var float autocvar_ca_show = 0; var float autocvar_ca_editormode = MODE_LIGHTEDIT; string autocvar_ca_colourtint; var vector vidsize = '640 480 0'; vector curmousepos; vector mousediff; vector originalmousepos; float mousedown; float shiftdown; float ctrldown; vector mousenear; vector mousefar; float releasedmouse; string pointedshadername; vector pointedsurfacenormal; entity pointedent; float pointedsurface; float editorrsd[editornames.length]; float(float key, float unic, vector mouse) editor_options_key = { if (key == K_MOUSE1) { int sel = (mouse_y - 16) / 8; if (sel == 0) { cvar_set("ca_show", "0"); return TRUE; } else if (sel == 1) { localcmd("brushedit_binds\n"); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }; void(vector mouse) editor_options_overlay = { vector pos = '0 16'; int sel = (mouse_y - pos_y) / 8; drawstring(pos, "Close", '8 8', (sel==0)?'0 0 1':'1 1 1', 1, 0); pos_y += 8; drawstring(pos, "Brush Editor Bindings", '8 8', (sel==1)?'0 0 1':'1 1 1', 1, 0); }; /*the renderscene builtin in the parent progs is redirected to here*/ void() wrap_renderscene = { float x; vector col; local float i; if (ca_checksave) { if (ca_checksave(autocvar_ca_show?autocvar_ca_editormode:0)) { ca_checksave = __NULL__; localcmd("changelevel . .\n"); } } //don't do anything if this is a subview. this avoids getting confused. if (!(float)getproperty(VF_DRAWWORLD)) { renderscene(); return; } vidsize = getproperty(VF_SCREENVSIZE); /*inactive? then show nothing*/ if (!autocvar_ca_show) { mousefar = unproject((vidsize*0.5) + '0 0 8192'); mousenear = unproject(vidsize*0.5); #ifdef CAMQUAKE if (isdemo()) spline_overrides(gettime(5)); #endif renderscene(); if (autocvar_ca_colourtint != "") { local string shdrname = strcat("tint_", autocvar_ca_colourtint); /*make sure the shader exist*/ shaderforname(shdrname, "{\n" //if we can actually use glsl... "if $glsl\n" "glslprogram\n" "{\n" "varying vec4 tf;\n" "#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n" "void main ()\n" "{\n" "gl_Position = tf = ftetransform();\n" "}\n" "#endif\n" "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" "uniform sampler2D s_t0;\n" "uniform sampler3D s_t1;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" "vec2 fc;\n" "fc = tf.xy / tf.w;\n" "vec3 raw = texture2D(s_t0, (1.0 + fc) / 2.0).rgb;\n" //scale+bias the sample to not clamp out at the edges "#define LUTSIZE 16.0\n" "vec3 scale = vec3((LUTSIZE-1.0)/LUTSIZE);\n" "vec3 bias = vec3(1.0/(2.0*LUTSIZE));\n" "gl_FragColor = texture3D(s_t1, raw * scale + bias);\n" "}\n" "#endif\n" "}\n" "{\n" "map $currentrender\n" "}\n" "{\n" //16*16*16 image "clampmap $3d:",autocvar_ca_colourtint,"\n" "}\n" //else (glsl not available) "else\n" //just don't draw anything. "surfaceparm nodraw\n" "endif\n" "}\n" ); drawpic(getproperty(VF_MIN), shdrname, getproperty(VF_SIZE), '1 1 1', 1); } if (releasedmouse) { //remove the cursor if we activated it releasedmouse = FALSE; setcursormode(FALSE); } mousedown = 0; return; } if (mousedown == 2) { //RMB re-enables mlook if (releasedmouse) { releasedmouse = FALSE; setcursormode(FALSE); } } else { if (FALSE == getcursormode(FALSE)) { //only release it again if it should be released. setcursormode(TRUE); releasedmouse = TRUE; } } /*hide hud and crosshair*/ setproperty(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0); setproperty(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0); vector mn = (vector)getproperty(VF_MIN); vector sz = (vector)getproperty(VF_SIZE); if (curmousepos_x >= mn_x && curmousepos_x <= mn_x+sz_x && curmousepos_y >= mn_y && curmousepos_y <= mn_y+sz_y) { mousefar = unproject(curmousepos + '0 0 8192'); mousenear = unproject(curmousepos); } if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT) editor_lights_addentities(); else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_ENTSEDIT) editor_ents_addentities(); #ifdef