tests: Test more raytracing PSO details.

Signed-off-by: Hans-Kristian Arntzen <post@arntzen-software.no>
This commit is contained in:
Hans-Kristian Arntzen 2021-02-02 13:23:39 +01:00
parent c558c8f423
commit 6e9bd28481
1 changed files with 64 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -41672,6 +41672,7 @@ static void test_raytracing(void)
ID3D12CommandQueue *queue;
ID3D12StateObject *rt_pso;
ID3D12Device5 *device5;
unsigned int ref_count;
ID3D12Resource *vbo;
ID3D12Resource *sbt;
@ -42192,6 +42193,14 @@ static void test_raytracing(void)
ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to create RT PSO, hr %#x.\n", hr);
/* Docs say that refcount should be held by RTPSO, but apparently it doesn't on native drivers. */
ref_count = ID3D12RootSignature_Release(global_rs);
ok(ref_count == 1, "Ref count %u != 1.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12RootSignature_Release(local_rs);
ok(ref_count == 1, "Ref count %u != 1.\n", ref_count);
/* Build SBT (Shader Binding Table) */
ID3D12StateObjectProperties *props;
@ -42199,35 +42208,79 @@ static void test_raytracing(void)
if (SUCCEEDED(ID3D12StateObject_QueryInterface(rt_pso, &IID_ID3D12StateObjectProperties, (void**)&props)))
uint8_t sbt_data[4096];
static const uint16_t ray_closest[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', ':', ':', 'c', 'l', 'o', 's', 'e', 's', 't', 'h', 'i', 't', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_anyhit[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', ':', ':', 'a', 'n', 'y', 'h', 'i', 't', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_broken3[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', ':', ':', 'X', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_broken2[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', ':', ':', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_broken1[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', ':', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_broken0[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_gen[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'G', 'e', 'n', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_hit[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'H', 'i', 't', '\0' };
static const uint16_t ray_miss[] = { 'R', 'a', 'y', 'M', 'i', 's', 's', '\0' };
ID3D12StateObject *tmp_rt_pso;
unsigned int min_stack_size;
const void* ray_gen_sbt;
const void* ray_hit_sbt;
const void* ray_miss_sbt;
unsigned int ref_count;
unsigned int stack_size;
hr = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_QueryInterface(props, &IID_ID3D12StateObject, (void **)&tmp_rt_pso);
ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to query state object interface from properties.\n");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
/* Test reference count semantics for non-derived interface. */
ref_count = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_AddRef(props);
ok(ref_count == 3, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ok(ref_count == 3, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_AddRef(props);
ok(ref_count == 4, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ok(ref_count == 4, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObject_AddRef(rt_pso);
ok(ref_count == 5, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ok(ref_count == 5, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObject_AddRef(rt_pso);
ok(ref_count == 6, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ok(ref_count == 6, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_Release(props);
ok(ref_count == 5, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ok(ref_count == 5, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_Release(props);
ok(ref_count == 4, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObject_Release(props);
ok(ref_count == 3, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObject_Release(props);
ok(ref_count == 2, "Unexpected refcount %u", ref_count);
ok(ref_count == 4, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObject_Release(rt_pso);
ok(ref_count == 3, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
ref_count = ID3D12StateObject_Release(rt_pso);
ok(ref_count == 2, "Unexpected refcount %u.\n", ref_count);
/* AMD Windows returns 0 here for all stack sizes. There is no well defined return value we expect here,
* but verify we return something sane. */
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_gen);
ok(stack_size <= 8, "Stack size %u > 8.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_miss);
ok(stack_size <= 8, "Stack size %u > 8.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_closest);
ok(stack_size <= 8, "Stack size %u > 8.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_broken0);
ok(stack_size == ~0u, "Stack size %u != UINT_MAX.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_broken1);
ok(stack_size == ~0u, "Stack size %u != UINT_MAX.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_broken2);
ok(stack_size == ~0u, "Stack size %u != UINT_MAX.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_broken3);
ok(stack_size == ~0u, "Stack size %u != UINT_MAX.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderStackSize(props, ray_anyhit);
ok(stack_size == ~0u, "Stack size %u != UINT_MAX.\n", stack_size);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetPipelineStackSize(props);
ok(stack_size <= 8, "Stack size %u < 8.\n", stack_size);
/* Apparently even if we set stack size here, it will be clamped to the conservative stack size? */
min_stack_size = stack_size;
ID3D12StateObjectProperties_SetPipelineStackSize(props, 64);
stack_size = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetPipelineStackSize(props);
ok(stack_size <= min_stack_size, "Stack size %u > %u.\n", stack_size, min_stack_size);
ray_gen_sbt = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderIdentifier(props, ray_gen);
ray_hit_sbt = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderIdentifier(props, ray_hit);
ray_miss_sbt = ID3D12StateObjectProperties_GetShaderIdentifier(props, ray_miss);
ok(!!ray_gen_sbt, "Failed to get SBT.\n");
ok(!!ray_hit_sbt, "Failed to get SBT.\n");
ok(!!ray_miss_sbt, "Failed to get SBT.\n");
memcpy(sbt_data + 0 * 64, ray_gen_sbt, D3D12_SHADER_IDENTIFIER_SIZE_IN_BYTES);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)