#include "quakedef.h" #if defined(TERRAIN) && !defined(SERVERONLY) //fixme #ifdef GLQUAKE #include "glquake.h" #endif #include "shader.h" //heightmaps work thusly: //there is one raw heightmap file //the file is split to 4*4 sections. //each section is textured independantly (remember banshees are capped at 512 pixels) //there's a detailtexture blended over the top to fake the detail. //it's built into 16 seperate display lists, these display lists are individually culled, but the drivers are expected to optimise them too. //Tei claims 14x speedup with a single display list. hopefully we can achieve the same speed by culling per-texture. //we get 20->130 //perhaps we should build it with multitexture? (no - slower on ati) #define SECTIONS 8 typedef struct { char path[MAX_QPATH]; char hmapname[MAX_QPATH]; unsigned short *heights; int terrainsize; float terrainscale; float heightscale; int numsegs; texid_t detailtexture; texid_t textures[SECTIONS*SECTIONS]; int displaylist[SECTIONS*SECTIONS]; //display lists are famous for being stupidly fast with heightmaps. unsigned short mins[SECTIONS*SECTIONS], maxs[SECTIONS*SECTIONS]; shader_t *skyshader; shader_t *shader; mesh_t mesh[SECTIONS*SECTIONS]; mesh_t *amesh[SECTIONS*SECTIONS]; mesh_t skymesh; mesh_t *askymesh; qboolean modified[SECTIONS*SECTIONS]; } heightmap_t; #define DISPLISTS //#define MULTITEXTURE //ATI suck. I don't know about anyone else (this goes at 1/5th the speed). void GL_DrawHeightmapModel (batch_t **batches, entity_t *e) { //a 512*512 heightmap //will draw 2 tris per square, drawn twice for detail //so a million triangles per frame if the whole thing is visible. //with 130 to 180fps, display lists rule! int x, y, vx, vy, v; float subsize; int minx, miny; vec3_t mins, maxs; model_t *m = e->model; heightmap_t *hm = m->terrain; mesh_t *mesh; batch_t *b; vbo_t *vbo; if (e->model == cl.worldmodel) { b = BE_GetTempBatch(); if (b) { b->ent = e; b->shader = hm->skyshader; b->flags = 0; b->mesh = &hm->askymesh; b->mesh[0] = &hm->skymesh; b->meshes = 1; b->buildmeshes = NULL; b->skin = &b->shader->defaulttextures; b->texture = NULL; // vbo = b->vbo = hm->vbo[x+y*SECTIONS]; b->vbo = NULL; b->next = batches[b->shader->sort]; batches[b->shader->sort] = b; } } subsize = hm->terrainsize/SECTIONS; for (x = 0; x < hm->numsegs; x++) { mins[0] = (x+0)*subsize*hm->terrainscale; maxs[0] = (x+1)*subsize*hm->terrainscale; for (y = 0; y < hm->numsegs; y++) { mins[1] = (y+0)*subsize*hm->terrainscale; maxs[1] = (y+1)*subsize*hm->terrainscale; mesh = &hm->mesh[x+y*SECTIONS]; if (hm->modified[x+y*SECTIONS]) { minx = x*subsize; miny = y*subsize; hm->modified[x+y*SECTIONS] = false; hm->mins[x+y*SECTIONS] = 65536 * hm->heightscale; hm->maxs[x+y*SECTIONS] = 0; if (!mesh->xyz_array) mesh->xyz_array = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(vecV_t) * (subsize+1)*(subsize+1)); if (!mesh->st_array) mesh->st_array = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(vec2_t) * (subsize+1)*(subsize+1)); if (!mesh->lmst_array) mesh->lmst_array = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(vec2_t) * (subsize+1)*(subsize+1)); mesh->numvertexes = 0; /*64 quads across requires 65 verticies*/ for (vx = 0; vx <= subsize; vx++) { for (vy = 0; vy <= subsize; vy++) { v = mesh->numvertexes++; mesh->xyz_array[v][0] = (vx+minx)*hm->terrainscale; mesh->xyz_array[v][1] = (vy+miny)*hm->terrainscale; mesh->xyz_array[v][2] = hm->heights[(vx+minx) + (vy+miny)*hm->terrainsize]*hm->heightscale; if (hm->maxs[x+y*SECTIONS] < mesh->xyz_array[v][2]) hm->maxs[x+y*SECTIONS] = mesh->xyz_array[v][2]; if (hm->mins[x+y*SECTIONS] > mesh->xyz_array[v][2]) hm->mins[x+y*SECTIONS] = mesh->xyz_array[v][2]; mesh->st_array[v][0] = mesh->xyz_array[v][0] / 64; mesh->st_array[v][1] = mesh->xyz_array[v][1] / 64; mesh->lmst_array[v][0] = mesh->xyz_array[v][0] / 64; mesh->lmst_array[v][1] = mesh->xyz_array[v][1] / 64; } } if (!mesh->indexes) mesh->indexes = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(index_t) * subsize*subsize*6); mesh->numindexes = 0; for (vx = 0; vx < subsize; vx++) { for (vy = 0; vy < subsize; vy++) { v = vx + vy*(subsize+1); mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+0; mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1; mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+subsize+1; mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1; mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+1+subsize+1; mesh->indexes[mesh->numindexes++] = v+subsize+1; } } //GL_BuildVBO(); } mins[2] = hm->mins[x+y*SECTIONS]; maxs[2] = hm->maxs[x+y*SECTIONS]; if (!BoundsIntersect(mins, maxs, r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.vieworg)) if (R_CullBox(mins, maxs)) continue; b = BE_GetTempBatch(); if (!b) continue; b->ent = e; b->shader = hm->shader; b->flags = 0; b->mesh = &hm->amesh[x+y*SECTIONS]; b->mesh[0] = mesh; b->meshes = 1; b->buildmeshes = NULL; b->skin = &b->shader->defaulttextures; b->texture = NULL; // vbo = b->vbo = hm->vbo[x+y*SECTIONS]; b->vbo = NULL; b->next = batches[b->shader->sort]; batches[b->shader->sort] = b; } } } unsigned int Heightmap_PointContentsHM(heightmap_t *hm, float clipmipsz, vec3_t org) { float x, y; float z, tz; int sx, sy; x = org[0]/hm->terrainscale; y = org[1]/hm->terrainscale; z = (org[2]+clipmipsz)/hm->heightscale; if (z < 0) return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; if (z > 65535) { if (z > 65535+64 || clipmipsz) //top 64 units are sky return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; else return FTECONTENTS_SKY; } if (x < 0) { if (x <= -1 || clipmipsz) return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; else return FTECONTENTS_SKY; } if (y < 0) { if (x <= -1 || clipmipsz) return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; else return FTECONTENTS_SKY; } if (x >= hm->terrainsize-1) { if (x >= hm->terrainsize || clipmipsz) return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; else return FTECONTENTS_SKY; } if (y >= hm->terrainsize-1) { if (y >= hm->terrainsize || clipmipsz) return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; else return FTECONTENTS_SKY; } sx = x; x-=sx; sy = y; y-=sy; //made of two triangles: #if 1 if (x+y>1) //the 1, 1 triangle { float v1, v2, v3; v3 = 1-y; v2 = x+y-1; v1 = 1-x; //0, 1 //1, 1 //1, 0 tz = (hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize]*v1 + hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize]*v2 + hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize]*v3); } else { float v1, v2, v3; v1 = y; v2 = x; v3 = 1-y-x; //0, 1 //1, 0 //0, 0 tz = (hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize]*v1 + hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize]*v2 + hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize]*v3); } #else { float t, b; //square? //:( t = (hm->heights[sx+sy*hm->terrainsize]*(1-x) + hm->heights[sx+1+sy*hm->terrainsize]*x); b = (hm->heights[sx+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize]*(1-x) + hm->heights[sx+1+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize]*x); tz = t*(1-y) + b*y; } #endif if (z <= tz) return FTECONTENTS_SOLID; //contained within return FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; } unsigned int Heightmap_PointContents(model_t *model, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t org) { heightmap_t *hm = model->terrain; return Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, 0, org); } unsigned int Heightmap_NativeBoxContents(model_t *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t org, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { heightmap_t *hm = model->terrain; return Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], org); } void Heightmap_Normal(heightmap_t *hm, vec3_t org, vec3_t norm) { float x, y; float z; int sx, sy; vec3_t d1, d2; x = org[0]/hm->terrainscale; y = org[1]/hm->terrainscale; z = org[2]; sx = x; x-=sx; sy = y; y-=sy; if (x+y>1) //the 1, 1 triangle { //0, 1 //1, 1 //1, 0 d1[0] = hm->terrainscale; d1[1] = 0; d1[2] = hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize] - hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize]; d2[0] = 0; d2[1] = hm->terrainscale; d2[2] = hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize] - hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize]; } else { //0, 1 //1, 0 //0, 0 d1[0] = hm->terrainscale; d1[1] = 