#include "bothdefs.h" #ifdef WEBSERVER #include "iweb.h" //hows this as a bug. //TCP data can travel at different speeds. //If the later bits of a data channel arrive after the message saying that a transfer was compleate, //the later bits of the file may not arrive before the client closes the conenction. //this is a major bug and can prevent the server from giving files at a high pl/ping #ifdef _WIN32 #define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK #define EMSGSIZE WSAEMSGSIZE #define ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET #define ECONNABORTED WSAECONNABORTED #define ECONNREFUSED WSAECONNREFUSED #define EADDRNOTAVAIL WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL #define qerrno WSAGetLastError() #else #define qerrno errno #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef sun #include #endif #ifdef NeXT #include #endif #define closesocket close #define ioctlsocket ioctl #endif char *COM_ParseOut (char *data, char *out, int outlen); static iwboolean ftpserverinitied = false; static int ftpserversocket; typedef struct FTPclient_s{ char name[64]; char pwd[64]; int auth; //has it got auth? char path[256]; char commandbuffer[256]; char messagebuffer[256]; int cmdbuflen; int msgbuflen; int controlsock; int datasock; //FTP only allows one transfer per connection. int dataislisten; int datadir; //0 no data, 1 reading, 2 writing IWEBFILE *file; unsigned long blocking; struct FTPclient_s *next; } FTPclient_t; FTPclient_t *FTPclient; void FTP_ServerInit(void) { struct sockaddr_in address; unsigned long _true = true; int i; int port = 21; if ((ftpserversocket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); } if (ioctlsocket (ftpserversocket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); } address.sin_family = AF_INET; //ZOID -- check for interface binding option if ((i = COM_CheckParm("-ip")) != 0 && i < com_argc) { address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(com_argv[i+1]); Con_TPrintf(TL_NETBINDINTERFACE, inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); } else address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (port == PORT_ANY) address.sin_port = 0; else address.sin_port = htons((short)port); if( bind (ftpserversocket, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { closesocket(ftpserversocket); return; } listen(ftpserversocket, 3); ftpserverinitied = true; IWebPrintf("FTP server is running\n"); return; } void FTP_ServerShutdown(void) { closesocket(ftpserversocket); ftpserverinitied = false; IWebPrintf("FTP server is deactivated\n"); } int SendFileNameTo(char *fname, int size, void *socket) { // int i; char buffer[256+1]; char *slash; int isdir = fname[strlen(fname)-1] == '/'; #ifndef WEBSVONLY //copy protection of the like that QWSV normally has. if (!isdir) if (!SV_AllowDownload(fname)) //don't advertise if we're going to disallow it return true; #endif if (isdir) fname[strlen(fname)-1] = '\0'; while((slash = strchr(fname, '/'))) fname = slash+1; if (isdir) sprintf(buffer, "drw-r--r--\t1\troot\troot\t%8i Jan 1 12:00 %s\r\n", size, fname); else sprintf(buffer, "-rw-r--r--\t1\troot\troot\t%8i Jan 1 12:00 %s\r\n", size, fname); // strcpy(buffer, fname); // for (i = strlen(buffer); i < 40; i+=8) // strcat(buffer, "\t"); send((int)socket, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0); return true; } int FTP_SV_makelistensocket(unsigned long blocking) { char name[256]; int sock; struct hostent *hent; struct sockaddr_in address; // int fromlen; address.sin_family = AF_INET; if (gethostname(name, sizeof(name)) == -1) return INVALID_SOCKET; hent = gethostbyname(name); if (!hent) return INVALID_SOCKET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)(hent->h_addr_list[0]); address.sin_port = 0; if ((sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); } if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, &blocking) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); } if( bind (sock, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { closesocket(sock); return INVALID_SOCKET; } listen(sock, 2); return sock; } iwboolean FTP_SVSocketToString (int socket, char *s) { struct sockaddr_in addr; int adrlen = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &adrlen) == -1) return false; sprintf(s, "%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i", ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[0], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[1], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[2], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[3], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_port)[0], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_port)[1]); return true; } iwboolean FTP_SVRemoteSocketToString (int socket, char *s) { struct sockaddr_in