#!/bin/sh # dejavuln-autoroot # by throwaway96 # https://github.com/throwaway96/dejavuln-autoroot # Copyright 2024. Licensed under AGPL v3 or later. No warranties. # Thanks to: # - Jacob Clayden (https://jacobcx.dev/) for discovering DejaVuln # - Bitdefender for their writeup of CVE-2023-6319 # (https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/labs/vulnerabilities-identified-in-lg-webos/) # - LG for being incompetent set -e USB_PATH="${USB_PATH:-$(dirname -- "${0}")}" DEBUG="${DEBUG:-}" IPK_SRC="${IPK_SRC:-"${USB_PATH}/hbchannel-0.6.3.ipk"}" toast() { [ -n "${logfile}" ] && debug "toasting: '${1}'" title='dejavuln-autoroot' srcapp='com.palm.app.settings' escape1="${1//\\/\\\\}" escape="${escape1//\"/\\\"}" payload="$(printf '{"sourceId":"%s","message":"


%s"}' "${srcapp}" "${title}" "${escape}")" luna-send -w 1000 -n 1 -a "${srcapp}" 'luna://com.webos.notification/createToast' "${payload}" >/dev/null } debug() { [ -z "${DEBUG}" ] && return msg="[d] ${1}" echo "${msg}" echo "${msg}" >>"${logfile}" fsync -- "${logfile}" } log() { msg="[ ] ${1}" echo "${msg}" echo "${msg}" >>"${logfile}" fsync -- "${logfile}" } error() { msg="[!] ${1}" echo "${msg}" echo "${msg}" >>"${logfile}" fsync -- "${logfile}" toast "Error: ${1}" } get_sdkversion() { luna-send -w 1000 -n 1 -q 'sdkVersion' -f 'luna://com.webos.service.tv.systemproperty/getSystemInfo' '{"keys":["sdkVersion"]}' | sed -n -e 's/^\s*"sdkVersion":\s*"\([0-9.]\+\)"\s*$/\1/p' } lockfile='/tmp/autoroot.lock' exec 200>"${lockfile}" flock -x -n -- 200 || { echo '[!] Another instance of this script is currently running'; exit 2; } trap -- "rm -f -- '${lockfile}'" EXIT [ -e "${USB_PATH}/autoroot.debug" ] && DEBUG='file' [ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && toast 'Script is running!' umask 022 if ! tempdir="$(mktemp -d -- '/tmp/autoroot.XXXXXX')"; then echo '[x] Failed to create random temporary directory; using PID-based fallback' tempdir="/tmp/autoroot.${$}" if ! mkdir -- "${tempdir}"; then echo "[x] PID-based fallback temporary directory ${tempdir} already exists" tempdir='/tmp/autoroot.temp' rm -rf -- "${tempdir}" mkdir -- "${tempdir}" fi fi logfile="${tempdir}/log" touch -- "${logfile}" if [ -n "${DEBUG}" ]; then loglink='/tmp/autoroot.log' rm -rf -- "${loglink}" ln -s -- "${logfile}" "${loglink}" fi log 'hi' log "script path: ${0}" debug "temp dir: ${tempdir}" log "date: $(date -u -- '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')" log "id: $(id)" usb_oncefile="${USB_PATH}/autoroot.once" tmp_oncefile='/tmp/autoroot.once' [ -e "${usb_oncefile}" -a -e "${tmp_oncefile}" ] && { log 'Script already executed'; exit 3; } touch -- "${usb_oncefile}" "${tmp_oncefile}" fsync -- "${usb_oncefile}" trap -- "cp -f -- '${logfile}' '${USB_PATH}/autoroot.log'" EXIT webos_ver="$(get_sdkversion)" log "webOS version: ${webos_ver}" if [ ! -f "${IPK_SRC}" ]; then error "IPK not found at '${IPK_SRC}'." exit 1 fi if [ -d '/var/luna/preferences/devmode_enabled' ]; then log 'devmode_enabled is already a directory; is your TV already rooted?' else if [ -e '/var/luna/preferences/devmode_enabled' ]; then log 'devmode_enabled exists; make sure the LG Dev Mode app is not installed!' toast "Make sure the LG Dev Mode app isn't installed!" rm -f -- '/var/luna/preferences/devmode_enabled' else debug 'devmode_enabled does not exist' fi if ! mkdir -- '/var/luna/preferences/devmode_enabled'; then error 'Failed to create devmode_enabled directory' exit 1 fi fi if restart appinstalld >/dev/null; then debug 'appinstalld restarted' else log 'Failed to restart appinstalld' fi ipkpath="${tempdir}/hbchannel.ipk" cp -- "${IPK_SRC}" "${ipkpath}" instpayload="$(printf '{"id":"com.ares.defaultName","ipkUrl":"%s","subscribe":true}' "${ipkpath}")" fifopath="${tempdir}/fifo" mkfifo -- "${fifopath}" log "Installing ${ipkpath}..." toast 'Installing...' luna-send -w 20000 -i 'luna://com.webos.appInstallService/dev/install' "${instpayload}" >"${fifopath}" & luna_pid="${!}" if ! result="$(fgrep -m 1 -e 'installed' -e 'failed' -e 'Unknown method' -- "${fifopath}")"; then rm -f -- "${fifopath}" error 'Install timed out' exit 1 fi kill -TERM "${luna_pid}" 2>/dev/null || true rm -f -- "${fifopath}" case "${result}" in *installed*) ;; *"Unknown method"*) error 'Installation failed (devmode_enabled not recognized)' exit 1 ;; *failed*) error 'Installation failed' exit 1 ;; *) error 'Installation failed for unknown reason' exit 1 ;; esac if ! /media/developer/apps/usr/palm/services/org.webosbrew.hbchannel.service/elevate-service >"${tempdir}/elevate.log"; then error 'Elevation failed' exit 1 fi log 'Rooting complete' toast 'Rooting complete.

Do not install the LG Dev Mode app while rooted!
