//Released under the terms of the gpl as this file uses a bit of quake derived code. All sections of the like are marked as such // changes name to while in channel // mode command // Spike can you implement nick tab completion. ~moodles // need option for whois on receiving PM // bug: setting channel to private, crashes fte when trying to join it. // http://www.mirc.net/raws/ // http://www.ircle.com/reference/commands.shtml #include "../plugin.h" #include #include #include "../../engine/common/netinc.h" enum tlsmode_e { TLS_OFF, TLS_INITIAL, //tls only TLS_START, //tls upgrade TLS_STARTING //don't send any nick/user/pass info while this is set }; #define irccvars "IRC Console Variables" vmcvar_t irc_debug = {"irc_debug", "0", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_motd = {"irc_motd", "0", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_nick = {"irc_nick", "", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_altnick = {"irc_altnick", "unnamed", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_realname = {"irc_realname", "FTE IRC-Plugin", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_hostname = {"irc_hostname", "localhost", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_ident = {"irc_ident", "FTE", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_timestamp = {"irc_timestamp", "0", irccvars, 0}; vmcvar_t irc_quitmessage = {"irc_quitmessage", "", irccvars, 0}; #undef irccvars vmcvar_t *cvarlist[] ={ &irc_debug, &irc_motd, &irc_nick, &irc_altnick, &irc_realname, &irc_hostname, &irc_ident, &irc_timestamp, &irc_quitmessage, NULL }; static icefuncs_t *piceapi; static int next_window_x; static int next_window_y; static qboolean reloadconfig; //static char commandname[64]; // belongs to magic tokenizer static char subvar[9][1000]; // etghack static char casevar[9][1000]; //numbered_command //static char servername[64]; // store server name #define CURRENTCONSOLE "" // need to make this the current console #define DEFAULTCONSOLE "" #define COMMANDNAME "irc" #define RELEASE __DATE__ void (*Con_TrySubPrint)(const char *subname, const char *text); void Con_FakeSubPrint(const char *subname, const char *text) { pCon_Print(text); } //porting zone: #define COLOURGREEN "^2" #define COLORWHITE "^7" #define COLOURWHITE "^7" // word #define COLOURRED "^1" #define COLOURYELLOW "^3" #define COLOURPURPLE "^5" #define COLOURBLUE "^4" #define COLOURINDIGO "^6" #define IRC_Malloc malloc #define IRC_Free free #undef COM_Parse static char *COM_Parse (char *data, char *token_out, int token_maxlen) //this is taken out of quake { int c; int len; len = 0; token_out[0] = 0; if (!data) return NULL; // skip whitespace skipwhite: while ( (c = *data) <= ' ') { if (c == 0) return NULL; // end of file; data++; } // skip // comments if (c=='/') { if (data[1] == '/') { while (*data && *data != '\n') data++; goto skipwhite; } } // handle quoted strings specially if (c == '\"') { data++; while (1) { if (len >= token_maxlen-1) return data; c = *data++; if (c=='\"' || !c) { token_out[len] = 0; return data; } token_out[len] = c; len++; } } // parse a regular word do { if (len >= token_maxlen-1) return data; token_out[len] = c; data++; len++; c = *data; } while (c>32); token_out[len] = 0; return data; } //\r\n is used to end a line. //meaning \0s are valid. //but never used cos it breaks strings #define IRC_MAXNICKLEN 32 //9 and a null term #define IRC_MAXMSGLEN 512 #define IRC_MAXOUTBUFFER (IRC_MAXMSGLEN*16) char defaultuser[IRC_MAXNICKLEN+1] = "Unknown"; typedef struct ircclient_s { struct ircclient_s *next; char id[16]; //used for console prints, so we can match up consoles and clients. char server[64]; int port; qhandle_t socket; enum tlsmode_e tlsmode; qboolean quitting; qboolean connecting; char nick[IRC_MAXNICKLEN]; char pwd[128]; char realname[128]; //this is your OS user account... supposedly. char hostname[128]; //this is your OS hostname... supposedly. char autochannels[256]; char defaultdest[IRC_MAXNICKLEN];//channel or nick char bufferedinmessage[IRC_MAXMSGLEN+1]; //there is a max size for protocol. (conveinient eh?) (and it's text format) int bufferedinammount; char bufferedoutmessage[IRC_MAXOUTBUFFER+1]; //there is a max size for protocol. (conveinient eh?) (and it's text format) int bufferedoutammount; struct ircice_s { struct ircice_s *next; enum iceproto_e type; char peer[IRC_MAXNICKLEN]; qboolean host; //the host is the person that initiated the call/etc. they're the ones responsible for resolving deadlocks. qboolean allowed; //user allowed it. woot. qboolean accepted; //peer accepted it. connection is active. struct icestate_s *ice; } *ice; } ircclient_t; ircclient_t *ircclients; void IRC_SetFooter(ircclient_t *irc, const char *subname, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; char lwr[128]; int i; const char *channame = subname; va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (irc) { Q_strlcpy(lwr, irc->id, sizeof(lwr)); for (i = strlen(lwr); *subname && i < sizeof(lwr)-2; i++, subname++) { if (*subname >= 'A' && *subname <= 'Z') lwr[i] = *subname - 'A' + 'a'; else lwr[i] = *subname; } lwr[i] = '\0'; if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_SetConsoleFloat) && pCon_GetConsoleFloat(lwr, "iswindow") < true) { pCon_SetConsoleString(lwr, "title", *channame?channame:irc->server); pCon_SetConsoleString(lwr, "prompt", "^airc^a] "); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "iswindow", 2); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "forceutf8", true); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_w", 256); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_h", 320); //lame, but whatever. if (next_window_x + 256 > pvid.width) { next_window_x = 0; next_window_y += 320; if (next_window_y + 320 > pvid.height) next_window_y = 0; } pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_x", next_window_x); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_y", next_window_y); next_window_x += 256; } if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_SetConsoleString)) pCon_SetConsoleString(lwr, "footer", string); } } void IRC_Printf(ircclient_t *irc, const char *subname, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; char lwr[128]; int i; const char *channame = subname; va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (!irc) pCon_Print(string); else { Q_strlcpy(lwr, irc->id, sizeof(lwr)); for (i = strlen(lwr); *subname && i < sizeof(lwr)-2; i++, subname++) { if (*subname >= 'A' && *subname <= 'Z') lwr[i] = *subname - 'A' + 'a'; else lwr[i] = *subname; } lwr[i] = '\0'; if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_SetConsoleFloat) && pCon_GetConsoleFloat(lwr, "iswindow") < true) { pCon_SetConsoleString(lwr, "title", *channame?channame:irc->server); pCon_SetConsoleString(lwr, "prompt", "^airc^a] "); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "iswindow", 2); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "forceutf8", true); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_w", 256); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_h", 320); //lame, but whatever. if (next_window_x + 256 > pvid.width) { next_window_x = 0; next_window_y += 320; if (next_window_y + 320 > pvid.height) next_window_y = 0; } pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_x", next_window_x); pCon_SetConsoleFloat(lwr, "wnd_y", next_window_y); next_window_x += 256; } if (!