/* * Copyright 2020 Hans-Kristian Arntzen for Valve Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define VKD3D_DBG_CHANNEL VKD3D_DBG_CHANNEL_API #include "vkd3d_private.h" #include "vkd3d_debug.h" #include "vkd3d_common.h" #include void vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_init_spec_constant(struct d3d12_device *device, struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_spec_info *info, vkd3d_shader_hash_t hash) { info->spec_info.pData = &info->constants; info->spec_info.dataSize = sizeof(info->constants); info->spec_info.pMapEntries = info->map_entries; info->spec_info.mapEntryCount = 4; info->constants.hash = hash; info->constants.host_bda = device->debug_ring.ring_device_address; info->constants.atomic_bda = device->debug_ring.atomic_device_address; info->constants.ring_words = device->debug_ring.ring_size / sizeof(uint32_t); info->map_entries[0].constantID = 0; info->map_entries[0].offset = offsetof(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_spec_constants, hash); info->map_entries[0].size = sizeof(uint64_t); info->map_entries[1].constantID = 1; info->map_entries[1].offset = offsetof(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_spec_constants, atomic_bda); info->map_entries[1].size = sizeof(uint64_t); info->map_entries[2].constantID = 2; info->map_entries[2].offset = offsetof(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_spec_constants, host_bda); info->map_entries[2].size = sizeof(uint64_t); info->map_entries[3].constantID = 3; info->map_entries[3].offset = offsetof(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_spec_constants, ring_words); info->map_entries[3].size = sizeof(uint32_t); } #define READ_RING_WORD(off) ring->mapped_ring[(off) & ((ring->ring_size / sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1)] #define READ_RING_WORD_ACQUIRE(off) \ vkd3d_atomic_uint32_load_explicit(&ring->mapped_ring[(off) & ((ring->ring_size / sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1)], \ vkd3d_memory_order_acquire) #define DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_COOKIE 0xdeadca70u #define DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_MASK 0xfffffff0u static bool vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_print_message(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring *ring, uint32_t word_offset, uint32_t message_word_count) { uint32_t i, debug_instance, debug_thread_id[3], fmt; char message_buffer[4096]; uint64_t shader_hash; if (message_word_count < 8) { ERR("Message word count %u is invalid.\n", message_word_count); return false; } shader_hash = (uint64_t)READ_RING_WORD(word_offset + 1) | ((uint64_t)READ_RING_WORD(word_offset + 2) << 32); debug_instance = READ_RING_WORD(word_offset + 3); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) debug_thread_id[i] = READ_RING_WORD(word_offset + 4 + i); fmt = READ_RING_WORD(word_offset + 7); snprintf(message_buffer, sizeof(message_buffer), "Shader: %"PRIx64": Instance %u, ID (%u, %u, %u):", shader_hash, debug_instance, debug_thread_id[0], debug_thread_id[1], debug_thread_id[2]); word_offset += 8; message_word_count -= 8; for (i = 0; i < message_word_count; i++) { union { float f32; uint32_t u32; int32_t i32; } u; const char *delim; size_t len, avail; u.u32 = READ_RING_WORD(word_offset + i); len = strlen(message_buffer); if (len + 1 >= sizeof(message_buffer)) break; avail = sizeof(message_buffer) - len; delim = i == 0 ? " " : ", "; #define VKD3D_DEBUG_CHANNEL_FMT_HEX 0u #define VKD3D_DEBUG_CHANNEL_FMT_I32 1u #define VKD3D_DEBUG_CHANNEL_FMT_F32 2u switch ((fmt >> (2u * i)) & 3u) { case VKD3D_DEBUG_CHANNEL_FMT_HEX: snprintf(message_buffer + len, avail, "%s#%x", delim, u.u32); break; case VKD3D_DEBUG_CHANNEL_FMT_I32: snprintf(message_buffer + len, avail, "%s%d", delim, u.i32); break; case VKD3D_DEBUG_CHANNEL_FMT_F32: snprintf(message_buffer + len, avail, "%s%f", delim, u.f32); break; default: snprintf(message_buffer + len, avail, "%s????", delim); break; } } INFO("%s\n", message_buffer); return true; } void *vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_thread_main(void *arg) { uint32_t last_counter, new_counter, count, i, cookie_word_count; volatile const uint32_t *ring_counter; /* Atomic updated by the GPU. */ struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring *ring; struct d3d12_device *device = arg; bool is_active = true; uint32_t *ring_base; uint32_t word_count; size_t ring_mask; ring = &device->debug_ring; ring_mask = (ring->ring_size / sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1; ring_counter = ring->mapped_control_block; ring_base = ring->mapped_ring; last_counter = 0; vkd3d_set_thread_name("debug-ring"); while (is_active) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ring->ring_lock); if (ring->active) pthread_cond_wait(&ring->ring_cond, &ring->ring_lock); is_active = ring->active; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ring->ring_lock); new_counter = *ring_counter; if (last_counter != new_counter) { count = (new_counter - last_counter) & ring_mask; /* Assume that each iteration can safely use 1/4th of the buffer to avoid WAR hazards. */ if (count > (ring->ring_size / 16)) { ERR("Debug ring is probably too small (%u new words this iteration), increase size to avoid risk of dropping messages.