/* * Copyrigh 2016 Red Hat Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Based on anv: * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation */ #include "tu_query.h" #include #include "nir/nir_builder.h" #include "util/os_time.h" #include "vk_util.h" #include "tu_cmd_buffer.h" #include "tu_cs.h" #include "tu_device.h" #include "tu_rmv.h" #include "common/freedreno_gpu_event.h" #define NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000ull #define WAIT_TIMEOUT 5 #define STAT_COUNT ((REG_A6XX_RBBM_PRIMCTR_10_LO - REG_A6XX_RBBM_PRIMCTR_0_LO) / 2 + 1) struct PACKED query_slot { uint64_t available; }; struct PACKED occlusion_query_slot { struct query_slot common; uint64_t _padding0; uint64_t begin; uint64_t result; uint64_t end; uint64_t _padding1; }; struct PACKED timestamp_query_slot { struct query_slot common; uint64_t result; }; struct PACKED primitive_slot_value { uint64_t values[2]; }; struct PACKED pipeline_stat_query_slot { struct query_slot common; uint64_t results[STAT_COUNT]; uint64_t begin[STAT_COUNT]; uint64_t end[STAT_COUNT]; }; struct PACKED primitive_query_slot { struct query_slot common; /* The result of transform feedback queries is two integer values: * results[0] is the count of primitives written, * results[1] is the count of primitives generated. * Also a result for each stream is stored at 4 slots respectively. */ uint64_t results[2]; /* Primitive counters also need to be 16-byte aligned. */ uint64_t _padding; struct primitive_slot_value begin[4]; struct primitive_slot_value end[4]; }; struct PACKED perfcntr_query_slot { uint64_t result; uint64_t begin; uint64_t end; }; struct PACKED perf_query_slot { struct query_slot common; struct perfcntr_query_slot perfcntr; }; struct PACKED primitives_generated_query_slot { struct query_slot common; uint64_t result; uint64_t begin; uint64_t end; }; /* Returns the IOVA or mapped address of a given uint64_t field * in a given slot of a query pool. */ #define query_iova(type, pool, query, field) \ pool->bo->iova + pool->stride * (query) + offsetof(type, field) #define query_addr(type, pool, query, field) \ (uint64_t *) ((char *) pool->bo->map + pool->stride * (query) + \ offsetof(type, field)) #define occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, field) \ query_iova(struct occlusion_query_slot, pool, query, field) #define occlusion_query_addr(pool, query, field) \ query_addr(struct occlusion_query_slot, pool, query, field) #define pipeline_stat_query_iova(pool, query, field, idx) \ pool->bo->iova + pool->stride * (query) + \ offsetof_arr(struct pipeline_stat_query_slot, field, (idx)) #define primitive_query_iova(pool, query, field, stream_id, i) \ query_iova(struct primitive_query_slot, pool, query, field) + \ sizeof_field(struct primitive_query_slot, field[0]) * (stream_id) + \ offsetof_arr(struct primitive_slot_value, values, (i)) #define perf_query_iova(pool, query, field, i) \ pool->bo->iova + pool->stride * (query) + \ sizeof(struct query_slot) + \ sizeof(struct perfcntr_query_slot) * (i) + \ offsetof(struct perfcntr_query_slot, field) #define primitives_generated_query_iova(pool, query, field) \ query_iova(struct primitives_generated_query_slot, pool, query, field) #define query_available_iova(pool, query) \ query_iova(struct query_slot, pool, query, available) #define query_result_iova(pool, query, type, i) \ pool->bo->iova + pool->stride * (query) + \ sizeof(struct query_slot) + sizeof(type) * (i) #define query_result_addr(pool, query, type, i) \ (uint64_t *) ((char *) pool->bo->map + pool->stride * (query) + \ sizeof(struct query_slot) + sizeof(type) * (i)) #define query_is_available(slot) slot->available static const VkPerformanceCounterUnitKHR fd_perfcntr_type_to_vk_unit[] = { [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_UINT64] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_UINT] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_FLOAT] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_PERCENTAGE] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_PERCENTAGE_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_BYTES] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_BYTES_KHR, /* TODO. can be UNIT_NANOSECONDS_KHR with a logic to compute */ [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_MICROSECONDS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_HZ] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_HERTZ_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_DBM] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_VOLTS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_AMPS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_WATTS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_UNIT_GENERIC_KHR, }; /* TODO. Basically this comes from the freedreno implementation where * only UINT64 is used. We'd better confirm this by the blob vulkan driver * when it starts supporting perf query. */ static const VkPerformanceCounterStorageKHR fd_perfcntr_type_to_vk_storage[] = { [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_UINT64] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_UINT64_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_UINT] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_UINT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_FLOAT] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_PERCENTAGE] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_BYTES] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_UINT64_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_MICROSECONDS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_UINT64_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_HZ] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_UINT64_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_DBM] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_VOLTS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_AMPS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, [FD_PERFCNTR_TYPE_WATTS] = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_STORAGE_FLOAT32_KHR, }; /* * Returns a pointer to a given slot in a query pool. */ static struct query_slot * slot_address(struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { return (struct query_slot *) ((char *) pool->bo->map + query * pool->stride); } static void perfcntr_index(const struct fd_perfcntr_group *group, uint32_t group_count, uint32_t index, uint32_t *gid, uint32_t *cid) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < group_count; i++) { if (group[i].num_countables > index) { *gid = i; *cid = index; break; } index -= group[i].num_countables; } assert(i < group_count); } static int compare_perfcntr_pass(const void *a, const void *b) { return ((struct tu_perf_query_data *)a)->pass - ((struct tu_perf_query_data *)b)->pass; } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_CreateQueryPool(VkDevice _device, const VkQueryPoolCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkQueryPool *pQueryPool) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); assert(pCreateInfo->sType == VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_QUERY_POOL_CREATE_INFO); assert(pCreateInfo->queryCount > 0); uint32_t