*string) pCon_SetActive(lwr); Con_TrySubPrint(lwr, string); } } void IRC_InitCvars(void) { vmcvar_t *v; int i; for (i=0; cvarlist[i]; i++) { v = cvarlist[i]; v->handle = pCvar_Register(v->name, v->string, v->flags, v->group); } } int IRC_CvarUpdate(void) // perhaps void instead? { vmcvar_t *v; int i; for (i=0; cvarlist[i]; i++) { v = cvarlist[i]; v->modificationcount = pCvar_Update(v->handle, &v->modificationcount, v->string, &v->value); } return 0; } void IRC_Command(ircclient_t *ircclient, char *dest); qintptr_t IRC_ExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t IRC_ConExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t IRC_Frame(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t IRC_ConsoleLink(qintptr_t *args); qintptr_t Plug_Init(qintptr_t *args) { if ( Plug_Export("Tick", IRC_Frame) && Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", IRC_ExecuteCommand)) { pCmd_AddCommand(COMMANDNAME); Plug_Export("ConsoleLink", IRC_ConsoleLink); if (!Plug_Export("ConExecuteCommand", IRC_ConExecuteCommand)) { pCon_Print("IRC Client Plugin Loaded in single-console mode\n"); Con_TrySubPrint = Con_FakeSubPrint; } else { pCon_Print("IRC Client Plugin Loaded. ^[/"COMMANDNAME" /help^] for help\n"); Con_TrySubPrint = pCon_SubPrint; } reloadconfig = true; IRC_InitCvars(); Q_strlcpy(defaultuser, "FTEUser", sizeof(defaultuser)); if (BUILTINISVALID(Plug_GetNativePointer)) piceapi = pPlug_GetNativePointer(ICE_API_CURRENT); return true; } else { pCon_Print("IRC Client Plugin failed\n"); } return false; } qintptr_t IRC_ExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args) { char cmd[256]; pCmd_Argv(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (!strcmp(cmd, COMMANDNAME)) { ircclient_t *ircclient = ircclients; //FIXME: select an irc network more inteligently IRC_Command(ircclient, ircclient?ircclient->defaultdest:""); return true; } return false; } qintptr_t IRC_ConExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args) { char buffer[256]; ircclient_t *ircclient; //FIXME: select the right network pCmd_Argv(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); //buffer is something like: irc53:#foo for (ircclient = ircclients; ircclient; ircclient = ircclient->next) { if (!strncmp(ircclient->id, buffer, strlen(ircclient->id))) break; } if (!ircclient) { if (*buffer == '/') IRC_Command(NULL, ""); else Con_TrySubPrint(buffer, "You were disconnected\n"); return true; } IRC_Command(ircclient, buffer+strlen(ircclient->id)); return true; } void IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient_t *irc, char *msg) { char output[4096]; int len; Q_strlcpy(output, msg, sizeof(output)); Q_strlcat(output, "\n", sizeof(output)); len = strlen(output); if (irc->bufferedoutammount + len > sizeof(irc->bufferedoutmessage)) return; memcpy(irc->bufferedoutmessage + irc->bufferedoutammount, output, len); irc->bufferedoutammount += len; if (irc_debug.value == 1) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,COLOURYELLOW "<< %s \n",msg); } } ircclient_t *IRC_Create(const char *server, const char *nick, const char *realname, const char *hostname, const char *password, const char *channels) { ircclient_t *irc; //FIXME: accept server:+port for starttls //FIXME: accept server:*port for initial tls irc = IRC_Malloc(sizeof(ircclient_t)); if (!irc) return NULL; memset(irc, 0, sizeof(ircclient_t)); Q_snprintf(irc->id, sizeof(irc->id), "IRC%x%x:", rand(),rand()); irc->connecting = true; irc->tlsmode = TLS_OFF; irc->quitting = false; Q_strlcpy(irc->server, server, sizeof(irc->server)); IRC_CvarUpdate(); strcpy(irc->nick, nick); strcpy(irc->realname, realname); strcpy(irc->hostname, hostname); strcpy(irc->pwd, password); strcpy(irc->autochannels, channels); // gethostname(irc->hostname, sizeof(irc->hostname)); // irc->hostname[sizeof(irc->hostname)-1] = 0; irc->next = ircclients; ircclients = irc; return irc; } void IRC_SetPass(ircclient_t *irc, char *pass) { Q_strlcpy(irc->pwd, pass, sizeof(irc->pwd)); if (*pass && irc->tlsmode != TLS_STARTING) IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("PASS %s", pass)); } void IRC_SetNick(ircclient_t *irc, char *nick) { Q_strlcpy(irc->nick, nick, sizeof(irc->nick)); if (irc->tlsmode != TLS_STARTING) IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NICK %s", irc->nick)); } void IRC_SetUser(ircclient_t *irc, char *user) { IRC_CvarUpdate(); if (irc->tlsmode != TLS_STARTING) IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("USER %s %s %s :%s", irc_ident.string, irc->hostname, irc->server, irc_realname.string)); } qboolean IRC_Establish(ircclient_t *irc) { if (!irc) return false; if (irc->socket) //don't need to do anything. return true; //clear up any stale state irc->bufferedoutammount = 0; irc->bufferedinammount = 0; irc->quitting = false; irc->socket = pNet_TCPConnect(irc->server, 6667); //port is only used if the url doesn't contain one. It's a default. //not yet blocking. So no frequent attempts please... //non blocking prevents connect from returning worthwhile sensible value. if ((qintptr_t)irc->socket < 0) { Con_Printf("IRC_OpenSocket: couldn't connect\n"); return false; } if (irc->tlsmode == TLS_INITIAL) { if (pNet_SetTLSClient(irc->socket, irc->server) < 0) { pNet_Close(irc->socket); irc->socket = 0; return false; } } else if (irc->tlsmode != TLS_OFF) { IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, "STARTTLS"); irc->tlsmode = TLS_STARTING; } else { IRC_SetPass(irc, irc->pwd); IRC_SetNick(irc, irc->nick); IRC_SetUser(irc, defaultuser); } return true; } void IRC_ParseConfig(void) { qhandle_t config; int len = pFS_Open("**plugconfig", &config, 1); if (len >= 0) { char *buf = malloc(len+1); char *msg = buf; buf[len] = 0; pFS_Read(config, buf, len); pFS_Close(config); while (msg && *msg) { ircclient_t *irc; char server[256]; char channels[1024]; char nick[256]; char password[256]; char user[256]; char hostname[256]; msg = COM_Parse(msg, server, sizeof(server)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, channels, sizeof(channels)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, nick, sizeof(nick)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, password, sizeof(password)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, user, sizeof(user)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if (*server) { irc = IRC_Create(server, nick, user, hostname, password, channels); if (irc) { if (IRC_Establish(irc)) { if (!*irc->autochannels) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "Trying to connect to %s\n", irc->server); } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "Unable to connect to %s\n", irc->server); } } } free(buf); } } void IRC_WriteConfig(void) { qhandle_t config; pFS_Open("**plugconfig", &config, 2); if (config >= 0) { ircclient_t *irc; for(irc = ircclients; irc; irc = irc->next) { char *s = va("\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", irc->server, irc->autochannels, irc->nick, irc->pwd, irc->realname, irc->hostname); if (irc->quitting) continue; pFS_Write(config, s, strlen(s)); } pFS_Close(config); } } void IRC_PartChannelInternal(ircclient_t *irc, char *channelname) { char ac[countof(irc->autochannels)]; char *chan; strcpy(ac, irc->autochannels); chan = strtok(ac, " "); *irc->autochannels = 0; while(chan) { if (*chan) { char *pwd = strchr(chan, ','); if (pwd) *pwd++ = 0; if (*irc->autochannels) Q_strncatz(irc->autochannels, " ", sizeof(irc->autochannels)); if (pwd) Q_strncatz(irc->autochannels, va("%s,%s", chan, pwd), sizeof(irc->autochannels)); else Q_strncatz(irc->autochannels, va("%s", chan), sizeof(irc->autochannels)); } chan = strtok(NULL, " "); } } void IRC_PartChannel(ircclient_t *irc, char *channelname) { IRC_PartChannelInternal(irc, channelname); IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("PART %s", channelname)); } void IRC_JoinChannel(ircclient_t *irc, char *channel, char *key) // i screwed up, its actually: {,} [{,}] { IRC_PartChannelInternal(irc, channel); if (*irc->autochannels) Q_strncatz(irc->autochannels, " ", sizeof(irc->autochannels)); Q_strncatz(irc->autochannels, va("%s,%s", channel, key), sizeof(irc->autochannels)); if (key) { /*if (*channel != '#') IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("JOIN #%s %s", channel,key)); else*/ IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("JOIN %s %s", channel,key)); } else { /*if (*channel != '#') IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("JOIN #%s", channel)); else*/ IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("JOIN %s", channel)); } } void IRC_JoinChannels(ircclient_t *irc, char *channelstring) { char *chan = strtok(channelstring, " "); while(chan) { if (*chan) { char *line = va("JOIN %s", chan); char *comma = strchr(line, ','); if (comma) *comma = ' '; IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, line); } chan = strtok(NULL, " "); } } /* ATTN: Spike # (just for reference) == Ctrl+K in mirc to put the color code symbol in now to have a background color, you must specify a forground color first (#0,15) , denotes end of forground color, and start of background color irc colors work in many strange ways: #0-#15 for forground color // the code currently converts to this one, which is not the "proper" irc way, read the next one to understand. Still need to support it, just not output as it. #00-#15 for forground color (note #010 to #015 is not valid) --- this is the "proper" irc way, because I could say "#11+1=2" (which means I want 1+1=2 to appear black (1), but instead it will come out as indigo (11) and look like this: +1=2) background examples: (note #0,15 (white forground, light gray background) #00,15 (white forground, light gray background) // proper way #15,0 (white forground, light gray background) #15,00 (white forground, light gray background) // proper way I hope this makes sense to you, to be able to edit the IRC_FilterMircColours function ~ Moodles */ void IRC_FilterMircColours(char *msg) { int i; int chars; while(*msg) { if (*msg == 3) { chars = 2; if (msg[1] >= '0' && msg[1] <= '9') { i = msg[1]- '0'; if (msg[2] >= '0' && msg[2] <= '9') { i = i*10 + (msg[2]-'0'); chars = 3; } } else i = msg[1]; switch(i) { case 0: msg[1] = '7'; //white break; case 1: msg[1] = '0'; //black break; case 2: msg[1] = '4'; //darkblue break; case 3: msg[1] = '2'; //darkgreen break; case 4: msg[1] = '1'; //red break; case 5: msg[1] = '1'; //brown break; case 6: msg[1] = '5'; //purple break; case 7: msg[1] = '3'; //orange break; case 8: msg[1] = '3'; //yellow break; case 9: msg[1] = '2'; //lightgreen break; case 10: msg[1] = '6'; //darkcyan break; case 11: msg[1] = '6'; //lightcyan break; case 12: msg[1] = '4'; //lightblue break; case 13: msg[1] = '5'; //pink break; case 14: msg[1] = '7'; //grey break; case 15: msg[1] = '7'; //lightgrey break; default: msg++; continue; } *msg = '^'; msg+=2; if (chars==3) memmove(msg, msg+1, strlen(msg)); continue; } msg++; } } #define IRC_DONE 0 #define IRC_CONTINUE 1 #define IRC_KILL 2 void magic_tokenizer(int word,char *thestring) { char *temp; int i = 1; strcpy(casevar[1],thestring); temp = strchr(casevar[1], ' '); while (i < 8) { i++; if (temp != NULL) { strcpy(casevar[i],temp+1); } else { strcpy(casevar[i], ""); } temp=strchr(casevar[i], ' '); } } void magic_etghack(char *thestring) { char *temp; int i = 1; strcpy(subvar[1],thestring); temp = strchr(subvar[1], ' '); while (i < 8) { i++; if (temp != NULL) { strcpy(subvar[i],temp+1); } else { strcpy(subvar[i], ""); } temp=strchr(subvar[i], ' '); } } //================================================== void numbered_command(int comm, char *msg, ircclient_t *irc) // move vars up 1 more than debug says { magic_tokenizer(0,msg); switch (comm) { case 1: /* RPL_WELCOME */ case 2: /* RPL_YOURHOST */ case 3: /* RPL_CREATED */ case 4: /* RPL_MYINFO */ case 5: /* RPL_ISUPPORT */ { if (irc->tlsmode != TLS_STARTING) irc->connecting = 0; // ok we are connected if (irc_motd.value) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURYELLOW "SERVER STATS: %s\n",casevar[3]); return; } // case 5: /* RPL_BOUNCE */ // { // IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "RPL_BOUNCE: %s\n",casevar[3]); // return; // } case 20: /* RPL_HELLO */ { if (irc_motd.value) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURYELLOW "%s\n",casevar[3]); return; } case 42: /*RPL_YOURID */ { if (irc_motd.value) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURYELLOW "%s\n",casevar[3]); return; } case 250: case 251: /* RPL_LUSERCLIENT */ case 252: /* RPL_LUSEROP */ case 253: /* RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN */ case 254: /* RPL_LUSERCHANNELS */ case 255: /* RPL_LUSERME */ case 256: /* RPL_ADMINME */ case 257: /* RPL_ADMINLOC1 */ case 258: /* RPL_ADMINLOC2 */ case 259: /* RPL_ADMINEMAIL */ case 265: case 266: { if (irc_motd.value) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURYELLOW "SERVER STATS: %s\n",casevar[3]); return; } case 301: /* #define RPL_AWAY 301 */ { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *awaymessage = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: <%s> (Away Message: %s)\n",username,awaymessage); return; } case 305: /* RPL_UNAWAY */ case 306: /* RPL_NOWAWAY */ { char *away = casevar[3]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, CURRENTCONSOLE,"%s\n",away); return; } case 311: /* #define RPL_WHOISUSER 311 */ { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *ident = strtok(casevar[4], " "); char *address = strtok(casevar[5], " "); char *realname = casevar[7]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: <%s> (Ident: %s) (Address: %s) (Realname: %s) \n", username, ident, address, realname); return; } case 312: /* #define RPL_WHOISSERVER 312 */ //seems to be /whowas also { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *serverhostname = strtok(casevar[4], " "); char *servername = casevar[5]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: <%s> (Server: %s) (Server Name: %s) \n", username, serverhostname, servername); return; } case 313: /* RPL_WHOISOPERATOR */ { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *isoperator = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: <%s> (%s)\n", username,isoperator); return; } case 317: /* #define RPL_WHOISIDLE 317 */ { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *secondsidle = strtok(casevar[4], " "); char *signontime = strtok(casevar[5], " "); time_t t; const struct tm *tm; char buffer[100]; t=strtoul(signontime, 0, 0); tm=localtime(&t); strftime (buffer, 100, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S", tm); IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: <%s> (Idle Time: %s seconds) (Signon Time: %s) \n", username, secondsidle, buffer); return; } case 318: /* #define RPL_ENDOFWHOIS 318 */ { char *endofwhois = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: %s\n", endofwhois); return; } case 319: /* #define RPL_WHOISCHANNELS 319 */ { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *channels = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,"WHOIS: <%s> (Channels: %s)\n",username,channels); // need to remove the space from the end of channels return; } case 321: { IRC_Printf(irc, "list", "Start /LIST\n"); return; } case 322: /* #define RPL_LIST 322 */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *users = strtok(casevar[4], " "); char *topic = casevar[5]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, "list", "^1Channel:^7 %s ^1Users:^7 %s ^1Topic:^7 %s\n\n", channel,users,topic); return; } case 323: /* RPL_LISTEND*/ { char *endoflist = casevar[3]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, "list", "%s\n",endoflist); return; } case 366: /* RPL_ENDOFNAMES */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *endofnameslist = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, channel,"%s\n",endofnameslist); return; } case 372: /* RPL_MOTD */ case 375: /* RPL_MOTDSTART */ case 376: /* RPL_ENDOFMOTD */ { char *motdmessage = casevar[3]+1; IRC_CvarUpdate(); if (irc_motd.value == 2) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "MOTD: %s\n", motdmessage); else if (irc_motd.value) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", motdmessage); if (*irc->autochannels) IRC_JoinChannels(irc, irc->autochannels); // note to self... "" needs to be the channel key.. so autochannels needs a recoded return; } case 378: { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", msg); return; } case 401: /* ERR_NOSUCHNICK */ case 403: /* ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL */ case 404: /* ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN */ case 405: /* ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS */ { char *username = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR <%s>: %s\n",username,error); return; } case 432: /* #define ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME 432 */ { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "Erroneous/invalid nickname given\n"); return; } case 433: /* #define ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE 433 */ case 438: case 453: { char *nickname = strtok(casevar[4], " "); char *badnickname = ":Nickname"; char *seedednick; if ( !strcasecmp(nickname,badnickname) ) // bug with ircd, the nickname actually shifts position. { nickname = strtok(casevar[3], " "); } IRC_CvarUpdate(); IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s> is already in use.