project('vkd3d-proton', ['c'], version : '2.4', meson_version : '>= 0.49', default_options : [ 'warning_level=2', ]) cpu_family = target_machine.cpu_family() vkd3d_compiler = meson.get_compiler('c') vkd3d_is_msvc = vkd3d_compiler.get_id() == 'msvc' or vkd3d_compiler.get_id() == 'clang-cl' vkd3d_is_clang = vkd3d_compiler.get_id() == 'clang' vkd3d_c_std = 'c11' vkd3d_platform = target_machine.system() vkd3d_buildtype = get_option('buildtype') vkd3d_debug = vkd3d_buildtype == 'debug' or vkd3d_buildtype == 'debugoptimized' enable_tests = get_option('enable_tests') enable_extras = get_option('enable_extras') enable_d3d12 = get_option('enable_d3d12') enable_profiling = get_option('enable_profiling') enable_renderdoc = get_option('enable_renderdoc') enable_descriptor_qa = get_option('enable_descriptor_qa') enable_trace = get_option('enable_trace') if enable_d3d12 == 'auto' enable_d3d12 = vkd3d_platform == 'windows' else enable_d3d12 = enable_d3d12 == 'true' endif if enable_trace == 'auto' enable_trace = vkd3d_debug else enable_trace = enable_trace == 'true' endif if vkd3d_platform != 'windows' and enable_d3d12 error('Standalone D3D12 is only supported on Windows.') endif add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language : 'c') add_project_arguments('-DPACKAGE_VERSION="' + meson.project_version() + '"', language : 'c') if vkd3d_platform == 'windows' add_project_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x600', language : 'c') endif if enable_d3d12 add_project_arguments('-DVKD3D_BUILD_STANDALONE_D3D12', language : 'c') endif if enable_profiling add_project_arguments('-DVKD3D_ENABLE_PROFILING', language : 'c') endif if enable_renderdoc add_project_arguments('-DVKD3D_ENABLE_RENDERDOC', language : 'c') endif if enable_descriptor_qa add_project_arguments('-DVKD3D_ENABLE_DESCRIPTOR_QA', language : 'c') endif if not enable_trace add_project_arguments('-DVKD3D_NO_TRACE_MESSAGES', language : 'c') endif vkd3d_external_includes = [ './subprojects/Vulkan-Headers/include', './subprojects/SPIRV-Headers/include' ] vkd3d_public_includes = [ './include' ] + vkd3d_external_includes vkd3d_private_includes = [ './include/private' ] + vkd3d_public_includes vkd3d_external_includes = include_directories(vkd3d_external_includes) vkd3d_public_includes = include_directories(vkd3d_public_includes) vkd3d_private_includes = include_directories(vkd3d_private_includes) idl_compiler = find_program('widl') idl_generator = generator(idl_compiler, output : [ '@BASENAME@.h' ], arguments : [ '-h', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@' ]) glsl_compiler = find_program('glslangValidator') glsl_args = [ '-V', '--vn', '@BASENAME@', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@' ] if run_command(glsl_compiler, [ '--quiet', '--version' ]).returncode() == 0 glsl_args += [ '--quiet' ] endif glsl_generator = generator(glsl_compiler, output : [ '@BASENAME@.h' ], arguments : glsl_args) threads_dep = dependency('threads') lib_d3d12 = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('d3d12', required : false) if vkd3d_platform == 'linux' lib_dl = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('dl') vkd3d_extra_libs = [ lib_dl, threads_dep ] elif vkd3d_platform == 'windows' lib_dxgi = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('dxgi') vkd3d_extra_libs = [ threads_dep ] else error('Unknown platform') endif add_project_arguments(vkd3d_compiler.get_supported_arguments([ '-fvisibility=hidden', # For some reason, the use of VLAs isn't in all+extra+pedantic # We don't want to use these accidentally from consts... '-Wvla', '-Wno-format', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '/wd4244', # Narrowing conversion '/wd4101', # Unreferenced local variable '/wd4267', # Another narrowing conversion '/wd4996', # Secure no warnings '/wd4334', # Result of 32-bit shift cast to 64-bit '/wd4146', # Unary minus on unsigned '/wd4305', # Truncation from double to float ]), language : 'c') if cpu_family == 'x86' add_global_link_arguments(vkd3d_compiler.get_supported_link_arguments([ '-Wl,--add-stdcall-alias', '-Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup']), language : [ 'c', 'cpp' ]) # Need to link against libatomic for 64-bit atomic emulation on x86 # when using clang. if vkd3d_is_clang lib_atomic = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('atomic') vkd3d_extra_libs += lib_atomic endif endif if not vkd3d_is_msvc # We need to set the section alignment for debug symbols to # work properly as well as avoiding a memcpy from the Wine loader. if vkd3d_compiler.has_link_argument('-Wl,--file-alignment=4096') add_global_link_arguments('-Wl,--file-alignment=4096', language : [ 'c', 'cpp' ]) endif endif vkd3d_build = vcs_tag( command : ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--exclude=*', '--abbrev=15', '--dirty=0'], input : '', output : 'vkd3d_build.h') vkd3d_version = vcs_tag( command : ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--tags', '--dirty=+'], input : '', output : 'vkd3d_version.h') dxil_spirv = subproject('dxil-spirv') dxil_spirv_dep = dxil_spirv.get_variable('dxil_spirv_dep') subdir('include') subdir('libs') if vkd3d_platform == 'linux' pkg = import('pkgconfig') pkg.generate(vkd3d_lib, filebase : 'libvkd3d-proton', subdirs : 'vkd3d-proton', description : 'The VKD3D-Proton 3D Graphics Library') pkg.generate(vkd3d_utils_lib, filebase : 'libvkd3d-proton-utils', subdirs : 'vkd3d-proton', description : 'The VKD3D-Proton 3D Graphics Utility Library') install_headers('include/vkd3d.h', 'include/vkd3d_sonames.h', 'include/vkd3d_types.h', 'include/vkd3d_utils.h', 'include/vkd3d_win32.h', 'include/vkd3d_windows.h', subdir : 'vkd3d-proton') endif if vkd3d_platform == 'windows' if enable_d3d12 lib_d3d12 = d3d12_dep elif not lib_d3d12.found() lib_d3d12 = vkd3d_utils_dep if enable_extras warning('No d3d12 lib, falling back to vkd3d_utils for extras ...') endif endif endif if enable_tests subdir('tests') endif if enable_extras if vkd3d_platform == 'linux' lib_m = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('m') lib_xcb = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('xcb') lib_xcbkeysyms = vkd3d_compiler.find_library('xcb-keysyms') endif subdir('demos') subdir('programs') endif