pool_size, slot_size; const VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR *perf_query_info = NULL; pool_size = sizeof(struct tu_query_pool); switch (pCreateInfo->queryType) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: slot_size = sizeof(struct occlusion_query_slot); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: slot_size = sizeof(struct timestamp_query_slot); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: slot_size = sizeof(struct primitive_query_slot); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: slot_size = sizeof(struct primitives_generated_query_slot); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: { perf_query_info = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, QUERY_POOL_PERFORMANCE_CREATE_INFO_KHR); assert(perf_query_info); slot_size = sizeof(struct perf_query_slot) + sizeof(struct perfcntr_query_slot) * (perf_query_info->counterIndexCount - 1); /* Size of the array pool->tu_perf_query_data */ pool_size += sizeof(struct tu_perf_query_data) * perf_query_info->counterIndexCount; break; } case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: slot_size = sizeof(struct pipeline_stat_query_slot); break; default: unreachable("Invalid query type"); } struct tu_query_pool *pool = (struct tu_query_pool *) vk_object_alloc(&device->vk, pAllocator, pool_size, VK_OBJECT_TYPE_QUERY_POOL); if (!pool) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); if (pCreateInfo->queryType == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR) { pool->perf_group = fd_perfcntrs(&device->physical_device->dev_id, &pool->perf_group_count); pool->counter_index_count = perf_query_info->counterIndexCount; /* Build all perf counters data that is requested, so we could get * correct group id, countable id, counter register and pass index with * only a counter index provided by applications at each command submit. * * Also, since this built data will be sorted by pass index later, we * should keep the original indices and store perfcntrs results according * to them so apps can get correct results with their own indices. */ uint32_t regs[pool->perf_group_count], pass[pool->perf_group_count]; memset(regs, 0x00, pool->perf_group_count * sizeof(regs[0])); memset(pass, 0x00, pool->perf_group_count * sizeof(pass[0])); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool->counter_index_count; i++) { uint32_t gid = 0, cid = 0; perfcntr_index(pool->perf_group, pool->perf_group_count, perf_query_info->pCounterIndices[i], &gid, &cid); pool->perf_query_data[i].gid = gid; pool->perf_query_data[i].cid = cid; pool->perf_query_data[i].app_idx = i; /* When a counter register is over the capacity(num_counters), * reset it for next pass. */ if (regs[gid] < pool->perf_group[gid].num_counters) { pool->perf_query_data[i].cntr_reg = regs[gid]++; pool->perf_query_data[i].pass = pass[gid]; } else { pool->perf_query_data[i].pass = ++pass[gid]; pool->perf_query_data[i].cntr_reg = regs[gid] = 0; regs[gid]++; } } /* Sort by pass index so we could easily prepare a command stream * with the ascending order of pass index. */ qsort(pool->perf_query_data, pool->counter_index_count, sizeof(pool->perf_query_data[0]), compare_perfcntr_pass); } VkResult result = tu_bo_init_new(device, &pool->bo, pCreateInfo->queryCount * slot_size, TU_BO_ALLOC_NO_FLAGS, "query pool"); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, pool); return result; } result = tu_bo_map(device, pool->bo); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { tu_bo_finish(device, pool->bo); vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, pool); return result; } /* Initialize all query statuses to unavailable */ memset(pool->bo->map, 0, pool->bo->size); pool->type = pCreateInfo->queryType; pool->stride = slot_size; pool->size = pCreateInfo->queryCount; pool->pipeline_statistics = pCreateInfo->pipelineStatistics; TU_RMV(query_pool_create, device, pool); *pQueryPool = tu_query_pool_to_handle(pool); return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_DestroyQueryPool(VkDevice _device, VkQueryPool _pool, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, _pool); if (!pool) return; TU_RMV(resource_destroy, device, pool); tu_bo_finish(device, pool->bo); vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, pool); } static uint32_t get_result_count(struct tu_query_pool *pool) { switch (pool->type) { /* Occulusion and timestamp queries write one integer value */ case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: return 1; /* Transform feedback queries write two integer values */ case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: return 2; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: return util_bitcount(pool->pipeline_statistics); case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: return pool->counter_index_count; default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); return 0; } } static uint32_t statistics_index(uint32_t *statistics) { uint32_t stat; stat = u_bit_scan(statistics); switch (1 << stat) { case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_INPUT_ASSEMBLY_VERTICES_BIT: case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_VERTEX_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT: return 0; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_INPUT_ASSEMBLY_PRIMITIVES_BIT: return 1; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_PATCHES_BIT: return 2; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT: return 4; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT: return 5; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_BIT: return 6; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_CLIPPING_INVOCATIONS_BIT: return 7; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_CLIPPING_PRIMITIVES_BIT: return 8; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT: return 9; case VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT: return 10; default: return 0; } } static bool is_pipeline_query_with_vertex_stage(uint32_t pipeline_statistics) { return pipeline_statistics & (VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_INPUT_ASSEMBLY_VERTICES_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_INPUT_ASSEMBLY_PRIMITIVES_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_VERTEX_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_CLIPPING_INVOCATIONS_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_CLIPPING_PRIMITIVES_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_PATCHES_BIT | VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT); } static bool is_pipeline_query_with_fragment_stage(uint32_t pipeline_statistics) { return pipeline_statistics & VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT; } static bool is_pipeline_query_with_compute_stage(uint32_t pipeline_statistics) { return pipeline_statistics & VK_QUERY_PIPELINE_STATISTIC_COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_BIT; } /* Wait on the the availability status of a query up until a timeout. */ static VkResult wait_for_available(struct tu_device *device, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { /* TODO: Use the MSM_IOVA_WAIT ioctl to wait on the available bit in a * scheduler friendly