\n", count); } for (i = 0; i < count; ) { /* The debug ring shader has "release" semantics for the word count write, * so just make sure the reads don't get reordered here. */ cookie_word_count = READ_RING_WORD_ACQUIRE(last_counter + i); word_count = cookie_word_count & ~DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_MASK; if (cookie_word_count == 0) { ERR("Message was allocated, but write did not complete. last_counter = %u, rewrite new_counter = %u -> %u\n", last_counter, new_counter, last_counter + i); /* Rewind the counter, and try again later. */ new_counter = last_counter + i; break; } /* If something is written here, it must be a cookie. */ if ((cookie_word_count & DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_MASK) != DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_COOKIE) { ERR("Invalid message work cookie detected, 0x%x.\n", cookie_word_count); break; } if (i + word_count > count) { ERR("Message word count %u is out of bounds (i = %u, count = %u).\n", word_count, i, count); break; } if (!vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_print_message(ring, last_counter + i, word_count)) break; i += word_count; } } /* Make sure to clear out any messages we read so that when the ring gets around to * this point again, we can detect unwritten memory. * This relies on having a ring that is large enough, but in practice, if we just make the ring * large enough, there is nothing to worry about. */ while (last_counter != new_counter) { ring_base[last_counter & ring_mask] = 0; last_counter++; } } if (ring->device_lost) { INFO("Device lost detected, attempting to fish for clues.\n"); new_counter = *ring_counter; if (last_counter != new_counter) { count = (new_counter - last_counter) & ring_mask; for (i = 0; i < count; ) { cookie_word_count = READ_RING_WORD_ACQUIRE(last_counter + i); word_count = cookie_word_count & ~DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_MASK; /* This is considered a message if it has the marker and a word count that is in-range. */ if ((cookie_word_count & DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_MASK) == DEBUG_CHANNEL_WORD_COOKIE && i + word_count <= count && vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_print_message(ring, last_counter + i, word_count)) { i += word_count; } else { /* Keep going. */ i++; } } } INFO("Done fishing for clues ...\n"); } return NULL; } HRESULT vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_init(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring *ring, struct d3d12_device *device) { const struct vkd3d_vk_device_procs *vk_procs = &device->vk_procs; D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES heap_properties; D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC1 resource_desc; VkMemoryPropertyFlags memory_props; const char *env; memset(ring, 0, sizeof(*ring)); if (!(env = getenv("VKD3D_SHADER_DEBUG_RING_SIZE_LOG2"))) return S_OK; ring->active = true; ring->ring_size = (size_t)1 << strtoul(env, NULL, 0); ring->control_block_size = 4096; INFO("Enabling shader debug ring of size: %zu.\n", ring->ring_size); if (!device->device_info.buffer_device_address_features.bufferDeviceAddress) { ERR("Buffer device address must be supported to use VKD3D_SHADER_DEBUG_RING feature.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } memset(&heap_properties, 0, sizeof(heap_properties)); heap_properties.CPUPageProperty = D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY_WRITE_BACK; heap_properties.Type = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM; heap_properties.MemoryPoolPreference = D3D12_MEMORY_POOL_L0; memset(&resource_desc, 0, sizeof(resource_desc)); resource_desc.Width = ring->ring_size; resource_desc.Height = 1; resource_desc.DepthOrArraySize = 1; resource_desc.MipLevels = 1; resource_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; resource_desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; resource_desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; resource_desc.Layout = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR; resource_desc.Flags = D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_UNORDERED_ACCESS; if (FAILED(vkd3d_create_buffer(device, &heap_properties, D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_ONLY_BUFFERS, &resource_desc, &ring->host_buffer))) goto err_free_buffers; memory_props = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_CACHED_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT; /* If we're doing breadcrumb debugging, we also need to be able to read debug ring messages * from a crash, so we cannot rely on being able to copy the device payload back to host. * Use PCI-e BAR + UNCACHED + DEVICE_COHERENT if we must. */ if (vkd3d_config_flags & VKD3D_CONFIG_FLAG_BREADCRUMBS) { INFO("Using debug ring with breadcrumbs, opting in to device uncached payload buffer.