#!/bin/bash START=$(date +%s) SVNROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "$(readlink "$BASH_SOURCE")")" && pwd) FTECONFIG=$SVNROOT/build.cfg HOME=`echo ~` BASE=$SVNROOT/.. #set this if you want non-default branding, for customised builds. #export BRANDING=wastes #defaults, if we're not set up properly. #should be overriden in build.cfg BUILDFOLDER=$HOME/htdocs BUILDLOGFOLDER=$BUILDFOLDER/build_logs SVNROOT=$BASE/fteqw-code BUILD_LINUXx86=y BUILD_LINUXx64=y BUILD_WIN32=y BUILD_WIN64=y BUILD_ANDROID=y BUILD_WEB=y PLUGINS_LINUXx86="qi ezhud xmpp irc" PLUGINS_LINUXx64="qi ezhud xmpp irc" PLUGINS_LINUXx32="qi ezhud xmpp irc" PLUGINS_WINDOWS="avplug ode qi ezhud xmpp irc" THREADS="-j 4" TARGETS_LINUX="qcc-rel rel dbg vk-rel plugins-rel plugins-dbg" TARGETS_WINDOWS="sv-rel m-rel qcc-rel qccgui-scintilla qccgui-dbg m-dbg sv-dbg plugins-dbg plugins-rel" TARGETS_WEB="gl-rel" ########### NaCL stuff NACL_SDK_ROOT=/opt/nacl_sdk/pepper_31/ if [ -e $FTECONFIG ]; then . $FTECONFIG else echo "WARNING: $FTECONFIG does not exist yet." fi if [ "$BUILD_CLEAN" == "n" ]; then NOUPDATE="y" fi #check args (and override config as desired) while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do case $1 in -r) SVN_REV_ARG="-r $2" NOUPDATE= shift ;; -j) THREADS="-j $2" shift ;; -help|--help) echo " -r VER Specifies the SVN revision to update to" echo " -j THREADS Specifies how many jobs to make with" echo " --help This text" echo " --noupdate Don't do svn updates" echo " --unclean Don't do make clean, for faster rebuilds" echo " --web Build web target (excluding all others)" echo " --droid Build android target (excluding others)" exit 0 ;; -build|--build) TARGET="FTE_CONFIG=$2" shift ;; --noupdate) NOUPDATE="y" ;; --unclean) BUILD_CLEAN="n" ;; --web) BUILD_LINUXx86="n" BUILD_LINUXx64="n" BUILD_LINUXarmhf="n" BUILD_WIN32="n" BUILD_WIN64="n" BUILD_ANDROID="n" BUILD_WEB="y" ;; --droid) BUILD_LINUXx86="n" BUILD_LINUXx64="n" BUILD_LINUXarmhf="n" BUILD_WIN32="n" BUILD_WIN64="n" BUILD_ANDROID="y" BUILD_WEB="n" ;; *) echo "Unknown option $1" ;; esac shift done MAKEARGS="$THREADS $TARGET" export NACL_SDK_ROOT ########### Emscripten / Web Stuff export EMSDK=$EMSCRIPTENROOT #export WEB_PREJS="--pre-js $HOME/prejs.js" ########### Android Stuff. so messy... #This is some android password that you should keep private. You should keep the keystore file private too, of course. Frankly, that part is more important than this small random number. KEYPASSFILE=$BASE/.fte_keypass if [ ! -e $KEYPASSFILE ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom count=9 bs=1 2>/dev/null | base64 > $KEYPASSFILE chmod 400 $KEYPASSFILE fi KEYPASS=`cat $KEYPASSFILE` export JAVA_HOME=/usr if [ ! -z "$ANDROIDROOT" ]; then export ANDROID_HOME=$ANDROIDROOT fi if [ ! -z "$ANDROIDNDKROOT" ]; then export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$ANDROIDNDKROOT else export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk-bundle fi export KEYTOOLARGS="-keypass $KEYPASS -storepass $KEYPASS -dname \"CN=fteqw.com, OU=ID, O=FTE, L=Unknown, S=Unknown, C=GB\"" export JARSIGNARGS="-storepass $KEYPASS" ########### Various Output etc Paths QCCBUILDFOLDER=$BUILDFOLDER/fteqcc SVNFOLDER=$SVNROOT/engine/release