"", WARN_UNEXPECTEDPUNCT}, {"Q106", WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT}, {"Q203", WARN_MISSINGRETURNVALUE}, {"Q204", WARN_WRONGRETURNTYPE}, {"Q205", WARN_POINTLESSSTATEMENT}, {"Q206", WARN_MISSINGRETURN}, {"Q207", WARN_DUPLICATEDEFINITION}, {"Q100", WARN_PRECOMPILERMESSAGE}, // {"", WARN_STRINGTOOLONG}, // {"", WARN_BADTARGET}, {"Q120", WARN_BADPRAGMA}, // {"", WARN_HANGINGSLASHR}, // {"", WARN_NOTDEFINED}, // {"", WARN_SWITCHTYPEMISMATCH}, // {"", WARN_CONFLICTINGUNIONMEMBER}, // {"", WARN_KEYWORDDISABLED}, // {"", WARN_ENUMFLAGS_NOTINTEGER}, // {"", WARN_ENUMFLAGS_NOTBINARY}, // {"", WARN_CASEINSENSATIVEFRAMEMACRO}, {"Q111", WARN_DUPLICATELABEL}, {"Q201", WARN_ASSIGNMENTINCONDITIONAL}, {"F300", WARN_DEADCODE}, {NULL} }; int QCC_WarningForName(char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; warningnames[i].name; i++) { if (!stricmp(name, warningnames[i].name)) return warningnames[i].index; } return -1; } optimisations_t optimisations[] = { //level 0 = no optimisations //level 1 = size optimisations //level 2 = speed optimisations //level 3 = dodgy optimisations. //level 4 = experimental... {&opt_assignments, "t", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "assignments", "c = a*b is performed in one operation rather than two, and can cause older decompilers to fail."}, {&opt_shortenifnots, "i", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "shortenifs", "if (!a) was traditionally compiled in two statements. This optimisation does it in one, but can cause some decompilers to get confused."}, {&opt_nonvec_parms, "p", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "nonvec_parms", "In the origional qcc, function parameters were specified as a vector store even for floats. This fixes that."}, {&opt_constant_names, "c", 2, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "constant_names", "This optimisation strips out the names of constants (but not strings) from your progs, resulting in smaller files. It makes decompilers leave out names or fabricate numerical ones."}, {&opt_constant_names_strings, "cs", 3, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "constant_names_strings", "This optimisation strips out the names of string constants from your progs. However, this can break addons, so don't use it in those cases."}, {&opt_dupconstdefs, "d", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "dupconstdefs", "This will merge definitions of constants which are the same value. Pay extra attention to assignment to constant warnings."}, {&opt_noduplicatestrings, "s", 1, 0, "noduplicatestrings", "This will compact the string table that is stored in the progs. It will be considerably smaller with this."}, {&opt_locals, "l", 1, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "locals", "Strips out local names and definitions. This makes it REALLY hard to decompile"}, {&opt_function_names, "n", 1, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "function_names", "This strips out the names of functions which are never called. Doesn't make much of an impact though."}, {&opt_filenames, "f", 1, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "filenames", "This strips out the filenames of the progs. This can confuse the really old decompilers, but is nothing to the more recent ones."}, {&opt_unreferenced, "u", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "unreferenced", "Removes the entries of unreferenced variables. Doesn't make a difference in well maintained code."}, {&opt_overlaptemps, "r", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "overlaptemps", "Optimises the pr_globals count by overlapping temporaries. In QC, every multiplication, division or operation in general produces a temporary variable. This optimisation prevents excess, and in the case of Hexen2's gamecode, reduces the count by 50k. This is the most important optimisation, ever."}, {&opt_constantarithmatic, "a", 1, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "constantarithmatic", "5*6 actually emits an operation into the progs. This prevents that happening, effectivly making the compiler see 30"}, {&opt_precache_file, "pf", 2, 0, "precache_file", "Strip out stuff wasted used in function calls and strings to the precache_file builtin (which is actually a stub in quake)."}, {&opt_return_only, "ro", 3, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "return_only", "Functions ending in a return statement do not need a done statement at the end of the function. This can confuse some decompilers, making functions appear larger than they were."}, {&opt_compound_jumps, "cj", 3, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "compound_jumps", "This optimisation plays an effect mostly with nested if/else statements, instead of jumping to an unconditional jump statement, it'll jump to the final destination instead. This will bewilder decompilers."}, // {&opt_comexprremoval, "cer", 4, 0, "expression_removal", "Eliminate common sub-expressions"}, //this would be too hard... {&opt_stripfunctions, "sf", 3, 0, "strip_functions", "Strips out the 'defs' of functions that were only ever called directly. This does not affect saved games."}, {&opt_locals_marshalling, "lm", 4, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "locals_marshalling", "Store all locals in one section of the pr_globals. Vastly reducing it. This effectivly does the job of overlaptemps. It's been noticed as buggy by a few, however, and the curcumstances where it causes problems are not yet known."}, {&opt_vectorcalls, "vc", 4, FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS, "vectorcalls", "Where a function is called with just a vector, this causes the function call to store three floats instead of one vector. This can save a good number of pr_globals where those vectors contain many duplicate coordinates but do not match entirly."}, {NULL} }; #define defaultkeyword FLAG_HIDDENINGUI|FLAG_ASDEFAULT|FLAG_MIDCOMPILE #define nondefaultkeyword FLAG_HIDDENINGUI|0|FLAG_MIDCOMPILE //global to store useage to, flags, codename, human-readable name, help text compiler_flag_t compiler_flag[] = { //keywords {&keyword_asm, defaultkeyword, "asm", "Keyword: asm", "Disables the 'asm' keyword. Use the writeasm flag to see an example of the asm."}, {&keyword_break, defaultkeyword, "break", "Keyword: break", "Disables the 'break' keyword."}, {&keyword_case, defaultkeyword, "case", "Keyword: case", "Disables the 'case' keyword."}, {&keyword_class, defaultkeyword, "class", "Keyword: class", "Disables the 'class' keyword."}, {&keyword_const, defaultkeyword, "const", "Keyword: const", "Disables the 'const' keyword."}, {&keyword_continue, defaultkeyword, "continue", "Keyword: continue", "Disables the 'continue' keyword."}, {&keyword_default, defaultkeyword, "default", "Keyword: default", "Disables the 'default' keyword."}, {&keyword_entity, defaultkeyword, "entity", "Keyword: entity", "Disables the 'entity' keyword."}, {&keyword_enum, defaultkeyword, "enum", "Keyword: enum", "Disables the 'enum' keyword."}, //kinda like in c, but typedef not supported. {&keyword_enumflags, defaultkeyword, "enumflags", "Keyword: enumflags", "Disables the 'enumflags' keyword."}, //like enum, but doubles instead of adds 1. {&keyword_extern, defaultkeyword, "extern", "Keyword: extern", "Disables the 'extern' keyword. Use only on functions inside addons."}, //function is external, don't error or warn if the body was not found {&keyword_float, defaultkeyword, "float", "Keyword: float", "Disables the 'float' keyword. (Disables the float keyword without 'local' preceeding it)"}, {&keyword_for, defaultkeyword, "for", "Keyword: for", "Disables the 'for' keyword. Syntax: for(assignment; while; increment) {codeblock;}"}, {&keyword_goto, defaultkeyword, "goto", "Keyword: goto", "Disables the 'goto' keyword."}, {&keyword_int, defaultkeyword, "int", "Keyword: int", "Disables the 'int' keyword."}, {&keyword_integer, defaultkeyword, "integer", "Keyword: integer", "Disables the 'integer' keyword."}, {&keyword_noref, defaultkeyword, "noref", "Keyword: noref", "Disables the 'noref' keyword."}, //nowhere else references this, don't strip it. {&keyword_nosave, defaultkeyword, "nosave", "Keyword: nosave", "Disables the 'nosave' keyword."}, //don't write the def to the output. {&keyword_shared, defaultkeyword, "shared", "Keyword: shared", "Disables the 'shared' keyword."