\n",nickname); if (irc->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING) { //don't submit any of this info here. } else if ( !strcmp(nickname,irc_nick.string) && (irc->connecting == 1) ) { IRC_SetNick(irc, irc_altnick.string); } else if ( !strcmp(nickname, irc_altnick.string) && (irc->connecting == 1) ) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s> AND <%s> both in use. Attempting generic nickname.\n",irc_nick.string,irc_altnick.string); seedednick = va("%s%i", irc_nick.string, rand()); IRC_SetNick(irc, seedednick); } else { if (irc->connecting == 1) { seedednick = va("FTE%i",rand()); IRC_SetNick(irc, seedednick); } } return; } case 471: /* ERR_CHANNELISFULL */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s>: %s (Channel is full and has reached user limit)\n",channel,error); return; } case 472: /* ERR_UNKNOWNMODE */ { char *mode = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s>: %s (Unknown mode)\n",mode,error); return; } case 473: /* ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s>: %s (Invite only)\n",channel,error); return; } case 474: /* ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s>: %s (You are banned)\n",channel,error); return; } case 475: /* ERR_BADCHANNELKEY */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s>: %s (Need the correct channel key. Example: /join %s bananas)\n",channel,error,channel); return; } case 482: /* ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED */ { char *channel = strtok(casevar[3], " "); char *error = casevar[4]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURRED "ERROR: <%s>: %s (Need +o or @ status)\n",channel,error,channel); return; } case 670: /* RPL_STARTTLS */ { pNet_SetTLSClient(irc->socket, irc->server); irc->tlsmode = TLS_START; IRC_SetPass(irc, irc->pwd); IRC_SetNick(irc, irc->nick); IRC_SetUser(irc, defaultuser); return; } case 691: /* ERR_STARTTLS */ { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURYELLOW "STARTTLS Failed: %s\n", casevar[3]); pNet_Close(irc->socket); irc->socket = 0; return; } } IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", msg); // if no raw number exists, print the thing } struct ircice_s *IRC_ICE_Find(ircclient_t *irc, const char *sender, enum iceproto_e type) { struct ircice_s *ice; for (ice = irc->ice; ice; ice = ice->next) { if (ice->type == type && !strcmp(ice->peer, sender)) return ice; } return NULL; } struct ircice_s *IRC_ICE_Create(ircclient_t *irc, const char *sender, enum iceproto_e type, qboolean creator) { struct icestate_s *ice; struct ircice_s *ircice; if (!piceapi) return NULL; if (!creator && type == ICEP_QWSERVER) ice = piceapi->ICE_Create(NULL, NULL, sender, ICEM_ICE, ICEP_QWCLIENT); else if (!creator && type == ICEP_QWCLIENT) ice = piceapi->ICE_Create(NULL, NULL, sender, ICEM_ICE, ICEP_QWSERVER); else ice = piceapi->ICE_Create(NULL, NULL, sender, ICEM_ICE, type); if (!ice) return NULL; piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "controller", creator?"1":"0"); if (creator && type == ICEP_VOICE) { //note: the engine will ignore codecs it does not support. piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec96", "speex@16000"); //wide piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec97", "speex@8000"); //narrow piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec98", "speex@32000"); //ultrawide piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec99", "opus"); } //query dns to see if there's a stunserver hosted by the same domain //nslookup -querytype=SRV _stun._udp.example.com // Q_snprintf(stunhost, sizeof(stunhost), "_stun._udp.%s", ice->server); // if (NET_DNSLookup_SRV(stunhost, stunhost, sizeof(stunhost))) // piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunip", stunhost); // else { //irc services tend to not provide any stun info, so steal someone's... hopefully they won't mind too much. :( piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunport", "19302"); piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunip", "stun.l.google.com"); } ircice = malloc(sizeof(*ircice)); memset(ircice, 0, sizeof(*ircice)); ircice->next = irc->ice; irc->ice = ircice; ircice->type = type; Q_strlcpy(ircice->peer, sender, sizeof(ircice->peer)); ircice->host = creator; ircice->accepted = false; ircice->allowed = creator; ircice->ice = ice; return ircice; } void IRC_ICE_Update(ircclient_t *irc, struct ircice_s *ice, char updatetype) { char message[1024]; struct icecandinfo_s *c; char *icetype; if (!ice->allowed && updatetype != '-') return; *message = 0; switch(ice->type) { default: case ICEP_VOICE: icetype = "voice"; break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: icetype = "qwserver"; break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: icetype = "qwclient"; break; } if (updatetype == '=' || updatetype == '*') { char ufrag[256]; char pwd[256]; piceapi->ICE_Get(ice->ice, "lufrag", ufrag, sizeof(ufrag)); piceapi->ICE_Get(ice->ice, "lpwd", pwd, sizeof(pwd)); Q_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), " ufrag:%s pwd:%s", ufrag, pwd); } if (updatetype == '+' || updatetype == '=') { unsigned int i; for (i = 96; i <= 127; i++) { char codec[256]; char codecname[64]; char argn[64]; Q_snprintf(argn, sizeof(argn), "codec%i", i); piceapi->ICE_Get(ice->ice, argn, codecname, sizeof(codecname)); if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@8000")) //speex narrowband Q_snprintf(codec, sizeof(codec), "codec:%i:speex:8000", i); else if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@16000")) //speex wideband Q_snprintf(codec, sizeof(codec), "codec:%i:speex:16000", i); else if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@32000")) //speex ultrawideband Q_snprintf(codec, sizeof(codec), "codec:%i:speex:32000", i); else if (!strcmp(codecname, "opus")) //opus codec. Q_snprintf(codec, sizeof(codec), "codec:%i:opus:48000", i); else continue; if (strlen(message) + strlen(codec) + 2 > 256) { IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\001FTEICE %c%s%s\001", ice->peer, updatetype, icetype, message)); updatetype = '%'; *message = 0; } Q_strlcat(message, " ", sizeof(message)); Q_strlcat(message, codec, sizeof(message)); } } /* if (*message) { IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\001FTEICE %c%s%s\001", ice->peer, updatetype, icetype, message)); *message = 0; } */ if (updatetype != '+' && updatetype != '-') { while ((c = piceapi->ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(ice->ice))) { char type[] = "hspr"; char cand[256]; Q_snprintf(cand, sizeof(cand), "cand:" "%c%c:%i:%i:" "%i:%i:%i:" "%i:%s:%s", type[c->type], 'u', c->priority, c->port, c->network, c->generation, c->foundation, c->component, c->candidateid, c->addr); if (strlen(message) + strlen(cand) + 2 > 256) { IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\001FTEICE %c%s%s\001", ice->peer, updatetype, icetype, message)); updatetype = '%'; *message = 0; } Q_strlcat(message, " ", sizeof(message)); Q_strlcat(message, cand, sizeof(message)); } } if (*message || updatetype != '%') IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\001FTEICE %c%s%s\001", ice->peer, updatetype, icetype, message)); } void IRC_ICE_ParseCandidate(struct icestate_s *ice, char *cand) { char *addr; struct icecandinfo_s info; if (strlen(cand) < 12) return; switch(cand[5]) { case 'h': info.type = ICE_HOST; break; case 's': info.type = ICE_SRFLX; break; case 'p': info.type = ICE_PRFLX; break; default: case 'r': info.type = ICE_RELAY; break; } info.transport = (cand[6] == 't')?1:0; info.priority = strtol(cand+8, &cand, 0); if (*cand != ':')return; info.port = strtol(cand+1, &cand, 