addr; int adrlen = sizeof(addr); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (getpeername(socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &adrlen) == -1) return false; sprintf(s, "%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i", ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[0], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[1], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[2], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_addr)[3], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_port)[0], ((qbyte *)&addr.sin_port)[1]); return true; } /* * Responsable for sending all control server -> client messages. * Queues the message if it cannot send now. * Kicks if too big a queue. */ void QueueMessage(FTPclient_t *cl, char *msg) { if (send (cl->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0) == -1) { //wasn't sent if (strlen(msg) + strlen(cl->messagebuffer) >= sizeof(cl->messagebuffer)-1) closesocket(cl->controlsock); //but don't mark it as closed, so we get errors later (for this is how we shall tell). strcat(cl->messagebuffer, msg); } } void VARGS QueueMessageva(FTPclient_t *cl, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[1024]; va_start (argptr, fmt); _vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (send (cl->controlsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0) == -1) { //wasn't sent if (strlen(msg) + strlen(cl->messagebuffer) >= sizeof(cl->messagebuffer)-1) closesocket(cl->controlsock); //but don't mark it as closed, so we get errors later (for this is how we shall tell). strcat(cl->messagebuffer, msg); } } iwboolean FTP_ServerThinkForConnection(FTPclient_t *cl) { int ret; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen; char *msg, *line; char mode[64]; static char resource[8192]; if (cl->datadir == 1) { int pos, sent; int ammount, wanted = sizeof(resource); pos = IWebFTell(cl->file); ammount = IWebFRead(resource, 1, wanted, cl->file); sent = send(cl->datasock, resource, ammount, 0); if (sent == -1) { IWebFSeek(cl->file, pos, SEEK_SET); if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK) { closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; IWebFClose(cl->file); cl->file = NULL; QueueMessage (cl, "226 Transfer complete .\r\n"); cl->datadir = 0; } } else { if (sent != ammount) IWebFSeek(cl->file, pos + sent, SEEK_SET); if (ammount != wanted && sent == ammount) //file is over { send(cl->datasock, resource, 0, 0); send(cl->datasock, resource, 0, 0); send(cl->datasock, resource, 0, 0); closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; IWebFClose(cl->file); cl->file = NULL; QueueMessage (cl, "226 Transfer complete .\r\n"); cl->datadir = 0; } } } else if (cl->datadir == 2) { int len; while((len = recv(cl->datasock, resource, sizeof(resource), 0)) >0 ) { IWebFWrite(resource, len, 1, cl->file); } if (len == -1) { if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK) { closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; if (cl->file) IWebFClose(cl->file); cl->file = NULL; QueueMessage (cl, "226 Transfer complete .\r\n"); cl->datadir = 0; } } if (len == 0) { QueueMessage (cl, "226 Transfer complete .\r\n"); IWebFClose(cl->file); cl->file = NULL; cl->datadir = 0; } } ret = recv(cl->controlsock, cl->commandbuffer+cl->cmdbuflen, sizeof(cl->commandbuffer)-1 - cl->cmdbuflen, 0); if (ret == -1) { if (qerrno == EWOULDBLOCK) return false; //remove if (qerrno == ECONNABORTED || qerrno == ECONNRESET) return true; Con_TPrintf (TL_NETGETPACKETERROR, strerror(qerrno)); return true; } if (*cl->messagebuffer) { if (send (cl->controlsock, cl->messagebuffer, strlen(cl->messagebuffer), 0) != -1) *cl->messagebuffer = '\0'; //YAY! It went! } if (ret == 0) return false; cl->cmdbuflen += ret; cl->commandbuffer[cl->cmdbuflen] = 0; line = cl->commandbuffer; while (1) { msg = line; while (*line) { if (*line == '\r') *line = ' '; if (*line == '\n') break; line++; } if (!*line) //broken client { memmove(cl->commandbuffer, line, strlen(line)+1); cl->cmdbuflen = strlen(line); break; } *line = '\0'; line++; IWebPrintf("FTP: %s\n", msg); msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, mode, sizeof(mode)); if (!stricmp(mode, "SYST")) { QueueMessage (cl, "215 UNIX Type: L8.\r\n"); //some browsers can be wierd about things. } else if (!stricmp(mode, "user")) { msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, cl->name, sizeof(cl->name)); QueueMessage (cl, "331 User name received, will be checked with password.\r\n"); } else if (!stricmp(mode, "pass")) { msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, cl->pwd, sizeof(cl->pwd)); cl->auth = IWebAuthorize(cl->name, cl->pwd); if (cl->auth) QueueMessage (cl, "230 User logged in.\r\n"); else QueueMessage (cl, "530 Username or Password was incorrect or otherwise invalid.