### Before submitting your bug report: - Check if a new version of Mesa is available which might have fixed the problem. - If you can, check if the latest development version (git main) works better. - Check if your bug has already been reported here. - For any logs, backtraces, etc - use [code blocks](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/markdown.html#code-spans-and-blocks) - As examples of good bug reports you may review one of these - #2598, #2615, #2608 Otherwise, please fill the requested information below. And please remove anything that doesn't apply to keep things readable :) ### System information Please post `inxi -GSC -xx` output ([fenced with triple backticks](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/markdown.html#code-spans-and-blocks)) OR fill information below manually - OS: (`cat /etc/os-release | grep "NAME"`) - GPU: (`lspci -nn | grep VGA` or `lshw -C display -numeric`) - Kernel version: (run `uname -a`) - Mesa version: (`glxinfo -B | grep "OpenGL version string"`) - Xserver version (if applicable): (`sudo X -version`) - Desktop manager and compositor: #### If applicable - DXVK version: - Wine/Proton version: ### Describe the issue Please describe what you are doing, what you expect and what you're seeing instead. How frequent is the issue? Is it a one time occurrence? Does it appear multiple times but randomly? Can you easily reproduce it? "It doesn't work" usually is not a helpful description of an issue. The more detail about how things are going wrong, the better. ### Regression Did it used to work? It can greatly help to know when the issue started. ### Log files as attachment - Output of `dmesg` - Backtrace - Gpu hang details ### Screenshots/video files (if applicable) ### Any extra information would be greatly appreciated