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2022-08-28 22:31:01 +01:00
// Source / Jolt utilities
#pragma once
inline constexpr float InchesToMetres = 0.0254f;
inline constexpr float MetresToInches = 1.0f / 0.0254f;
// TODO! Remove loam_expr -> constexpr when mathlib stuff is sorted.
#define loam_expr inline
loam_expr Vector VectorHalfExtent( Vector mins, Vector maxs )
return 0.5f * ( maxs - mins );
loam_expr Quaternion ToQuaternion( const QAngle& angles )
Quaternion result;
AngleQuaternion( angles, result );
return result;
loam_expr QAngle ToQAngle( const Quaternion &q )
QAngle result;
QuaternionAngles( q, result );
return result;
loam_expr QAngle ToQAngle( const matrix3x4_t& m )
QAngle result;
MatrixAngles( m, result );
return result;
loam_expr Vector Abs( const Vector &v )
Vector result;
VectorAbs( v, result );
return result;
loam_expr Vector Rotate( const Vector &vector, const Quaternion &angle )
Vector out;
VectorRotate( vector, angle, out );
return out;
loam_expr Vector Rotate( const Vector& vector, const matrix3x4_t &matrix )
Vector out;
VectorRotate( vector, matrix, out );
return out;
template < typename T >
constexpr T Cube( T x )
return x * x * x;
namespace MatrixAxis
enum JoltMatrixAxes
Forward = 0,
Left = 1,
Up = 2,
X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 2,
Origin = 3,
Projective = 3,
using JoltMatrixAxes = MatrixAxis::JoltMatrixAxes;
loam_expr Vector GetColumn( const matrix3x4_t& m, JoltMatrixAxes axis )
Vector value;
MatrixGetColumn( m, (int)axis, value );
return value;
// SourceToJolt:
// Type conversions from:
// - JPH::Vec3 -> Vector,
// - JPH::Float3 -> Vector,
// - JPH::Quat-> Quaternion,
// - JPH::Quat -> QAngle,
// Unit conversions from:
// - metres -> inches (distance, area, volume, energy)
// - radians -> degrees
namespace JoltToSource
inline constexpr float Factor = MetresToInches;
inline constexpr float InvFactor = InchesToMetres;
// This is for doing direct type conversions
// ie. normals, directions, scale factors, coefficients and
// certain dimensionless quantities.
loam_expr float Unitless( float value ) { return value; }
loam_expr Vector Unitless( JPH::Vec3Arg value ) { return Vector( value[0], value[1], value[2] ); }
loam_expr Vector Unitless( JPH::Float3 value ) { return Vector( value[0], value[1], value[2] ); }
// This is used for any unit that has a singular metre factor
// ie. distance (m), velocity (m/s), acceleration (m/s^2), force (kg m/s^2).
loam_expr float Distance( float value ) { return value * Factor; }
loam_expr Vector Distance( JPH::Vec3Arg value ) { return Vector( Distance( value[0] ), Distance( value[1] ), Distance( value[2] ) ); }
loam_expr Vector Distance( JPH::Float3 value ) { return Vector( Distance( value[0] ), Distance( value[1] ), Distance( value[2] ) ); }
// m^2 -> in^2
loam_expr float Area( float value ) { return value * Factor * Factor; }
// m^3 -> in^3
loam_expr float Volume( float value ) { return value * Factor * Factor * Factor; }
// These handle converting Quaternions/QAngles -> JPH::Quat,
// which is a direct type passthrough.
// They also handles converting scalar angle units, which is rad -> deg.
loam_expr Quaternion Quat( JPH::QuatArg value ) { return Quaternion( value.GetX(), value.GetY(), value.GetZ(), value.GetW() ); }
loam_expr float Angle( float value ) { return RAD2DEG( value ); }
loam_expr QAngle Angle( JPH::QuatArg value ) { return ToQAngle( Quat( value ) ); }
loam_expr float Energy( float value ) { return value / ( InvFactor * InvFactor ); }
// Converts types and handles the angle (rad -> deg) unit conversion.
loam_expr float AngularImpulse( float value ) { return Angle( value ); }
loam_expr Vector AngularImpulse( JPH::Vec3Arg value ) { return Vector( AngularImpulse( value[0] ), AngularImpulse( value[1] ), AngularImpulse( value[2] ) ); }
// Misc. AABB helpers.