}, //mark global to be copied over when progs changes (part of FTE_MULTIPROGS) {&keyword_state, nondefaultkeyword,"state", "Keyword: state", "Disables the 'state' keyword."}, {&keyword_string, defaultkeyword, "string", "Keyword: string", "Disables the 'string' keyword."}, {&keyword_struct, defaultkeyword, "struct", "Keyword: struct", "Disables the 'struct' keyword."}, {&keyword_switch, defaultkeyword, "switch", "Keyword: switch", "Disables the 'switch' keyword."}, {&keyword_thinktime, nondefaultkeyword,"thinktime", "Keyword: thinktime", "Disables the 'thinktime' keyword which is used in HexenC"}, {&keyword_typedef, defaultkeyword, "typedef", "Keyword: typedef", "Disables the 'typedef' keyword."}, //fixme {&keyword_union, defaultkeyword, "union", "Keyword: union", "Disables the 'union' keyword."}, //you surly know what a union is! {&keyword_var, defaultkeyword, "var", "Keyword: var", "Disables the 'var' keyword."}, {&keyword_vector, defaultkeyword, "vector", "Keyword: vector", "Disables the 'vector' keyword."}, //options {&keywords_coexist, FLAG_ASDEFAULT, "kce", "Keywords Coexist", "If you want keywords to NOT be disabled when they a variable by the same name is defined, check here."}, {&output_parms, 0, "parms", "Define offset parms", "if PARM0 PARM1 etc should be defined by the compiler. These are useful if you make use of the asm keyword for function calls, or you wish to create your own variable arguments. This is an easy way to break decompilers."}, //controls weather to define PARMx for the parms (note - this can screw over some decompilers) {&autoprototype, 0, "autoproto", "Automatic Prototyping","Causes compilation to take two passes instead of one. The first pass, only the definitions are read. The second pass actually compiles your code. This means you never have to remember to prototype functions again."}, //so you no longer need to prototype functions and things in advance. {&writeasm, 0, "wasm", "Dump Assembler", "Writes out a qc.asm which contains all your functions but in assembler. This is a great way to look for bugs in fteqcc, but can also be used to see exactly what your functions turn into, and thus how to optimise statements better."}, //spit out a qc.asm file, containing an assembler dump of the ENTIRE progs. (Doesn't include initialisation of constants) {&flag_ifstring, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"ifstring", "if(string) fix", "Causes if(string) to behave identically to if(string!="") This is most useful with addons of course, but also has adverse effects with FRIK_FILE's fgets, where it becomes impossible to determin the end of the file. In such a case, you can still use asm {IF string 2;RETURN} to detect eof and leave the function."}, //correction for if(string) no-ifstring to get the standard behaviour. {&flag_acc, 0, "acc", "Reacc support", "Reacc is a pascall like compiler. It was released before the Quake source was released. This flag has a few effects. It sorts all qc files in the current directory into alphabetical order to compile them. It also allows Reacc global/field distinctions, as well as allows ¦ as EOF. Whilst case insensativity and lax type checking are supported by reacc, they are seperate compiler flags in fteqcc."}, //reacc like behaviour of src files. {&flag_caseinsensative, 0, "caseinsens", "Case insensativity", "Causes fteqcc to become case insensative whilst compiling names. It's generally not advised to use this as it compiles a little more slowly and provides little benefit. However, it is required for full reacc support."}, //symbols will be matched to an insensative case if the specified case doesn't exist. This should b usable for any mod {&flag_laxcasts, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"lax", "Lax type checks", "Disables many errors (generating warnings instead) when function calls or operations refer to two normally incompatable types. This is required for reacc support, and can also allow certain (evil) mods to compile that were origionally written for frikqcc."}, //Allow lax casting. This'll produce loadsa warnings of course. But allows compilation of certain dodgy code. {&opt_logicops, FLAG_MIDCOMPILE,"lo", "Logic ops", "This changes the behaviour of your code. It generates additional if operations to early-out in if statements. With this flag, the line if (0 && somefunction()) will never call the function. It can thus be considered an optimisation. However, due to the change of behaviour, it is not considered so by fteqcc. Note that due to inprecisions with floats, this flag can cause runaway loop errors within the player walk and run functions. This code is advised:\nplayer_stand1:\n if (self.velocity_x || self.velocity_y)\nplayer_run\n if (!(self.velocity_x || self.velocity_y))"}, {NULL} }; struct { qcc_targetformat_t target; char *name; } targets[] = { {QCF_STANDARD, "standard"}, {QCF_STANDARD, "q1"}, {QCF_STANDARD, "quakec"}, {QCF_HEXEN2, "hexen2"}, {QCF_HEXEN2, "h2"}, {QCF_KK7, "kkqwsv"}, {QCF_KK7, "kk7"}, {QCF_KK7, "bigprogs"}, {QCF_KK7, "version7"}, {QCF_KK7, "kkqwsv"}, {QCF_FTE, "fte"}, {0, NULL} }; /* ================= BspModels Runs qbsp and light on all of the models with a .bsp extension ================= */ int QCC_CheckParm (char *check); void QCC_BspModels (void) { int p; char *gamedir; int i; char *m; char cmd[1024]; char name[256]; p = QCC_CheckParm ("-bspmodels"); if (!p) return; if (p == myargc-1) QCC_Error (ERR_BADPARMS, "-bspmodels must preceed a game directory"); gamedir = myargv[p+1]; for (i=0 ; istrings ; s--) if (!strcmp(s, str)) return s-strings; old = strofs; strcpy (strings+strofs, str); strofs += strlen(str)+1; return old; } void QCC_PrintStrings (void) { int i, l, j; for (i=0 ; is_file, strings + d->s_name, d->first_statement, d->parm_start); for (j=0 ; jnumparms ; j++) printf ("%i ",d->parm_size[j]); printf (")\n"); } }*/ void QCC_PrintFields (void) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *d; for (i=0 ; iofs, d->type, strings + d->s_name); } } void QCC_PrintGlobals (void) { int i; QCC_ddef_t *d; for (i=0 ; iofs, d->type, strings + d->s_name); } } int encode(int len, int method, char *in, int handle); int WriteSourceFiles(int h, dprograms_t *progs, pbool sourceaswell) { includeddatafile_t *idf; qcc_cachedsourcefile_t *f; int num=0; int ofs; /* for (f = qcc_sourcefile; f ; f=f->next) { if (f->type == FT_CODE && !sourceaswell) continue; SafeWrite(h, f->filename, strlen(f->filename)+1); i = PRLittleLong(f->size); SafeWrite(h, &i, sizeof(int)); i = PRLittleLong(encrpytmode); SafeWrite(h, &i, sizeof(int)); if (encrpytmode) for (i = 0; i < f->size; i++) f->file[i] ^= 0xA5; SafeWrite(h, f->file, f->size); }*/ for (f = qcc_sourcefile,num=0; f ; f=f->next) { if (f->type == FT_CODE && !sourceaswell) continue; num++; } if (!num) return 0; idf = qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(includeddatafile_t)*num); for (f = qcc_sourcefile,num=0; f ; f=f->next) { if (f->type == FT_CODE && !sourceaswell) continue; strcpy(idf[num].filename, f->filename); idf[num].size = f->size; #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB idf[num].compmethod = 2; #else idf[num].compmethod = 1; #endif idf[num].ofs = SafeSeek(h, 0, SEEK_CUR); idf[num].compsize = QC_encode(progfuncs, f->size, idf[num].compmethod, f->file, h); num++; } ofs = SafeSeek(h, 0, SEEK_CUR); SafeWrite(h, &num, sizeof(int)); SafeWrite(h, idf, sizeof(includeddatafile_t)*num); qcc_sourcefile = NULL; return ofs; } void QCC_InitData (void) { static char parmname[12][MAX_PARMS]; static temp_t ret_temp; int i; qcc_sourcefile = NULL; numstatements = 1; strofs = 1; numfunctions = 1; numglobaldefs = 1; numfielddefs = 1; memset(&ret_temp, 0, sizeof(ret_temp)); def_ret.ofs = OFS_RETURN; def_ret.name = "return"; def_ret.temp = &ret_temp; def_ret.constant = false; def_ret.type = NULL; ret_temp.ofs = def_ret.ofs; ret_temp.scope = NULL; ret_temp.size = 3; ret_temp.next = NULL; for (i=0 ; inext) { if (d->type->type == ev_function && !d->scope)// function parms are ok { if (d->initialized != 1 && d->references>0) { SafeWrite(handle, d->name, strlen(d->name)+1); ret++; } } } return ret; } //marshalled locals remaps all the functions to use the range MAX_REGS onwards for the offset to thier locals. //this function remaps all the locals back into the function. void QCC_UnmarshalLocals(void) { QCC_def_t *def; unsigned int ofs; unsigned int maxo; int i; ofs = numpr_globals; maxo = ofs; for (def = pr.def_head.next ; def ; def = def->next) { if (def->ofs >= MAX_REGS) //unmap defs. { def->ofs = def->ofs + ofs - MAX_REGS; if (maxo < def->ofs) maxo = def->ofs; } } for (i = 0; i < numfunctions; i++) { if (functions[i].parm_start == MAX_REGS) functions[i].parm_start = ofs; } QCC_RemapOffsets(0, numstatements, MAX_REGS, MAX_REGS + maxo-numpr_globals + 3, ofs); numpr_globals = maxo+3; if (numpr_globals > MAX_REGS) QCC_Error(ERR_TOOMANYGLOBALS, "Too many globals are in use to unmarshal all locals"); if (maxo-ofs) printf("Total of %i marshalled globals\n", maxo-ofs); } CompilerConstant_t *QCC_PR_CheckCompConstDefined(char *def); void QCC_WriteData (int crc) { char element[MAX_NAME]; QCC_def_t *def, *comp_x, *comp_y, *comp_z; QCC_ddef_t *dd; dprograms_t progs; int h; int i, len; pbool debugtarget = false; pbool types = false; int outputsize = 16; progs.blockscompressed=0; if (numstatements > MAX_STATEMENTS) QCC_Error(ERR_TOOMANYSTATEMENTS, "Too many statements - %i\nAdd \"MAX_STATEMENTS\" \"%i\" to qcc.cfg", numstatements, (numstatements+32768)&~32767); if (strofs > MAX_STRINGS) QCC_Error(ERR_TOOMANYSTRINGS, "Too many strings - %i\nAdd \"MAX_STRINGS\" \"%i\" to qcc.cfg", strofs, (strofs+32768)&~32767); QCC_UnmarshalLocals(); switch (qcc_targetformat) { case QCF_HEXEN2: case QCF_STANDARD: if (bodylessfuncs) printf("Warning: There are some functions without bodies.\n"); if (numpr_globals > 65530 ) { printf("Forcing target to FTE32 due to numpr_globals\n"); outputsize = 32; } else if (qcc_targetformat == QCF_HEXEN2) { printf("Progs execution requires a Hexen2 compatable engine\n"); break; } else { if (numpr_globals >= 32768) //not much of a different format. Rewrite output to get it working on origional executors? printf("An enhanced executor will be required (FTE/QF/KK)\n"); else printf("Progs should run on any Quake executor\n"); break; } //intentional qcc_targetformat = QCF_FTE; case QCF_FTEDEBUG: case QCF_FTE: if (qcc_targetformat == QCF_FTEDEBUG) debugtarget = true; if (numpr_globals > 65530) { printf("Using 32 bit target due to numpr_globals\n"); outputsize = 32; } //compression of blocks? if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=1; //statements if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=2; //defs if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=4; //fields if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=8; //functions if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=16; //strings if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=32; //globals if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=64; //line numbers if (compressoutput) progs.blockscompressed |=128; //types //include a type block? types = debugtarget;//!!QCC_PR_CheckCompConstDefined("TYPES"); //useful for debugging and saving (maybe, anyway...). printf("An FTE executor will be required\n"); break; case QCF_KK7: if (bodylessfuncs) printf("Warning: There are some functions without bodies.\n"); if (numpr_globals > 65530) printf("Warning: Saving is not supported. Ensure all engine read fields and globals are defined early on.\n"); printf("A KK compatable executor will be required (FTE/KK)\n"); break; } //part of how compilation works. This def is always present, and never used. def = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, "end_sys_globals", NULL, false, 0); if (def) def->references++; def = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, "end_sys_fields", NULL, false, 0); if (def) def->references++; for (def = pr.def_head.next ; def ; def = def->next) { if (def->type->type == ev_vector || (def->type->type == ev_field && def->type->aux_type->type == ev_vector)) { //do the references, so we don't get loadsa not referenced VEC_HULL_MINS_x sprintf(element, "%s_x", def->name); comp_x = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, element, def->scope, false, 0); sprintf(element, "%s_y", def->name); comp_y = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, element, def->scope, false, 0); sprintf(element, "%s_z", def->name); comp_z = QCC_PR_GetDef(NULL, element, def->scope, false, 0); h = def->references; if (comp_x && comp_y && comp_z) { h += comp_x->references; h += comp_y->references; h += comp_z->references; if (!def->references) if (!comp_x->references || !comp_y->references || !comp_z->references) //one of these vars is useless... h=0; def->references = h; if (!h) h = 1; if (comp_x) comp_x->references = h; if (comp_y) comp_y->references = h; if (comp_z) comp_z->references = h; } } if (def->references<=0) { if (def->constant) QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_NOTREFERENCEDCONST, strings + def->s_file, def->s_line, "%s no references", def->name); else QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_NOTREFERENCED, strings + def->s_file, def->s_line, "%s no references", def->name); if (opt_unreferenced && def->type->type != ev_field) { optres_unreferenced++; continue; } } if (def->type->type == ev_function) { if (opt_function_names && functions[G_FUNCTION(def->ofs)].first_statement<0) { optres_function_names++; def->name = ""; } if (!def->timescalled) { if (def->references<=1) QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_DEADCODE, strings + def->s_file, def->s_line, "%s is never directly called or referenced (spawn function or dead code)", def->name); // else // QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_DEADCODE, strings + def->s_file, def->s_line, "%s is never directly called", def->name); } if (opt_stripfunctions && def->timescalled >= def->references-1) //make sure it's not copied into a different var. { //if it ever does self.think then it could be needed for saves. optres_stripfunctions++; //if it's only ever called explicitly, the engine doesn't need to know. continue; } // df = &functions[numfunctions]; // numfunctions++; } else if (def->type->type == ev_field)// && !def->constant) { dd = &fields[numfielddefs]; numfielddefs++; dd->type = def->type->aux_type->type; dd->s_name = QCC_CopyString (def->name); dd->ofs = G_INT(def->ofs); } else if ((def->scope||def->constant) && (def->type->type != ev_string || opt_constant_names_strings)) { if (opt_constant_names) { if (def->type->type == ev_string) optres_constant_names_strings += strlen(def->name); else optres_constant_names += strlen(def->name); continue; } } // if (!def->saved && def->type->type != ev_string) // continue; dd = &qcc_globals[numglobaldefs]; numglobaldefs++; if (types) dd->type = def->type-qcc_typeinfo; else dd->type = def->type->type; #ifdef DEF_SAVEGLOBAL if ( def->saved && ((!def->initialized || def->type->type == ev_function) // && def->type->type != ev_function && def->type->type != ev_field && def->scope == NULL)) dd->type |= DEF_SAVEGLOBAL; #endif if (def->shared) dd->type |= DEF_SHARED; if (opt_locals && (def->scope || !strcmp(def->name, "IMMEDIATE"))) { dd->s_name = 0; optres_locals += strlen(def->name); } else dd->s_name = QCC_CopyString (def->name); dd->ofs = def->ofs; } if (numglobaldefs > MAX_GLOBALS) QCC_Error(ERR_TOOMANYGLOBALS, "Too many globals - %i\nAdd \"MAX_GLOBALS\" \"%i\" to qcc.cfg", numglobaldefs, (numglobaldefs+32768)&~32767); for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++) { if (!precache_models_used[i]) QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_EXTRAPRECACHE, NULL, 0, "Model %s was precached but not directly used", precache_models[i]); else if (!precache_models_block[i]) QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_NOTPRECACHED, NULL, 0, "Model %s was used but not precached", precache_models[i]); } //PrintStrings (); //PrintFunctions (); //PrintFields (); //PrintGlobals (); strofs = (strofs+3)&~3; printf ("%6i strofs (of %i)\n", strofs, MAX_STRINGS); printf ("%6i numstatements (of %i)\n", numstatements, MAX_STATEMENTS); printf ("%6i numfunctions (of %i)\n", numfunctions, MAX_FUNCTIONS); printf ("%6i numglobaldefs (of %i)\n", numglobaldefs, MAX_GLOBALS); printf ("%6i numfielddefs (%i unique) (of %i)\n", numfielddefs, pr.size_fields, MAX_FIELDS); printf ("%6i numpr_globals (of %i)\n", numpr_globals, MAX_REGS); if (!