# Compiling libva/libva-utils deps $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $MyPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -Parent . "$MyPath\mesa_init_msvc.ps1" Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "deps" | Out-Null $depsInstallPath="C:\mesa-deps" Write-Host "Cloning libva at:" Get-Date git clone https://github.com/intel/libva.git deps/libva if (!$?) { Write-Host "Failed to clone libva repository" Exit 1 } Write-Host "Cloning libva finished at:" Get-Date Write-Host "Building libva at:" Get-Date Push-Location -Path ".\deps\libva" Write-Host "Checking out libva..." git checkout 2.21.0 Pop-Location # libva already has a build dir in their repo, use builddir instead $libva_build = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".\deps\libva" -Name "builddir" Push-Location -Path $libva_build.FullName meson .. -Dprefix="$depsInstallPath" ninja -j32 install $buildstatus = $? Pop-Location Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $libva_build if (!$buildstatus) { Write-Host "Failed to compile libva" Exit 1 } Write-Host "Building libva finished at:" Get-Date Write-Host "Cloning libva-utils at:" Get-Date git clone https://github.com/intel/libva-utils.git deps/libva-utils if (!$?) { Write-Host "Failed to clone libva-utils repository" Exit 1 } Write-Host "Cloning libva-utils finished at:" Get-Date Write-Host "Building libva-utils at:" Get-Date Push-Location -Path ".\deps\libva-utils" Write-Host "Checking out libva-utils..." git checkout 2.21.0 Pop-Location Write-Host "Building libva-utils" # libva-utils already has a build dir in their repo, use builddir instead $libva_utils_build = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".\deps\libva-utils" -Name "builddir" Push-Location -Path $libva_utils_build.FullName meson .. -Dprefix="$depsInstallPath" --pkg-config-path="$depsInstallPath\lib\pkgconfig;$depsInstallPath\share\pkgconfig" ninja -j32 install $buildstatus = $? Pop-Location Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $libva_utils_build if (!$buildstatus) { Write-Host "Failed to compile libva-utils" Exit 1 } Write-Host "Building libva-utils finished at:" Get-Date