0; d1[2] = hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*hm->terrainsize] - hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize]; d2[0] = 0; d2[1] = hm->terrainscale; d2[2] = hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize] - hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*hm->terrainsize]; } CrossProduct(d1, d2, norm); VectorNormalize(norm); } #if 0 typedef struct { vec3_t start; vec3_t end; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; vec3_t impact; heightmap_t *hm; int contents; } hmtrace_t; #define Closestf(res,n,min,max) res = ((n>0)?min:max) #define Closest(res,n,min,max) Closestf(res[0],n[0],min[0],max[0]);Closestf(res[1],n[1],min[1],max[1]);Closestf(res[2],n[2],min[2],max[2]) void Heightmap_Trace_Square(hmtrace_t *tr, int sx, int sy) { float normf = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485; float pd, sd, ed, bd; int tris, x, y; vec3_t closest; vec3_t point; pd = normf*(x+y); sd = normf*tr->start[0]+normf*tr->start[1]; ed = normf*tr->end[0]+normf*tr->end[1]; bd = normf*tr->maxs[0]+normf*tr->maxs[1]; //assume mins is this but negative //see which of the two triangles in the square it travels over. tris = sd<=pd || ed<=pd; if (sd>=pd || ed>=pd) tris |= 2; point[0] = sx+1; point[1] = sy; point[2] = tr->hm->heights[sx+1+sy*tr->hm->terrainsize]; if (tris & 1) { //triangle with 0, 0 vec3_t norm; float d1, d2, dc; x = tr->hm->heights[(sx+1)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->terrainsize] - tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->terrainsize]; y = tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+1)*tr->hm->terrainsize] - tr->hm->heights[(sx+0)+(sy+0)*tr->hm->terrainsize]; norm[0] = (-x*tr->hm->heightscale)/tr->hm->terrainscale; norm[1] = (-y*tr->hm->heightscale)/tr->hm->terrainscale; norm[2] = 1.0f/(float)sqrt(norm[0]*norm[0] + norm[1]*norm[1] + 1); Closest(closest, norm, tr->mins, tr->maxs); dc = DotProduct(norm, closest) - DotProduct(norm, point); d1 = DotProduct(norm, tr->start) + dc; d2 = DotProduct(norm, tr->end) + dc; if (d1>=0 && d2<=0) { //intersects tr->contents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID; d1 = (d1-d2)/(d1+d2); d2 = 1-d1; tr->impact[0] = tr->end[0]*d1+tr->start[0]*d2; tr->impact[1] = tr->end[1]*d1+tr->start[1]*d2; tr->impact[2] = tr->end[2]*d1+tr->start[2]*d2; } } if (tris & 2) { //triangle with 1, 1 vec3_t norm; float d1, d2, dc; norm[0] = (-x*tr->hm->heightscale)/tr->hm->terrainscale; norm[1] = (-y*tr->hm->heightscale)/tr->hm->terrainscale; norm[2] = 1.0f/(float)sqrt(norm[0]*norm[0] + norm[1]*norm[1] + 1); Closest(closest, norm, tr->mins, tr->maxs); dc = DotProduct(norm, closest) - DotProduct(norm, point); d1 = DotProduct(norm, tr->start) + dc; d2 = DotProduct(norm, tr->end) + dc; if (d1>=0 && d2<=0) { //intersects tr->contents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID; d1 = (d1-d2)/(d1+d2); d2 = 1-d1; tr->impact[0] = tr->end[0]*d1+tr->start[0]*d2; tr->impact[1] = tr->end[1]*d1+tr->start[1]*d2; tr->impact[2] = tr->end[2]*d1+tr->start[2]*d2; } } } void Heightmap_Trace_Y(hmtrace_t *tr, int x, int min, int max) { int mid; if (min == max) { //end Heightmap_Trace_Square(tr, x, min); return; } mid = ((max-min)>>1)+min; if (tr->start[1] < min+tr->mins[1] && tr->end[1] < min+tr->mins[1]) { //both on one size. Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, x, min, mid); return; } if (tr->start[1] > max+tr->maxs[1] && tr->end[1] > max+tr->maxs[1]) { //both on one size. Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, x, mid, max); return; } //crosses this line. if (tr->start[1] > tr->end[1]) { Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, x, min, mid); if (!tr->contents) Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, x, mid, max); } else { Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, x, mid, max); if (!tr->contents) Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, x, min, mid); } } void Heightmap_Trace_X(hmtrace_t *tr, int min, int max) { int mid; if (min == max) { //end //FIXME: we don't have to check ALL squares like this, we could use a much smaller range. Heightmap_Trace_Y(tr, min, 0, tr->hm->terrainsize); return; } mid = ((max-min)>>1)+min; if (tr->start[0] < min+tr->mins[0] && tr->end[0] < min+tr->mins[0]) { //both on one size. Heightmap_Trace_X(tr, min, mid); return; } if (tr->start[0] > max+tr->maxs[0] && tr->end[0] > max+tr->maxs[0]) { //both on one size. Heightmap_Trace_X(tr, mid, max); return; } //crosses this line. if (tr->start[0] > tr->end[0]) { Heightmap_Trace_X(tr, min, mid); if (!tr->contents) Heightmap_Trace_X(tr, mid, max); } else { Heightmap_Trace_X(tr, mid, max); if (!tr->contents) Heightmap_Trace_X(tr, min, mid); } } /* Heightmap_TraceRecurse Traces an arbitary box through a heightmap. (interface with outside) Why is recursion good? 1: it is consistant with bsp models. :) 2: it allows us to use any size model we want 3: we don't have to work out the height of the terrain every X units, but can be more precise. Obviously, we don't care all that much about 1 */ qboolean Heightmap_Trace(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, int frame, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, trace_t *trace) { hmtrace_t hmtrace; hmtrace.hm = model->terrain; hmtrace.start[0] = start[0]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.start[1] = start[1]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.start[2] = (start[2])/hmtrace.hm->heightscale; hmtrace.end[0] = end[0]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.end[1] = end[1]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.end[2] = (end[2])/hmtrace.hm->heightscale; hmtrace.mins[0] = mins[0]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.mins[1] = mins[1]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.mins[2] = (mins[2])/hmtrace.hm->heightscale; hmtrace.maxs[0] = maxs[0]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.maxs[1] = maxs[1]/hmtrace.hm->terrainscale; hmtrace.maxs[2] = (maxs[2])/hmtrace.hm->heightscale; //FIXME: we don't have to check ALL squares like this, we could use a much smaller range. Heightmap_Trace_X(&hmtrace, 0, hmtrace.hm->terrainsize); } #else /* Heightmap_Trace Traces a line through a heightmap, sampling the terrain at various different positions. This is inprecise, only supports points (or vertical lines), and can often travel though sticky out bits of terrain. */ qboolean Heightmap_Trace(model_t *model, int forcehullnum, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, trace_t *trace) { vec3_t org; vec3_t dir; float distleft; float dist; heightmap_t *hm = model->terrain; memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); if (Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], start) == FTECONTENTS_SOLID) { trace->fraction = 0; trace->startsolid = true; trace->allsolid = true; VectorCopy(start, trace->endpos); return true; } VectorCopy(start, org); VectorSubtract(end, start, dir); dist = VectorNormalize(dir); if (dist < 10 && dist) { //if less than 10 units, do at least 10 steps VectorScale(dir, 1/10.0f, dir); dist = 10; } distleft = dist; while(distleft>0) { VectorAdd(org, dir, org); if (Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], org) == FTECONTENTS_SOLID) { //go back to the previous safe spot VectorSubtract(org, dir, org); break; } distleft--; } trace->contents = Heightmap_PointContentsHM(hm, mins[2], end); if (distleft <= 0 && trace->contents != FTECONTENTS_SOLID) { //all the way trace->fraction = 1; VectorCopy(end, trace->endpos); } else { //we didn't get all the way there. :( VectorSubtract(org, start, dir); trace->fraction = Length(dir)/dist; if (trace->fraction > 1) trace->fraction = 1; VectorCopy(org, trace->endpos); } trace->plane.normal[0] = 0; trace->plane.normal[1] = 0; trace->plane.normal[2] = 1; Heightmap_Normal(model->terrain, trace->endpos, trace->plane.normal); return trace->fraction != 1; } qboolean Heightmap_NativeTrace(struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, unsigned int against, struct trace_s *trace) { return Heightmap_Trace(model, hulloverride, frame, axis, p1, p2, mins, maxs, trace); } #endif unsigned int Heightmap_FatPVS (model_t *mod, vec3_t org, qbyte *pvsbuffer, unsigned int pvssize, qboolean add) { return 0; } #ifndef CLIENTONLY qboolean Heightmap_EdictInFatPVS (model_t *mod, struct