class BasePlugin(): def __init__(self, src=None): self.source = src def authenticate(self, headers, target_host, target_port): pass class AuthenticationError(Exception): def __init__(self, log_msg=None, response_code=403, response_headers={}, response_msg=None): self.code = response_code self.headers = response_headers self.msg = response_msg if log_msg is None: log_msg = response_msg super().__init__('%s %s' % (self.code, log_msg)) class InvalidOriginError(AuthenticationError): def __init__(self, expected, actual): self.expected_origin = expected self.actual_origin = actual super().__init__( response_msg='Invalid Origin', log_msg="Invalid Origin Header: Expected one of " "%s, got '%s'" % (expected, actual)) class BasicHTTPAuth(): """Verifies Basic Auth headers. Specify src as username:password""" def __init__(self, src=None): self.src = src def authenticate(self, headers, target_host, target_port): import base64 auth_header = headers.get('Authorization') if auth_header: if not auth_header.startswith('Basic '): self.auth_error() try: user_pass_raw = base64.b64decode(auth_header[6:]) except TypeError: self.auth_error() try: # user_pass_as_text = user_pass_raw.decode('ISO-8859-1') except UnicodeDecodeError: self.auth_error() user_pass = user_pass_as_text.split(':', 1) if len(user_pass) != 2: self.auth_error() if not self.validate_creds(*user_pass): self.demand_auth() else: self.demand_auth() def validate_creds(self, username, password): if '%s:%s' % (username, password) == self.src: return True else: return False def auth_error(self): raise AuthenticationError(response_code=403) def demand_auth(self): raise AuthenticationError(response_code=401, response_headers={'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Websockify"'}) class ExpectOrigin(): def __init__(self, src=None): if src is None: self.source = [] else: self.source = src.split() def authenticate(self, headers, target_host, target_port): origin = headers.get('Origin', None) if origin is None or origin not in self.source: raise InvalidOriginError(expected=self.source, actual=origin) class ClientCertCNAuth(): """Verifies client by SSL certificate. Specify src as whitespace separated list of common names.""" def __init__(self, src=None): if src is None: self.source = [] else: self.source = src.split() def authenticate(self, headers, target_host, target_port): if headers.get('SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN', None) not in self.source: raise AuthenticationError(response_code=403)