#define COMPILER #define PROGSUSED //#define COMMONINLINES //#define inline _inline #include "cmdlib.h" #include /* #include #include #include "pr_comp.h" */ //this is for testing #define WRITEASM #ifdef __MINGW32_VERSION #define MINGW #endif #define progfuncs qccprogfuncs extern progfuncs_t *qccprogfuncs; #if _WIN32 && !defined(MINGW) #define inline _inline #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #define stricmp strcasecmp #define strnicmp strncasecmp #endif void *qccHunkAlloc(size_t mem); void qccClearHunk(void); extern short (*PRBigShort) (short l); extern short (*PRLittleShort) (short l); extern long (*PRBigLong) (long l); extern long (*PRLittleLong) (long l); extern float (*PRBigFloat) (float l); extern float (*PRLittleFloat) (float l); #define MAX_ERRORS 10 #define MAX_NAME 64 // chars long extern unsigned int MAX_REGS; extern int MAX_STRINGS; extern int MAX_GLOBALS; extern int MAX_FIELDS; extern int MAX_STATEMENTS; extern int MAX_FUNCTIONS; #define MAX_SOUNDS 1024 //convert to int? #define MAX_TEXTURES 1024 //convert to int? #define MAX_MODELS 1024 //convert to int? #define MAX_FILES 1024 //convert to int? #define MAX_DATA_PATH 64 extern int MAX_CONSTANTS; #define MAXCONSTANTLENGTH 32 #define MAXCONSTANTVALUELENGTH 256 #define MAXCONSTANTPARAMLENGTH 32 #define MAXCONSTANTPARAMS 8 typedef enum {QCF_STANDARD, QCF_HEXEN2, QCF_FTE, QCF_FTEDEBUG, QCF_KK7} qcc_targetformat_t; extern qcc_targetformat_t qcc_targetformat; /* TODO: "stopped at 10 errors" other pointer types for models and clients? compact string heap? always initialize all variables to something safe the def->type->type arrangement is really silly. return type checking parm count type checking immediate overflow checking pass the first two parms in call->b and call->c */ /* comments -------- // comments discard text until the end of line / * * / comments discard all enclosed text (spaced out on this line because this documentation is in a regular C comment block, and typing them in normally causes a parse error) code structure -------------- A definition is: [ = ] {, [ = ] }; types ----- simple types: void, float, vector, string, or entity float width, height; string name; entity self, other; vector types: vector org; // also creates org_x, org_y, and org_z float defs A function type is specified as: simpletype ( type name {,type name} ) The names are ignored except when the function is initialized. void() think; entity() FindTarget; void(vector destination, float speed, void() callback) SUB_CalcMove; void(...) dprint; // variable argument builtin A field type is specified as: .type .vector origin; .string netname; .void() think, touch, use; names ----- Names are a maximum of 64 characters, must begin with A-Z,a-z, or _, and can continue with those characters or 0-9. There are two levels of scoping: global, and function. The parameter list of a function and any vars declared inside a function with the "local" statement are only visible within that function, immediates ---------- Float immediates must begin with 0-9 or minus sign. .5 is illegal. A parsing ambiguity is present with negative constants. "a-5" will be parsed as "a", then "-5", causing an error. Seperate the - from the digits with a space "a - 5" to get the proper behavior. 12 1.6 0.5 -100 Vector immediates are three float immediates enclosed in single quotes. '0 0 0' '20.5 -10 0.00001' String immediates are characters enclosed in double quotes. The string cannot contain explicit newlines, but the escape character \n can embed one. The \" escape can be used to include a quote in the string. "maps/jrwiz1.bsp" "sound/nin/pain.wav" "ouch!\n" Code immediates are statements enclosed in {} braces. statement: { } ; local [ = ] {, [ = ] }; return ; if ( ) [ else ]; while ( ) ; do while ( ); ( ); expression: combiations of names and these operators with standard C precedence: "&&", "||", "<=", ">=","==", "!