\r\n"); } else if (!stricmp(mode, "TYPE")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, resource, sizeof(resource)); if (!stricmp(resource, "A")) //ascii { QueueMessage (cl, "200 asci selected.\r\n"); } else if (!stricmp(resource, "I")) //binary { QueueMessage (cl, "200 binary selected.\r\n"); } else { QueueMessage (cl, "200 asci selected.\r\n"); } } else if (!stricmp(mode, "PWD")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } QueueMessageva (cl, "257 \"%s\"\r\n", cl->path); } else if (!stricmp(mode, "CWD")) { char *p; if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } Q_strcpyline(cl->path, msg+1, sizeof(cl->path));//path starts after cmd and single space for (p = cl->path+strlen(cl->path)-1; *p == ' ' && p >= cl->path; p--) *p = '\0'; QueueMessage (cl, "200 directory changed.\r\n"); } else if (!stricmp(mode, "PASV")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } if (cl->datasock != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; } cl->datasock = FTP_SV_makelistensocket(cl->blocking); if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) QueueMessage (cl, "425 server was unable to make a listen socket\r\n"); else { FTP_SVSocketToString(cl->datasock, resource); QueueMessageva (cl, "227 Entering Passive Mode (%s).\r\n", resource); } cl->dataislisten = true; } else if (!stricmp(mode, "PORT")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } if (cl->datasock != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; } msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, resource, sizeof(resource)); cl->dataislisten = false; if ((cl->datasock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_UDP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); } if (ioctlsocket (cl->datasock, FIONBIO, &cl->blocking) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTTP_UDP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); } from.sin_family = AF_INET; from.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; from.sin_port = 0; if( bind (cl->datasock, (void *)&from, sizeof(from)) == -1) { closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock=INVALID_SOCKET; QueueMessage (cl, "425 server bind error.\r\n"); continue; } fromlen = sizeof(from); FTP_StringToAdr(resource, (qbyte *)&from.sin_addr, (qbyte *)&from.sin_port); connect(cl->datasock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, fromlen); QueueMessage (cl, "200 Opened data channel.\r\n"); } else if (!stricmp(mode, "LIST")) { char buffer[256]; if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } if (cl->dataislisten) //accept a connect. { int temp; struct sockaddr_in adr; int adrlen = sizeof(adr); temp = accept(cl->datasock, (struct sockaddr *)&adr, &adrlen); closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = temp; cl->dataislisten = false; if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) { QueueMessageva (cl, "425 Your client connected too slowly - %i.\r\n", qerrno); continue; } } if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) { QueueMessage (cl, "503 Bad sequence of commands.\r\n"); continue; } if (*cl->path == '/') strcpy(buffer, cl->path+1); else strcpy(buffer, cl->path); strcat(buffer, "*"); QueueMessage (cl, "125 Opening FAKE ASCII mode data connection for file.\r\n"); COM_EnumerateFiles(buffer, SendFileNameTo, (void *)cl->datasock); QueueMessage (cl, "226 Transfer complete.\r\n"); closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; } // else if (!stricmp(mode, "SIZE")) //why IE can't use the list command to find file length, I've no idea. // { // msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, resource, sizeof(resource)); // } else if (!stricmp(mode, "RETR")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } if (cl->dataislisten) //accept a connect. { int temp; struct sockaddr_in adr; int adrlen = sizeof(adr); temp = accept(cl->datasock, (struct sockaddr *)&adr, &adrlen); closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = temp; cl->dataislisten = false; if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) { QueueMessageva (cl, "425 Your client connected too slowly - %i.\r\n", qerrno); continue; } } if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) { QueueMessage (cl, "503 Bad sequence of commands.\r\n"); continue; } msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, resource, sizeof(resource)); if (!cl->auth & IWEBACC_READ) { QueueMessage (cl, "550 No read access.\r\n"); continue; } if (!*resource == '/') { memmove(resource+strlen(cl->path), resource, strlen(resource)+1); memcpy(resource, cl->path, strlen(cl->path)); } if (*resource == '/') { if (SV_AllowDownload(resource+1)) cl->file = IWebFOpenRead(resource+1); else cl->file = IWebGenerateFile(resource+1, NULL, 0); } else { if (SV_AllowDownload(resource)) cl->file = IWebFOpenRead(resource); else cl->file = IWebGenerateFile(resource, NULL, 0); } if (!cl->file) { QueueMessage (cl, "550 File not found.