/* WARNING: This entire file is pretty much GPLed. If you want to release your csqc mod free from the GPL, do not define OWNPLAYERPHYSICS, and remove this file from your progs.src */ #ifdef OWNPLAYERPHYSICS /* be very careful about the fields/globals that are read/written in this code. Using any that are changed elsewhere can and will result in prediction errors. Any fields that are expected to persist need to be added to csqc code to revert them. Any fields that are read need to be the same between csqc and ssqc code somehow. Changing such fields will result in brief errors. */ #define movevars_stepheight 22 #define movevars_friction 4 #define movevars_gravity 800 #define movevars_accelerate 10 #define movevars_stopspeed 100 #define movevars_maxspeed 320 #define movevars_maxairspeed 30 #define movevars_jumpspeed 270 #define movevars_watersinkspeed 60 .float pmove_flags; #ifdef HAVE_DOTGRAVITY .float gravity; #endif .entity groundentity; static vector groundnormal; enumflags { PMF_JUMP_HELD, PMF_RESERVED, PMF_ONGROUND }; static void(entity tother) dotouch = { entity oself; if (tother.touch == __NULL__) return; oself = self; other = self; self = tother; self.touch(); self = oself; }; //this function 'bounces' off any surfaces that were hit void(vector surfnorm) PMove_Rebound = { float v; v = self.velocity*surfnorm; self.velocity = self.velocity - surfnorm*(v); if (surfnorm_z > 0.7) { //if we hit a ground plane then we're now on the ground. self.pmove_flags |= PMF_ONGROUND; self.groundentity = trace_ent; } }; void(void) PMove_Move = //move forwards (preferably on the level) (does step ups) { vector dest; vector saved_plane_normal; float stepped; float movetime; float attempts; //we need to bounce off surfaces (in order to slide along them), so we need at 2 attempts for (attempts = 3, movetime = input_timelength; movetime>0 && attempts; attempts--) { dest = self.origin + self.velocity*movetime; tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, dest, false, self); //try going straight there self.origin = trace_endpos; if (trace_fraction < 1) { saved_plane_normal = trace_plane_normal; movetime -= movetime * trace_fraction; if (movetime) { //step up if we can trace_endpos = self.origin; trace_endpos_z += movevars_stepheight; tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_endpos, false, self); stepped = trace_endpos_z - self.origin_z; dest = trace_endpos + self.velocity*movetime; dest_z = trace_endpos_z; //move forwards tracebox(trace_endpos, self.mins, self.maxs, dest, false, self); //if we got anywhere, make this raised-step move count if (trace_fraction != 0) { movetime -= movetime * trace_fraction; self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND; if (trace_fraction < 1) PMove_Rebound(trace_plane_normal); //move down dest = trace_endpos; dest_z -= stepped+1; tracebox(trace_endpos, self.mins, self.maxs, dest, false, self); if (trace_fraction < 1) PMove_Rebound(trace_plane_normal); self.origin = trace_endpos; self.groundentity = trace_ent; continue; } } //stepping failed, just bounce off PMove_Rebound(saved_plane_normal); dotouch(trace_ent); } else break; } }; void() PMove_ApplyFriction = { float newspeed, oldspeed; oldspeed = vlen(self.velocity); if (oldspeed < 1) { self.velocity = '0 0 0'; return; } //calculate what their new speed should be newspeed = oldspeed - oldspeed*movevars_friction*input_timelength; //and slow them if (newspeed < 0) newspeed = 0; self.velocity = self.velocity * (newspeed/oldspeed); }; void(vector wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel) PMove_Accelerate = { float addspeed, accelspeed; float curspeed; curspeed = self.velocity*wishdir; //This is wrong, but allows us to replicate many of Quake's old physics bugs... yay... addspeed = wishspeed - (curspeed); if (addspeed <= 0) return; accelspeed = accel*input_timelength*wishspeed; if (accelspeed > addspeed) accelspeed = addspeed; self.velocity = self.velocity + accelspeed*wishdir; }; void() PMove_InAirAccelerate = { vector hforward; vector hright; vector desireddir; float desiredspeed; hforward = v_forward; hforward_z = 0; hforward = normalize(hforward); hright = v_right; hright_z = 0; hright = normalize(hright); desireddir = hforward*input_movevalues_x + hright*input_movevalues_y; desiredspeed = vlen(desireddir); desireddir = normalize(desireddir); if (desiredspeed > movevars_maxspeed) desiredspeed = movevars_maxspeed; if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND) { if (input_buttons & 2) { if (!