ARCHIVEFOLDER=$BUILDFOLDER/archive SVNDBGFOLDER=$SVNROOT/engine/debug WARNINGLEVEL="-w" FILELOCK=$BASE/.fte_buildlock #./ccache-alias.sh exec 9>$FILELOCK if ! flock -n 9 ; then echo "Build script is already running!"; exit 1 fi mkdir -p $BUILDLOGFOLDER if [ ! -d $SVNROOT ]; then #just in case... svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk $SVNROOT $SVN_REV_ARG fi cd $SVNROOT/ if [ "$NOUPDATE" != "y" ]; then echo "SVN Update" svn update $SVN_REV_ARG fi cd engine date > $BUILDLOGFOLDER/buildlog.txt echo "Starting build" >> $BUILDLOGFOLDER/buildlog.txt function build { BUILDSTART=$(date +%s) NAME=$1 DEST=$2 shift; shift if [ "$BUILD_CLEAN" != "n" ]; then make clean >> /dev/null fi echo -n "Making $NAME... " date > $BUILDLOGFOLDER/$DEST.txt echo make $MAKEARGS $* >> $BUILDLOGFOLDER/$DEST.txt 2>&1 make $MAKEARGS $* >> $BUILDLOGFOLDER/$DEST.txt 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then BUILDEND=$(date +%s) BUILDTIME=$(( $BUILDEND - $BUILDSTART )) echo "$BUILDTIME seconds" echo "$NAME done, took $BUILDTIME seconds" >> $BUILDLOGFOLDER/buildlog.txt rm -rf $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST >> /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST 2>> /dev/null mkdir $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST/debug 2>> /dev/null cp $SVNFOLDER/* $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST >> /dev/null 2>> /dev/null cp $SVNDBGFOLDER/* $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST/debug >> /dev/null 2>> /dev/null rm -rf $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST/*.a >> /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST/debug/*.a >> /dev/null 2>&1 rmdir $BUILDFOLDER/$DEST/debug 2>> /dev/null else echo "$NAME failed" >> $BUILDLOGFOLDER/buildlog.txt echo "failed" fi } function build_fteqcc { echo "--- no code ---" } echo "--- Engine builds ---" #the -fno-finite-math-only is to avoid a glibc dependancy if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_LINUXx86" build "Linux 32-bit" linux_x86 FTE_TARGET=linux32 CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only $TARGETS_LINUX fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx64" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_LINUXx64" build "Linux 64-bit" linux_amd64 FTE_TARGET=linux64 CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only $TARGETS_LINUX fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx32" != "n" ]; then # CFLAGS="-DNO_JPEG" NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_LINUXx32" build "Linux x32" linux_x32 FTE_TARGET=linuxx32 CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only $TARGETS_LINUX fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXarmhf" != "n" ]; then #debian/ubuntu's armhf targets armv7. we instead target armv6, because that means we work on rpi too (but still with hard-float). It should be compatible although we likely need more ops. NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_LINUXarmhf" build "Linux ARMhf" linux_armhf FTE_TARGET=linuxarmhf CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-fno-finite-math-only $TARGETS_LINUX fi if [ "$BUILD_CYGWIN" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="qi ezhud" build "Cygwin" cygwin qcc-rel