way instead of busy polling once the patch has landed * upstream. */ struct query_slot *slot = slot_address(pool, query); uint64_t abs_timeout = os_time_get_absolute_timeout( WAIT_TIMEOUT * NSEC_PER_SEC); while(os_time_get_nano() < abs_timeout) { if (query_is_available(slot)) return VK_SUCCESS; } return vk_error(device, VK_TIMEOUT); } /* Writes a query value to a buffer from the CPU. */ static void write_query_value_cpu(char* base, uint32_t offset, uint64_t value, VkQueryResultFlags flags) { if (flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT) { *(uint64_t*)(base + (offset * sizeof(uint64_t))) = value; } else { *(uint32_t*)(base + (offset * sizeof(uint32_t))) = value; } } static VkResult get_query_pool_results(struct tu_device *device, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount, size_t dataSize, void *pData, VkDeviceSize stride, VkQueryResultFlags flags) { assert(dataSize >= stride * queryCount); char *result_base = (char *) pData; VkResult result = VK_SUCCESS; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { uint32_t query = firstQuery + i; struct query_slot *slot = slot_address(pool, query); bool available = query_is_available(slot); uint32_t result_count = get_result_count(pool); uint32_t statistics = pool->pipeline_statistics; if ((flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_WAIT_BIT) && !available) { VkResult wait_result = wait_for_available(device, pool, query); if (wait_result != VK_SUCCESS) return wait_result; available = true; } else if (!(flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT) && !available) { /* From the Vulkan 1.1.130 spec: * * If VK_QUERY_RESULT_WAIT_BIT and VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT are * both not set then no result values are written to pData for * queries that are in the unavailable state at the time of the * call, and vkGetQueryPoolResults returns VK_NOT_READY. However, * availability state is still written to pData for those queries * if VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_AVAILABILITY_BIT is set. */ result = VK_NOT_READY; if (!(flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_AVAILABILITY_BIT)) { result_base += stride; continue; } } for (uint32_t k = 0; k < result_count; k++) { if (available) { uint64_t *result; if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS) { uint32_t stat_idx = statistics_index(&statistics); result = query_result_addr(pool, query, uint64_t, stat_idx); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR) { result = query_result_addr(pool, query, struct perfcntr_query_slot, k); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION) { assert(k == 0); result = occlusion_query_addr(pool, query, result); } else { result = query_result_addr(pool, query, uint64_t, k); } write_query_value_cpu(result_base, k, *result, flags); } else if (flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT) /* From the Vulkan 1.1.130 spec: * * If VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT is set, VK_QUERY_RESULT_WAIT_BIT * is not set, and the query’s status is unavailable, an * intermediate result value between zero and the final result * value is written to pData for that query. * * Just return 0 here for simplicity since it's a valid result. */ write_query_value_cpu(result_base, k, 0, flags); } if (flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_AVAILABILITY_BIT) /* From the Vulkan 1.1.130 spec: * * If VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_AVAILABILITY_BIT is set, the final * integer value written for each query is non-zero if the query’s * status was available or zero if the status was unavailable. */ write_query_value_cpu(result_base, result_count, available, flags); result_base += stride; } return result; } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_GetQueryPoolResults(VkDevice _device, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount, size_t dataSize, void *pData, VkDeviceSize stride, VkQueryResultFlags flags) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); assert(firstQuery + queryCount <= pool->size); if (vk_device_is_lost(&device->vk)) return VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST; switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: return get_query_pool_results(device, pool, firstQuery, queryCount, dataSize, pData, stride, flags); default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } return VK_SUCCESS; } /* Copies a query value from one buffer to another from the GPU. */ static void copy_query_value_gpu(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_cs *cs, uint64_t src_iova, uint64_t base_write_iova, uint32_t offset, VkQueryResultFlags flags) { uint32_t element_size = flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t); uint64_t write_iova = base_write_iova + (offset * element_size); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 5); uint32_t mem_to_mem_flags = flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_64_BIT ? CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE : 0; tu_cs_emit(cs, mem_to_mem_flags); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, write_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, src_iova); } template static void emit_copy_query_pool_results(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_cs *cs, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount, struct tu_buffer *buffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, VkDeviceSize stride, VkQueryResultFlags flags) { /* Flush cache for the buffer to copy to. */ tu_emit_cache_flush(cmdbuf); /* From the Vulkan 1.1.130 spec: * * vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults is guaranteed to see the effect of previous * uses of vkCmdResetQueryPool in the same queue, without any additional * synchronization. * * To ensure that previous writes to the available bit are coherent, first * wait for all writes to complete. */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_MEM_WRITES, 0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { uint32_t query = firstQuery + i; uint64_t available_iova = query_available_iova(pool, query); uint64_t buffer_iova = buffer->iova + dstOffset + i * stride; uint32_t result_count = get_result_count(pool); uint32_t statistics = pool->pipeline_statistics; /* Wait for the available bit to be set if executed with the * VK_QUERY_RESULT_WAIT_BIT flag. */ if (flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_WAIT_BIT) { tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM, 6); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_0_FUNCTION(WRITE_EQ) | CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_0_POLL(POLL_MEMORY)); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_3_REF(0x1)); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_4_MASK(~0)); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_5_DELAY_LOOP_CYCLES(16)); } for (uint32_t k = 0; k < result_count; k++) { uint64_t result_iova; if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS) { uint32_t stat_idx = statistics_index(&statistics); result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, stat_idx); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR) { result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, struct