0); if (*cand != ':')return; info.network = strtol(cand+1, &cand, 0); if (*cand != ':')return; info.generation = strtol(cand+1, &cand, 0); if (*cand != ':')return; info.foundation = strtol(cand+1, &cand, 0); if (*cand != ':')return; info.component = strtol(cand+1, &cand, 0); if (*cand != ':')return; addr = strchr(cand+1, ':'); if (!addr) return; *addr++ = 0; Q_strlcpy(info.candidateid, cand+1, sizeof(info.candidateid)); Q_strlcpy(info.addr, addr, sizeof(info.candidateid)); piceapi->ICE_AddRCandidateInfo(ice, &info); } void IRC_ICE_ParseCodec(struct icestate_s *ice, char *codec) { char *start; unsigned int num; char name[64]; unsigned int rate; num = strtoul(codec+6, &codec, 0); if (*codec != ':')return; start = codec+1; codec = strchr(codec, ':'); if (!codec)return;*codec = 0; Q_strlcpy(name, start, sizeof(name)); rate = strtoul(codec+1, &codec, 0); Q_strlcat(name, va("@%u", rate), sizeof(name)); piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, va("codec%i", num), name); } void IRC_ICE_Parse(ircclient_t *irc, const char *sender, char *message) { struct ircice_s *ice; char token[256]; enum iceproto_e type = ICEP_INVALID; message = COM_Parse(message, token, sizeof(token)); if (*token == '+' || *token == '=' || *token == '*' || *token == '%') { //+ is offer or accept for a new content type //= is an ack from the receiver //* is the final handshake that includes offerer's full details //% is extra updates. char icetype = *token; if (!strcmp(token+1, "voice")) type = ICEP_VOICE; else if (!strcmp(token+1, "qwserver")) type = ICEP_QWSERVER; else if (!strcmp(token+1, "qwclient")) type = ICEP_QWCLIENT; else { IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "ICE session type %s is not recognised\n", token); return; } ice = IRC_ICE_Find(irc, sender, type); if (!ice && (icetype == '+' || icetype == '=')) ice = IRC_ICE_Create(irc, sender, type, false);//icetype=='='); if (ice) { while(message) { message = COM_Parse(message, token, sizeof(token)); if (!strncmp(token, "cand:", 5)) IRC_ICE_ParseCandidate(ice->ice, token); else if (!strncmp(token, "codec:", 6)) IRC_ICE_ParseCodec(ice->ice, token); else if (!strncmp(token, "ufrag:", 6)) piceapi->ICE_Set(ice->ice, "rufrag", token+6); else if (!strncmp(token, "pwd:", 4)) piceapi->ICE_Set(ice->ice, "rpwd", token+4); else if (*token) IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "unknown ice token %s\n", token); } if ((icetype == '=' || icetype == '*') && !ice->accepted && ice->allowed) { piceapi->ICE_Set(ice->ice, "state", STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTING)); ice->accepted = true; } switch(icetype) { case '+': //needs user if (!ice->allowed) { switch(type) { case ICEP_VOICE: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "%s is trying to call you. ^[[Click to Converse]\\act\\iceaccept_v\\who\\%s^] ^[[Click to Decline]\\act\\icedecline_v\\who\\%s^] \n", sender, sender, sender); break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "%s wants you to join their game. ^[[Click to Join]\\act\\iceaccept_s\\who\\%s^] ^[[Click to Decline]\\act\\icedecline_s\\who\\%s^] \n", sender, sender, sender); break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "%s is trying to gatecrash your game. ^[[Click to Allow]\\act\\iceaccept_c\\who\\%s^] ^[[Click to Decline]\\act\\icedecline_c\\who\\%s^] \n", sender, sender, sender); break; case ICEP_INVALID: break; case ICEP_VIDEO: break; } } else { switch(type) { case ICEP_VOICE: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Accepting voice call\n"); break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Accepting game invite\n"); break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Accepting gatecrash\n"); break; case ICEP_INVALID: break; case ICEP_VIDEO: break; } IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '='); } break; case '=': switch(type) { case ICEP_VOICE: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Establishing voice call\n"); break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Establishing game invite\n"); break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Establishing gatecrash\n"); break; case ICEP_INVALID: break; case ICEP_VIDEO: break; } IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '*'); break; default: switch(type) { case ICEP_VOICE: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Updating voice call\n"); break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Updating game invite\n"); break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "Updating gatecrash\n"); break; case ICEP_INVALID: break; case ICEP_VIDEO: break; } IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '%'); break; } } } else if (*token == '-') { IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "dropping connections is not supported yet: %s\n", token); } else IRC_Printf(irc, sender, "ICE command type not supported\n", token); } void IRC_ICE_Frame(ircclient_t *irc) { char bah[8]; struct ircice_s *ice; for (ice = irc->ice; ice; ice = ice->next) { if (!ice->accepted || !ice->allowed) continue; //ice needs some maintainence. if things change then we need to be prepared to send updated candidate info piceapi->ICE_Get(ice->ice, "newlc", bah, sizeof(bah)); if (atoi(bah)) { IRC_Printf(irc, ice->peer, "Sending updated peer info\n"); IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '%'); } //FIXME: detect when the ice connection goes idle. } } static void IRC_ICE_Authorise(ircclient_t *irc, const char *with, enum iceproto_e type, qboolean authorize, char *announce) { struct ircice_s *ice, **link; for (link = &irc->ice; *link; link = &(*link)->next) { ice = *link; if (ice->type == type) if (!strcmp(ice->peer, with)) { if (authorize) { if (ice->allowed) { IRC_Printf(irc, announce, "Connection is already authorised\n"); return; //nothing to do } //yay! its good to go! ice->allowed = true; switch(type) { case ICEP_VOICE: IRC_Printf(irc, announce, "Accepting voice call\n"); break; case ICEP_QWSERVER: IRC_Printf(irc, announce, "Accepting game invite\n"); break; case ICEP_QWCLIENT: IRC_Printf(irc, announce, "Accepting gatecrash\n"); break; case ICEP_VIDEO: break; case ICEP_INVALID: break; } IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '='); } else { IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '-'); *link = ice->next; if (ice->ice) piceapi->ICE_Close(ice->ice); IRC_Free(ice); IRC_Printf(irc, announce, "Connection terminated\n"); } return; } } IRC_Printf(irc, announce, "Connection is already terminated\n"); } qintptr_t IRC_ConsoleLink(qintptr_t *args) { ircclient_t *irc; char link[256]; char *who = NULL; char *channel = NULL; char what[256]; char whobuf[256]; char which[512]; enum iceproto_e type; // pCmd_Argv(0, text, sizeof(text)); pCmd_Argv(1, link, sizeof(link)); pCmd_Argv(2, which, sizeof(which)); Plug_Info_ValueForKey(link, "act", what, sizeof(what)); who = Plug_Info_ValueForKey(link, "who", whobuf, sizeof(whobuf)); for (irc = ircclients; irc; irc = irc->next) { if (!strncmp(irc->id, which, strlen(irc->id))) { channel = which + strlen(irc->id); if (!*who) who = channel; break; } } if (!irc || !who || !*what) return false; if (!strcmp(what, "reconnect")) { if (irc->socket) IRC_Printf(irc, channel, "Already %s.\n", irc->connecting?"reconnecting":"connected"); else if (IRC_Establish(irc)) IRC_Printf(irc, channel, "Reconnecting...\n"); else IRC_Printf(irc, channel, "Unable to connect\n"); return true; } if (!