*destfile) strcpy(destfile, "progs.dat"); printf("Writing %s\n", destfile); h = SafeOpenWrite (destfile, 2*1024*1024); SafeWrite (h, &progs, sizeof(progs)); SafeWrite (h, "\r\n", 2); SafeWrite (h, QCC_copyright, strlen(QCC_copyright)+1); SafeWrite (h, "\r\n\r\n", 4); progs.ofs_strings = SafeSeek (h, 0, SEEK_CUR); progs.numstrings = strofs; if (progs.blockscompressed&16) { SafeWrite (h, &len, sizeof(int)); //save for later len = QC_encode(progfuncs, strofs*sizeof(char), 2, (char *)strings, h); //write i = SafeSeek (h, 0, SEEK_CUR); SafeSeek(h, progs.ofs_strings, SEEK_SET);//seek back len = PRLittleLong(len); SafeWrite (h, &len, sizeof(int)); //write size. SafeSeek(h, i, SEEK_SET); } else SafeWrite (h, strings, strofs); progs.ofs_statements = SafeSeek (h, 0, SEEK_CUR); progs.numstatements = numstatements; if (qcc_targetformat == QCF_HEXEN2) { for (i=0 ; i= OP_CALL1 && statements[i].op <= OP_CALL8) QCC_Error(ERR_BADTARGETSWITCH, "Target switching produced incompatable instructions"); else if (statements[i].op >= OP_CALL1H && statements[i].op <= OP_CALL8H) statements[i].op = statements[i].op - OP_CALL1H + OP_CALL1; } } for (i=0 ; iMAX_PARMS)?MAX_PARMS:functions[i].numparms); functions[i].locals = PRLittleLong (functions[i].locals); } if (progs.blockscompressed&8) { SafeWrite (h, &len, sizeof(int)); //save for later len = QC_encode(progfuncs, numfunctions*sizeof(QCC_dfunction_t), 2, (char *)functions, h); //write i = SafeSeek (h, 0, SEEK_CUR); SafeSeek(h, progs.ofs_functions, SEEK_SET);//seek back len = PRLittleLong(len); SafeWrite (h, &len, sizeof(int)); //write size. SafeSeek(h, i, SEEK_SET); } else SafeWrite (h, functions, numfunctions*sizeof(QCC_dfunction_t)); switch(outputsize) { case 32: progs.ofs_globaldefs = SafeSeek (h, 0, SEEK_CUR); progs.numglobaldefs = numglobaldefs; for (i=0 ; i 60) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '.'; break; } } *s++ = '"'; *s++ = 0; return buf; } QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_DefForFieldOfs (gofs_t ofs) { QCC_def_t *d; for (d=pr.def_head.next ; d ; d=d->next) { if (d->type->type != ev_field) continue; if (*((unsigned int *)&qcc_pr_globals[d->ofs]) == ofs) return d; } QCC_Error (ERR_NOTDEFINED, "PR_DefForFieldOfs: couldn't find %i",ofs); return NULL; } /* ============ PR_ValueString Returns a string describing *data in a type specific manner ============= */ char *QCC_PR_ValueString (etype_t type, void *val) { static char line[256]; QCC_def_t *def; QCC_dfunction_t *f; switch (type) { case ev_string: sprintf (line, "%s", QCC_PR_String(strings + *(int *)val)); break; case ev_entity: sprintf (line, "entity %i", *(int *)val); break; case ev_function: f = functions + *(int *)val; if (!f) sprintf (line, "undefined function"); else sprintf (line, "%s()", strings + f->s_name); break; case ev_field: def = QCC_PR_DefForFieldOfs ( *(int *)val ); sprintf (line, ".%s", def->name); break; case ev_void: sprintf (line, "void"); break; case ev_float: sprintf (line, "%5.1f", *(float *)val); break; case ev_integer: sprintf (line, "%i", *(int *)val); break; case ev_vector: sprintf (line, "'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f'", ((float *)val)[0], ((float *)val)[1], ((float *)val)[2]); break; case ev_pointer: sprintf (line, "pointer"); break; default: sprintf (line, "bad type %i", type); break; } return line; } /* ============ PR_GlobalString Returns a string with a description and the contents of a global, padded to 20 field width ============ */ /*char *QCC_PR_GlobalStringNoContents (gofs_t ofs) { int i; QCC_def_t *def; void *val; static char line[128]; val = (void *)&qcc_pr_globals[ofs]; def = pr_global_defs[ofs]; if (!def) // Error ("PR_GlobalString: no def for %i", ofs); sprintf (line,"%i(?""?""?)", ofs); else sprintf (line,"%i(%s)", ofs, def->name); i = strlen(line); for ( ; i<16 ; i++) strcat (line," "); strcat (line," "); return line; } char *QCC_PR_GlobalString (gofs_t ofs) { char *s; int i; QCC_def_t *def; void *val; static char line[128]; val = (void *)&qcc_pr_globals[ofs]; def = pr_global_defs[ofs]; if (!def) return QCC_PR_GlobalStringNoContents(ofs); if (def->initialized && def->type->type != ev_function) { s = QCC_PR_ValueString (def->type->type, &qcc_pr_globals[ofs]); sprintf (line,"%i(%s)", ofs, s); } else sprintf (line,"%i(%s)", ofs, def->name); i = strlen(line); for ( ; i<16 ; i++) strcat (line," "); strcat (line," "); return line; }*/ /* ============ PR_PrintOfs ============ */ /*void QCC_PR_PrintOfs (gofs_t ofs) { printf ("%s\n",QCC_PR_GlobalString(ofs)); }*/ /* ================= PR_PrintStatement ================= */ /*void QCC_PR_PrintStatement (QCC_dstatement_t *s) { int i; printf ("%4i : %4i : %s ", (int)(s - statements), statement_linenums[s-statements], pr_opcodes[s->op].opname); i = strlen(pr_opcodes[s->op].opname); for ( ; i<10 ; i++) printf (" "); if (s->op == OP_IF || s->op == OP_IFNOT) printf ("%sbranch %i",QCC_PR_GlobalString(s->a),s->b); else if (s->op == OP_GOTO) { printf ("branch %i",s->a); } else if ( (unsigned)(s->op - OP_STORE_F) < 6) { printf ("%s",QCC_PR_GlobalString(s->a)); printf ("%s", QCC_PR_GlobalStringNoContents(s->b)); } else { if (s->a) printf ("%s",QCC_PR_GlobalString(s->a)); if (s->b) printf ("%s",QCC_PR_GlobalString(s->b)); if (s->c) printf ("%s", QCC_PR_GlobalStringNoContents(s->c)); } printf ("\n"); }*/ /* ============ PR_PrintDefs ============ */ /*void QCC_PR_PrintDefs (void) { QCC_def_t *d; for (d=pr.def_head.next ; d ; d=d->next) QCC_PR_PrintOfs (d->ofs); }*/ QCC_type_t *QCC_PR_NewType (char *name, int basictype) { if (numtypeinfos>= maxtypeinfos) QCC_Error(ERR_TOOMANYTYPES, "Too many types"); memset(&qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos], 0, sizeof(QCC_type_t)); qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos].type = basictype; qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos].name = name; qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos].num_parms = 0; qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos].param = NULL; qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos].size = type_size[basictype]; numtypeinfos++; return &qcc_typeinfo[numtypeinfos-1]; } /* ============== PR_BeginCompilation called before compiling a batch of files, clears the pr struct ============== */ void QCC_PR_BeginCompilation (void *memory, int memsize) { extern int recursivefunctiontype; extern struct freeoffset_s *freeofs; int i; char name[16]; pr.memory = memory; pr.max_memory = memsize; pr.def_tail = &pr.def_head; /* numpr_globals = RESERVED_OFS; for (i=0 ; iaux_type = type_float; type_pointer->aux_type = QCC_PR_NewType("pointeraux", ev_float); type_function->aux_type = type_void; //type_field->aux_type = type_float; if (keyword_int) QCC_PR_NewType("int", ev_integer); if (keyword_integer) QCC_PR_NewType("integer", ev_integer); if (output_parms) { //this tends to confuse the brains out of decompilers. :) numpr_globals = 1; QCC_PR_GetDef(type_vector, "RETURN", NULL, true, 1)->references++; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARMS; i++) { sprintf(name, "PARM%i", i); QCC_PR_GetDef(type_vector, name, NULL, true, 1)->references++; } } else { numpr_globals = RESERVED_OFS; // for (i=0 ; inext = NULL; pr_error_count = 0; recursivefunctiontype = 0; freeofs = NULL; } /* ============== PR_FinishCompilation called after all files are compiled to check for errors Returns false if errors were detected. ============== */ int QCC_PR_FinishCompilation (void) { QCC_def_t *d; int errors; errors = false; // check to make sure all functions prototyped have code for (d=pr.def_head.next ; d ; d=d->next) { if (d->type->type == ev_function && !d->scope)// function parms are ok { // f = G_FUNCTION(d->ofs); // if (!f || (!f->code && !f->builtin) ) if (d->initialized==0) { if (!strncmp(d->name, "ArrayGet*", 9)) { QCC_PR_EmitArrayGetFunction(d, d->name+9); pr_scope = NULL; } else if (!strncmp(d->name, "ArraySet*", 9)) { QCC_PR_EmitArraySetFunction(d, d->name+9); pr_scope = NULL; } else if (!strncmp(d->name, "Class*", 6)) { QCC_PR_EmitClassFromFunction(d, d->name+6); pr_scope = NULL; } else { QCC_PR_Warning(WARN_NOTDEFINED, strings + d->s_file, d->s_line, "function %s was not defined",d->name); bodylessfuncs = true; } // errors = true; } else if (d->initialized==2) bodylessfuncs = true; } } pr_scope = NULL; return !errors; } //============================================================================= // FIXME: byte swap? // this is a 16 bit, non-reflected CRC using the polynomial 0x1021 // and the initial and final xor values shown below... in other words, the // CCITT standard CRC used by XMODEM #define CRC_INIT_VALUE 0xffff #define CRC_XOR_VALUE 0x0000 static unsigned short QCC_crctable[256] = { 0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7, 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef, 