=", "!", "*", "/", "-", "+", "=", ".", "<", ">", "&", "|" Parenthesis can be used to alter order of operation. The & and | operations perform integral bit ops on floats A built in function immediate is a number sign followed by an integer. #1 #12 compilation ----------- Source files are processed sequentially without dumping any state, so if a defs file is the first one processed, the definitions will be available to all other files. The language is strongly typed and there are no casts. Anything that is initialized is assumed to be constant, and will have immediates folded into it. If you change the value, your program will malfunction. All uninitialized globals will be saved to savegame files. Functions cannot have more than eight parameters. Error recovery during compilation is minimal. It will skip to the next global definition, so you will never see more than one error at a time in a given function. All compilation aborts after ten error messages. Names can be defined multiple times until they are defined with an initialization, allowing functions to be prototyped before their definition. void() MyFunction; // the prototype void() MyFunction = // the initialization { dprint ("we're here\n"); }; entities and fields ------------------- execution --------- Code execution is initiated by C code in quake from two main places: the timed think routines for periodic control, and the touch function when two objects impact each other. There are three global variables that are set before beginning code execution: entity world; // the server's world object, which holds all global // state for the server, like the deathmatch flags // and the body ques. entity self; // the entity the function is executing for entity other; // the other object in an impact, not used for thinks float time; // the current game time. Note that because the // entities in the world are simulated sequentially, // time is NOT strictly increasing. An impact late // in one entity's time slice may set time higher // than the think function of the next entity. // The difference is limited to 0.1 seconds. Execution is also caused by a few uncommon events, like the addition of a new client to an existing server. There is a runnaway counter that stops a program if 100000 statements are executed, assuming it is in an infinite loop. It is acceptable to change the system set global variables. This is usually done to pose as another entity by changing self and calling a function. The interpretation is fairly efficient, but it is still over an order of magnitude slower than compiled C code. All time consuming operations should be made into built in functions. A profile counter is kept for each function, and incremented for each interpreted instruction inside that function. The "profile" console command in Quake will dump out the top 10 functions, then clear all the counters. The "profile all" command will dump sorted stats for every function that has been executed. afunc ( 4, bfunc(1,2,3)); will fail because there is a shared parameter marshaling area, which will cause the 1 from bfunc to overwrite the 4 already placed in parm0. When a function is called, it copies the parms from the globals into it's privately scoped variables, so there is no collision when calling another function. total = factorial(3) + factorial(4); Will fail because the return value from functions is held in a single global area. If this really gets on your nerves, tell me and I can work around it at a slight performance and space penalty by allocating a new register for the function call and copying it out. built in functions ------------------ void(string text) dprint; Prints the string to the server console. void(entity client, string text) cprint; Prints a message to a specific client. void(string text) bprint; Broadcast prints a message to all clients on the current server. entity() spawn; Returns a totally empty entity. You can manually set everything up, or just set the origin and call one of the existing entity setup functions. entity(entity start, .string field, string match) find; Searches the server entity list beginning at start, looking for an entity