perfcntr_query_slot, k); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION) { assert(k == 0); result_iova = occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, result); } else { result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, k); } if (flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_PARTIAL_BIT) { /* Unconditionally copying the bo->result into the buffer here is * valid because we only set bo->result on vkCmdEndQuery. Thus, even * if the query is unavailable, this will copy the correct partial * value of 0. */ copy_query_value_gpu(cmdbuf, cs, result_iova, buffer_iova, k /* offset */, flags); } else { /* Conditionally copy bo->result into the buffer based on whether the * query is available. * * NOTE: For the conditional packets to be executed, CP_COND_EXEC * tests that ADDR0 != 0 and ADDR1 < REF. The packet here simply tests * that 0 < available < 2, aka available == 1. */ tu_cs_reserve(cs, 7 + 6); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_COND_EXEC, 6); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_COND_EXEC_4_REF(0x2)); tu_cs_emit(cs, 6); /* Cond execute the next 6 DWORDS */ /* Start of conditional execution */ copy_query_value_gpu(cmdbuf, cs, result_iova, buffer_iova, k /* offset */, flags); /* End of conditional execution */ } } if (flags & VK_QUERY_RESULT_WITH_AVAILABILITY_BIT) { copy_query_value_gpu(cmdbuf, cs, available_iova, buffer_iova, result_count /* offset */, flags); } } } template VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdCopyQueryPoolResults(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount, VkBuffer dstBuffer, VkDeviceSize dstOffset, VkDeviceSize stride, VkQueryResultFlags flags) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_buffer, buffer, dstBuffer); struct tu_cs *cs = &cmdbuf->cs; assert(firstQuery + queryCount <= pool->size); switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: return emit_copy_query_pool_results(cmdbuf, cs, pool, firstQuery, queryCount, buffer, dstOffset, stride, flags); case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: unreachable("allowCommandBufferQueryCopies is false"); default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } } TU_GENX(tu_CmdCopyQueryPoolResults); static void emit_reset_query_pool(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount) { struct tu_cs *cs = &cmdbuf->cs; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { uint32_t query = firstQuery + i; uint32_t statistics = pool->pipeline_statistics; tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, query_available_iova(pool, query)); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x0); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < get_result_count(pool); k++) { uint64_t result_iova; if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS) { uint32_t stat_idx = statistics_index(&statistics); result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, stat_idx); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR) { result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, struct perfcntr_query_slot, k); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION) { assert(k == 0); result_iova = occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, result); } else { result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, k); } tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x0); } } } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdResetQueryPool(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: emit_reset_query_pool(cmdbuf, pool, firstQuery, queryCount); break; default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_ResetQueryPool(VkDevice device, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t firstQuery, uint32_t queryCount) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { struct query_slot *slot = slot_address(pool, i + firstQuery); slot->available = 0; for (uint32_t k = 0; k < get_result_count(pool); k++) { uint64_t *res; if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR) { res = query_result_addr(pool, i + firstQuery, struct perfcntr_query_slot, k); } else if (pool->type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION) { assert(k == 0); res = occlusion_query_addr(pool, i + firstQuery, result); } else { res = query_result_addr(pool, i + firstQuery, uint64_t, k); } *res = 0; } } } template static void emit_begin_occlusion_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { /* From the Vulkan 1.1.130 spec: * * A query must begin and end inside the same subpass of a render pass * instance, or must both begin and end outside of a render pass * instance. * * Unlike on an immediate-mode renderer, Turnip renders all tiles on * vkCmdEndRenderPass, not individually on each vkCmdDraw*. As such, if a * query begins/ends inside the same subpass of a render pass, we need to * record the packets on the secondary draw command stream. cmdbuf->draw_cs * is then run on every tile during render, so we just need to accumulate * sample counts in slot->result to compute the query result. */ struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t begin_iova = occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, begin); tu_cs_emit_regs(cs, A6XX_RB_SAMPLE_COUNT_CONTROL(.copy = true)); if (!cmdbuf->device->physical_device->info->a7xx.has_event_write_sample_count) { tu_cs_emit_regs(cs, A6XX_RB_SAMPLE_COUNT_ADDR(.qword = begin_iova)); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE, 1); tu_cs_emit(cs, ZPASS_DONE); if (CHIP == A7XX) { /* Copied from blob's cmdstream, not sure why it is done. */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE, 1); tu_cs_emit(cs, CCU_CLEAN_DEPTH); } } else { tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE7, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE7_0(.event = ZPASS_DONE, .write_sample_count = true).value); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); } } template static void emit_begin_stat_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t begin_iova = pipeline_stat_query_iova(pool, query, begin, 0); if (is_pipeline_query_with_vertex_stage(pool->pipeline_statistics)) { bool need_cond_exec = cmdbuf->state.pass && cmdbuf->state.prim_counters_running; cmdbuf->state.prim_counters_running++; /* Prevent starting primitive counters when it is supposed to be stopped * for outer VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT query. */ if (need_cond_exec) { tu_cond_exec_start(cs, CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_MODE(RENDER_MODE) | CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_SYSMEM | CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_BINNING); } tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_START_PRIMITIVE_CTRS); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 3); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, global_iova(cmdbuf, vtx_stats_query_not_running)); tu_cs_emit(cs, 0); if (need_cond_exec) { tu_cond_exec_end(cs); } } if (is_pipeline_query_with_fragment_stage(pool->pipeline_statistics)) { tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_START_FRAGMENT_CTRS); } if (is_pipeline_query_with_compute_stage(pool->pipeline_statistics)) { tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_START_COMPUTE_CTRS); } tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(REG_A6XX_RBBM_PRIMCTR_0_LO) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_CNT(STAT_COUNT * 2) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); } static void emit_perfcntrs_pass_start(struct tu_cs *cs, uint32_t pass) { tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TEST, 1); tu_cs_emit(cs, A6XX_CP_REG_TEST_0_REG( REG_A6XX_CP_SCRATCH_REG(PERF_CNTRS_REG)) | A6XX_CP_REG_TEST_0_BIT(pass) | A6XX_CP_REG_TEST_0_SKIP_WAIT_FOR_ME); tu_cond_exec_start(cs, CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_MODE(PRED_TEST)); } static void emit_begin_perf_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint32_t last_pass = ~0; if (cmdbuf->state.pass) { cmdbuf->state.rp.draw_cs_writes_to_cond_pred = true; } /* Querying perf counters happens in these steps: * * 0) There's a scratch reg to set a pass index for perf counters query. * Prepare cmd streams to set each pass index to the reg at device * creation time. See tu_CreateDevice in tu_device.c * 1) Emit command streams to read all requested perf counters at all * passes in begin/end query with CP_REG_TEST/CP_COND_REG_EXEC, which * reads the scratch reg where pass index is set. * See emit_perfcntrs_pass_start. * 2) Pick the right cs setting proper pass index to the reg and prepend * it to the command buffer at each submit time. * See tu_QueueSubmit in tu_drm.c * 3) If the pass index in the reg is true, then executes the command * stream below CP_COND_REG_EXEC. */ tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool->counter_index_count; i++) { struct tu_perf_query_data *data = &pool->perf_query_data[i]; if (last_pass != data->pass) { last_pass = data->pass; if (data->pass != 0) tu_cond_exec_end(cs); emit_perfcntrs_pass_start(cs, data->pass); } const struct fd_perfcntr_counter *counter = &pool->perf_group[data->gid].counters[data->cntr_reg]; const struct fd_perfcntr_countable *countable = &pool->perf_group[data->gid].countables[data->cid]; tu_cs_emit_pkt4(cs, counter->select_reg, 1); tu_cs_emit(cs, countable->selector); } tu_cond_exec_end(cs); last_pass = ~0; tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool->counter_index_count; i++) { struct tu_perf_query_data *data = &pool->perf_query_data[i]; if (last_pass != data->pass) { last_pass = data->pass; if (data->pass != 0) tu_cond_exec_end(cs); emit_perfcntrs_pass_start(cs, data->pass); } const struct fd_perfcntr_counter *counter = &pool->perf_group[data->gid].counters[data->cntr_reg]; uint64_t begin_iova = perf_query_iova(pool, 0, begin, data->app_idx); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(counter->counter_reg_lo) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); } tu_cond_exec_end(cs); } template static void emit_begin_xfb_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query, uint32_t stream_id) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t begin_iova = primitive_query_iova(pool, query, begin, 0, 0); tu_cs_emit_regs(cs, A6XX_VPC_SO_STREAM_COUNTS(.qword = begin_iova)); tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_WRITE_PRIMITIVE_COUNTS); } template static void emit_begin_prim_generated_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t begin_iova = primitives_generated_query_iova(pool, query, begin); if (cmdbuf->state.pass) { cmdbuf->state.rp.has_prim_generated_query_in_rp = true; } else { cmdbuf->state.prim_generated_query_running_before_rp = true; } cmdbuf->state.prim_counters_running++; if (cmdbuf->state.pass) { /* Primitives that passed all tests are still counted in in each * tile even with HW binning beforehand. Do not permit it. */ tu_cond_exec_start(cs, CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_MODE(RENDER_MODE) | CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_SYSMEM | CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_BINNING); } tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_START_PRIMITIVE_CTRS); tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(REG_A6XX_RBBM_PRIMCTR_7_LO) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_CNT(2) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); if (cmdbuf->state.pass) { tu_cond_exec_end(cs); } } template VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdBeginQuery(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query, VkQueryControlFlags flags) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); assert(query < pool->size); switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: /* In freedreno, there is no implementation difference between * GL_SAMPLES_PASSED and GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED, so we can similarly * ignore the VK_QUERY_CONTROL_PRECISE_BIT flag here. */ emit_begin_occlusion_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: emit_begin_xfb_query(cmdbuf, pool, query, 0); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: emit_begin_prim_generated_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: emit_begin_perf_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: emit_begin_stat_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: unreachable("Unimplemented query type"); default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } } TU_GENX(tu_CmdBeginQuery); template VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query, VkQueryControlFlags flags, uint32_t index) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); assert(query < pool->size); switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: emit_begin_xfb_query(cmdbuf, pool, query, index); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: emit_begin_prim_generated_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } } TU_GENX(tu_CmdBeginQueryIndexedEXT); template static void emit_end_occlusion_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { /* Ending an occlusion query happens in a few steps: * 1) Set the slot->end to UINT64_MAX. * 2) Set up the SAMPLE_COUNT registers and trigger a CP_EVENT_WRITE to * write the current sample count value into slot->end. * 3) Since (2) is asynchronous, wait until slot->end is not equal to * UINT64_MAX before continuing via CP_WAIT_REG_MEM. * 4) Accumulate the results of the query (slot->end - slot->begin) into * slot->result. * 5) If vkCmdEndQuery is *not* called from within the scope of a render * pass, set the slot's available bit since the query is now done. * 6) If vkCmdEndQuery *is* called from within the scope of a render * pass, we cannot mark as available yet since the commands in * draw_cs are not run until vkCmdEndRenderPass. */ const struct tu_render_pass *pass = cmdbuf->state.pass; struct tu_cs *cs = pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t available_iova = query_available_iova(pool, query); uint64_t begin_iova = occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, begin); uint64_t result_iova = occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, result); uint64_t end_iova = occlusion_query_iova(pool, query, end); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0xffffffffffffffffull); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_MEM_WRITES, 