rel dbg plugins-rel plugins-dbg fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_WINDOWS" build "Windows 32-bit" win32 FTE_TARGET=win32 CFLAGS="$WARNINGLEVEL" $TARGETS_WINDOWS fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN64" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_WINDOWS" build "Windows 64-bit" win64 FTE_TARGET=win64 CFLAGS="$WARNINGLEVEL" $TARGETS_WINDOWS fi if [ "$BUILD_MSVC" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_WINDOWS" build "Windows MSVC 32-bit" msvc FTE_TARGET=vc BITS=32 CFLAGS="$WARNINGLEVEL" sv-rel gl-rel vk-rel mingl-rel m-rel d3d-rel qcc-rel qccgui-scintilla qccgui-dbg gl-dbg sv-dbg plugins-dbg plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_WINDOWS" build "Windows MSVC 64-bit" msvc FTE_TARGET=vc BITS=64 CFLAGS="$WARNINGLEVEL" sv-rel gl-rel vk-rel mingl-rel m-rel d3d-rel qcc-rel qccgui-scintilla qccgui-dbg gl-dbg sv-dbg plugins-dbg plugins-rel fi export NATIVE_PLUGINS="qi ezhud xmpp irc" if [ "$BUILD_ANDROID" != "n" ]; then NATIVE_PLUGINS="$PLUGINS_DROID" build "Android" android droid-rel fi #if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" != "n" ]; then # build "NPFTE" npfte npfte-rel #fi if [ "$BUILD_DOS" == "y" ]; then #no networking makes dedicated servers useless. and only a crappy sw renderer is implemented right now. #the qcc might be useful to someone though! build "DOS" dos m-rel qcc-rel fi if [ "$BUILD_WEB" != "n" ]; then source $EMSDK/emsdk_env.sh >> /dev/null LTO= build "Emscripten" web FTE_TARGET=web $TARGETS_WEB CC=emcc fi if [ "$BUILD_SDL_LINUXx86" == "y" ]; then build "Linux 32-bit (SDL)" linux_x86_sdl FTE_TARGET=SDL2 BITS=32 $TARGETS_SDL fi if [ "$BUILD_SDL_LINUXx64" == "y" ]; then build "Linux 64-bit (SDL)" linux_amd64_sdl FTE_TARGET=SDL2 BITS=64 $TARGETS_SDL fi if [ "$BUILD_SDL_WIN32" == "y" ]; then build "Windows 32-bit (SDL)" win32_sdl FTE_TARGET=win32_SDL $TARGETS_SDL # CFLAGS="$WARNINGLEVEL -DNOLEGACY -DOMIT_QCC" build "Windows 32-bit nocompat" nocompat FTE_TARGET=win32 LTO=1 NOCOMPAT=1 BOTLIB_CFLAGS="" BOTLIB_OBJS="" $TARGETS_SDL fi if [ "$BUILD_SDL_WIN64" == "y" ]; then build "Windows 64-bit (SDL)" win64_sdl FTE_TARGET=win64_SDL $TARGETS_SDL fi if [ "$BUILD_NACL" != "n" ]; then #non-pnacl is supported ONLY in chrome's store crap, but pnacl works anywhere. # build "Native Client 64-bit" nacl_amd64 FTE_TARGET=nacl NARCH=x86_64 gl-rel # build "Native Client 32-bit" nacl_x86 FTE_TARGET=nacl NARCH=x86_32 gl-rel #internal compiler error build "Native Client ARM" nacl_arm FTE_TARGET=nacl NARCH=arm gl-rel build "Native Client Portable" nacl_portable FTE_TARGET=nacl NARCH=pnacl gl-rel fi ####build "MorphOS" morphos CFLAGS="-I$BASE/morphos/os-include/ -I$BASE/morphos/lib/ -L$BASE/morphos/lib/ -I$BASE/zlib/zlib-1.2.5 -L$BASE/zlib/zlib-1.2.5 -I./libs $WARNINGLEVEL" gl-rel mingl-rel sv-rel qcc-rel if [ "$BUILD_MAC" != "n" ]; then #build "MacOSX" macosx_tiger CFLAGS="-I$BASE/mac/x86/include/ -L$BASE/mac/x86/lib -I./libs" FTE_TARGET=macosx_x86 sv-rel gl-rel mingl-rel qcc-rel #FIXME: figure out how to do universal binaries or whatever they're called build "MacOSX 32-bit" osx32 CC=o32-clang CXX=o32-clang++ FTE_TARGET=osx_x86 BITS=32 sv-rel gl-rel mingl-rel qcc-rel build "MacOSX 64-bit" osx64 