\r\n"); } else { //send data QueueMessage (cl, "125 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file.\r\n"); cl->datadir = 1; } } else if (!stricmp(mode, "STOR")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } Q_strcpyline(mode, msg+1, sizeof(mode)); if (!(cl->auth & IWEBACC_FULL) && (((cl->auth & IWEBACC_WRITE && !IWebAllowUpLoad(cl->path+1, cl->name)) || !(cl->auth & IWEBACC_WRITE)))) { QueueMessage (cl, "550 Permission denied.\r\n"); } else { if (cl->dataislisten) //accept a connect. { int temp; struct sockaddr_in adr; int adrlen = sizeof(adr); temp = accept(cl->datasock, (struct sockaddr *)&adr, &adrlen); closesocket(cl->datasock); cl->datasock = temp; cl->dataislisten = false; if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) { QueueMessageva (cl, "425 Your client connected too slowly - %i.\r\n", qerrno); continue; } } if (cl->datasock == INVALID_SOCKET) { QueueMessage (cl, "502 Bad sequence of commands.\r\n"); continue; } // msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, mode, sizeof(mode)); if (*mode == '/') sprintf(resource, "%s%s", cl->path, mode); else sprintf(resource, "%s%s", cl->path, mode); cl->file = IWebFOpenRead(resource); if (cl->file) { IWebFClose(cl->file); QueueMessage (cl, "550 File already exists.\r\n"); continue; } cl->file = IWebFOpenWrite(resource, false); if (!cl->file) { QueueMessage (cl, "550 Couldn't open output.\r\n"); } else { //send data QueueMessage (cl, "125 Opening BINARY mode data connection for input.\r\n"); cl->datadir = 2; } } } else if (!stricmp(mode, "STRU")) { if (!cl->auth) { QueueMessage (cl, "530 Not logged in.\r\n"); continue; } msg = COM_ParseOut(msg, resource, sizeof(resource)); if (!strcmp(resource, "F")) { QueueMessage (cl, "200 recordless structure selected.\r\n"); } else { QueueMessage (cl, "504 not implemented (it's a simple server).\r\n"); } } else if (!stricmp(mode, "NOOP")) { QueueMessage (cl, "200 Do something then!\r\n"); } else if (!stricmp(mode, "QUIT")) { QueueMessage (cl, "200 About to quit.\r\n"); return true; } else { QueueMessage (cl, "502 Command not implemented.\r\n"); } } return false; } #if defined(WEBSVONLY) && defined(_WIN32) unsigned int WINAPI BlockingClient(FTPclient_t *cl) { unsigned long _false = false; if (ioctlsocket (cl->controlsock, FIONBIO, &_false) == -1) { IWebPrintf ("FTP_ServerRun: blocking error: %s\n", strerror(qerrno)); return 0; } cl->blocking = false; while (!FTP_ServerThinkForConnection(cl)) { Sleep(10); } if (cl->file) IWebFClose(cl->file); closesocket(cl->controlsock); if (cl->datasock) closesocket(cl->datasock); IWebFree(cl); return 0; } #endif iwboolean FTP_ServerRun(iwboolean ftpserverwanted) { FTPclient_t *cl, *prevcl; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen; int clientsock; unsigned long _true = true; if (!ftpserverinitied) { if (ftpserverwanted) FTP_ServerInit(); return false; } else if (!ftpserverwanted) { FTP_ServerShutdown(); return false; } prevcl = NULL; for (cl = FTPclient; cl; cl = cl->next) { if (FTP_ServerThinkForConnection(cl)) { if (cl->file) IWebFClose(cl->file); closesocket(cl->controlsock); if (cl->datasock) closesocket(cl->datasock); if (prevcl) { prevcl->next = cl->next; IWebFree(cl); cl = prevcl; if (!cl) //kills loop break; } else { FTPclient = cl->next; IWebFree(cl); cl = FTPclient; if (!cl) //kills loop break; } } prevcl = cl; } fromlen = sizeof(from); clientsock = accept(ftpserversocket, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen); if (clientsock == -1) { if (qerrno == EWOULDBLOCK) return false; if (qerrno == ECONNABORTED || qerrno == ECONNRESET) { Con_TPrintf (TL_CONNECTIONLOSTORABORTED); return false; } Con_TPrintf (TL_NETGETPACKETERROR, strerror(qerrno)); return false; } //is this needed? if (ioctlsocket (clientsock, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { IWebPrintf ("FTP_ServerRun: blocking error: %s\n", strerror(qerrno)); return false; } cl = IWebMalloc(sizeof(FTPclient_t)); if (!cl) //iwebmalloc is allowed to fail. { char *msg = "421 Not enough memory is allocated.\r\n"; //don't be totally anti social send(clientsock, msg, strlen(msg), 0); closesocket(clientsock); //try to forget this ever happend return true; } { char resource[256]; FTP_SVRemoteSocketToString(clientsock, resource); IWebPrintf("FTP connect from %s\n", resource); } cl->controlsock = clientsock; cl->datasock = INVALID_SOCKET; cl->next = FTPclient; cl->blocking = false; strcpy(cl->path, "/"); QueueMessage(cl, "220-QuakeWorld FTP Server.\r\n220 Welcomes all new users.\r\n"); #if defined(WEBSVONLY) && defined(_WIN32) if (!CreateThread(NULL, 128, BlockingClient, cl, 0, NULL)) #endif FTPclient = cl; return true; } #endif