0); tu_cs_emit_regs(cs, A6XX_RB_SAMPLE_COUNT_CONTROL(.copy = true)); if (!cmdbuf->device->physical_device->info->a7xx.has_event_write_sample_count) { tu_cs_emit_regs(cs, A6XX_RB_SAMPLE_COUNT_ADDR(.qword = end_iova)); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE, 1); tu_cs_emit(cs, ZPASS_DONE); if (CHIP == A7XX) { /* Copied from blob's cmdstream, not sure why it is done. */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE, 1); tu_cs_emit(cs, CCU_CLEAN_DEPTH); } } else { tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE7, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_EVENT_WRITE7_0(.event = ZPASS_DONE, .write_sample_count = true, .sample_count_end_offset = true, .write_accum_sample_count_diff = true).value); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); } tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM, 6); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_0_FUNCTION(WRITE_NE) | CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_0_POLL(POLL_MEMORY)); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_3_REF(0xffffffff)); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_4_MASK(~0)); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_WAIT_REG_MEM_5_DELAY_LOOP_CYCLES(16)); if (!cmdbuf->device->physical_device->info->a7xx.has_event_write_sample_count) { /* result (dst) = result (srcA) + end (srcB) - begin (srcC) */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 9); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_NEG_C); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); } tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_MEM_WRITES, 0); if (pass) /* Technically, queries should be tracked per-subpass, but here we track * at the render pass level to simply the code a bit. This is safe * because the only commands that use the available bit are * vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults and vkCmdResetQueryPool, both of which * cannot be invoked from inside a render pass scope. */ cs = &cmdbuf->draw_epilogue_cs; tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); } /* PRIMITIVE_CTRS is used for two distinct queries: * - VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT * - VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS * If one is nested inside other - STOP_PRIMITIVE_CTRS should be emitted * only for outer query. * * Also, pipeline stat query could run outside of renderpass and prim gen * query inside of secondary cmd buffer - for such case we ought to track * the status of pipeline stats query. */ template static void emit_stop_primitive_ctrs(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_cs *cs, enum VkQueryType query_type) { bool is_secondary = cmdbuf->vk.level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY; cmdbuf->state.prim_counters_running--; if (cmdbuf->state.prim_counters_running == 0) { bool need_cond_exec = is_secondary && query_type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT && is_pipeline_query_with_vertex_stage(cmdbuf->inherited_pipeline_statistics); if (!need_cond_exec) { tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_STOP_PRIMITIVE_CTRS); } else { tu_cs_reserve(cs, 7 + 2); /* Check that pipeline stats query is not running, only then * we count stop the counter. */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_COND_EXEC, 6); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, global_iova(cmdbuf, vtx_stats_query_not_running)); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, global_iova(cmdbuf, vtx_stats_query_not_running)); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_COND_EXEC_4_REF(0x2)); tu_cs_emit(cs, 2); /* Cond execute the next 2 DWORDS */ tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_STOP_PRIMITIVE_CTRS); } } if (query_type == VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS) { tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 3); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, global_iova(cmdbuf, vtx_stats_query_not_running)); tu_cs_emit(cs, 1); } } template static void emit_end_stat_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t end_iova = pipeline_stat_query_iova(pool, query, end, 0); uint64_t available_iova = query_available_iova(pool, query); uint64_t result_iova; uint64_t stat_start_iova; uint64_t stat_stop_iova; if (is_pipeline_query_with_vertex_stage(pool->pipeline_statistics)) { /* No need to conditionally execute STOP_PRIMITIVE_CTRS when * we are inside VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT inside of a * renderpass, because it is already stopped. */ emit_stop_primitive_ctrs(cmdbuf, cs, VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS); } if (is_pipeline_query_with_fragment_stage(pool->pipeline_statistics)) { tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_STOP_FRAGMENT_CTRS); } if (is_pipeline_query_with_compute_stage(pool->pipeline_statistics)) { tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_STOP_COMPUTE_CTRS); } tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(REG_A6XX_RBBM_PRIMCTR_0_LO) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_CNT(STAT_COUNT * 2) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); for (int i = 0; i < STAT_COUNT; i++) { result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, i); stat_start_iova = pipeline_stat_query_iova(pool, query, begin, i); stat_stop_iova = pipeline_stat_query_iova(pool, query, end, i); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 9); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_WAIT_FOR_MEM_WRITES | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_NEG_C); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, stat_stop_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, stat_start_iova); } tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_MEM_WRITES, 0); if (cmdbuf->state.pass) cs = &cmdbuf->draw_epilogue_cs; /* Set the availability to 1 */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); } static void emit_end_perf_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t available_iova = query_available_iova(pool, query); uint64_t end_iova; uint64_t begin_iova; uint64_t result_iova; uint32_t last_pass = ~0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool->counter_index_count; i++) { struct tu_perf_query_data *data = &pool->perf_query_data[i]; if (last_pass != data->pass) { last_pass = data->pass; if (data->pass != 0) tu_cond_exec_end(cs); emit_perfcntrs_pass_start(cs, data->pass); } const struct fd_perfcntr_counter *counter = &pool->perf_group[data->gid].counters[data->cntr_reg]; end_iova = perf_query_iova(pool, 0, end, data->app_idx); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(counter->counter_reg_lo) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); } tu_cond_exec_end(cs); last_pass = ~0; tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool->counter_index_count; i++) { struct tu_perf_query_data *data = &pool->perf_query_data[i]; if (last_pass != data->pass) { last_pass = data->pass; if (data->pass != 0) tu_cond_exec_end(cs); emit_perfcntrs_pass_start(cs, data->pass); } result_iova = query_result_iova(pool, 0, struct