*who) return false; //that seems wrong. probably nothing to do with irc. if (irc->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || irc->connecting) { IRC_SetFooter(irc, channel, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); return true; } if (!strcmp(what, "iceaccept_v") || !strcmp(what, "iceaccept_s") || !strcmp(what, "iceaccept_c")) { switch(what[10]) {default: case 'v': type = ICEP_VOICE; break; case 's': type = ICEP_QWSERVER; break; case 'c': type = ICEP_QWCLIENT; break; } IRC_Printf(irc, channel, "Accepting foo from %s\n", who); IRC_ICE_Authorise(irc, who, type, true, channel); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "icedecline_v") || !strcmp(what, "icedecline_s") || !strcmp(what, "icedecline_c")) { switch(what[11]) {default: case 'v': type = ICEP_VOICE; break; case 's': type = ICEP_QWSERVER; break; case 'c': type = ICEP_QWCLIENT; break; } IRC_ICE_Authorise(irc, who, type, false, channel); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "user")) { char links[2048]; char link[512]; Q_snprintf(links, sizeof(links), "%s:", who); if (1) { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Message]\\act\\msg\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } if (IRC_ICE_Find(irc, who, ICEP_VOICE)) { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Hang up]\\act\\icedecline_v\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } else { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Call]\\act\\icestart_v\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } if (IRC_ICE_Find(irc, who, ICEP_QWSERVER)) { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Disconnect]\\act\\icedecline_s\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } else { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Invite]\\act\\icestart_s\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } if (IRC_ICE_Find(irc, who, ICEP_QWCLIENT)) { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Disconnect]\\act\\icedecline_c\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } else { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), " ^[[Gatecrash]\\act\\icestart_c\\who\\%s^]", who); Q_strlcat(links, link, sizeof(links)); } IRC_SetFooter(irc, channel, links); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "msg")) { IRC_Printf(irc, who, ""); return true; } else if (!strcmp(what, "icestart_v") || !strcmp(what, "icestart_s") || !strcmp(what, "icestart_c")) { struct ircice_s *ice; char *text; char link[512]; switch(what[9]) {default: case 'v': type = ICEP_VOICE; text = "Calling"; break; case 's': type = ICEP_QWSERVER; text = "Inviting"; break; case 'c': type = ICEP_QWCLIENT; text = "Gatecrashing"; break; } ice = IRC_ICE_Create(irc, who, type, true); if (ice) { Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), "^["COLOURGREEN"%s\\act\\user^]", ice->peer); IRC_ICE_Update(irc, ice, '+'); IRC_Printf(irc, ice->peer, "<%s %s ^[[Abort]\\act\\icedecline_%c\\who\\%s^]>\n", text, link, what[9], ice->peer); } return true; } return false; } //================================================== int IRC_ClientFrame(ircclient_t *irc) { char prefix[64]; int ret; char *nextmsg, *msg; char *raw; char *temp; char token[1024]; char var[9][1000]; int i = 1; ret = pNet_Recv(irc->socket, irc->bufferedinmessage+irc->bufferedinammount, sizeof(irc->bufferedinmessage)-1 - irc->bufferedinammount); if (ret == 0) { if (!irc->bufferedinammount) //if we are half way through a message, read any possible conjunctions. return IRC_DONE; //remove } if (ret < 0) return IRC_KILL; if (ret>0) irc->bufferedinammount+=ret; irc->bufferedinmessage[irc->bufferedinammount] = '\0'; nextmsg = strstr(irc->bufferedinmessage, "\r\n"); if (!nextmsg) return IRC_DONE; *nextmsg = '\0'; nextmsg+=2; msg = irc->bufferedinmessage; strcpy(var[1],msg); temp = strchr(var[1], ' '); while (i < 8) { i++; if (temp != NULL) { strcpy(var[i],temp+1); } else { strcpy(var[i], ""); } temp=strchr(var[i], ' '); } IRC_CvarUpdate(); // is this the right place for it? raw = strtok(var[2], " "); // if (irc_debug.value == 1) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,COLOURRED "!!!!! ^11: %s ^22: %s ^33: %s ^44: %s ^55: %s ^66: %s ^77: %s ^88: %s\n",var[1],var[2],var[3],var[4],var[5],var[6],var[7],var[8]); } if (irc_debug.value == 1) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE,COLOURRED "%s\n",var[1]); } if (*msg == ':') //we need to strip off the prefix { char *sp = strchr(msg, ' '); if (!sp) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "Ignoring bad message\n%s\n", msg); memmove(irc->bufferedinmessage, nextmsg, irc->bufferedinammount - (msg-irc->bufferedinmessage)); irc->bufferedinammount-=nextmsg-irc->bufferedinmessage; return IRC_CONTINUE; } if (sp-msg >= sizeof(prefix)) Q_strlcpy(prefix, msg+1, sizeof(prefix)); else Q_strlcpy(prefix, msg+1, sp-msg); msg = sp; while(*msg == ' ') msg++; } else strcpy(prefix, irc->server); if (!strncmp(var[1], "NOTICE AUTH ", 12)) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN "SERVER NOTICE: %s\n", var[3]+1); } else if (!strncmp(var[1], "PING ", 5)) { IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("PONG %s", var[2])); } else if (!strncmp(var[2], "NOTICE ", 6)) { char *exc = strchr(prefix, '!'); char *col = strchr(msg+6, ':'); char *end; char *to = msg + 7; char *etghack; if (!strncmp(var[4]+1, "\1", 1)) { char delimiters[] = "!"; char *username = strtok(var[1]+1, delimiters); char *ctcpreplytype = strtok(var[4]+2, " "); char *ctcpreply = var[5]; if (!strcmp(ctcpreplytype, "FTEICE")) { IRC_Printf(irc, username, "ICE from %s\n", username); //from client IRC_ICE_Parse(irc, username, ctcpreply); } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE," %s FROM %s: %s\n",ctcpreplytype,username,ctcpreply); // need to remove the last char on the end of ctcpreply } else if (exc && col) { *col = '\0'; col++; while(*to <= ' ' && *to) to++; for (end = to + strlen(to)-1; end >= to && *end <= ' '; end--) *end = '\0'; if (!strcmp(to, irc_nick.string)) to = prefix; //This was directed straight at us. //So change the 'to', to the 'from'. for (end = to; *end; end++) { if (*end >= 'A' && *end <= 'Z') *end = *end + 'a' - 'A'; } *exc = '\0'; if (!strncmp(col, "\001", 1)) { end = strchr(col+1, '\001'); if (end) *end = '\0'; if (!strncmp(col+1, "ACTION ", 7)) { IRC_FilterMircColours(col+8); IRC_Printf(irc, to, COLOURGREEN "***%s "COLORWHITE"%s\n", prefix, col+8); //from client } } else { IRC_FilterMircColours(col); IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN "NOTICE: -%s- %s\n", prefix, col); //from client } } else { etghack = strtok(var[1],"\n"); IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN "SERVER NOTICE: <%s> %s\n", prefix, etghack); // strcpy(servername,prefix); while (1) { etghack = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (etghack == NULL) { break; break; } magic_etghack(etghack); if (atoi(subvar[2]) != 0) numbered_command(atoi(subvar[2]), etghack, irc); else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN "SERVER NOTICE: <%s> %s\n", prefix, subvar[4]); } } } else if (!strncmp(var[2], "PRIVMSG ", 7)) //no autoresponses to notice please, and any autoresponses should be in the form of a notice { char *exc = strchr(prefix, '!'); char *col = strchr(msg+6, ':'); char *end; char *to = msg + 7; //message takes the form :FROM PRIVMSG TO :MESSAGE if (BUILTINISVALID(LocalSound)) pLocalSound ("misc/talk.wav"); if ((!strcasecmp(var[4]+1, "\1VERSION\1")) && (!strncmp(var[2], "PRIVMSG ", 7))) { char *username; char delimiters[] = "!"; username = strtok(var[1]+1, delimiters); IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\1VERSION FTEQW-IRC-Plugin Release: %s", username, RELEASE)); } else if ((!strcasecmp(var[4]+1, "\1TIME\1")) && (!strncmp(var[2], "PRIVMSG ", 7))) { char delimiters[] = "!"; char *username = strtok(var[1], delimiters); time_t t; const struct tm *tm; char buffer[100]; time(&t); tm=localtime(&t); strftime (buffer, 100, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S", tm); IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\1TIME %s\1", username, buffer)); } else if (exc && col) { char link[256]; *col = '\0'; col++; while(*to <= ' ' && *to) to++; for (end = to + strlen(to)-1; end >= to && *end <= ' '; end--) *end = '\0'; if (!strcmp(to, irc->nick)) to = prefix; //This was directed straight at us. //So change the 'to', to the 'from'. for (end = to; *end; end++) { if (*end >= 'A' && *end <= 'Z') *end = *end + 'a' - 'A'; } *exc = '\0'; //a link to interact with the sender Q_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), "^["COLOURGREEN"%s\\act\\user\\who\\%s^]", prefix, prefix); if (!strncmp(col, "\001", 1)) { end = strchr(col+1, '\001'); if (end) *end = '\0'; if (!strncmp(col+1, "ACTION ", 7)) { IRC_FilterMircColours(col+8); IRC_Printf(irc, to, "***%s %s\n", link, col+8); //from client } else if (!strncmp(col+1, "PING ", 5)) { time_t currentseconds; currentseconds = time (NULL); IRC_Printf(irc, to, "CTCP Ping from %s\n", link); //from client IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\001PING %u\001\r\n", prefix, (unsigned int)currentseconds)); } else if (!strncmp(col+1, "VERSION ", 8)) { IRC_Printf(irc, to, "CTCP Version from %s\n", link); //from client IRC_AddClientMessage(irc, va("NOTICE %s :\001VERSION "FULLENGINENAME" "RELEASE" \001\r\n", prefix)); } else if (!strncmp(col+1, "FTEICE ", 7)) { IRC_Printf(irc, to, "ICE from %s\n", link); //from client IRC_ICE_Parse(irc, to, col+8); } else { if (end)//put it back on. might as well. *end = '\001'; IRC_Printf(irc, to, "%s: %s\n", link, col); //from client } } else { IRC_FilterMircColours(col); IRC_Printf(irc, to, "%s: %s\n", link, col); //from client } } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN "SERVER: <%s> %s\n", prefix, msg); //direct server message } else if (!strncmp(var[2], "MODE ", 5)) { char *username = strtok(var[1]+1, "! "); char *mode = strtok(var[4], " "); char *target = strtok(var[5], " "); char channel[100]; if (!strncmp(var[3], "#", 1)) { strcpy(channel,strtok(var[3], " ")); } else { strcpy(channel,DEFAULTCONSOLE); } if ((!strncmp(mode+1,"o", 1)) || (!strncmp(mode+1,"v",1))) // ops or voice { IRC_Printf(irc, channel,COLOURGREEN "%s sets mode %s on %s\n",username,mode,target); } else { IRC_Printf(irc, channel,COLOURGREEN "%s sets mode %s\n",username,mode); } } else if (!strncmp(var[2], "KICK ", 5)) { char *username = strtok(var[1]+1, "!"); char *channel = strtok(var[3], " "); char *target = strtok(var[4], " "); char *reason = var[5]+1; IRC_Printf(irc, channel,COLOURGREEN "%s was kicked from %s Reason: '%s' by %s\n",target,channel,reason,username); } else if (!strncmp(msg, "NICK ", 5)) { char *exc = strchr(prefix, '!'); char *col = strchr(msg+5, ':'); if (exc && col) { *exc = '\0'; //fixme: print this in all channels as appropriate. IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN "%s changes name to %s\n", prefix, col+1); if (BUILTINISVALID(Con_RenameSub)) { char oldname[256]; char newname[256]; Q_snprintf(oldname, sizeof(oldname), irc->id, prefix); Q_snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), irc->id, col+1); pCon_RenameSub(oldname, newname); //if we were pming to them, rename accordingly. } } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN ":%s%s\n", prefix, msg+6); } else if (!strncmp(msg, "PART ", 5)) { char *exc = strchr(prefix, '!'); char *col = strchr(msg+5, ':'); if (exc && col) { *exc = '\0'; IRC_Printf(irc, msg+5, "%s leaves channel %s\n", prefix, col); } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN ":%sPART %s\n", prefix, msg+5); } else if (!strncmp(msg, "JOIN ", 5)) { char *exc = strchr(prefix, '!'); char *col = strchr(msg+5, ':'); if (exc && col) { *exc = '\0'; IRC_Printf(irc, col+1, COLOURGREEN "%s joins channel %s\n", prefix, col+1); } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, COLOURGREEN ":%sJOIN %s\n", prefix, msg+5); } else if (!strncmp(msg, "372 ", 4)) { char *text = strstr(msg, ":-"); if (!*irc->autochannels || irc_motd.value) { if (text) IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", text+2); else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", msg); } } else if (!strncmp(msg, "331 ", 4) ||//no topic !strncmp(msg, "332 ", 4)) //the topic { char *topic; char *chan; topic = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); topic = COM_Parse(topic, token, sizeof(token)); topic = COM_Parse(topic, token, sizeof(token)); while(*topic == ' ') topic++; if (*topic == ':') { topic++; chan = token; } else { topic = "No topic"; chan = DEFAULTCONSOLE; } IRC_Printf(irc, chan, "Topic on channel %s is: "COLOURGREEN"%s\n", chan, topic); } else if (!strncmp(msg, "353 ", 4)) //the names of people on a channel { char *eq = strstr(msg, "="); // BAD SPIKE!! = is normal channel :( char *eq2 = strstr(msg, "@"); // @ means the channel is +s (secret) char *eq3 = strstr(msg, "*"); // * means the channel is +p (private) rather redundant... char *channeltype = strtok(var[4], " "); char *channel = strtok(var[5], " "); char *str; int secret = 0; int privatechan = 0; if ( !strcmp(channeltype,"=") ) { char *end; eq++; str = strstr(eq, ":"); while(*eq == ' ') eq++; for (end = eq; *end>' '&&*end !=':'; end++) ; *end = '\0'; str++; } //else if (eq2) else if ( !strcmp(channeltype,"@") ) { char *end; secret = 1; eq2++; str = strstr(eq2, ":"); while(*eq2 == ' ') eq2++; for (end = eq2; *end>' '&&*end !=':'; end++) ; *end = '\0'; str++; } else if ( !strcmp(channeltype,"*") ) { char *end; privatechan = 1; eq3++; str = strstr(eq3, ":"); while(*eq3 == ' ') eq3++; for (end = eq3; *end>' '&&*end !=':'; end++) ; *end = '\0'; str++; } else { eq = "Corrupted_Message"; str = NULL; } IRC_Printf(irc, channel, va("Users on channel %s:\n", channel)); while (str) { str = COM_Parse(str, token, sizeof(token)); if (*token == '@') //they're an operator IRC_Printf(irc, channel, COLOURGREEN"@"COLORWHITE"%s\n", token+1); else if (*token == '%') //they've got half-op IRC_Printf(irc, channel, COLOURGREEN"%"COLORWHITE"%s\n", token+1); else if (*token == '+') //they've got voice IRC_Printf(irc, channel, COLOURGREEN"+"COLORWHITE"%s\n", token+1); else IRC_Printf(irc, channel, " %s\n", token); } if (secret == 1) { IRC_Printf(irc, channel, "%s is secret (+s)\n",channel); } else if (privatechan == 1) { IRC_Printf(irc, channel, "%s is private (+p)\n",channel); } } // would be great to convert the above to work better else if (atoi(raw) != 0) { // char *rawparameter = strtok(var[4], " "); // char *rawmessage = var[5]; // char *wholerawmessage = var[4]; numbered_command(atoi(raw), msg, irc); IRC_CvarUpdate(); if (irc_debug.value == 1) { IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", msg); } } else IRC_Printf(irc, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "%s\n", msg); memmove(irc->bufferedinmessage, nextmsg, irc->bufferedinammount - (msg-irc->bufferedinmessage)); irc->bufferedinammount-=nextmsg-irc->bufferedinmessage; return IRC_CONTINUE; } //functions above this line allow connections to multiple servers. //it is just the control functions that only allow one server. qintptr_t IRC_Frame(qintptr_t *args) { ircclient_t *ircclient; if (reloadconfig) { reloadconfig = false; IRC_ParseConfig(); } for (ircclient = ircclients; ircclient; ircclient = ircclient->next) { int stat = IRC_CONTINUE; if (!ircclient->socket) continue; //this connection isn't enabled. while(stat == IRC_CONTINUE) { stat = IRC_ClientFrame(ircclient); if (ircclient->bufferedoutammount) { int flushed = pNet_Send(ircclient->socket, ircclient->bufferedoutmessage, ircclient->bufferedoutammount); //FIXME: This needs rewriting to cope with errors+throttle. if (flushed > 0) { memmove(ircclient->bufferedoutmessage, ircclient->bufferedoutmessage+flushed, ircclient->bufferedoutammount - flushed); ircclient->bufferedoutammount -= flushed; if (!ircclient->bufferedoutammount) { pNet_Close(ircclient->socket); ircclient->socket = 0; } } } } if (stat == IRC_KILL) { pNet_Close(ircclient->socket); ircclient->socket = 0; IRC_Printf(ircclient, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "Disconnected from irc\n^[[Reconnect]\\act\\reconnect^]\n"); break; //lazy } else IRC_ICE_Frame(ircclient); } return 0; } void IRC_Command(ircclient_t *ircclient, char *dest) { char token[1024]; char imsg[8192]; char *msg; pCmd_Args(imsg, sizeof(imsg)); msg = COM_Parse(imsg, token, sizeof(token)); if (*token == '/') { if (!strcmp(token+1, "open") || !strcmp(token+1, "connect")) { char server[256]; char channels[1024]; char nick[256]; char password[256]; msg = COM_Parse(msg, server, sizeof(server)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, channels, sizeof(channels)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, nick, sizeof(nick)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, password, sizeof(password)); //set up some defaults if (!*nick) Q_strlcpy(nick, irc_nick.string, sizeof(nick)); if (!