\n"); /* We use coherent in the debug_channel.h header, but not necessarily guaranteed to be coherent with * host reads, so make extra sure. */ if (device->device_info.device_coherent_memory_features_amd.deviceCoherentMemory) { memory_props |= VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD; INFO("Enabling uncached device memory for debug ring.\n"); } } if (FAILED(vkd3d_allocate_buffer_memory(device, ring->host_buffer, memory_props, &ring->host_buffer_memory))) goto err_free_buffers; resource_desc.Width = ring->control_block_size; memset(&heap_properties, 0, sizeof(heap_properties)); heap_properties.Type = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (FAILED(vkd3d_create_buffer(device, &heap_properties, D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_ALLOW_ONLY_BUFFERS, &resource_desc, &ring->device_atomic_buffer))) goto err_free_buffers; memory_props = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT; if (vkd3d_config_flags & VKD3D_CONFIG_FLAG_BREADCRUMBS) { /* Expect crashes since we won't have time to flush caches. * We use coherent in the debug_channel.h header, but not necessarily guaranteed to be coherent with * host reads, so make extra sure. */ if (device->device_info.device_coherent_memory_features_amd.deviceCoherentMemory) memory_props |= VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNCACHED_BIT_AMD | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COHERENT_BIT_AMD; } if (FAILED(vkd3d_allocate_buffer_memory(device, ring->device_atomic_buffer, memory_props, &ring->device_atomic_buffer_memory))) goto err_free_buffers; if (VK_CALL(vkMapMemory(device->vk_device, ring->host_buffer_memory.vk_memory, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0, (void**)&ring->mapped_ring)) != VK_SUCCESS) goto err_free_buffers; if (VK_CALL(vkMapMemory(device->vk_device, ring->device_atomic_buffer_memory.vk_memory, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0, (void**)&ring->mapped_control_block)) != VK_SUCCESS) goto err_free_buffers; ring->ring_device_address = vkd3d_get_buffer_device_address(device, ring->host_buffer); ring->atomic_device_address = vkd3d_get_buffer_device_address(device, ring->device_atomic_buffer); memset(ring->mapped_control_block, 0, ring->control_block_size); memset(ring->mapped_ring, 0, ring->ring_size); if (pthread_mutex_init(&ring->ring_lock, NULL) != 0) goto err_free_buffers; if (pthread_cond_init(&ring->ring_cond, NULL) != 0) goto err_destroy_mutex; if (pthread_create(&ring->ring_thread, NULL, vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_thread_main, device) != 0) { ERR("Failed to create ring thread.\n"); goto err_destroy_cond; } return S_OK; err_destroy_mutex: pthread_mutex_destroy(&ring->ring_lock); err_destroy_cond: pthread_cond_destroy(&ring->ring_cond); err_free_buffers: VK_CALL(vkDestroyBuffer(device->vk_device, ring->host_buffer, NULL)); VK_CALL(vkDestroyBuffer(device->vk_device, ring->device_atomic_buffer, NULL)); vkd3d_free_device_memory(device, &ring->host_buffer_memory); vkd3d_free_device_memory(device, &ring->device_atomic_buffer_memory); memset(ring, 0, sizeof(*ring)); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } void vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_cleanup(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring *ring, struct d3d12_device *device) { const struct vkd3d_vk_device_procs *vk_procs = &device->vk_procs; if (!ring->active) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&ring->ring_lock); ring->active = false; pthread_cond_signal(&ring->ring_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ring->ring_lock); pthread_join(ring->ring_thread, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ring->ring_lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&ring->ring_cond); VK_CALL(vkDestroyBuffer(device->vk_device, ring->host_buffer, NULL)); VK_CALL(vkDestroyBuffer(device->vk_device, ring->device_atomic_buffer, NULL)); vkd3d_free_device_memory(device, &ring->host_buffer_memory); vkd3d_free_device_memory(device, &ring->device_atomic_buffer_memory); } static pthread_mutex_t debug_ring_teardown_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; void vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_kick(struct vkd3d_shader_debug_ring *ring, struct d3d12_device *device, bool device_lost) { if (device_lost) { /* Need a global lock here since multiple threads can observe device lost at the same time. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&debug_ring_teardown_lock); { ring->device_lost = true; /* We're going to die or hang after this most likely, so make sure we get to see all messages the * GPU had to write. Just cleanup now. */ vkd3d_shader_debug_ring_cleanup(ring, device); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&debug_ring_teardown_lock); } else { pthread_cond_signal(&ring->ring_cond); } }