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6, 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de, 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485, 0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d, 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4, 0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc, 0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823, 0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b, 0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12, 0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a, 0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41, 0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49, 0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70, 0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78, 0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f, 0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067, 0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e, 0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256, 0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d, 0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405, 0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c, 0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634, 0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab, 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3, 0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a, 0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92, 0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9, 0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1, 0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8, 0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0 }; void QCC_CRC_Init(unsigned short *crcvalue) { *crcvalue = CRC_INIT_VALUE; } void QCC_CRC_ProcessByte(unsigned short *crcvalue, qbyte data) { *crcvalue = (*crcvalue << 8) ^ QCC_crctable[(*crcvalue >> 8) ^ data]; } unsigned short QCC_CRC_Value(unsigned short crcvalue) { return crcvalue ^ CRC_XOR_VALUE; } //============================================================================= /* ============ PR_WriteProgdefs Writes the global and entity structures out Returns a crc of the header, to be stored in the progs file for comparison at load time. ============ */ /* char *Sva(char *msg, ...) { va_list l; static char buf[1024]; va_start(l, msg); QC_vsnprintf (buf,sizeof(buf)-1, msg, l); va_end(l); return buf; } */ #define PROGDEFS_MAX_SIZE 16384 //write (to file buf) and add to the crc void inline Add(char *p, unsigned short *crc, char *file) { char *s; int i = strlen(file); if (i + strlen(p)+1 >= PROGDEFS_MAX_SIZE) return; for(s=p;*s;s++,i++) { QCC_CRC_ProcessByte(crc, *s); file[i] = *s; } file[i]='\0'; } #define ADD(p) Add(p, &crc, file) //#define ADD(p) {char *s;int i = strlen(p);for(s=p;*s;s++,i++){QCC_CRC_ProcessByte(&crc, *s);file[i] = *s;}file[i]='\0';} void inline Add3(char *p, unsigned short *crc, char *file) { char *s; for(s=p;*s;s++) QCC_CRC_ProcessByte(crc, *s); } #define ADD3(p) Add3(p, &crc, file) unsigned short QCC_PR_WriteProgdefs (char *filename) { extern int ForcedCRC; #define ADD2(p) strncat(file, p, PROGDEFS_MAX_SIZE-1 - strlen(file)) //no crc (later changes) char file[PROGDEFS_MAX_SIZE]; QCC_def_t *d; int f; unsigned short crc; // int c; file[0] = '\0'; QCC_CRC_Init (&crc); // print global vars until the first field is defined ADD("\n/* "); if (qcc_targetformat == QCF_HEXEN2) ADD3("generated by hcc, do not modify"); else ADD3("file generated by qcc, do not modify"); ADD2("File generated by FTEQCC, relevent for engine modding only, the generated crc must be the same as your engine expects."); ADD(" */\n\ntypedef struct"); ADD2(" globalvars_s"); ADD(qcva("\n{")); ADD2("\tint pad;\n" "\tint ofs_return[3];\n" //makes it easier with the get globals func "\tint ofs_parm0[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm1[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm2[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm3[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm4[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm5[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm6[3];\n" "\tint ofs_parm7[3];\n"); ADD3(qcva("\tint\tpad[%i];\n", RESERVED_OFS)); for (d=pr.def_head.next ; d ; d=d->next) { if (!strcmp (d->name, "end_sys_globals")) break; if (d->ofstype->type) { case ev_float: ADD(qcva("\tfloat\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_vector: ADD(qcva("\tvec3_t\t%s;\n",d->name)); d=d->next->next->next; // skip the elements break; case ev_string: ADD(qcva("\tstring_t\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_function: ADD(qcva("\tfunc_t\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_entity: ADD(qcva("\tint\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_integer: ADD(qcva("\tint\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; default: ADD(qcva("\tint\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; } } ADD("} globalvars_t;\n\n"); // print all fields ADD("typedef struct"); ADD2(" entvars_s"); ADD("\n{\n"); for (d=pr.def_head.next ; d ; d=d->next) { if (!strcmp (d->name, "end_sys_fields")) break; if (d->type->type != ev_field) continue; switch (d->type->aux_type->type) { case ev_float: ADD(qcva("\tfloat\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_vector: ADD(qcva("\tvec3_t\t%s;\n",d->name)); d=d->next->next->next; // skip the elements break; case ev_string: ADD(qcva("\tstring_t\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_function: ADD(qcva("\tfunc_t\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_entity: ADD(qcva("\tint\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; case ev_integer: ADD(qcva("\tint\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; default: ADD(qcva("\tint\t%s;\n",d->name)); break; } } ADD("} entvars_t;\n\n"); ///temp ADD2("//with this the crc isn't needed for fields.\n#ifdef FIELDSSTRUCT\nstruct fieldvars_s {\n\tint ofs;\n\tint type;\n\tchar *name;\n} fieldvars[] = {\n"); f=0; for (d=pr.def_head.next ; d ; d=d->next) { if (!strcmp (d->name, "end_sys_fields")) break; if (d->type->type != ev_field) continue; if (f) ADD2(",\n"); ADD2(qcva("\t{%i,\t%i,\t\"%s\"}",G_INT(d->ofs), d->type->aux_type->type, d->name)); f = 1; } ADD2("\n};\n#endif\n\n"); //end temp ADD2(qcva("#define PROGHEADER_CRC %i\n", crc)); if (QCC_CheckParm("-progdefs")) { printf ("writing %s\n", filename); f = SafeOpenWrite(filename, 16384); SafeWrite(f, file, strlen(file)); SafeClose(f); } if (ForcedCRC) crc = ForcedCRC; switch (crc) { case 54730: printf("Recognised progs as QuakeWorld\n"); break; case 5927: printf("Recognised progs as regular Quake\n"); break; case 38488: printf("Recognised progs as origional Hexen2\n"); break; case 26905: printf("Recognised progs as Hexen2 Mission Pack\n"); break; } return crc; } /*void QCC_PrintFunction (char *name) { int i; QCC_dstatement_t *ds; QCC_dfunction_t *df; for (i=0 ; ifirst_statement; while (1) { QCC_PR_PrintStatement (ds); if (!ds->op) break; ds++; } }*/ /* void QCC_PrintOfs(unsigned int ofs) { int i; bool printfunc; QCC_dstatement_t *ds; QCC_dfunction_t *df; for (i=0 ; ifirst_statement; printfunc = false; while (1) { if (!ds->op) break; if (ds->a == ofs || ds->b == ofs || ds->c == ofs) { QCC_PR_PrintStatement (ds); printfunc = true; } ds++; } if (printfunc) { QCC_PrintFunction(strings + functions[i].s_name); printf(" \n \n"); } } } */ /* ============================================================================== DIRECTORY COPYING / PACKFILE CREATION ============================================================================== */ typedef struct { char name[56]; int filepos, filelen; } packfile_t; typedef struct { char id[4]; int dirofs; int dirlen; } packheader_t; packfile_t pfiles[4096], *pf; int packhandle; int packbytes; /* ============ CreatePath ============ */ void QCC_CreatePath (char *path) { /* char *ofs; for (ofs = path+1 ; *ofs ; ofs++) { if (*ofs == '/') { // create the directory *ofs = 0; #ifdef QCC mkdir(path); #else QCC_mkdir (path); #endif *ofs = '/'; } } */ } /* =========== PackFile Copy a file into the pak file =========== */ void QCC_PackFile (char *src, char *name) { int remaining; #if 1 char *f; #else int in; int count; char buf[4096]; #endif if ( (qbyte *)pf - (qbyte *)pfiles > sizeof(pfiles) ) QCC_Error (ERR_TOOMANYPAKFILES, "Too many files in pak file"); #if 1 f = FS_ReadToMem(src, NULL, &remaining); if (!f) { printf ("%64s : %7s\n", name, ""); // QCC_Error("Failed to open file %s", src); return; } pf->filepos = PRLittleLong (SafeSeek (packhandle, 0, SEEK_CUR)); pf->filelen = PRLittleLong (remaining); strcpy (pf->name, name); printf ("%64s : %7i\n", pf->name, remaining); packbytes += remaining; SafeWrite (packhandle, f, remaining); FS_CloseFromMem(f); #else in = SafeOpenRead (src); remaining = filelength (in); pf->filepos = PRLittleLong (lseek (packhandle, 0, SEEK_CUR)); pf->filelen = PRLittleLong (remaining); strcpy (pf->name, name); printf ("%64s : %7i\n", pf->name, remaining); packbytes += remaining; while (remaining) { if (remaining < sizeof(buf)) count = remaining; else count = sizeof(buf); SafeRead (in, buf, count); SafeWrite (packhandle, buf, count); remaining -= count; } close (in); #endif pf++; } /* =========== CopyFile Copies a file, creating any directories needed =========== */ void QCC_CopyFile (char *src, char *dest) { /* int in, out; int remaining, count; char buf[4096]; print ("%s to %s\n", src, dest); in = SafeOpenRead (src); remaining = filelength (in); QCC_CreatePath (dest); out = SafeOpenWrite (dest, remaining+10); while (remaining) { if (remaining < sizeof(buf)) count = remaining; else count = sizeof(buf); SafeRead (in, buf, count); SafeWrite (out, buf, count); remaining -= count; } close (in); SafeClose (out); */ } /* =========== CopyFiles =========== */ void _QCC_CopyFiles (int blocknum, int copytype, char *srcdir, char *destdir) { int i; int dirlen; unsigned short crc; packheader_t header; char name[1024]; char srcfile[1024], destfile[1024]; packbytes = 0; if (copytype == 2) { pf = pfiles; packhandle = SafeOpenWrite (destdir, 1024*1024); SafeWrite (packhandle, &header, sizeof(header)); } for (i=0 ; i 0) printf ("%3i unique precache_sounds\n", numsounds); if (nummodels > 0) printf ("%3i unique precache_models\n", nummodels); if (numtextures > 0) printf ("%3i unique precache_textures\n", numtextures); if (numfiles > 0) printf ("%3i unique precache_files\n", numfiles); p = QCC_CheckParm ("-copy"); if (p && p < myargc-2) { // create a new directory tree strcpy (srcdir, myargv[p+1]); strcpy (destdir, myargv[p+2]); if (srcdir[strlen(srcdir)-1] != '/') strcat (srcdir, "/"); if (destdir[strlen(destdir)-1] != '/') strcat (destdir, "/"); _QCC_CopyFiles(0, 1, srcdir, destdir); return; } for ( p = 0; p < 5; p++) { s = QCC_Packname[p]; if (!*s) continue; strcpy(destdir, s); strcpy(srcdir, ""); _QCC_CopyFiles(p+1, 2, srcdir, destdir); } return; /* blocknum = 1; p = QCC_CheckParm ("-pak2"); if (p && p = sizeof(cnst->value)) QCC_Error(ERR_PRECOMPILERCONSTANTTOOLONG, "Compiler constant value is too long\n"); strncpy(cnst->value, val, sizeof(cnst->value)-1); cnst->value[sizeof(cnst->value)-1] = '\0'; } } //optimisations. else if ( !strnicmp(myargv[i], "-O", 2) || !strnicmp(myargv[i], "/O", 2) ) { p = 0; if (myargv[i][2] >= '0' && myargv[i][2] <= '3') { } else if (!strnicmp(myargv[i]+2, "no-", 3)) { if (myargv[i][5]) { for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++) { if ((*optimisations[p].abbrev && !stricmp(myargv[i]+5, optimisations[p].abbrev)) || !stricmp(myargv[i]+5, optimisations[p].fullname)) { *optimisations[p].enabled = false; break; } } } } else { if (myargv[i][2]) for (p = 0; optimisations[p].enabled; p++) if ((*optimisations[p].abbrev && !stricmp(myargv[i]+2, optimisations[p].abbrev)) || !stricmp(myargv[i]+2, optimisations[p].fullname)) { *optimisations[p].enabled = true; break; } } if (!optimisations[p].enabled) QCC_PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised optimisation parameter (%s)", myargv[i]); } else if ( !strnicmp(myargv[i], "-K", 2) || !strnicmp(myargv[i], "/K", 2) ) { p = 0; if (!strnicmp(myargv[i]+2, "no-", 3)) { for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+5, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) { *compiler_flag[p].enabled = false; break; } } else { for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+2, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) { *compiler_flag[p].enabled = true; break; } } if (!compiler_flag[p].enabled) QCC_PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised keyword parameter (%s)", myargv[i]); } else if ( !strnicmp(myargv[i], "-F", 2) || !strnicmp(myargv[i], "/F", 2) ) { p = 0; if (!strnicmp(myargv[i]+2, "no-", 3)) { for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+5, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) { *compiler_flag[p].enabled = false; break; } } else { for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+2, compiler_flag[p].abbrev)) { *compiler_flag[p].enabled = true; break; } } if (!compiler_flag[p].enabled) QCC_PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised flag parameter (%s)", myargv[i]); } else if ( !strncmp(myargv[i], "-T", 2) || !strncmp(myargv[i], "/T", 2) ) { p = 0; for (p = 0; targets[p].name; p++) if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+2, targets[p].name)) { qcc_targetformat = targets[p].target; break; } if (!targets[p].name) QCC_PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised target parameter (%s)", myargv[i]); } else if ( !strnicmp(myargv[i], "-W", 2) || !strnicmp(myargv[i], "/W", 2) ) { if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+2, "all")) memset(qccwarningdisabled, 0, sizeof(qccwarningdisabled)); else if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+2, "none")) memset(qccwarningdisabled, 1, sizeof(qccwarningdisabled)); else { p = 0; if (!strnicmp(myargv[i]+2, "no-", 3)) { for (p = 0; warningnames[p].name; p++) if (!strcmp(myargv[i]+5, warningnames[p].name)) { qccwarningdisabled[warningnames[p].index] = true; break; } } else { for (p = 0; warningnames[p].name; p++) if (!stricmp(myargv[i]+2, warningnames[p].name)) { qccwarningdisabled[warningnames[p].index] = false; break; } } if (!warningnames[p].name) QCC_PR_Warning(0, NULL, WARN_BADPARAMS, "Unrecognised warning parameter (%s)", myargv[i]); } } } } /* ============ main ============ */ char *qccmsrc; char *qccmsrc2; char qccmfilename[1024]; char qccmprogsdat[1024]; char qccmsourcedir[1024]; void QCC_FinishCompile(void); void SetEndian(void); void QCC_SetDefaultProperties (void) { extern int ForcedCRC; int level; int i; Hash_InitTable(&compconstantstable, MAX_CONSTANTS, qccHunkAlloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(MAX_CONSTANTS))); ForcedCRC = 0; QCC_PR_DefineName("FTEQCC"); if (QCC_CheckParm("/Oz")) { qcc_targetformat = QCF_FTE; QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_STATEMENTS"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_DEFS"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_FIELDS"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_FUNCTIONS"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_STRINGS"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_GLOBALS"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_LINES"); QCC_PR_DefineName("OP_COMP_TYPES"); } if (QCC_CheckParm("/O0") || QCC_CheckParm("-O0")) level = 0; else if (QCC_CheckParm("/O1") || QCC_CheckParm("-O1")) level = 1; else if (QCC_CheckParm("/O2") || QCC_CheckParm("-O2")) level = 2; else if (QCC_CheckParm("/O3") || QCC_CheckParm("-O3")) level = 3; else level = -1; if (level == -1) { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT) *optimisations[i].enabled = true; else *optimisations[i].enabled = false; } } else { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (level >= optimisations[i].optimisationlevel) *optimisations[i].enabled = true; else *optimisations[i].enabled = false; } } if (QCC_CheckParm ("-h2")) qcc_targetformat = QCF_HEXEN2; else if (QCC_CheckParm ("-fte")) qcc_targetformat = QCF_FTE; else qcc_targetformat = QCF_STANDARD; //enable all warnings memset(qccwarningdisabled, 0, sizeof(qccwarningdisabled)); //play with default warnings. qccwarningdisabled[WARN_NOTREFERENCEDCONST] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_MACROINSTRING] = true; // qccwarningdisabled[WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_FIXEDRETURNVALUECONFLICT] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_EXTRAPRECACHE] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_DEADCODE] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_INEFFICIENTPLUSPLUS] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_FTE_SPECIFIC] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_EXTENSION_USED] = true; qccwarningdisabled[WARN_IFSTRING_USED] = true; if (QCC_CheckParm("-nowarn") || QCC_CheckParm("-Wnone")) memset(qccwarningdisabled, 1, sizeof(qccwarningdisabled)); if (QCC_CheckParm("-Wall")) memset(qccwarningdisabled, 0, sizeof(qccwarningdisabled)); if (QCC_CheckParm("-h2")) qccwarningdisabled[WARN_CASEINSENSATIVEFRAMEMACRO] = true; //Check the command line QCC_PR_CommandLinePrecompilerOptions(); if (qcc_targetformat == QCF_HEXEN2) //force on the thinktime keyword if hexen2 progs. keyword_thinktime = true; if (QCC_CheckParm("/Debug")) //disable any debug optimisations { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS) *optimisations[i].enabled = false; } } } //builds a list of files, pretends that they came from a progs.src int QCC_FindQCFiles() { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE h; #endif int numfiles = 0, i, j; char *filelist[256], *temp; qccmsrc = qccHunkAlloc(8192); strcat(qccmsrc, "progs.dat\n");//"#pragma PROGS_DAT progs.dat\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 h = FindFirstFile("*.qc", &fd); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; do { filelist[numfiles] = qccHunkAlloc (strlen(fd.cFileName)+1); strcpy(filelist[numfiles], fd.cFileName); numfiles++; } while(FindNextFile(h, &fd)!