perfcntr_query_slot, data->app_idx); begin_iova = perf_query_iova(pool, 0, begin, data->app_idx); end_iova = perf_query_iova(pool, 0, end, data->app_idx); /* result += end - begin */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 9); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_WAIT_FOR_MEM_WRITES | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_NEG_C); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); } tu_cond_exec_end(cs); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_MEM_WRITES, 0); if (cmdbuf->state.pass) cs = &cmdbuf->draw_epilogue_cs; /* Set the availability to 1 */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); } template static void emit_end_xfb_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query, uint32_t stream_id) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; uint64_t end_iova = primitive_query_iova(pool, query, end, 0, 0); uint64_t result_written_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, 0); uint64_t result_generated_iova = query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, 1); uint64_t begin_written_iova = primitive_query_iova(pool, query, begin, stream_id, 0); uint64_t begin_generated_iova = primitive_query_iova(pool, query, begin, stream_id, 1); uint64_t end_written_iova = primitive_query_iova(pool, query, end, stream_id, 0); uint64_t end_generated_iova = primitive_query_iova(pool, query, end, stream_id, 1); uint64_t available_iova = query_available_iova(pool, query); tu_cs_emit_regs(cs, A6XX_VPC_SO_STREAM_COUNTS(.qword = end_iova)); tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_WRITE_PRIMITIVE_COUNTS); tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_CACHE_FLUSH); /* Set the count of written primitives */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 9); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_NEG_C | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_WAIT_FOR_MEM_WRITES | 0x80000000); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_written_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_written_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_written_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_written_iova); tu_emit_event_write(cmdbuf, cs, FD_CACHE_FLUSH); /* Set the count of generated primitives */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 9); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_NEG_C | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_WAIT_FOR_MEM_WRITES | 0x80000000); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_generated_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_generated_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_generated_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_generated_iova); /* Set the availability to 1 */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); } template static void emit_end_prim_generated_query(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { struct tu_cs *cs = cmdbuf->state.pass ? &cmdbuf->draw_cs : &cmdbuf->cs; if (!cmdbuf->state.pass) { cmdbuf->state.prim_generated_query_running_before_rp = false; } uint64_t begin_iova = primitives_generated_query_iova(pool, query, begin); uint64_t end_iova = primitives_generated_query_iova(pool, query, end); uint64_t result_iova = primitives_generated_query_iova(pool, query, result); uint64_t available_iova = query_available_iova(pool, query); if (cmdbuf->state.pass) { tu_cond_exec_start(cs, CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_MODE(RENDER_MODE) | CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_SYSMEM | CP_COND_REG_EXEC_0_BINNING); } tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(REG_A6XX_RBBM_PRIMCTR_7_LO) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_CNT(2) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM, 9); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_DOUBLE | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_NEG_C | CP_MEM_TO_MEM_0_WAIT_FOR_MEM_WRITES); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, result_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, end_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, begin_iova); tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_WAIT_MEM_WRITES, 0); /* Should be after waiting for mem writes to have up to date info * about which query is running. */ emit_stop_primitive_ctrs(cmdbuf, cs, VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT); if (cmdbuf->state.pass) { tu_cond_exec_end(cs); } if (cmdbuf->state.pass) cs = &cmdbuf->draw_epilogue_cs; /* Set the availability to 1 */ tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, available_iova); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); } /* Implement this bit of spec text from section 17.2 "Query Operation": * * If queries are used while executing a render pass instance that has * multiview enabled, the query uses N consecutive query indices in the * query pool (starting at query) where N is the number of bits set in the * view mask in the subpass the query is used in. How the numerical * results of the query are distributed among the queries is * implementation-dependent. For example, some implementations may write * each view’s results to a distinct query, while other implementations * may write the total result to the first query and write zero to the * other queries. However, the sum of the results in all the queries must * accurately reflect the total result of the query summed over all views. * Applications can sum the results from all the queries to compute the * total result. * * Since we execute all views at once, we write zero to the other queries. * Furthermore, because queries must be reset before use, and we set the * result to 0 in vkCmdResetQueryPool(), we just need to mark it as available. */ static void handle_multiview_queries(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd, struct tu_query_pool *pool, uint32_t query) { if (!cmd->state.pass || !cmd->state.subpass->multiview_mask) return; unsigned views = util_bitcount(cmd->state.subpass->multiview_mask); struct tu_cs *cs = &cmd->draw_epilogue_cs; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < views; i++) { tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, query_available_iova(pool, query + i)); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); } } template VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdEndQuery(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); assert(query < pool->size); switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION: emit_end_occlusion_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: emit_end_xfb_query(cmdbuf, pool, query, 0); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: emit_end_prim_generated_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_QUERY_KHR: emit_end_perf_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS: emit_end_stat_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: unreachable("Unimplemented query type"); default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } handle_multiview_queries(cmdbuf, pool, query); } TU_GENX(tu_CmdEndQuery); template VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdEndQueryIndexedEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query, uint32_t index) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); assert(query < pool->size); switch (pool->type) { case VK_QUERY_TYPE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_EXT: assert(index <= 4); emit_end_xfb_query(cmdbuf, pool, query, index); break; case VK_QUERY_TYPE_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT: emit_end_prim_generated_query(cmdbuf, pool, query); break; default: assert(!"Invalid query type"); } } TU_GENX(tu_CmdEndQueryIndexedEXT); VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_CmdWriteTimestamp2(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineStageFlagBits2 pipelineStage, VkQueryPool queryPool, uint32_t query) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_cmd_buffer, cmd, commandBuffer); VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_query_pool, pool, queryPool); /* Inside a render pass, just write the timestamp multiple times so that * the user gets the last one if we use GMEM. There isn't really much * better we can do, and this seems to be what the blob does too. */ struct tu_cs *cs = cmd->state.pass ? &cmd->draw_cs : &cmd->cs; /* Stages that will already have been executed by the time the CP executes * the REG_TO_MEM. DrawIndirect parameters are read by the CP, so the draw * indirect stage counts as top-of-pipe too. */ VkPipelineStageFlags2 top_of_pipe_flags = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT | VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT; if (pipelineStage & ~top_of_pipe_flags) { /* Execute a WFI so that all commands complete. Note that CP_REG_TO_MEM * does CP_WAIT_FOR_ME internally, which will wait for the WFI to * complete. * * Stalling the CP like this is really unfortunate, but I don't think * there's a better solution that allows all 48 bits of precision * because CP_EVENT_WRITE doesn't support 64-bit timestamps. */ tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs); } tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM, 3); tu_cs_emit(cs, CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_REG(REG_A6XX_CP_ALWAYS_ON_COUNTER) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_CNT(2) | CP_REG_TO_MEM_0_64B); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, query_result_iova(pool, query, uint64_t, 0)); /* Only flag availability once the entire renderpass is done, similar to * the begin/end path. */ cs = cmd->state.pass ? &cmd->draw_epilogue_cs : &cmd->cs; tu_cs_emit_pkt7(cs, CP_MEM_WRITE, 4); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, query_available_iova(pool, query)); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, 0x1); /* From the spec for vkCmdWriteTimestamp: * * If vkCmdWriteTimestamp is called while executing a render pass * instance that has multiview enabled, the timestamp uses N consecutive * query indices in the query pool (starting at query) where N is the * number of bits set in the view mask of the subpass the command is * executed in. The resulting query values are determined by an * implementation-dependent choice of one of the following behaviors: * * - The first query is a timestamp value and (if more than one bit is * set in the view mask) zero is written to the remaining queries. * If two timestamps are written in the same subpass, the sum of the * execution time of all views between those commands is the * difference between the first query written by each command. * * - All N queries are timestamp values. If two timestamps are written * in the same subpass, the sum of the execution time of all views * between those commands is the sum of the difference between * corresponding queries written by each command. The difference * between corresponding queries may be the execution time of a * single view. * * We execute all views in the same draw call, so we implement the first * option, the same as regular queries. */ handle_multiview_queries(cmd, pool, query); } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_EnumeratePhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryCountersKHR( VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, uint32_t* pCounterCount, VkPerformanceCounterKHR* pCounters, VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR* pCounterDescriptions) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_physical_device, phydev, physicalDevice); uint32_t desc_count = *pCounterCount; uint32_t group_count; const struct fd_perfcntr_group *group = fd_perfcntrs(&phydev->dev_id, &group_count); VK_OUTARRAY_MAKE_TYPED(VkPerformanceCounterKHR, out, pCounters, pCounterCount); VK_OUTARRAY_MAKE_TYPED(VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR, out_desc, pCounterDescriptions, &desc_count); for (int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < group[i].num_countables; j++) { vk_outarray_append_typed(VkPerformanceCounterKHR, &out, counter) { counter->scope = VK_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_SCOPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_KHR; counter->unit = fd_perfcntr_type_to_vk_unit[group[i].countables[j].query_type]; counter->storage = fd_perfcntr_type_to_vk_storage[group[i].countables[j].query_type]; unsigned char sha1_result[20]; _mesa_sha1_compute(group[i].countables[j].name, strlen(group[i].countables[j].name), sha1_result); memcpy(counter->uuid, sha1_result, sizeof(counter->uuid)); } vk_outarray_append_typed(VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR, &out_desc, desc) { desc->flags = 0; snprintf(desc->name, sizeof(desc->name), "%s", group[i].countables[j].name); snprintf(desc->category, sizeof(desc->category), "%s", group[i].name); snprintf(desc->description, sizeof(desc->description), "%s: %s performance counter", group[i].name, group[i].countables[j].name); } } } return vk_outarray_status(&out); } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryPassesKHR( VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkQueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR* pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo, uint32_t* pNumPasses) { VK_FROM_HANDLE(tu_physical_device, phydev, physicalDevice); uint32_t group_count = 0; uint32_t gid = 0, cid = 0, n_passes; const struct fd_perfcntr_group *group = fd_perfcntrs(&phydev->dev_id, &group_count); uint32_t counters_requested[group_count]; memset(counters_requested, 0x0, sizeof(counters_requested)); *pNumPasses = 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo->counterIndexCount; i++) { perfcntr_index(group, group_count, pPerformanceQueryCreateInfo->pCounterIndices[i], &gid, &cid); counters_requested[gid]++; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < group_count; i++) { n_passes = DIV_ROUND_UP(counters_requested[i], group[i].num_counters); *pNumPasses = MAX2(*pNumPasses, n_passes); } } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_AcquireProfilingLockKHR(VkDevice device, const VkAcquireProfilingLockInfoKHR* pInfo) { /* TODO. Probably there's something to do for kgsl. */ return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_ReleaseProfilingLockKHR(VkDevice device) { /* TODO. Probably there's something to do for kgsl. */ return; }