loam_expr Vector AABBCenter( const JPH::AABox &aabox ) { return Distance( aabox.mMin + aabox.GetExtent() ); }
loam_expr Vector AABBHalfExtent( const JPH::AABox &aabox ) { return Distance( aabox.GetExtent() ); }
loam_expr void AABBBounds( const JPH::AABox &aabox, Vector &outMins, Vector &outMaxs )
outMins = AABBCenter( aabox ) - AABBHalfExtent( aabox );
outMaxs = AABBCenter( aabox ) + AABBHalfExtent( aabox );
loam_expr matrix3x4_t Matrix( JPH::Mat44Arg matrix )
return matrix3x4_t
Vector( matrix.GetAxisX().GetX(), matrix.GetAxisX().GetY(), matrix.GetAxisX().GetZ() ),
Vector( matrix.GetAxisY().GetX(), matrix.GetAxisY().GetY(), matrix.GetAxisY().GetZ() ),
Vector( matrix.GetAxisZ().GetX(), matrix.GetAxisZ().GetY(), matrix.GetAxisZ().GetZ() ),
Distance( matrix.GetTranslation() ),
loam_expr ::Color Color( JPH::ColorArg color )
return ::Color( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
// SourceToJolt:
// Type conversions from:
// - Vector -> JPH::Vec3,
// - Vector -> JPH::Float3,
// - Quaternion -> JPH::Quat,
// - QAngle -> JPH::Quat,
// Unit conversions from:
// - inches -> metres (distance, area, volume, energy)
// - degrees -> radians
namespace SourceToJolt
inline constexpr float Factor = InchesToMetres;
inline constexpr float InvFactor = MetresToInches;
// This is for doing direct type conversions
// ie. normals, directions, scale factors, coefficients and
// certain dimensionless quantities.
loam_expr float Unitless( float value ) { return value; }
loam_expr JPH::Vec3 Unitless( Vector value ) { return JPH::Vec3( value[0], value[1], value[2] ); }
loam_expr JPH::Float3 UnitlessFloat3( Vector value ) { return JPH::Float3( value[0], value[1], value[2] ); }
// This is used for any unit that has a singular Source Unit(tm) "inch" factor
// ie. distance (in), velocity (in/s), acceleration (in/s^2), force (kg in/s^2).
loam_expr float Distance( float value ) { return value * Factor; }
loam_expr JPH::Vec3 Distance( Vector value ) { return JPH::Vec3( Distance( value[0] ), Distance( value[1] ), Distance( value[2] ) ); }
loam_expr JPH::Float3 DistanceFloat3( Vector value ) { return JPH::Float3( Distance( value[0] ), Distance( value[1] ), Distance( value[2] ) ); }
// in^2 -> m^2
loam_expr float Area( float value ) { return value * Factor * Factor; }
// in^3 -> m^3
loam_expr float Volume( float value ) { return value * Factor * Factor * Factor; }
// These handle converting JPH::Quat -> Quaternions/QAngles,
// which is a direct type passthrough.
// They also handles converting scalar angle units, which is deg -> rad.
loam_expr JPH::Quat Quat( Quaternion value ) { return JPH::Quat( value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w ); }
loam_expr float Angle( float value ) { return DEG2RAD( value ); }
loam_expr JPH::Quat Angle( QAngle value ) { return Quat( ToQuaternion( value ) ); }
loam_expr float Energy( float value ) { return value / ( InvFactor * InvFactor ); }
// Converts types and handles the angle (deg -> rad) unit conversion.
loam_expr float AngularImpulse( float value ) { return Angle( value ); }
loam_expr JPH::Vec3 AngularImpulse( Vector value ) { return JPH::Vec3( AngularImpulse( value[0] ), AngularImpulse( value[1] ), AngularImpulse( value[2] ) ); }
// Misc. AABB helpers.