=0); FindClose(h); #else printf("-Facc is not supported on this platform. Please make a progs.src file instead\n"); #endif //Sort alphabetically. //bubble. :( for (i = 0; i < numfiles-1; i++) { for (j = i+1; j < numfiles; j++) { if (stricmp(filelist[i], filelist[j]) > 0) { temp = filelist[j]; filelist[j] = filelist[i]; filelist[i] = temp; } } } for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) { strcat(qccmsrc, filelist[i]); strcat(qccmsrc, "\n"); // strcat(qccmsrc, "#include \""); // strcat(qccmsrc, filelist[i]); // strcat(qccmsrc, "\"\n"); } return numfiles; } int qcc_compileactive = false; extern int accglobalsblock; char *origionalqccmsrc; //for autoprototype. void QCC_main (int argc, char **argv) //as part of the quake engine { extern int pr_bracelevel; int p; #ifndef QCCONLY extern char qcc_gamedir[]; char destfile2[1024], *s2; #endif char *s; SetEndian(); myargc = argc; myargv = argv; qcc_compileactive = true; pHash_Get = &Hash_Get; pHash_GetNext = &Hash_GetNext; pHash_Add = &Hash_Add; MAX_REGS = 65536; MAX_STRINGS = 1000000; MAX_GLOBALS = 32768; MAX_FIELDS = 2048; MAX_STATEMENTS = 0x80000; MAX_FUNCTIONS = 16384; maxtypeinfos = 16384; MAX_CONSTANTS = 2048; compressoutput = 0; p = externs->FileSize("qcc.cfg"); if (p < 0) p = externs->FileSize("src/qcc.cfg"); if (p>0) { s = qccHunkAlloc(p+1); s = externs->ReadFile("qcc.cfg", s, p); while(1) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_REGS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_REGS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_STRINGS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_STRINGS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_GLOBALS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_GLOBALS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_FIELDS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_FIELDS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_STATEMENTS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_STATEMENTS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_FUNCTIONS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_FUNCTIONS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_TYPES")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); maxtypeinfos = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "MAX_TEMPS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); max_temps = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!strcmp(qcc_token, "CONSTANTS")) { s = QCC_COM_Parse(s); MAX_CONSTANTS = atoi(qcc_token); } else if (!s) break; else printf("Bad token in qcc.cfg file\n"); } } /* don't try to be clever else if (p < 0) { s = qccHunkAlloc(8192); sprintf(s, "MAX_REGS\t%i\r\nMAX_STRINGS\t%i\r\nMAX_GLOBALS\t%i\r\nMAX_FIELDS\t%i\r\nMAX_STATEMENTS\t%i\r\nMAX_FUNCTIONS\t%i\r\nMAX_TYPES\t%i\r\n", MAX_REGS, MAX_STRINGS, MAX_GLOBALS, MAX_FIELDS, MAX_STATEMENTS, MAX_FUNCTIONS, maxtypeinfos); externs->WriteFile("qcc.cfg", s, strlen(s)); } */ strcpy(QCC_copyright, "This file was created with ForeThought's modified QuakeC compiler\nThanks to ID Software"); for (p = 0; p < 5; p++) strcpy(QCC_Packname[p], ""); for (p = 0; compiler_flag[p].enabled; p++) { *compiler_flag[p].enabled = compiler_flag[p].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT; } QCC_SetDefaultProperties(); optres_shortenifnots = 0; optres_overlaptemps = 0; optres_noduplicatestrings = 0; optres_constantarithmatic = 0; optres_nonvec_parms = 0; optres_constant_names = 0; optres_constant_names_strings = 0; optres_precache_file = 0; optres_filenames = 0; optres_assignments = 0; optres_unreferenced = 0; optres_function_names = 0; optres_locals = 0; optres_dupconstdefs = 0; optres_return_only = 0; optres_compound_jumps = 0; // optres_comexprremoval = 0; optres_stripfunctions = 0; optres_locals_marshalling = 0; optres_logicops = 0; optres_test1 = 0; optres_test2 = 0; accglobalsblock = 0; numtemps = 0; functemps=NULL; strings = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRINGS); strofs = 1; statements = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(QCC_dstatement_t) * MAX_STATEMENTS); numstatements = 0; statement_linenums = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_STATEMENTS); functions = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(QCC_dfunction_t) * MAX_FUNCTIONS); numfunctions=0; pr_bracelevel = 0; qcc_pr_globals = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(float) * MAX_REGS); numpr_globals=0; Hash_InitTable(&globalstable, MAX_REGS, qccHunkAlloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS))); Hash_InitTable(&localstable, MAX_REGS, qccHunkAlloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS))); Hash_InitTable(&floatconstdefstable, MAX_REGS+1, qccHunkAlloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS+1))); Hash_InitTable(&stringconstdefstable, MAX_REGS, qccHunkAlloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(MAX_REGS))); // pr_global_defs = (QCC_def_t **)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(QCC_def_t *) * MAX_REGS); qcc_globals = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(QCC_ddef_t) * MAX_GLOBALS); numglobaldefs=0; fields = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(QCC_ddef_t) * MAX_FIELDS); numfielddefs=0; memset(pr_immediate_string, 0, sizeof(pr_immediate_string)); precache_sounds = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_DATA_PATH*MAX_SOUNDS); precache_sounds_block = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int)*MAX_SOUNDS); precache_sounds_used = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int)*MAX_SOUNDS); numsounds=0; precache_textures = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_DATA_PATH*MAX_TEXTURES); precache_textures_block = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int)*MAX_TEXTURES); numtextures=0; precache_models = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_DATA_PATH*MAX_MODELS); precache_models_block = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int)*MAX_MODELS); precache_models_used = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int)*MAX_MODELS); nummodels=0; precache_files = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_DATA_PATH*MAX_FILES); precache_files_block = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int)*MAX_FILES); numfiles = 0; qcc_typeinfo = (void *)qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(QCC_type_t)*maxtypeinfos); numtypeinfos = 0; qcc_tempofs = qccHunkAlloc(sizeof(int) * max_temps); tempsstart = 0; bodylessfuncs=0; memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr)); #ifdef MAX_EXTRA_PARMS memset(&extra_parms, 0, sizeof(extra_parms)); #endif if ( QCC_CheckParm ("/?") || QCC_CheckParm ("?") || QCC_CheckParm ("-?") || QCC_CheckParm ("-help") || QCC_CheckParm ("--help")) { printf ("qcc looks for progs.src in the current directory.