CAMQUAKE else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT) editor_spline_addentities(); #endif else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_TERRAINEDIT) editor_terrain_addentities(curmousepos); else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_BRUSHEDIT) editor_brushes_addentities(curmousepos); renderscene(); for (i = 0, x = 0; i < editornames.length; i+=1) { if (editornames[i] != "") { float w = stringwidth(editornames[i], TRUE, '8 8 0') + 8; if (autocvar_ca_editormode == i) col = '1 0 0'; else if (curmousepos_y < 8 && curmousepos_x >= x && curmousepos_x < x+w) col = '0 0 1'; else col = '1 1 1'; drawrawstring([x,0], editornames[i], '8 8 0', col, 1); x += w; } editorrsd[i] = x; } if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_OPTIONS) editor_options_overlay(curmousepos); else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT) editor_lights_overlay(curmousepos); #ifdef CAMQUAKE else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT) { editor_spline_overlay(&curmousepos, mousediff); originalmousepos = curmousepos; mousediff = '0 0 0'; } #endif else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_PARTICLEEDIT) editor_particles_overlay(curmousepos); else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_TERRAINEDIT) editor_terrain_overlay(curmousepos); else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_ENTSEDIT) editor_ents_overlay(curmousepos); else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_BRUSHEDIT) editor_brushes_overlay(curmousepos); drawcharacter(curmousepos - '4 4', '+', '8 8', '1 1 1', 1); }; var float(float,float,float) orig_input_event = __NULL__; float (float event, float parama, float paramb) wrap_InputEvent = { if (event == IE_KEYDOWN || event == IE_KEYUP) { if (parama == K_RSHIFT || parama == K_LSHIFT) shiftdown = (event == IE_KEYDOWN); if (parama == K_RCTRL || parama == K_LCTRL) ctrldown = (event == IE_KEYDOWN); if (parama == K_RALT || parama == K_LALT) altdown = (event == IE_KEYDOWN); } if (autocvar_ca_show) { if (event == IE_KEYDOWN) { if (parama == K_MOUSE1 && curmousepos_y < 8) { float i, nm = 0; for (i = editorrsd.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (curmousepos_x < editorrsd[i]) nm = i; else break; } cvar_set("ca_editormode", ftos(nm)); return TRUE; } if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_OPTIONS) { if (editor_options_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos)) return TRUE; } else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_LIGHTEDIT) { if (editor_lights_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos)) return TRUE; } #ifdef CAMQUAKE else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_SPLINEEDIT) { if (editor_spline_key(parama, paramb, &curmousepos, mousediff)) { originalmousepos = curmousepos; mousediff = '0 0 0'; return TRUE; } } #endif else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_PARTICLEEDIT) { if (editor_particles_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos)) return TRUE; } else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_TERRAINEDIT) { if (editor_terrain_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos)) return TRUE; } else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_BRUSHEDIT) { if (editor_brushes_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos)) return TRUE; } else if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_ENTSEDIT) { if (editor_ents_key(parama, paramb, curmousepos)) return TRUE; } if (parama == K_MOUSE1) { mousedown = 1; return TRUE; } if (parama == K_MOUSE2) { mousedown = 2; return TRUE; } } else if (event == IE_KEYUP) { if (parama == K_MOUSE1-1+mousedown) mousedown = FALSE; } else if (event == IE_MOUSEDELTA) { if (mousedown == 2) return FALSE; originalmousepos = curmousepos; curmousepos_x += parama; curmousepos_y += paramb; mousediff = curmousepos - originalmousepos; if (curmousepos_x < 0) curmousepos_x = 0; if (curmousepos_y < 0) curmousepos_y = 0; if (curmousepos_x > vidsize_x) curmousepos_x = vidsize_x; if (curmousepos_y > vidsize_y) curmousepos_y = vidsize_y; return TRUE; } else if (event == IE_MOUSEABS) { curmousepos_x = parama; curmousepos_y = paramb; if (mousedown == 2) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } else if (pointedshadername != "") { /* if (parama == K_MOUSE2) { strunzone(pointedshadername); pointedshadername = ""; print("release (mouse2)!\n"); return TRUE; } */ if (event == IE_KEYDOWN || event == IE_KEYUP) { gecko_keyevent(pointedshadername, parama, event); if (event == 0) return TRUE; } } if (orig_input_event) return orig_input_event(event, parama, paramb); return FALSE; }; void(float mask) wrap_addentities = { if (autocvar_ca_show) { mask = mask - (mask & MASK_VIEWMODEL); if (autocvar_ca_editormode == MODE_ENTSEDIT) mask = 0; } addentities(mask); }; var float autocvar_fov = 90; static void(float seat, vector mn, vector sz) renderscene_helper = { if (seat) { setproperty(VF_ACTIVESEAT, seat, TRUE); //updates globals, true means resets view properties too (but not ents) setproperty(VF_VIEWENTITY, player_localentnum); if (!intermission) wrap_addentities(MASK_VIEWMODEL); } setproperty(VF_VIEWPORT, mn, sz); setproperty(VF_AFOV, autocvar_fov); wrap_renderscene(); }; /*this is a fallback function, in case the main progs does not have one*/ void(float width, float height, float do2d) CSQC_UpdateView = { float foo; clearscene(); setproperty(VF_ACTIVESEAT, 0, TRUE); //in_forceseat can prevent this from already being true, sadly. silly csqc mods with no splitscreen support... setproperty(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 1); setproperty(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 1); wrap_addentities(intermission?MASK_ENGINE:(MASK_VIEWMODEL|MASK_ENGINE)); foo = numclientseats; // if (autocvar_ca_show) // foo = 0; switch(foo) { case 0: //just in case someone runs us in dp case 1: wrap_renderscene(); break; case 2: renderscene_helper(0, [0, 0], [width, height/2]); renderscene_helper(1, [0, height/2], [width, height/2]); setviewprop(VF_LPLAYER, 0, FALSE); drawline(1, [0, height/2], [width, height/2], '0 0 0', 1); break; case 3: renderscene_helper(0, [0, 0], [width, height/2]); renderscene_helper(1, [0, height/2], [width/2, height/2]); renderscene_helper(2, [width/2, height/2], [width/2, height/2]); setviewprop(VF_LPLAYER, 0, FALSE); drawline(1, [0, height/2], [width, height/2], '0 0 0', 1); drawline(1, [width/2, height/2], [width/2, height], '0 0 0', 1); break; default: case 4: renderscene_helper(0, [0, 0], [width/2, height/2]); renderscene_helper(1, [width/2, 0], [width/2, height/2]); renderscene_helper(2, [0, height/2], [width/2, height/2]); renderscene_helper(3, [width/2, height/2], [width/2, height/2]); setviewprop(VF_LPLAYER, 0, FALSE); drawline(1, [0, height/2], [width, height/2], '0 0 0', 1); drawline(1, [width/2, 0], [width/2, height], '0 0 0', 1); break; } }; void() CSQC_Input_Frame = { vector t, o; if (autocvar_ca_show) //when we're using the UI, don't send any attack or jump stuff. these are generally annoying modifiers or so input_buttons = 0; if ((input_buttons & 1) && pointedshadername == "") { t = mousefar; o = mousenear; if (vlen(o - t) > 8192) t = o + normalize(t)*8192; traceline(o, t, TRUE, world); if (vlen(trace_endpos - o) < 512) { float s = getsurfacenearpoint(trace_ent, trace_endpos); pointedshadername = getsurfacetexture(trace_ent, s); pointedsurfacenormal = getsurfacenormal(trace_ent, s); if (gecko_get_texture_extent(pointedshadername) == '0 0 