#include "quakedef.h" #ifdef SWQUAKE #include "sw.h" void SW_RoundDimensions(int width, int height, int *scaled_width, int *scaled_height, qboolean mipmap) { for (*scaled_width = 1 ; *scaled_width < width ; *scaled_width<<=1) ; for (*scaled_height = 1 ; *scaled_height < height ; *scaled_height<<=1) ; if (*scaled_width != width) *scaled_width >>= 1; if (*scaled_height != height) *scaled_height >>= 1; if (*scaled_width > 256) *scaled_width = 256; if (*scaled_height > 256) *scaled_height = 256; } texid_tf SW_AllocNewTexture(char *identifier, int w, int h, unsigned int flags) { int nw, nh; texid_t n; swimage_t *img; if (w & 3) return r_nulltex; SW_RoundDimensions(w, h, &nw, &nh, false); img = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*img) - sizeof(img->data) + (nw * nh * 4)); Q_strncpy(img->name, identifier, sizeof(img->name)); img->com.width = w; img->com.height = h; img->pwidth = nw; img->pheight = nh; img->pitch = nw; img->pwidthmask = nw-1; img->pheightmask = nh-1; n.ptr = img; n.ref = &img->com; return n; } texid_tf SW_FindTexture(char *identifier, unsigned int flags) { return r_nulltex; } void SW_RGBToBGR(swimage_t *img) { int x, y; unsigned int *d = img->data; for (y = 0; y < img->pheight; y++) { for (x = 0; x < img->pwidth; x++) { d[x] = (d[x]&0xff00ff00) | ((d[x]&0xff)<<16) | ((d[x]&0xff0000)>>16); } d += img->pitch; } } void SW_Upload32(swimage_t *img, int iw, int ih, unsigned int *data) { //rescale the input to the output. //just use nearest-sample, cos we're lazy. int x, y; unsigned int *out = img->data; unsigned int *in; int sx, sy, stx, sty; int ow = img->pwidth, oh = img->pheight; stx = (iw<<16) / ow; sty = (ih<<16) / oh; for (y = 0, sy = 0; y < oh; y++, sy += sty) { in = data + iw*(sy>>16); for (x = 0, sx = 0; x < ow; x++, sx += stx) { out[x] = in[sx>>16]; } out += img->pitch; } SW_RGBToBGR(img); } void SW_Upload8(swimage_t *img, int iw, int ih, unsigned char *data) { //rescale the input to the output. //just use nearest-sample, cos we're lazy. int x, y; unsigned int *out = img->data; unsigned char *in; int sx, sy, stx, sty; int ow = img->pwidth, oh = img->pheight; stx = (iw<<16) / ow; sty = (ih<<16) / oh; for (y = 0, sy = 0; y < oh; y++, sy += sty) { in = data + iw*(sy>>16); for (x = 0, sx = 0; x < ow; x++, sx += stx) { out[x] = d_8to24rgbtable[in[sx>>16]]; } out += img->pitch; } SW_RGBToBGR(img); } texid_tf SW_LoadTexture(char *identifier, int width, int height, uploadfmt_t fmt, void *data, unsigned int flags) { texid_t img = SW_FindTexture(identifier, flags); if (!img.ptr) img = SW_AllocNewTexture(identifier, width, height, flags); if (!img.ptr) return r_nulltex; switch(fmt) { case TF_SOLID8: SW_Upload8(img.ptr, width, height, data); break; case TF_TRANS8: SW_Upload8(img.ptr, width, height, data); break; case TF_TRANS8_FULLBRIGHT: SW_Upload8(img.ptr, width, height, data); break; case TF_RGBA32: SW_Upload32(img.ptr, width, height, data); break; default: //shouldn't happen, so I'm gonna leak Con_Printf("SW_LoadTexture: unsupported format %i\n", fmt); return r_nulltex; } return img; } texid_tf SW_LoadTexture8Pal24(char *identifier, int width, int height, qbyte *data, qbyte *palette24, unsigned int flags) { return r_nulltex; } texid_tf SW_LoadTexture8Pal32(char *identifier, int width, int height, qbyte *data, qbyte *palette32, unsigned int flags) { return r_nulltex; } texid_tf SW_LoadCompressed(char *name) { return r_nulltex; } void SW_Upload(texid_t tex, char *name, uploadfmt_t fmt, void *data, void *palette, int width, int height, unsigned int flags) { } void SW_DestroyTexture(texid_t tex) { swimage_t *img = tex.ptr; /*make sure its not in use by the renderer*/ SWRast_Sync(&commandqueue); /*okay, it can be killed*/ BZ_Free(img); } #endif