that has entity.field = match. To start at the beginning of the list, pass world. World is returned when the end of the list is reached. gotchas ------- The && and || operators DO NOT EARLY OUT like C! Don't confuse single quoted vectors with double quoted strings The function declaration syntax takes a little getting used to. Don't forget the ; after the trailing brace of a function initialization. Don't forget the "local" before defining local variables. There are no ++ / -- operators, or operate/assign operators. */ #if 1 #include "hash.h" extern hashtable_t compconstantstable; extern hashtable_t globalstable, localstable; #endif #ifdef WRITEASM FILE *asmfile; #endif //============================================================================= // offsets are always multiplied by 4 before using typedef unsigned int gofs_t; // offset in global data block typedef struct QCC_function_s QCC_function_t; #define MAX_PARMS 8 typedef struct QCC_type_s { etype_t type; struct QCC_type_s *parentclass; //type_entity... struct QCC_type_s *next; // function types are more complex struct QCC_type_s *aux_type; // return type or field type struct QCC_type_s *param; int num_parms; // -1 = variable args // struct QCC_type_s *parm_types[MAX_PARMS]; // only [num_parms] allocated unsigned int ofs; //inside a structure. unsigned int size; char *name; } QCC_type_t; int typecmp(QCC_type_t *a, QCC_type_t *b); typedef struct temp_s { gofs_t ofs; struct QCC_def_s *scope; #ifdef WRITEASM struct QCC_def_s *lastfunc; #endif struct temp_s *next; pbool used; unsigned int size; } temp_t; //not written typedef struct QCC_def_s { QCC_type_t *type; char *name; struct QCC_def_s *next; struct QCC_def_s *nextlocal; //provides a chain of local variables for the opt_locals_marshalling optimisation. gofs_t ofs; struct QCC_def_s *scope; // function the var was defined in, or NULL int initialized; // 1 when a declaration included "= immediate" int constant; // 1 says we can use the value over and over again int references; int timescalled; //part of the opt_stripfunctions optimisation. int s_file; int s_line; int arraysize; pbool shared; pbool saved; temp_t *temp; } QCC_def_t; //============================================================================ // pr_loc.h -- program local defs //============================================================================= extern char QCC_copyright[1024]; extern char QCC_Packname[5][128]; extern int QCC_packid; typedef union QCC_eval_s { QCC_string_t string; float _float; float vector[3]; func_t function; int _int; union QCC_eval_s *ptr; } QCC_eval_t; const extern int type_size[]; //extern QCC_def_t *def_for_type[9]; extern QCC_type_t *type_void, *type_string, *type_float, *type_vector, *type_entity, *type_field, *type_function, *type_pointer, *type_integer, *type_variant, *type_floatfield; struct QCC_function_s { int builtin; // if non 0, call an internal function int code; // first statement char *file; // source file with definition int file_line; struct QCC_def_s *def; unsigned int parm_ofs[MAX_PARMS]; // always contiguous, right? }; // // output generated by prog parsing // typedef struct { char *memory; int max_memory; int current_memory; QCC_type_t *types; QCC_def_t def_head; // unused head of linked list QCC_def_t *def_tail; // add new defs after this and move it QCC_def_t *localvars; // chain of variables which need to be pushed and stuff. int size_fields; } QCC_pr_info_t; extern QCC_pr_info_t pr; typedef struct { char name[MAXCONSTANTLENGTH]; char value[MAXCONSTANTVALUELENGTH]; char params[MAXCONSTANTPARAMS][MAXCONSTANTPARAMLENGTH]; int numparams; pbool used; int namelen; } CompilerConstant_t; extern CompilerConstant_t *CompilerConstant; //============================================================================ extern pbool pr_dumpasm; //extern QCC_def_t **pr_global_defs; // to find def for a global variable typedef enum { tt_eof, // end of file reached tt_name, // an alphanumeric name token tt_punct, // code punctuation tt_immediate, // string, float, vector } token_type_t; extern char pr_token[8192]; extern token_type_t pr_token_type; extern QCC_type_t *pr_immediate_type; extern QCC_eval_t pr_immediate; extern pbool keyword_asm; extern pbool keyword_break; extern pbool keyword_case; extern pbool keyword_class; extern pbool keyword_const; extern pbool keyword_continue; extern pbool keyword_default; extern pbool keyword_do; extern pbool keyword_entity; extern pbool keyword_float; extern pbool keyword_for; extern pbool keyword_goto; extern pbool keyword_int; extern pbool keyword_integer; extern pbool keyword_state; extern pbool keyword_string; extern pbool keyword_struct; extern pbool keyword_switch; extern pbool keyword_thinktime; extern pbool keyword_var; extern pbool keyword_vector; extern pbool keyword_union; extern pbool keyword_enum; //kinda like in c, but typedef not supported. extern pbool keyword_enumflags; //like enum, but doubles instead of adds 1. extern pbool keyword_typedef; //fixme extern pbool keyword_extern; //function is external, don't error or warn if the body was not found extern pbool keyword_shared; //mark global to be copied over when progs changes (part of FTE_MULTIPROGS) extern pbool keyword_noref; //nowhere else references this, don't strip it. extern pbool keyword_nosave; //don't write the def to the output. extern pbool keyword_union; //you surly know what a union is! extern pbool keywords_coexist; extern pbool output_parms; extern pbool autoprototype; extern pbool flag_ifstring; extern pbool flag_acc; extern pbool flag_caseinsensative; extern pbool flag_laxcasts; extern pbool opt_overlaptemps; extern pbool opt_shortenifnots; extern pbool opt_noduplicatestrings; extern pbool opt_constantarithmatic; extern pbool opt_nonvec_parms; extern pbool opt_constant_names; extern pbool opt_precache_file; extern pbool opt_filenames; extern pbool opt_assignments; extern pbool opt_unreferenced; extern pbool opt_function_names; extern pbool opt_locals; extern pbool opt_dupconstdefs; extern pbool opt_constant_names_strings; extern pbool opt_return_only; extern pbool opt_compound_jumps; //extern pbool opt_comexprremoval; extern pbool opt_stripfunctions; extern pbool opt_locals_marshalling; extern pbool opt_logicops; extern pbool opt_vectorcalls; extern int optres_shortenifnots; extern int optres_overlaptemps; extern int optres_noduplicatestrings; extern int optres_constantarithmatic; extern int optres_nonvec_parms; extern int optres_constant_names; extern int optres_precache_file; extern int optres_filenames; extern int optres_assignments; extern int optres_unreferenced; extern int optres_function_names; extern int optres_locals; extern int optres_dupconstdefs; extern int optres_constant_names_strings; extern int optres_return_only; extern int optres_compound_jumps; //extern int optres_comexprremoval; extern int optres_stripfunctions; extern int optres_locals_marshalling; extern int optres_logicops; pbool CompileParams(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, int doall, int nump, char **parms); void QCC_PR_PrintStatement (QCC_dstatement_t *s); void QCC_PR_Lex (void); // reads the next token into pr_token and classifies its type QCC_type_t *QCC_PR_NewType (char *name, int basictype); QCC_type_t *QCC_PR_ParseType (int newtype); QCC_type_t *QCC_TypeForName(char *name); QCC_type_t *QCC_PR_ParseFunctionType (int newtype, QCC_type_t *returntype); QCC_type_t *QCC_PR_ParseFunctionTypeReacc (int newtype, QCC_type_t *returntype); char *QCC_PR_ParseName (void); CompilerConstant_t *QCC_PR_DefineName(char *name); void QCC_RemapOffsets(unsigned int firststatement, unsigned int laststatement, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, unsigned int newmin); #ifndef COMMONINLINES pbool QCC_PR_CheckToken (char *string); pbool QCC_PR_CheckName (char *string); void QCC_PR_Expect (char *string); pbool QCC_PR_CheckKeyword(int keywordenabled, char *string); #endif void VARGS QCC_PR_ParseError (int errortype, char *error, ...); void VARGS QCC_PR_ParseWarning (int warningtype, char *error, ...); void VARGS QCC_PR_Warning (int type, char *file, int line, char *error, ...); void QCC_PR_ParsePrintDef (int warningtype, QCC_def_t *def); void VARGS QCC_PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (int errortype, QCC_def_t *def, char *error, ...); int QCC_WarningForName(char *name); //QccMain.c must be changed if this is changed. enum { WARN_DEBUGGING, WARN_ERROR, WARN_NOTREFERENCED, WARN_NOTREFERENCEDCONST, WARN_CONFLICTINGRETURNS, WARN_TOOFEWPARAMS, WARN_TOOMANYPARAMS, WARN_UNEXPECTEDPUNCT, WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT, WARN_MISSINGRETURNVALUE, WARN_WRONGRETURNTYPE, WARN_POINTLESSSTATEMENT, WARN_MISSINGRETURN, WARN_DUPLICATEDEFINITION, WARN_PRECOMPILERMESSAGE, WARN_TOOMANYPARAMETERSFORFUNC, WARN_STRINGTOOLONG, WARN_BADTARGET, WARN_BADPRAGMA, WARN_HANGINGSLASHR, WARN_NOTDEFINED, WARN_NOTCONSTANT, WARN_SWITCHTYPEMISMATCH, WARN_CONFLICTINGUNIONMEMBER, WARN_KEYWORDDISABLED, WARN_ENUMFLAGS_NOTINTEGER, WARN_ENUMFLAGS_NOTBINARY, WARN_CASEINSENSATIVEFRAMEMACRO, WARN_DUPLICATELABEL, WARN_DUPLICATEMACRO, WARN_ASSIGNMENTINCONDITIONAL, WARN_MACROINSTRING, WARN_BADPARAMS, WARN_IMPLICITCONVERSION, WARN_FIXEDRETURNVALUECONFLICT, WARN_EXTRAPRECACHE, WARN_NOTPRECACHED, WARN_DEADCODE, WARN_UNREACHABLECODE, WARN_NOTSTANDARDBEHAVIOUR, WARN_INEFFICIENTPLUSPLUS, WARN_DUPLICATEPRECOMPILER, WARN_FTE_SPECIFIC, //extension that only FTEQCC will have a clue about. WARN_EXTENSION_USED, //extension that frikqcc also understands WARN_IFSTRING_USED, WARN_LAXCAST, //some errors become this with a compiler flag WARN_UNDESIRABLECONVENTION, ERR_PARSEERRORS, //caused by qcc_pr_parseerror being called. //these are definatly my fault... ERR_INTERNAL, ERR_TOOCOMPLEX, ERR_BADOPCODE, ERR_TOOMANYSTATEMENTS, ERR_TOOMANYSTRINGS, ERR_BADTARGETSWITCH, ERR_TOOMANYTYPES, ERR_TOOMANYPAKFILES, ERR_PRECOMPILERCONSTANTTOOLONG, ERR_MACROTOOMANYPARMS, ERR_CONSTANTTOOLONG, ERR_TOOMANYFRAMEMACROS, //limitations, some are imposed by compiler, some arn't. ERR_TOOMANYGLOBALS, ERR_TOOMANYGOTOS, ERR_TOOMANYBREAKS, ERR_TOOMANYCONTINUES, ERR_TOOMANYCASES, ERR_TOOMANYLABELS, ERR_TOOMANYOPENFILES, ERR_TOOMANYPARAMETERSVARARGS, ERR_TOOMANYTOTALPARAMETERS, //these are probably yours, or qcc being fussy. ERR_BADEXTENSION, ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, ERR_NOOUTPUT, ERR_NOTAFUNCTION, ERR_FUNCTIONWITHVARGS, ERR_BADHEX, ERR_UNKNOWNPUCTUATION, ERR_EXPECTED, ERR_NOTANAME, ERR_NAMETOOLONG, ERR_NOFUNC, ERR_COULDNTOPENFILE, ERR_NOTFUNCTIONTYPE, ERR_TOOFEWPARAMS, ERR_TOOMANYPARAMS, ERR_CONSTANTNOTDEFINED, ERR_BADFRAMEMACRO, ERR_TYPEMISMATCH, ERR_TYPEMISMATCHREDEC, ERR_TYPEMISMATCHPARM, ERR_TYPEMISMATCHARRAYSIZE, ERR_UNEXPECTEDPUNCTUATION, ERR_NOTACONSTANT, ERR_REDECLARATION, ERR_INITIALISEDLOCALFUNCTION, ERR_NOTDEFINED, ERR_ARRAYNEEDSSIZE, ERR_ARRAYNEEDSBRACES, ERR_TOOMANYINITIALISERS, ERR_TYPEINVALIDINSTRUCT, ERR_NOSHAREDLOCALS, ERR_TYPEWITHNONAME, ERR_BADARRAYSIZE, ERR_NONAME, ERR_SHAREDINITIALISED, ERR_UNKNOWNVALUE, ERR_BADARRAYINDEXTYPE, ERR_NOVALIDOPCODES, ERR_MEMBERNOTVALID, ERR_BADPLUSPLUSOPERATOR, ERR_BADNOTTYPE, ERR_BADTYPECAST, ERR_MULTIPLEDEFAULTS, ERR_CASENOTIMMEDIATE, ERR_BADSWITCHTYPE, ERR_BADLABELNAME, ERR_NOLABEL, ERR_THINKTIMETYPEMISMATCH, ERR_STATETYPEMISMATCH, ERR_BADBUILTINIMMEDIATE, ERR_PARAMWITHNONAME, ERR_BADPARAMORDER, ERR_ILLEGALCONTINUES, ERR_ILLEGALBREAKS, ERR_ILLEGALCASES, ERR_NOTANUMBER, ERR_WRONGSUBTYPE, ERR_EOF, ERR_NOPRECOMPILERIF, ERR_NOENDIF, ERR_HASHERROR, ERR_NOTATYPE, ERR_TOOMANYPACKFILES, ERR_INVALIDVECTORIMMEDIATE, ERR_INVALIDSTRINGIMMEDIATE, ERR_BADCHARACTURECODE, ERR_BADPARMS, WARN_MAX }; #define FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS 1 #define FLAG_ASDEFAULT 2 #define FLAG_SETINGUI 4 #define FLAG_HIDDENINGUI 8 #define FLAG_MIDCOMPILE 16 //option can be changed mid-compile with the special pragma typedef struct { pbool *enabled; char *abbrev; int optimisationlevel; int flags; //1: kills debuggers. 2: applied as default. char *fullname; char *description; void *guiinfo; } optimisations_t; extern optimisations_t optimisations[]; typedef struct { pbool *enabled; int flags; //2 applied as default char *abbrev; char *fullname; char *description; void *guiinfo; } compiler_flag_t; extern compiler_flag_t compiler_flag[]; extern pbool qccwarningdisabled[WARN_MAX]; extern jmp_buf pr_parse_abort; // longjump with this on parse error extern int pr_source_line; extern char *pr_file_p; void *QCC_PR_Malloc (int size); #define OFS_NULL 0 #define OFS_RETURN 1 #define OFS_PARM0 4 // leave 3 ofs for each parm to hold vectors #define OFS_PARM1 7 #define OFS_PARM2 10 #define OFS_PARM3 13 #define OFS_PARM4 16 #define RESERVED_OFS 28 extern QCC_def_t *pr_scope; extern int pr_error_count; void QCC_PR_NewLine (pbool incomment); QCC_def_t *QCC_PR_GetDef (QCC_type_t *type, char *name, QCC_def_t *scope, pbool allocate, int arraysize); void QCC_PR_PrintDefs (void); void QCC_PR_SkipToSemicolon (void); #define MAX_EXTRA_PARMS 128 #ifdef MAX_EXTRA_PARMS extern char pr_parm_names[MAX_PARMS+MAX_EXTRA_PARMS][MAX_NAME]; extern QCC_def_t *extra_parms[MAX_EXTRA_PARMS]; #else extern char pr_parm_names[MAX_PARMS][MAX_NAME]; #endif extern pbool pr_trace; #define G_FLOAT(o) (qcc_pr_globals[o]) #define G_INT(o) (*(int *)&qcc_pr_globals[o]) #define G_VECTOR(o) (&qcc_pr_globals[o]) #define G_STRING(o) (strings + *(QCC_string_t *)&qcc_pr_globals[o]) #define G_FUNCTION(o) (*(func_t *)&qcc_pr_globals[o]) char *QCC_PR_ValueString (etype_t type, void *val); void QCC_PR_ClearGrabMacros (void); pbool QCC_PR_CompileFile (char *string, char *filename); extern pbool pr_dumpasm; extern QCC_string_t s_file; // filename for function definition extern QCC_def_t def_ret, def_parms[MAX_PARMS]; void QCC_PR_EmitArrayGetFunction(QCC_def_t *scope, char *arrayname); void QCC_PR_EmitArraySetFunction(QCC_def_t *scope, char *arrayname); void QCC_PR_EmitClassFromFunction(QCC_def_t *scope, char *tname); //============================================================================= extern char pr_immediate_string[8192]; extern float *qcc_pr_globals; extern unsigned int numpr_globals; extern char *strings; extern int strofs; extern QCC_dstatement_t *statements; extern int numstatements; extern int *statement_linenums; extern QCC_dfunction_t *functions; extern int numfunctions; extern QCC_ddef_t *qcc_globals; extern int numglobaldefs; extern QCC_def_t *activetemps; extern QCC_ddef_t *fields; extern int numfielddefs; extern QCC_type_t *qcc_typeinfo; extern int numtypeinfos; extern int maxtypeinfos; extern int *qcc_tempofs; extern int max_temps; //extern int qcc_functioncalled; //unuse temps if this is true - don't want to reuse the same space. extern int tempsstart; extern int numtemps; typedef char PATHSTRING[MAX_DATA_PATH]; PATHSTRING *precache_sounds; int *precache_sounds_block; int *precache_sounds_used; int numsounds; PATHSTRING *precache_textures; int *precache_textures_block; int numtextures; PATHSTRING *precache_models; int *precache_models_block; int *precache_models_used; int nummodels; PATHSTRING *precache_files; int *precache_files_block; int numfiles; int QCC_CopyString (char *str); typedef struct qcc_cachedsourcefile_s { char filename[128]; int size; char *file; enum{FT_CODE, FT_DATA} type; //quakec source file or not. struct qcc_cachedsourcefile_s *next; } qcc_cachedsourcefile_t; extern qcc_cachedsourcefile_t *qcc_sourcefile; #ifdef COMMONINLINES bool inline QCC_PR_CheckToken (char *string) { if (STRCMP (string, pr_token)) return false; QCC_PR_Lex (); return true; } void inline QCC_PR_Expect (char *string) { if (strcmp (string, pr_token)) QCC_PR_ParseError ("expected %s, found %s",string, pr_token); QCC_PR_Lex (); } #endif void editbadfile(char *fname, int line); char *TypeName(QCC_type_t *type); void QCC_PR_IncludeChunk (char *data, pbool duplicate, char *filename); pbool QCC_PR_UnInclude(void); extern void *(*pHash_Get)(hashtable_t *table, char *name); extern void *(*pHash_GetNext)(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *old); extern void *(*pHash_Add)(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *data, bucket_t *);