*nick) pCvar_GetString("name", nick, sizeof(nick)); ircclient = IRC_Create(server, nick, defaultuser, irc_hostname.string, password, channels); if (ircclient) { if (IRC_Establish(ircclient)) IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Trying to connect\n"); else IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Unable to connect\n"); } else IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Unable to open account\n"); IRC_WriteConfig(); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "help")) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to connect to a server: /connect SERVER \"#chan #chan2,chan2password\" NICK SERVERPASSWORD\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to disconnect from a server: /quit\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to join a channel: /join\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to leave a channel: /part\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "note that servers and channels will be remembered\n"); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "nick")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); if (!ircclient) //not yet connected. pCvar_SetString(irc_nick.name, token); else IRC_SetNick(ircclient, token); IRC_WriteConfig(); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "user")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); Q_strlcpy(defaultuser, token, sizeof(defaultuser)); if (ircclient) IRC_SetUser(ircclient, defaultuser); IRC_WriteConfig(); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "info")) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to connect to a server: /connect SERVER \"#chan #chan2,chan2password\" NICK SERVERPASSWORD\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to disconnect from a server: /quit\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to join a channel: /join\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "to leave a channel: /part\n"); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "note that servers and channels will be remembered\n"); } else if (!ircclient) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Not connected, please connect to an irc server first.\n"); } //ALL other commands require you to be connected. else if (!strcmp(token+1, "list")) { IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, "LIST"); } else if ( !strcmp(token+1, "join") || !strcmp(token+1, "j") ) { char chan[256]; char pwd[256]; if (ircclient->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || ircclient->connecting) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); return; } msg = COM_Parse(msg, chan, sizeof(chan)); msg = COM_Parse(msg, pwd, sizeof(pwd)); IRC_JoinChannel(ircclient,chan,pwd); IRC_WriteConfig(); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "part") || !strcmp(token+1, "leave")) // need to implement leave reason { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); IRC_PartChannel(ircclient, *token?token:dest); IRC_WriteConfig(); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "call")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); if (ircclient->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || ircclient->connecting) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); return; } { struct ircice_s *ice = IRC_ICE_Create(ircclient, *token?token:dest, ICEP_VOICE, true); if (ice) { IRC_ICE_Update(ircclient, ice, '+'); IRC_Printf(ircclient, ice->peer, "\n", ice->peer); } } } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "ginvite")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); if (ircclient->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || ircclient->connecting) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); return; } { struct ircice_s *ice = IRC_ICE_Create(ircclient, *token?token:dest, ICEP_QWSERVER, true); if (ice) { IRC_ICE_Update(ircclient, ice, '+'); IRC_Printf(ircclient, ice->peer, "\n", ice->peer); } } } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "gatecrash")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); if (ircclient->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || ircclient->connecting) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); return; } { struct ircice_s *ice = IRC_ICE_Create(ircclient, *token?token:dest, ICEP_QWCLIENT, true); if (ice) { IRC_ICE_Update(ircclient, ice, '+'); IRC_Printf(ircclient, ice->peer, "\n", ice->peer); } } } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "msg")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); if (!msg) return; if (ircclient->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || ircclient->connecting) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); return; } IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("PRIVMSG %s :%s", token, msg+1)); IRC_Printf(ircclient, token, "%s: %s\n", ircclient->nick, msg); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "quote") || !strcmp(token+1, "raw")) { IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("%s", msg)); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "reconnect")) { if (IRC_Establish(ircclient)) IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Trying to connect\n"); else IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Unable to connect\n"); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "quit") || !strcmp(token+1, "disconnect")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); if (*token) IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("QUIT :%s", token)); else IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("QUIT :%s", irc_quitmessage.string)); ircclient->quitting = true; IRC_WriteConfig(); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "whois")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("WHOIS :%s",token)); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "away")) { if ( strlen(msg) > 1 ) IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("AWAY :%s",msg+1)); else IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("AWAY :")); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "motd")) { IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, "MOTD"); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "ctcp")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("PRIVMSG %s :\1%s\1",token,msg+1)); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "dest")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); Q_strlcpy(ircclient->defaultdest, token, sizeof(ircclient->defaultdest)); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "ping")) { if (!*dest) IRC_Printf(ircclient, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "No channel joined. Try /join #\n"); else IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("PRIVMSG %s :\001PING%s\001", dest, msg)); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "notice")) { msg = COM_Parse(msg, token, sizeof(token)); IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("NOTICE %s :%s",token, msg+1)); } else if (!strcmp(token+1, "me")) { if (!*dest) IRC_Printf(ircclient, DEFAULTCONSOLE, "No channel joined. Try /join #\n"); else { if(*msg <= ' ' && *msg) msg++; IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("PRIVMSG %s :\001ACTION %s\001", dest, msg)); IRC_Printf(ircclient, ircclient->defaultdest, "***%s %s\n", ircclient->nick, msg); } } } else { if (ircclient) { if (!ircclient->socket) IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Connection was closed. use /reconnect\n"); else if (ircclient->tlsmode == TLS_STARTING || ircclient->connecting) IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "Still connecting. Please wait.\n"); else if (!*dest) { IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "No channel joined. Try /join #\n"); } else { msg = imsg; while (*msg == ' ') msg++; if (!*msg) return; //this is apparently an error. certainly wasteful. IRC_AddClientMessage(ircclient, va("PRIVMSG %s :%s", dest, msg)); IRC_Printf(ircclient, dest, "%s: %s\n", ircclient->nick, msg); } } else IRC_Printf(ircclient, "Not connected\ntype \"%s /open IRCSERVER [#channel1[,#channel2[,...]]] [nick]\" to connect\n", COMMANDNAME); } }