#include "../dxvk_platform_exts.h" #include "../../vulkan/vulkan_loader.h" #include namespace dxvk { DxvkPlatformExts DxvkPlatformExts::s_instance; std::string_view DxvkPlatformExts::getName() { return "GLFW WSI"; } DxvkNameSet DxvkPlatformExts::getInstanceExtensions() { if (!glfwVulkanSupported()) throw DxvkError(str::format("GLFW WSI: Vulkan is not supported in any capacity!")); uint32_t extensionCount = 0; const char** extensionArray = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(&extensionCount); if (extensionCount == 0) throw DxvkError(str::format("GLFW WSI: Failed to get required instance extensions")); DxvkNameSet names; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < extensionCount; ++i) { names.add(extensionArray[i]); } return names; } DxvkNameSet DxvkPlatformExts::getDeviceExtensions( uint32_t adapterId) { return DxvkNameSet(); } void DxvkPlatformExts::initInstanceExtensions() { //Nothing needs to be done here on GLFW } void DxvkPlatformExts::initDeviceExtensions( const DxvkInstance* instance) { //Nothing needs to be done here on GLFW } }