static class audiomenu : mitem_exmenu { virtual float(string key) isvalid = { if (key == "sndspeed") return super::isvalid(key) && stof(super::get("snd_mixspeed"))==44100; return super::isvalid(key); }; virtual string(string key) get = { if (key == "s_device" || key == "cl_voip_capturedevice") { //the cvar supports multiple options, but we only support one. :( //so just return the first to avoid getting too confused. tokenize(super::get(key)); return argv(0); } return super::get(key); }; virtual void(string key, string val) set = { if (key == "s_device" || key == "cl_voip_capturedevice") { //add some quotes. val = strcat("\"", val, "\""); } super::set(key, val); }; }; nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Options_Audio = { local float pos; mitem_exmenu m; m = spawn(audiomenu, item_text:_("Audio Options"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_options"); desktop.add(m, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MAX, '0 0', '0 0'); desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED); m.totop(); float h = 200 * 0.5; //draw title art above the options mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/p_option.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN); m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [banner.item_size_x*-0.5, -h-32], [banner.item_size_x*0.5, -h-8]); //spawn a container frame for the actual options. this provides a scrollbar if we have too many items. mitem_frame fr = spawn(mitem_frame, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, frame_hasscroll:TRUE); m.add(fr, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [-160, -h], [160, h*2]); float fl = RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN; pos = 0; //add the options fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:_("Restart Sound"), item_command:"snd_restart", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_RIGHTALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, pos], [-8, 8]); pos += 8; pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Sound Device"), "s_device", '280 8', cvar_string("_s_device_opts")), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]); pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Master Volume"), "volume", '0.0 1 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Ambient Volume"), "ambient_level", '0 0.5 0.05', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Self Volume"), "s_localvolume", '0 1 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Music Volume"), "bgmvolume", '0 0.5 0.05', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Channels"), "s_numspeakers", '280 8', _( "1 \"Mono\" " "2 \"Stereo\" " "4 \"Quad\" " "6 \"Surround\" " )), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; if (engine==E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Audio Filtering"), "sndspeed", '280 8', _( "\"\" \"Off\" " "11025 \"On\" " )), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Audio Quality"), cv2("snd_mixspeed"/*qs*/, "s_khz"), '280 8', _( "8000 \"8000hz (telephone quality)\" " "11025 \"11025hz (vanilla quake)\" " "22050 \"22050hz\" " "44100 \"44100hz (cd quality)\" " "48000 \"48000hz (dvd quality)\" " //higher values are probably pointless when source data doesn't go that high, so not going to list them. //"96000 \"96000hz (blu-ray quality)\" " //"192000 \"192000hz (professional quality)\" " )), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Doppler"), "s_doppler", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("8bit audio"), cv2("s_loadas8bit"/*fte*/, "loadas8bit"), '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Swap Speakers"), "s_swapstereo", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Latency"), cv2("s_mixahead"/*fte*/, "_snd_mixahead"), '0.1 0.3 0.01', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Disable Sound"), "nosound", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; //ambient fade if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Static Sounds"), "cl_staticsounds", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("Mix in Background"), "s_inactive", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; pos += 8; if (engine!=E_QSS) fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("Microphone Device"), "cl_voip_capturedevice", '280 8', cvar_string("_cl_voip_capturedevice_opts")), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("VOIP Playback Vol"), "cl_voip_play", '0 2 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcheck_spawn(_("VOIP Test"), "cl_voip_test", '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("VOIP Record Vol"), "cl_voip_micamp", '0 4 0.1', '280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("VOIP Mode"), "cl_voip_send", '280 8', _( "0 \"Push-To-Talk\" 1 " "\"Voice Activation\" " "2 \"Continuous\"" )), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; //VAD threshhold //ducking //noise cancelation fr.add(menuitemcombo_spawn(_("VOIP Codec"), "cl_voip_codec", '280 8',_( "\"\" \"Auto\" " "0 \"speex (narrow 11khz)\" " //"1 \"raw (wasteful)\" " "2 \"opus\" " "3 \"speex (narrow 8khz)\" " "4 \"speex (wide 16khz)\" " "5 \"speex (ultrawide 32khz)\" " )), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; fr.add(menuitemslider_spawn(_("Opus bitrate"), "cl_voip_bitrate", '0.5 128 0.5','280 8'), fl, [0, pos], [0, 8]), pos += 8; addmenuback(m); };