pvscache_s *edict, qbyte *pvsdata) { return true; } void Heightmap_FindTouchedLeafs (model_t *mod, pvscache_t *ent, float *mins, float *maxs) { } #endif void Heightmap_LightPointValues (model_t *mod, vec3_t point, vec3_t res_diffuse, vec3_t res_ambient, vec3_t res_dir) { } void Heightmap_StainNode (mnode_t *node, float *parms) { } void Heightmap_MarkLights (dlight_t *light, int bit, mnode_t *node) { } qbyte *Heightmap_LeafnumPVS (model_t *model, int num, qbyte *buffer, unsigned int buffersize) { static qbyte heightmappvs = 255; return &heightmappvs; } int Heightmap_LeafForPoint (model_t *model, vec3_t point) { return 0; } //Heightmap_NativeBoxContents enum { ter_reload, ter_save, ter_set, ter_smooth, ter_raise, ter_lower }; qboolean Heightmap_Edit(model_t *mod, int action, float *pos, float radius, float quant) { unsigned short *tmp; heightmap_t *hm = mod->terrain; int size; int x, y, min[2], max[2]; float xd, yd, w; vec2_t sc; if (mod->type != mod_heightmap) return false; size = hm->terrainsize; if (radius < 0.05) radius = 0.05; sc[0] = pos[0] / hm->terrainscale; sc[1] = pos[1] / hm->terrainscale; radius = radius / hm->terrainscale; quant /= hm->heightscale; min[0] = sc[0] - radius; min[1] = sc[1] - radius; max[0] = sc[0] + radius; max[1] = sc[1] + radius; if (min[0] < 0) min[0] = 0; if (min[1] < 0) min[1] = 0; if (max[0] > size) max[0] = size; if (max[1] < size) max[1] = size; switch(action) { case ter_reload: tmp = (unsigned short*)COM_LoadTempFile(hm->hmapname); if (tmp) x = com_filesize/2; else x = 0; if (x > size*size) x = size*size; while (x-- > 0) { hm->heights[x] = LittleShort(tmp[x]); } break; case ter_save: tmp = Hunk_TempAlloc(size*size*2); for (x = 0; x < size*size; x++) { tmp[x] = LittleShort(hm->heights[x]); } COM_WriteFile(hm->hmapname, tmp, size*size*2); break; case ter_set: for (x = min[0]; x < max[0]; x++) { for (y = min[1]; y < max[1]; y++) { xd = sc[0] - x; yd = sc[1] - y; if (sqrt(xd*xd+yd*yd) < radius) { hm->heights[x + y*size] = quant; hm->modified[(int)(x/(hm->terrainscale)) + (int)(y/(hm->terrainscale))*SECTIONS] = true; } } } break; case ter_smooth: case ter_raise: for (x = min[0]; x < max[0]; x++) { for (y = min[1]; y < max[1]; y++) { xd = sc[0] - x; yd = sc[1] - y; w = sqrt(radius*radius - (xd*xd+yd*yd)); if (w > 0) { w *= quant/radius; hm->heights[x + y*size] += w; hm->modified[(int)(x/(hm->terrainscale)) + (int)(y/(hm->terrainscale))*SECTIONS] = true; } } } break; case ter_lower: for (x = min[0]; x < max[0]; x++) { for (y = min[1]; y < max[1]; y++) { xd = sc[0] - x; yd = sc[1] - y; w = sqrt(radius*radius - (xd*xd+yd*yd)); if (w > 0) { w *= quant/radius; /*don't drop below 0*/ if (hm->heights[x + y*size]-w < 0) hm->heights[x + y*size] = 0; else hm->heights[x + y*size] -= w; hm->modified[(int)(x/(hm->terrainscale)) + (int)(y/(hm->terrainscale))*SECTIONS] = true; } } } break; } return true; } qboolean GL_LoadHeightmapModel (model_t *mod, void *buffer) { heightmap_t *hm; unsigned short *heightmap; int size; int x, y; float skyrotate; vec3_t skyaxis; char heightmapname[MAX_QPATH]; char detailtexname[MAX_QPATH]; char basetexname[MAX_QPATH]; char exttexname[MAX_QPATH]; char entfile[MAX_QPATH]; char skyname[MAX_QPATH]; float worldsize = 64; float heightsize = 1/16; int numsegs = 1; *heightmapname = '\0'; *detailtexname = '\0'; *basetexname = '\0'; *exttexname = '\0'; *entfile = '\0'; strcpy(skyname, "night"); skyrotate = 0; skyaxis[0] = 0; skyaxis[1] = 0; skyaxis[2] = 0; buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); if (strcmp(com_token, "terrain")) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "%s wasn't terrain map\n", mod->name); //shouldn't happen return false; } if (qrenderer != QR_OPENGL) return false; for(;;) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); if (!buffer) break; if (!strcmp(com_token, "heightmap")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); Q_strncpyz(heightmapname, com_token, sizeof(heightmapname)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "detail")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); Q_strncpyz(detailtexname, com_token, sizeof(detailtexname)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "texturegridbase")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); Q_strncpyz(basetexname, com_token, sizeof(basetexname)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "texturegridext")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); Q_strncpyz(exttexname, com_token, sizeof(exttexname)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "gridsize")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); worldsize = atof(com_token); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "heightsize")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); heightsize = atof(com_token); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "entfile")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); Q_strncpyz(entfile, com_token, sizeof(entfile)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "skybox")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); Q_strncpyz(skyname, com_token, sizeof(skyname)); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "skyrotate")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); skyaxis[0] = atof(com_token); buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); skyaxis[1] = atof(com_token); buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); skyaxis[2] = atof(com_token); skyrotate = VectorNormalize(skyaxis); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "texturesegments")) { buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); numsegs = atoi(com_token); } else { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "%s, unrecognised token in terrain map\n", mod->name); return false; } } if (numsegs > SECTIONS) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "%s, heightmap uses too many sections max is %i\n", mod->name, SECTIONS); return false; } mod->type = mod_heightmap; heightmap = (unsigned short*)COM_LoadTempFile(heightmapname); if (!heightmap) { size = 1024; heightmap = Hunk_TempAlloc(size*size*2); for (x = 0; x < size; x++) for (y = 0; y < size; y++) { heightmap[x+y*size] = 0; } } else { size = sqrt(com_filesize/2); if (size % numsegs) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "%s, heightmap is not a multiple of %i\n", mod->name, numsegs); return false; } } hm = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*hm) + size*size*2); memset(hm, 0, sizeof(*hm)); Q_strncpyz(hm->hmapname, heightmapname, sizeof(hm->hmapname)); hm->heights = (unsigned short*)(hm+1); for (x = 0; x < size*size; x++) { hm->heights[x] = LittleShort(heightmap[x]); } hm->terrainsize = size; hm->terrainscale = worldsize; hm->heightscale = heightsize; hm->numsegs = numsegs; hm->shader = R_RegisterShader(basetexname, "{\n" "{\n" "map maps/test/ground.jpg\n" "}\n" "}\n" ); hm->skyshader = R_RegisterCustom(va("skybox_%s", skyname), Shader_DefaultSkybox, NULL); mod->entities = COM_LoadHunkFile(entfile); if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) { hm->detailtexture = R_LoadHiResTexture(detailtexname, "", IF_NOGAMMA); for (x = 0; x < numsegs; x++) { int y; for (y = 0; y < numsegs; y++) { hm->textures[x+y*SECTIONS] = R_LoadHiResTexture(va("%s%02ix%02i%s", basetexname, x, y, exttexname), "", IF_CLAMP|IF_NOGAMMA); hm->modified[x+y*SECTIONS] = true; } } } mod->funcs.Trace = Heightmap_Trace; mod->funcs.PointContents = Heightmap_PointContents; mod->funcs.NativeContents = Heightmap_NativeBoxContents; mod->funcs.NativeTrace = Heightmap_NativeTrace; mod->funcs.LightPointValues = Heightmap_LightPointValues; mod->funcs.StainNode = Heightmap_StainNode; mod->funcs.MarkLights = Heightmap_MarkLights; mod->funcs.LeafnumForPoint = Heightmap_LeafForPoint; mod->funcs.LeafPVS = Heightmap_LeafnumPVS; #ifndef CLIENTONLY mod->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs = Heightmap_FindTouchedLeafs; mod->funcs.EdictInFatPVS = Heightmap_EdictInFatPVS; mod->funcs.FatPVS = Heightmap_FatPVS; #endif /* mod->hulls[0].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents; mod->hulls[1].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents; mod->hulls[2].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents; mod->hulls[3].funcs.HullPointContents = Heightmap_PointContents; */ mod->terrain = hm; return true; } #endif