
97 lines
2.9 KiB

#include "cbase.h"
#include "vjolt_querymodel.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
JoltCollisionQuery::JoltCollisionQuery( JPH::Shape *pShape )
: m_pShape ( pShape )
int JoltCollisionQuery::ConvexCount()
const JPH::StaticCompoundShape *pCompoundShape = GetCompoundShape( m_pShape );
if ( pCompoundShape )
return int( pCompoundShape->GetNumSubShapes() );
// If we aren't a compound shape, then we have one.
return 1;
int JoltCollisionQuery::TriangleCount( int convexIndex )
return ActOnSubShape<int, JPH::Shape>( m_pShape, convexIndex, []( const JPH::Shape* pShape ) -> int
JPH::Shape::Stats stats = pShape->GetStats();
return stats.mNumTriangles;
} );
unsigned int JoltCollisionQuery::GetGameData( int convexIndex )
return static_cast< unsigned int >( m_pShape->GetUserData() );
void JoltCollisionQuery::GetTriangleVerts( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex, Vector *verts )
ActOnSubShape<int, JPH::Shape>( m_pShape, convexIndex, [&]( const JPH::Shape* pShape ) -> int
static constexpr int kRequestedTriangles = 2048;
JPH::Shape::GetTrianglesContext ctx;
pShape->GetTrianglesStart( ctx, JPH::AABox::sBiggest(), JPH::Vec3::sZero(), JPH::Quat::sIdentity(), JPH::Vec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
int i = 0;
for ( ;; )
JPH::Float3 vertices[ kRequestedTriangles * 3 ];
int count = pShape->GetTrianglesNext( ctx, kRequestedTriangles, vertices, nullptr /* materials */ );
if ( count == 0 )
if ( triangleIndex >= i && triangleIndex < i + count )
verts[ 0 ] = JoltToSource::Distance( vertices[ ( triangleIndex % kRequestedTriangles ) * 3 + 0 ] );
verts[ 1 ] = JoltToSource::Distance( vertices[ ( triangleIndex % kRequestedTriangles ) * 3 + 1 ] );
verts[ 2 ] = JoltToSource::Distance( vertices[ ( triangleIndex % kRequestedTriangles ) * 3 + 2 ] );
return 0;
i += kRequestedTriangles;
return 1;
} );
void JoltCollisionQuery::SetTriangleVerts( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex, const Vector *verts )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
int JoltCollisionQuery::GetTriangleMaterialIndex( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return 0;
void JoltCollisionQuery::SetTriangleMaterialIndex( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex, int index7bits )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );