/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ /* This is based on the Adaptive Huffman algorithm described in Sayood's Data * Compression book. The ranks are not actually stored, but implicitly defined * by the location of a node within a doubly-linked list */ #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef HUFFNETWORK #define NYT HMAX /* NYT = Not Yet Transmitted */ #define INTERNAL_NODE (HMAX+1) typedef struct nodetype { struct nodetype *left, *right, *parent; /* tree structure */ struct nodetype *next, *prev; /* doubly-linked list */ struct nodetype **head; /* highest ranked node in block */ int weight; int symbol; } node_t; #define HMAX 256 /* Maximum symbol */ typedef struct { int blocNode; int blocPtrs; node_t* tree; node_t* lhead; node_t* ltail; node_t* loc[HMAX+1]; node_t** freelist; node_t nodeList[768]; node_t* nodePtrs[768]; } huff_t; struct huffman_s{ int counts[256]; unsigned int crc; qboolean built; huff_t compressor; huff_t decompressor; }; extern cvar_t net_compress; static int bloc = 0; /* static void Huff_putBit( int bit, qbyte *fout, int *offset) { bloc = *offset; if ((bloc&7) == 0) { fout[(bloc>>3)] = 0; } fout[(bloc>>3)] |= bit << (bloc&7); bloc++; *offset = bloc; } static int Huff_getBloc(void) { return bloc; } static void Huff_setBloc(int _bloc) { bloc = _bloc; } static int Huff_getBit( qbyte *fin, int *offset) { int t; bloc = *offset; t = (fin[(bloc>>3)] >> (bloc&7)) & 0x1; bloc++; *offset = bloc; return t; }*/ /* Add a bit to the output file (buffered) */ static void huff_add_bit (char bit, qbyte *fout) { if ((bloc&7) == 0) { fout[(bloc>>3)] = 0; } fout[(bloc>>3)] |= bit << (bloc&7); bloc++; } /* Receive one bit from the input file (buffered) */ static int huff_get_bit (qbyte *fin) { int t; t = (fin[(bloc>>3)] >> (bloc&7)) & 0x1; bloc++; return t; } static node_t **huff_get_ppnode(huff_t* huff) { node_t **tppnode; if (!huff->freelist) { return &(huff->nodePtrs[huff->blocPtrs++]); } else { tppnode = huff->freelist; huff->freelist = (node_t **)*tppnode; return tppnode; } } static void huff_free_ppnode(huff_t* huff, node_t **ppnode) { *ppnode = (node_t *)huff->freelist; huff->freelist = ppnode; } /* Swap the location of these two nodes in the tree */ static void huff_swap (huff_t* huff, node_t *node1, node_t *node2) { node_t *par1, *par2; par1 = node1->parent; par2 = node2->parent; if (par1) { if (par1->left == node1) { par1->left = node2; } else { par1->right = node2; } } else { huff->tree = node2; } if (par2) { if (par2->left == node2) { par2->left = node1; } else { par2->right = node1; } } else { huff->tree = node1; } node1->parent = par2; node2->parent = par1; } /* Swap these two nodes in the linked list (update ranks) */ static void huff_swaplist(node_t *node1, node_t *node2) { node_t *par1; par1 = node1->next; node1->next = node2->next; node2->next = par1; par1 = node1->prev; node1->prev = node2->prev; node2->prev = par1; if (node1->next == node1) { node1->next = node2; } if (node2->next == node2) { node2->next = node1; } if (node1->next) { node1->next->prev = node1; } if (node2->next) { node2->next->prev = node2; } if (node1->prev) { node1->prev->next = node1; } if (node2->prev) { node2->prev->next = node2; } } /* Do the increments */ static void huff_increment(huff_t* huff, node_t *node) { node_t *lnode; if (!node) { return; } if (node->next != NULL && node->next->weight == node->weight) { lnode = *node->head; if (lnode != node->parent) { huff_swap(huff, lnode, node); } huff_swaplist(lnode, node); } if (node->prev && node->prev->weight == node->weight) { *node->head = node->prev; } else { *node->head = NULL; huff_free_ppnode(huff, node->head); } node->weight++; if (node->next && node->next->weight == node->weight) { node->head = node->next->head; } else { node->head = huff_get_ppnode(huff); *node->head = node; } if (node->parent) { huff_increment(huff, node->parent); if (node->prev == node->parent) { huff_swaplist(node, node->parent); if (*node->head == node) { *node->head = node->parent; } } } } static void Huff_addRef(huff_t* huff, qbyte ch) { node_t *tnode, *tnode2; if (huff->loc[ch] == NULL) { /* if this is the first transmission of this node */ tnode = &(huff->nodeList[huff->blocNode++]); tnode2 = &(huff->nodeList[huff->blocNode++]); tnode2->symbol = INTERNAL_NODE; tnode2->weight = 1; tnode2->next = huff->lhead->next; if (huff->lhead->next) { huff->lhead->next->prev = tnode2; if (huff->lhead->next->weight == 1) { tnode2->head = huff->lhead->next->head; } else { tnode2->head = huff_get_ppnode(huff); *tnode2->head = tnode2; } } else { tnode2->head = huff_get_ppnode(huff); *tnode2->head = tnode2; } huff->lhead->next = tnode2; tnode2->prev = huff->lhead; tnode->symbol = ch; tnode->weight = 1; tnode->next = huff->lhead->next; if (huff->lhead->next) { huff->lhead->next->prev = tnode; if (huff->lhead->next->weight == 1) { tnode->head = huff->lhead->next->head; } else { /* this should never happen */ tnode->head = huff_get_ppnode(huff); *tnode->head = tnode2; } } else { /* this should never happen */ tnode->head = huff_get_ppnode(huff); *tnode->head = tnode; } huff->lhead->next = tnode; tnode->prev = huff->lhead; tnode->left = tnode->right = NULL; if (huff->lhead->parent) { if (huff->lhead->parent->left == huff->lhead) { /* lhead is guaranteed to by the NYT */ huff->lhead->parent->left = tnode2; } else { huff->lhead->parent->right = tnode2; } } else { huff->tree = tnode2; } tnode2->right = tnode; tnode2->left = huff->lhead; tnode2->parent = huff->lhead->parent; huff->lhead->parent = tnode->parent = tnode2; huff->loc[ch] = tnode; huff_increment(huff, tnode2->parent); } else { huff_increment(huff, huff->loc[ch]); } } /* Get a symbol */ static int Huff_Receive (node_t *node, int *ch, qbyte *fin) { while (node && node->symbol == INTERNAL_NODE) { if (huff_get_bit(fin)) { node = node->right; } else { node = node->left; } } if (!node) { return 0; // Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Illegal tree!"); } return (*ch = node->symbol); } /* Get a symbol */ static void Huff_offsetReceive (node_t *node, int *ch, qbyte *fin, int *offset) { bloc = *offset; while (node && node->symbol == INTERNAL_NODE) { if (huff_get_bit(fin)) { node = node->right; } else { node = node->left; } } if (!node) { *ch = 0; return; // Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Illegal tree!"); } *ch = node->symbol; *offset = bloc; } /* Send the prefix code for this node */ static void huff_send(node_t *node, node_t *child, qbyte *fout) { if (node->parent) { huff_send(node->parent, node, fout); } if (child) { if (node->right == child) { huff_add_bit(1, fout); } else { huff_add_bit(0, fout); } } } /* Send a symbol */ static void Huff_transmit (huff_t *huff, int ch, qbyte *fout) { int i; if (huff->loc[ch] == NULL) { /* node_t hasn't been transmitted, send a NYT, then the symbol */ Huff_transmit(huff, NYT, fout); for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { huff_add_bit((char)((ch >> i) & 0x1), fout); } } else { huff_send(huff->loc[ch], NULL, fout); } } static void Huff_offsetTransmit (huff_t *huff, int ch, qbyte *fout, int *offset) { bloc = *offset; huff_send(huff->loc[ch], NULL, fout); *offset = bloc; } static void Huff_Decompress(sizebuf_t *mbuf, int offset) { int ch, cch, i, j, size; qbyte seq[65536]; qbyte* buffer; huff_t huff; size = mbuf->cursize - offset; buffer = mbuf->data + offset; if ( size <= 0 ) { return; } memset(&huff, 0, sizeof(huff_t)); // Initialize the tree & list with the NYT node huff.tree = huff.lhead = huff.ltail = huff.loc[NYT] = &(huff.nodeList[huff.blocNode++]); huff.tree->symbol = NYT; huff.tree->weight = 0; huff.lhead->next = huff.lhead->prev = NULL; huff.tree->parent = huff.tree->left = huff.tree->right = NULL; cch = buffer[0]*256 + buffer[1]; // don't overflow with bad messages if ( cch > mbuf->maxsize - offset ) { cch = mbuf->maxsize - offset; } bloc = 16; for ( j = 0; j < cch; j++ ) { ch = 0; // don't overflow reading from the messages // FIXME: would it be better to have an overflow check in get_bit ? if ( (bloc >> 3) > size ) { seq[j] = 0; break; } Huff_Receive(huff.tree, &ch, buffer); /* Get a character */ if ( ch == NYT ) { /* We got a NYT, get the symbol associated with it */ ch = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { ch = (ch<<1) + huff_get_bit(buffer); } } seq[j] = ch; /* Write symbol */ Huff_addRef(&huff, (qbyte)ch); /* Increment node */ } mbuf->cursize = cch + offset; memcpy(mbuf->data + offset, seq, cch); } static void Huff_Compress(sizebuf_t *mbuf, int offset) { int i, ch, size; qbyte seq[65536]; qbyte* buffer; huff_t huff; size = mbuf->cursize - offset; buffer = mbuf->data+ + offset; if (size<=0) { return; } memset(&huff, 0, sizeof(huff_t)); // Add the NYT (not yet transmitted) node into the tree/list */ huff.tree = huff.lhead = huff.loc[NYT] = &(huff.nodeList[huff.blocNode++]); huff.tree->symbol = NYT; huff.tree->weight = 0; huff.lhead->next = huff.lhead->prev = NULL; huff.tree->parent = huff.tree->left = huff.tree->right = NULL; seq[0] = (size>>8); seq[1] = size&0xff; bloc = 16; for (i=0; icursize = (bloc>>3) + offset; memcpy(mbuf->data+offset, seq, (bloc>>3)); } static void Huff_Init(huffman_t *huff) { int i, j; memset(&huff->compressor, 0, sizeof(huff_t)); memset(&huff->decompressor, 0, sizeof(huff_t)); // Initialize