\n"); printf ("to look in a different directory: qcc -src \n"); // printf ("to build a clean data tree: qcc -copy \n"); // printf ("to build a clean pak file: qcc -pak \n"); // printf ("to bsp all bmodels: qcc -bspmodels \n"); printf ("-Fwasm causes FTEQCC to dump all asm to qc.asm\n"); printf ("-O0 to disable optimisations\n"); printf ("-O1 to optimise for size\n"); printf ("-O2 to optimise more - some behaviours may change\n"); printf ("-O3 to optimise lots - experimental or non-future-proof\n"); printf ("-Oname to enable an optimisation\n"); printf ("-Ono-name to disable optimisations\n"); printf ("-Kkeyword to activate keyword\n"); printf ("-Kno-keyword to disable keyword\n"); printf ("-Wall to give a stupid number of warnings\n"); printf ("-Ttarget to set a output format\n"); printf ("-Fautoproto to enable automatic prototyping\n"); qcc_compileactive = false; return; } if (flag_caseinsensative) { printf("Compiling without case insensativity\n"); pHash_Get = &Hash_GetInsensative; pHash_GetNext = &Hash_GetNextInsensative; pHash_Add = &Hash_AddInsensative; } if (opt_locals_marshalling) printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nLocals marshalling might be buggy. Use with caution\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); p = QCC_CheckParm ("-src"); if (p && p < argc-1 ) { strcpy (qccmsourcedir, argv[p+1]); strcat (qccmsourcedir, "/"); printf ("Source directory: %s\n", qccmsourcedir); } else #ifndef QCCONLY if (!*qcc_gamedir) sprintf (qccmsourcedir, "src/"); else sprintf (qccmsourcedir, "%s/src/", qcc_gamedir); #else *qccmsourcedir = '\0'; #endif QCC_InitData (); QCC_PR_BeginCompilation ((void *)qccHunkAlloc (0x100000), 0x100000); if (flag_acc) { if (!QCC_FindQCFiles()) QCC_Error (ERR_COULDNTOPENFILE, "Couldn't open file for asm output."); } else { p = QCC_CheckParm ("-qc"); if (!p || p >= argc-1 || argv[p+1][0] == '-') p = QCC_CheckParm ("-srcfile"); if (p && p < argc-1 ) sprintf (qccmprogsdat, "%s%s", qccmsourcedir, argv[p+1]); else { //look for a preprogs.src... :o) sprintf (qccmprogsdat, "%spreprogs.src", qccmsourcedir); if (externs->FileSize(qccmprogsdat) <= 0) sprintf (qccmprogsdat, "%sprogs.src", qccmsourcedir); } printf ("Source file: %s\n", qccmprogsdat); if (QCC_LoadFile (qccmprogsdat, (void *)&qccmsrc) == -1) { return; } } #ifdef WRITEASM if (writeasm) { asmfile = fopen("qc.asm", "wb"); if (!asmfile) QCC_Error (ERR_INTERNAL, "Couldn't open file for asm output."); } #endif newstylesource = false; while(*qccmsrc && *qccmsrc < ' ') qccmsrc++; pr_file_p = QCC_COM_Parse(qccmsrc); if (QCC_CheckParm ("-qc")) { strcpy(destfile, qccmprogsdat); StripExtension(destfile); strcat(destfile, ".qco"); p = QCC_CheckParm ("-o"); if (!p || p >= argc-1 || argv[p+1][0] == '-') if (p && p < argc-1 ) sprintf (destfile, "%s%s", qccmsourcedir, argv[p+1]); goto newstyle; } if (*qcc_token == '#') { void StartNewStyleCompile(void); newstyle: newstylesource = true; StartNewStyleCompile(); return; } pr_file_p = qccmsrc; QCC_PR_LexWhitespace(); qccmsrc = pr_file_p; s = qccmsrc; pr_file_p = qccmsrc; QCC_PR_SimpleGetToken (); strcpy(qcc_token, pr_token); qccmsrc = pr_file_p; if (!qccmsrc) QCC_Error (ERR_NOOUTPUT, "No destination filename. qcc -help for info."); strcpy (destfile, qcc_token); #ifndef QCCONLY p=1; s2 = strcpy(destfile2, destfile); if (!strncmp(s2, "./", 2)) s2+=2; else { while(!strncmp(s2, "../", 3)) { s2+=3; p++; } } strcpy(qccmfilename, qccmsourcedir); for (s=qccmfilename+strlen(qccmfilename);p && s>=qccmfilename; s--) { if (*s == '/' || *s == '\\') { *(s+1) = '\0'; p--; } } if (s>=qccmfilename) sprintf(destfile, "%s%s", qccmfilename, s2); else sprintf(destfile, "%s", s2); #endif printf ("outputfile: %s\n", destfile); pr_dumpasm = false; currentchunk = NULL; origionalqccmsrc = qccmsrc; } void new_QCC_ContinueCompile(void); //called between exe frames - won't loose net connection (is the theory)... void QCC_ContinueCompile(void) { char *s, *s2; currentchunk = NULL; if (!qcc_compileactive) //HEY! return; if (newstylesource) { new_QCC_ContinueCompile(); return; } qccmsrc = QCC_COM_Parse(qccmsrc); if (!qccmsrc) { if (autoprototype) { qccmsrc = origionalqccmsrc; QCC_SetDefaultProperties(); autoprototype = false; return; } QCC_FinishCompile(); return; } s = qcc_token; strcpy (qccmfilename, qccmsourcedir); while(1) { if (!strncmp(s, "..\\", 3)) { s2 = qccmfilename + strlen(qccmfilename)-2; while (s2>=qccmfilename) { if (*s2 == '/' || *s2 == '\\') { s2[1] = '\0'; break; } s2--; } s+=3; continue; } if (!strncmp(s, ".\\", 2)) { s+=2; continue; } break; } strcat (qccmfilename, s); if (autoprototype) printf ("prototyping %s\n", qccmfilename); else printf ("compiling %s\n", qccmfilename); QCC_LoadFile (qccmfilename, (void *)&qccmsrc2); if (!QCC_PR_CompileFile (qccmsrc2, qccmfilename) ) QCC_Error (ERR_PARSEERRORS, "Errors have occured\n"); } void QCC_FinishCompile(void) { int crc; // int p; currentchunk = NULL; if (setjmp(pr_parse_abort)) QCC_Error(ERR_INTERNAL, ""); if (!QCC_PR_FinishCompilation ()) { QCC_Error (ERR_PARSEERRORS, "compilation errors"); } /* p = QCC_CheckParm ("-asm"); if (p) { for (p++ ; p MAX_ERRORS) return; QCC_PR_SkipToSemicolon (); if (pr_token_type == tt_eof) return; } QCC_PR_ClearGrabMacros (); // clear the frame macros compilingfile = qccmprogsdat; pr_file_p = qccmsrc; s_file = s_file2 = QCC_CopyString (compilingfile); pr_source_line = 0; QCC_PR_NewLine (false); QCC_PR_Lex (); // read first token } void new_QCC_ContinueCompile(void) { if (setjmp(pr_parse_abort)) { // if (pr_error_count != 0) { QCC_Error (ERR_PARSEERRORS, "Errors have occured"); return; } QCC_PR_SkipToSemicolon (); if (pr_token_type == tt_eof) return; } if (pr_token_type == tt_eof) { if (pr_error_count) QCC_Error (ERR_PARSEERRORS, "Errors have occured"); QCC_FinishCompile(); return; } pr_scope = NULL; // outside all functions QCC_PR_ParseDefs (NULL); } /*void new_QCC_ContinueCompile(void) { char *s, *s2; if (!qcc_compileactive) //HEY! return; // compile all the files qccmsrc = QCC_COM_Parse(qccmsrc); if (!qccmsrc) { QCC_FinishCompile(); return; } s = qcc_token; strcpy (qccmfilename, qccmsourcedir); while(1) { if (!strncmp(s, "..\\", 3)) { s2 = qccmfilename + strlen(qccmfilename)-2; while (s2>=qccmfilename) { if (*s2 == '/' || *s2 == '\\') { s2[1] = '\0'; break; } s2--; } s+=3; continue; } if (!strncmp(s, ".\\", 2)) { s+=2; continue; } break; } // strcat (qccmfilename, s); // printf ("compiling %s\n", qccmfilename); // QCC_LoadFile (qccmfilename, (void *)&qccmsrc2); // if (!new_QCC_PR_CompileFile (qccmsrc2, qccmfilename) ) // QCC_Error ("Errors have occured\n"); { if (!pr.memory) QCC_Error ("PR_CompileFile: Didn't clear"); QCC_PR_ClearGrabMacros (); // clear the frame macros compilingfile = filename; pr_file_p = qccmsrc2; s_file = QCC_CopyString (filename); pr_source_line = 0; QCC_PR_NewLine (); QCC_PR_Lex (); // read first token while (pr_token_type != tt_eof) { if (setjmp(pr_parse_abort)) { if (++pr_error_count > MAX_ERRORS) return false; QCC_PR_SkipToSemicolon (); if (pr_token_type == tt_eof) return false; } pr_scope = NULL; // outside all functions QCC_PR_ParseDefs (); } } return (pr_error_count == 0); }*/ #ifdef QCCONLY progfuncs_t *progfuncs; /* ============== LoadFile ============== */ unsigned char *QCC_ReadFile (char *fname, void *buffer, int len) { long length; FILE *f; f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; length = fread(buffer, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if (length != len) return NULL; return buffer; } int QCC_FileSize (char *fname) { long length; FILE *f; f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!f) return -1; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(f); fclose(f); return length; } pbool QCC_WriteFile (char *name, void *data, int len) { long length; FILE *f; f = fopen(name, "wb"); if (!f) return false; length = fwrite(data, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if (length != len) return false; return true; } #undef printf #undef Sys_Error void Sys_Error(const char *text, ...) { va_list argptr; static char msg[2048]; va_start (argptr,text); QC_vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, text,argptr); va_end (argptr); QCC_Error(ERR_INTERNAL, "%s", msg); } #ifndef USEGUI int main (int argc, char **argv) { int sucess; progexterns_t ext; progfuncs_t funcs; progfuncs = &funcs; memset(&funcs, 0, sizeof(funcs)); funcs.parms = &ext; memset(&ext, 0, sizeof(progexterns_t)); funcs.parms->ReadFile = QCC_ReadFile; funcs.parms->FileSize = QCC_FileSize; funcs.parms->WriteFile = QCC_WriteFile; funcs.parms->printf = printf; funcs.parms->Sys_Error = Sys_Error; sucess = CompileParams(&funcs, true, argc, argv); qccClearHunk(); #ifdef _WIN32 // fgetc(stdin); //wait for keypress #endif return !sucess; } #endif//usegui #endif//qcconly #endif//minimal