//pretty much a regular sky shader //though in reality we should render a sun circle in the middle. //still, its kinda cool to have scrolling clouds masking out parts of the sun. #ifdef VERTEX_SHADER varying vec3 pos; void main () { pos = v_position.xyz; gl_Position = ftetransform(); } #endif #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER uniform float e_time; uniform vec3 e_eyepos; varying vec3 pos; uniform sampler2D s_t0; uniform sampler2D s_t1; void main () { vec2 tccoord; vec3 dir = pos - e_eyepos; dir.z *= 3.0; dir.xy /= 0.5*length(dir); tccoord = (dir.xy + e_time*0.03125); vec3 solid = vec3(texture2D(s_t0, tccoord)); tccoord = (dir.xy + e_time*0.0625); vec4 clouds = texture2D(s_t1, tccoord); gl_FragColor.rgb = (solid.rgb*(1.0-clouds.a)) + (clouds.a*clouds.rgb); } #endif