0') pointedshadername = ""; if (pointedshadername == "") pointedshadername = ""; else { //fixme: no unfocus! pointedshadername = strzone(pointedshadername); //print("sending input to ", pointedshadername, "\n"); gecko_navigate(pointedshadername, "cmd:focus"); pointedent = trace_ent; pointedsurface = s; } } } if (pointedshadername != "") { input_buttons = input_buttons - (input_buttons & 1); makevectors(input_angles); if (v_forward * pointedsurfacenormal >= 0) { gecko_navigate(pointedshadername, "cmd:unfocus"); strunzone(pointedshadername); pointedshadername = ""; // print("release (angle)!\n"); } else { t = mousefar; o = mousenear; if (vlen(o - t) > 8192) t = o + normalize(t)*8192; traceline(o, t, TRUE, world); //this code is vile. //it expects the texture to be aligned to the surface plane with flat projection. //it will also break on any polysoup/patch surfaces //it should at least accept any weird shaped cut up triangles, so long as they're all flat on the surface. vector xyz1, xyz2, xyz3; vector st1, st2, st3; xyz1 = getsurfacepointattribute(pointedent, pointedsurface, 0, 0); xyz2 = getsurfacepointattribute(pointedent, pointedsurface, 1, 0); xyz3 = getsurfacepointattribute(pointedent, pointedsurface, 2, 0); st1 = getsurfacepointattribute(pointedent, pointedsurface, 0, 4); st2 = getsurfacepointattribute(pointedent, pointedsurface, 1, 4); st3 = getsurfacepointattribute(pointedent, pointedsurface, 2, 4); float f1, f2, backoff; vector dir1 = xyz2 - xyz1; vector std1 = st2 - st1; vector dir2 = xyz3 - xyz1; vector std2 = st3 - st1; f1 = 1/vlen(dir1); dir1 *= f1; std1 *= f1; backoff = dir1 * dir2; std2 = std2 - (std1 * backoff); dir2 = dir2 - (dir1 * backoff); f2 = 1/vlen(dir2); dir1 *= f2; std1 *= f2; //the two directions should be perpendicular, and normalized float d1 = dir1*xyz1; float p = dir1*trace_endpos; float d2 = dir1*(xyz1+dir1); f1 = (p-d1) / (d2 - d1); d1 = dir2*xyz1; p = dir2*trace_endpos; d2 = dir2*(xyz1+dir2); f2 = (p-d1) / (d2 - d1); vector res = st1 + std1*f1 + std2*f2; res_x-= floor(res_x); res_y-= floor(res_y); gecko_mousemove(pointedshadername, res_x, res_y); // pointparticles(particleeffectnum("te_spike"), xyz1 + dir1*f1 + dir2*f2, trace_plane_normal, 1); } } }; /* float(string txt, string info) CSQC_ConsoleLink = { print("Console link pressed. Text \"", txt, "\"\n"); print("Info: \"", info, "\"\n"); return FALSE; }; */ float(string cmd) CSQC_ConsoleCommand = { tokenize(cmd); return editor_brushes_command(); }; /*this is a fallback function, in case the main progs does not have one*/ float (float event, float parama, float paramb, float devid) CSQC_InputEvent = { return wrap_InputEvent(event, parama, paramb); }; void(float prevprogs) init = { #ifdef CAMQUAKE Cam_Init(); #else editornames[MODE_SPLINEEDIT] = 0; #endif if (prevprogs >= 0) { /*its easy to wrap a builtin*/ externset(0, wrap_renderscene, "renderscene"); externset(0, wrap_addentities, "addentities"); /*wrap the parent's input event function*/ orig_input_event = (float(float, float, float))externvalue(0, "CSQC_InputEvent"); externset(0, wrap_InputEvent, "CSQC_InputEvent"); } csfixups(); localcmd(sprintf("alias rtlight_editor \"set ca_show 1; set ca_editormode %g\"\n", MODE_LIGHTEDIT)); localcmd(sprintf("alias camquake_editor \"set ca_show 1; set ca_editormode %g\"\n", MODE_SPLINEEDIT)); localcmd(sprintf("alias terrain_editor \"set ca_show 1; set ca_editormode %g\"\n", MODE_TERRAINEDIT)); localcmd(sprintf("alias r_part_editor \"set ca_show 1; set ca_editormode %g\"\n", MODE_PARTICLEEDIT)); localcmd(sprintf("alias entities_editor \"set ca_show 1; set ca_editormode %g\"\n", MODE_ENTSEDIT)); //brush editor needs some commands for easier binds. editor_brushes_registercommands(); }; void() CSQC_Shutdown = { #ifdef CAMQUAKE spline_shutdown(); #endif };