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD)) { //make sure we get at least jumpspeed upwards from the ground plane by clamping it first. if (self.velocity*groundnormal < 0) self.velocity = self.velocity - groundnormal*(self.velocity*groundnormal); self.velocity_z += movevars_jumpspeed; self.pmove_flags &~= PMF_ONGROUND; self.pmove_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; } } } if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND) { PMove_ApplyFriction(); PMove_Accelerate(desireddir, desiredspeed, movevars_accelerate); } else { //there's no friction in air... if (desiredspeed > movevars_maxairspeed) desiredspeed = movevars_maxairspeed; PMove_Accelerate(desireddir, desiredspeed, movevars_accelerate); #ifdef HAVE_DOTGRAVITY if (self.gravity) self.velocity_z -= self.gravity * movevars_gravity * input_timelength; else #endif self.velocity_z -= movevars_gravity * input_timelength; } }; void(float scale) PMove_NoclipAccelerate = { vector desireddir; float desiredspeed; desireddir = v_forward*input_movevalues_x + v_right*input_movevalues_y+v_up*input_movevalues_z; if (input_buttons & 2) desireddir_z = max(movevars_maxspeed, desireddir_z); //should be water:100, slime:80, lava:50, but lets just bake smartjump in here instead (we don't have the client's cl_upspeed value in ssqc though). else if (desireddir == '0 0 0' && scale<1) desireddir_z = -movevars_watersinkspeed; desiredspeed = vlen(desireddir)*scale; desireddir = normalize(desireddir); PMove_ApplyFriction(); PMove_Accelerate(desireddir, desiredspeed, movevars_accelerate); }; void() PMove_Categorise = { //if we're moving up, we're not on the ground if (0)//self.velocity_z > 0) { self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND; } else { //don't know, maybe we are, maybe we're not tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin-'0 0 1', false, self); groundnormal = trace_plane_normal; if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_plane_normal_z < 0.7) { self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND; } else { self.pmove_flags |= PMF_ONGROUND; self.groundentity = trace_ent; } } self.waterlevel = 0; float c = pointcontents(self.origin + [0,0,1]); self.watertype = c; if (c <= CONTENT_WATER) { self.waterlevel = 1; c = pointcontents(self.origin + [0,0,(self.maxs_z+self.mins_z)*0.5]); if (c <= CONTENT_WATER) { self.watertype = c; self.waterlevel = 2; //don't bother checking eyes. who cares. } } }; float roundcoordf(float f) { //round this coord like the networking will... ish... //coord rounding is often client-specific. which makes life fun. return f;//rint(f*8)/8; } vector roundcoordv(vector v) { return [ roundcoordf(v_x), roundcoordf(v_y), roundcoordf(v_z) ]; } vector truncv(vector v) { return v & v; } static void Pmove_Nudge(void) { self.velocity = truncv(self.velocity); vector test, org = roundcoordv(self.origin); static float offsets[] = {0, -1./8, 1./8, -2./8, 2./8}; for (float z = 0; z < offsets.length; z++) { test.z = org.z + offsets[z]; for (float y = 0; y < offsets.length; y++) { test.y = org.y + offsets[y]; for (float x = 0; x < offsets.length; x++) { test.x = org.x + offsets[x]; tracebox(test, self.mins, self.maxs, test, false, self); if (!trace_startsolid) { //okay, that'll do self.origin = test; return; } } } } self.origin = org; }; #ifdef SSQC //small hack to make sure our cvars are actually stored as serverinfo (we then access them via serverkey for consistency between ssqc+csqc, safe in the knowledge that they'll be networked for us) __accumulate void() worldspawn = { if (autocvar(test_qwphys, "0") != serverkey("test_qwphys")) localcmd(sprintf("setfl test_qwphys %S s\n", autocvar(test_qwphys, "0"))); if (autocvar(test_autobunny, "0") != serverkey("test_autobunny")) localcmd(sprintf("setfl test_autobunny %S s\n", autocvar(test_autobunny, "0"))); }; #endif void(entity ent) PMove = { if (stof(serverkey("test_qwphys")) && checkbuiltin(runstandardplayerphysics)) { runstandardplayerphysics(ent); return; } self = ent; makevectors(input_angles); Pmove_Nudge(); if (!(input_buttons & 2) || serverkey("test_autobunny")) self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_JUMP_HELD; PMove_Categorise(); // self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; if (input_timelength >= 0) { switch(self.movetype) { case MOVETYPE_WALK: if (self.waterlevel >= 2) { PMove_NoclipAccelerate(0.7); self.velocity = self.velocity - 0.8*self.waterlevel*input_timelength*self.velocity; //water friction. } else PMove_InAirAccelerate(); PMove_Move(); break; case MOVETYPE_FLY: PMove_NoclipAccelerate(1.0); PMove_Move(); break; case MOVETYPE_NOCLIP: PMove_NoclipAccelerate(1.0); self.origin += self.velocity*input_timelength; break; case MOVETYPE_NONE: break; } dotouch(self.groundentity); touchtriggers(self); } else print(sprintf("timelength %g\n", input_timelength)); if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND) self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND; else self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; }; #endif