loam_expr JPH::Vec3 AABBCenter( Vector mins, Vector maxs ) { return Distance( mins + VectorHalfExtent( mins, maxs ) ); }
loam_expr JPH::Vec3 AABBHalfExtent( Vector mins, Vector maxs ) { return Distance( VectorHalfExtent( mins, maxs ) ); }
loam_expr JPH::AABox AABBBounds( Vector mins, Vector maxs )
return JPH::AABox
AABBCenter( mins, maxs ) - AABBHalfExtent( mins, maxs ),
AABBCenter( mins, maxs ) + AABBHalfExtent( mins, maxs ),
loam_expr JPH::Mat44 Matrix( const matrix3x4_t &m )
return JPH::Mat44
JPH::Vec4( GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::X ).x, GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::X ).y, GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::X ).z, 0.0f ),
JPH::Vec4( GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Y ).x, GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Y ).y, GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Y ).z, 0.0f ),
JPH::Vec4( GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Z ).x, GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Z ).y, GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Z ).z, 0.0f ),
JPH::Vec4( Distance( GetColumn( m, MatrixAxis::Origin ) ), 1.0f ),
// Traces
// Same as CM_ClearTrace
inline void ClearTrace( trace_t *trace )
memset( trace, 0, sizeof( *trace ) );
trace->fraction = 1.0f;
trace->fractionleftsolid = 0.0f;
trace->surface.name = "**empty**";
// Converts a JoltPhysics smart ref-counted pointer to a raw pointer with a dangling
// reference that we can clean up explicitly explcitly later in eg. ConvexFree.
// The main reason is to avoids trailing class pointers that just have a single instance
// of this class that then get deleted, when we can just pass the raw pointer around ourselves
// and explicitly dereference on ourside when the game calls delete.
template < typename T >
T *ToDanglingRef( const JPH::Ref< T >& ref )
T *pPtr = ref.GetPtr();
return pPtr;
template < typename T >
bool VectorContains( const std::vector< T >& vector, const T &object )
return std::find(vector.begin(), vector.end(), object) != vector.end();
inline const JPH::Shape* UndecorateShape( const JPH::Shape *pShape )
if ( pShape->GetType() == JPH::EShapeType::Decorated )
pShape = static_cast< const JPH::DecoratedShape * >( pShape )->GetInnerShape();
return pShape;
inline const JPH::StaticCompoundShape *GetCompoundShape( const JPH::Shape *pShape )
pShape = UndecorateShape( pShape );
return pShape->GetType() == JPH::EShapeType::Compound
? static_cast< const JPH::StaticCompoundShape * >( pShape )
: nullptr;
template < typename T, typename ShapeType, typename Func >
T ActOnSubShape( const JPH::Shape *pShape, int nIndex, Func ShapeFunc )
const JPH::StaticCompoundShape *pCompoundShape = GetCompoundShape( pShape );
if ( pCompoundShape )
const JPH::CompoundShape::SubShape& subShape = pCompoundShape->GetSubShape( nIndex );
return ShapeFunc( static_cast< const ShapeType * >( UndecorateShape( subShape.mShape.GetPtr() ) ) );
return ShapeFunc( static_cast< const ShapeType * >( UndecorateShape( pShape ) ) );
template < typename ShapeType, typename Func >
void ActOnSubShapes( const JPH::Shape *pShape, Func ShapeFunc )
const JPH::StaticCompoundShape *pCompoundShape = GetCompoundShape( pShape );
if ( pCompoundShape )
for ( const JPH::CompoundShape::SubShape& subShape : pCompoundShape->GetSubShapes() )
JPH::Mat44 matLocalTranslation = JPH::Mat44::sRotationTranslation( subShape.GetRotation(), subShape.GetPositionCOM() );
ShapeFunc( static_cast< const ShapeType * >( UndecorateShape( subShape.mShape.GetPtr() ) ), matLocalTranslation );
ShapeFunc( static_cast< const ShapeType * >( UndecorateShape( pShape ) ), JPH::Mat44::sIdentity() );
template< typename T, typename Value >
constexpr void Erase( T &c, const Value &value )
auto it = std::remove( c.begin(), c.end(), value );
c.erase( it, c.end() );
template< typename T, typename Pred >
constexpr void EraseIf( T &c, Pred pred )
auto it = std::remove_if( c.begin(), c.end(), pred );
c.erase( it, c.end() );
2022-09-02 08:56:05 +01:00
template< typename T, typename Value >
constexpr bool Contains( const T &c, const Value &value )
return c.find( value ) != c.end();