CC=o64-clang CXX=o64-clang++ FTE_TARGET=osx_x86_64 BITS=64 sv-rel gl-rel mingl-rel qcc-rel fi #third party stuff / misc crap if [ "$BUILD_WEB" != "n" ]; then cp $BASE/3rdparty/web/* $BUILDFOLDER/web/ fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" != "n" ]; then if [ -e "$BASE/3rdparty/win32/3rdparty.zip" ]; then cp $BASE/3rdparty/win32/3rdparty.zip $BUILDFOLDER/win32/3rdparty.zip else rm -f $BUILDFOLDER/win32/3rdparty.zip fi # if [ "$BUILD_SDL_WIN32" != "n" ]; then # cp $SVNROOT/engine/libs/SDL2-2.0.1/i686-w64-mingw32/bin/SDL2.dll $BUILDFOLDER/win32_sdl # fi fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN64" != "n" ]; then if [ -e "$BASE/3rdparty/win64/3rdparty.zip" ]; then cp $BASE/3rdparty/win64/3rdparty.zip $BUILDFOLDER/win64/3rdparty.zip else rm -f $BUILDFOLDER/win64/3rdparty.zip fi # if [ "$BUILD_SDL_WIN64" != "n" ]; then # cp $SVNROOT/engine/libs/SDL2-2.0.1/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/SDL2.dll $BUILDFOLDER/win64_sdl # fi fi if [ -e "$HOME/nocompat_readme.html" ]; then cp $HOME/nocompat_readme.html $BUILDFOLDER/nocompat/README.html fi #this really should use the native cpu type... until then we use 32bit in case anyone's still using a 32bit kernel. if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" != "n" ]; then echo "--- QC builds ---" rm -rf $QCCBUILDFOLDER 2>&1 mkdir -p $QCCBUILDFOLDER if [ -e "$BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqw32" ]; then echo "Making fteextensions.qc" mkdir -p ~/.fte/fte echo "pr_dumpplatform -o fteextensions" > ~/.fte/fte/minusargsaresilly.cfg echo "pr_dumpplatform -o csqcsysdefs -Tcs" >> ~/.fte/fte/minusargsaresilly.cfg echo "pr_dumpplatform -o menusysdefs -Tmenu" >> ~/.fte/fte/minusargsaresilly.cfg $BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqw32 -basedir ~/.fte -nohome -quake +set snd_device none -nosound +set vid_renderer sv +exec minusargsaresilly.cfg +quit >> /dev/null mv ~/.fte/fte/src/fteextensions.qc $QCCBUILDFOLDER mv ~/.fte/fte/src/csqcsysdefs.qc $QCCBUILDFOLDER mv ~/.fte/fte/src/menusysdefs.qc $QCCBUILDFOLDER else echo "Skipping FTE Extensions, no Linux x86 (merged) build located" fi if [ -e $BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqcc32 ]; then echo "Making csaddon + qcmenu" mkdir -p $BUILDFOLDER/csaddon/ cd $SVNROOT/quakec cd csaddon/src $BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqcc32 -srcfile csaddon.src > $BUILDLOGFOLDER/csaddon.txt mv ../csaddon.dat $BUILDFOLDER/csaddon/ cd ../../menusys $BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqcc32 -srcfile menu.src > $BUILDLOGFOLDER/menu.txt rm -f fteqcc.log zip -q -9 -o -r $BUILDFOLDER/csaddon/menusys_src.zip . mv ../menu.dat $BUILDFOLDER/csaddon/ else echo "Skiping csaddon + qcmenu, no compiler build" fi fi cd $SVNROOT/engine/ svn info > $BUILDFOLDER/version.txt if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx86" != "n" ]; then cp $BUILDFOLDER/linux_x86/fteqcc32 $QCCBUILDFOLDER/linux32-fteqcc fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx64" != "n" ]; then cp $BUILDFOLDER/linux_amd64/fteqcc64 $QCCBUILDFOLDER/linux64-fteqcc fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXx32" != "n" ]; then cp $BUILDFOLDER/linux_x32/fteqccx32 $QCCBUILDFOLDER/linuxx32-fteqcc