the tree & list with the NYT node huff->decompressor.tree = huff->decompressor.lhead = huff->decompressor.ltail = huff->decompressor.loc[NYT] = &(huff->decompressor.nodeList[huff->decompressor.blocNode++]); huff->decompressor.tree->symbol = NYT; huff->decompressor.tree->weight = 0; huff->decompressor.lhead->next = huff->decompressor.lhead->prev = NULL; huff->decompressor.tree->parent = huff->decompressor.tree->left = huff->decompressor.tree->right = NULL; // Add the NYT (not yet transmitted) node into the tree/list */ huff->compressor.tree = huff->compressor.lhead = huff->compressor.loc[NYT] = &(huff->compressor.nodeList[huff->compressor.blocNode++]); huff->compressor.tree->symbol = NYT; huff->compressor.tree->weight = 0; huff->compressor.lhead->next = huff->compressor.lhead->prev = NULL; huff->compressor.tree->parent = huff->compressor.tree->left = huff->compressor.tree->right = NULL; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { for (j=0;jcounts[i];j++) { Huff_addRef(&huff->compressor, (qbyte)i); Huff_addRef(&huff->decompressor, (qbyte)i); } } } static huffman_t q3huff = { { 0x3D1CB, 0x0A0E9, 0x01894, 0x01BC2, 0x00E92, 0x00EA6, 0x017DE, 0x05AF3, 0x08225, 0x01B26, 0x01E9E, 0x025F2, 0x02429, 0x0436B, 0x00F6D, 0x006F2, 0x02060, 0x00644, 0x00636, 0x0067F, 0x0044C, 0x004BD, 0x004D6, 0x0046E, 0x006D5, 0x00423, 0x004DE, 0x0047D, 0x004F9, 0x01186, 0x00AF5, 0x00D90, 0x0553B, 0x00487, 0x00686, 0x0042A, 0x00413, 0x003F4, 0x0041D, 0x0042E, 0x006BE, 0x00378, 0x0049C, 0x00352, 0x003C0, 0x0030C, 0x006D8, 0x00CE0, 0x02986, 0x011A2, 0x016F9, 0x00A7D, 0x0122A, 0x00EFD, 0x0082D, 0x0074B, 0x00A18, 0x0079D, 0x007B4, 0x003AC, 0x0046E, 0x006FC, 0x00686, 0x004B6, 0x01657, 0x017F0, 0x01C36, 0x019FE, 0x00E7E, 0x00ED3, 0x005D4, 0x005F4, 0x008A7, 0x00474, 0x0054B, 0x003CB, 0x00884, 0x004E0, 0x00530, 0x004AB, 0x006EA, 0x00436, 0x004F0, 0x004F2, 0x00490, 0x003C5, 0x00483, 0x004A2, 0x00543, 0x004CC, 0x005F9, 0x00640, 0x00A39, 0x00800, 0x009F2, 0x00CCB, 0x0096A, 0x00E01, 0x009C8, 0x00AF0, 0x00A73, 0x01802, 0x00E4F, 0x00B18, 0x037AD, 0x00C5C, 0x008AD, 0x00697, 0x00C88, 0x00AB3, 0x00DB8, 0x012BC, 0x00FFB, 0x00DBB, 0x014A8, 0x00FB0, 0x01F01, 0x0178F, 0x014F0, 0x00F54, 0x0131C, 0x00E9F, 0x011D6, 0x012C7, 0x016DC, 0x01900, 0x01851, 0x02063, 0x05ACB, 0x01E9E, 0x01BA1, 0x022E7, 0x0153D, 0x01183, 0x00E39, 0x01488, 0x014C0, 0x014D0, 0x014FA, 0x00DA4, 0x0099A, 0x0069E, 0x0071D, 0x00849, 0x0077C, 0x0047D, 0x005EC, 0x00557, 0x004D4, 0x00405, 0x004EA, 0x00450, 0x004DD, 0x003EE, 0x0047D, 0x00401, 0x004D9, 0x003B8, 0x00507, 0x003E5, 0x006B1, 0x003F1, 0x004A3, 0x0036F, 0x0044B, 0x003A1, 0x00436, 0x003B7, 0x00678, 0x003A2, 0x00481, 0x00406, 0x004EE, 0x00426, 0x004BE, 0x00424, 0x00655, 0x003A2, 0x00452, 0x00390, 0x0040A, 0x0037C, 0x00486, 0x003DE, 0x00497, 0x00352, 0x00461, 0x00387, 0x0043F, 0x00398, 0x00478, 0x00420, 0x00D86, 0x008C0, 0x0112D, 0x02F68, 0x01E4E, 0x00541, 0x0051B, 0x00CCE, 0x0079E, 0x00376, 0x003FF, 0x00458, 0x00435, 0x00412, 0x00425, 0x0042F, 0x005CC, 0x003E9, 0x00448, 0x00393, 0x0041C, 0x003E3, 0x0042E, 0x0036C, 0x00457, 0x00353, 0x00423, 0x00325, 0x00458, 0x0039B, 0x0044F, 0x00331, 0x0076B, 0x00750, 0x003D0, 0x00349, 0x00467, 0x003BC, 0x00487, 0x003B6, 0x01E6F, 0x003BA, 0x00509, 0x003A5, 0x00467, 0x00C87, 0x003FC, 0x0039F, 0x0054B, 0x00300, 0x00410, 0x002E9, 0x003B8, 0x00325, 0x00431, 0x002E4, 0x003F5, 0x00325, 0x003F0, 0x0031C, 0x003E4, 0x00421, 0x02CC1, 0x034C0 }, 0x286f2e8d }; int Huff_PreferedCompressionCRC (void) { if (!net_compress.ival) return 0; return q3huff.crc; } huffman_t *Huff_CompressionCRC(int crc) { huffman_t *huff = NULL; if (crc == q3huff.crc) huff = &q3huff; else huff = NULL; if (huff && !huff->built) Huff_Init(huff); return huff; } void Huff_DecryptPacket(sizebuf_t *msg, int offset) { //decompress using a dynamic from-nil tree Huff_Decompress(msg, offset); } void Huff_EncryptPacket(sizebuf_t *msg, int offset) { //decompress using a dynamic from-nil tree Huff_Compress(msg, offset); } int Huff_GetByte(qbyte *buffer, int *count) { int ch; Huff_offsetReceive (q3huff.decompressor.tree, &ch, buffer, count); return ch; } void Huff_EmitByte(int ch, qbyte *buffer, int *count) { Huff_offsetTransmit(&q3huff.compressor, ch, buffer, count); } void Huff_CompressPacket(huffman_t *huff, sizebuf_t *msg, int offset) { qbyte buffer[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; qbyte *data; int outLen; int inLen; int i; data = msg->data + offset; inLen = msg->cursize - offset; if (inLen <= 0 || inLen >= MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN) { //panic! return; } outLen = 0; for (i=0; i < inLen; i++) { Huff_offsetTransmit(&huff->compressor, data[i], buffer, &outLen); if (outLen > inLen) break; if (outLen > MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN-64) { Con_Printf("Huffman overflow\n"); //panic data[0] = 0x80; msg->cursize = offset+1; return; } } if (outLen > inLen) { memmove(data+1, data, inLen); data[0] = 0x80; //this would have grown the packet. msg->cursize+=1; return; //cap it at only 1 qbyte growth. } msg->cursize = offset + outLen; { //add the bitcount data[0] = (outLen<<3) - outLen; data+=1; msg->cursize+=1; } if (msg->cursize > msg->maxsize) Sys_Error("Compression became too large\n"); memcpy(data, buffer, outLen); } void Huff_DecompressPacket(huffman_t *huff, sizebuf_t *msg, int offset) { qbyte buffer[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; qbyte *data; int outLen; int inLen; int i, ch; data = msg->data + offset; inLen = msg->cursize - offset; if (inLen <= 0 || inLen >= MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN) { return; } inLen<<=3; { //add the bitcount inLen = inLen-8-data[0]; if (data[0]&0x80) { //packet would have grown. msg->cursize -= 1; memmove(data, data+1, msg->cursize); return; //this never happened, okay? } data+=1; } outLen = 0; for(i=0; outLen < inLen; i++) { if (i == MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN) Sys_Error("Decompression became too large\n"); Huff_offsetReceive (huff->decompressor.tree, &ch, data, &outLen); buffer[i] = ch; } msg->cursize = offset + i; if (msg->cursize > msg->maxsize) Sys_Error("Decompression became too large\n"); memcpy(msg->data + offset, buffer, i); } #endif