fi if [ "$BUILD_LINUXarmhf" != "n" ]; then cp $BUILDFOLDER/linux_armhf/fteqccarmhf $QCCBUILDFOLDER/linuxarmhf-fteqcc fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" != "n" ]; then cp $BUILDFOLDER/win32/fteqcc.exe $QCCBUILDFOLDER/win32-fteqcc.exe cp $BUILDFOLDER/win32/fteqccgui.exe $QCCBUILDFOLDER/win32-fteqccgui.exe fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN64" != "n" ]; then cp $BUILDFOLDER/win64/fteqcc64.exe $QCCBUILDFOLDER/win64-fteqcc.exe cp $BUILDFOLDER/win64/fteqccgui64.exe $QCCBUILDFOLDER/win64-fteqccgui.exe fi #cp $BUILDFOLDER/morphos/fteqcc $QCCBUILDFOLDER/morphos-fteqcc #cp $BUILDFOLDER/macosx_tiger/fteqcc $QCCBUILDFOLDER/macosx_tiger-fteqcc cp $BUILDFOLDER/version.txt $QCCBUILDFOLDER/version.txt if [ "$BUILD_NACL" != "n" ]; then mkdir -p $BUILDFOLDER/nacl NACL=$BUILDFOLDER/nacl/fteqw.nmf echo "{ \"program\":{" > $NACL if [ -e "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_amd64/fteqw-x86_64.nexe" ]; then mv $BUILDFOLDER/nacl_amd64/fteqw-x86_64.nexe $BUILDFOLDER/nacl/fteqw-x86_64.nexe echo " \"x86-64\":{\"url\":\"fteqw-x86_64.nexe\"}," >> $NACL fi if [ -e "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_x86/fteqw-x86_32.nexe" ]; then mv $BUILDFOLDER/nacl_x86/fteqw-x86_32.nexe $BUILDFOLDER/nacl/fteqw-x86_32.nexe echo " \"x86-32\":{\"url\":\"fteqw-x86_32.nexe\"}," >> $NACL fi if [ -e "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_arm/fteqw-arm.nexe" ]; then mv $BUILDFOLDER/nacl_arm/fteqw-arm.nexe $BUILDFOLDER/nacl/fteqw-arm.nexe echo " \"arm\":{\"url\":\"fteqw-arm.nexe\"}" >> $NACL fi $NACL_SDK_ROOT/toolchain/linux_pnacl/bin/pnacl-finalize -o $BUILDFOLDER/nacl/fteqw.pexe $BUILDFOLDER/nacl_portable/fteqw.pexe echo " \"portable\":{\"pnacl-translate\":{\"url\":\"fteqw.pexe\"}}" >> $NACL echo "} }" >> $NACL rm -rf "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_amd64" rm -rf "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_x86" rm -rf "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_arm" rm -rf "$BUILDFOLDER/nacl_portable" fi if [ "$BUILD_WIN32" != "n" ] && [ "$BUILD_WIN64" != "n" ]; then echo Archiving output SVNVER=$(svnversion $SVNROOT) if [ -e $ARCHIVEFOLDER ]; then cd $BUILDFOLDER/ zip -q -9 $ARCHIVEFOLDER/win_fteqw_$SVNVER.zip win32/fteglqw.exe win32/fteqwsv.exe win32/fteqccgui.exe win32/debug/fteglqw.exe win64/fteqw.exe win64/debug/fteglqw.exe fi if [ -e $BUILDFOLDER/fteqw_for_windows.zip ]; then cd $BUILDFOLDER/win32/ zip -q -j -9 $BUILDFOLDER/fteqw_for_windows.zip fteglqw.exe fteqwsv.exe fteqccgui.exe fteplug_qi_x86.dll fteplug_xmpp_x86.dll fteplug_irc_x86.dll fteplug_ezhud_x86.dll cd $HOME/3rdparty_win32/ zip -q -9 $BUILDFOLDER/fteqw_for_windows.zip ogg.dll vorbis.dll vorbisfile.dll freetype6.dll zlib1.dll mkdir -p $BASE/tmp/fte cd $BASE/tmp/ cp $BUILDFOLDER/csaddon/menu.dat fte zip -q -9 $BUILDFOLDER/fteqw_for_windows.zip fte/menu.dat fi #~/afterquake/updatemini.sh fi echo "All done" END=$(date +%s) DIFF=$(( $END - $START )) MINS=$(( $DIFF / 60 )) echo "Total Compile Time: $MINS minutes" >> $BUILDLOGFOLDER/buildlog.txt echo "Total Compile Time: $MINS minutes" cd $HOME #./errorlog.sh #cd $HOME #rm .bitchxrc #cp ./fteqw/.bitchxrc ./ #./BitchX -a irc.quakenet.org -A -c "#fte" -n A_Gorilla