Working vesrion Clojure Websockify.

Still needs some cleanup related to cleaning up client and target
This commit is contained in:
Joel Martin 2012-01-27 15:14:45 -06:00
parent 297a818066
commit a5d4fe1d18
1 changed files with 67 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1,30 +1,35 @@
(ns websockify
(:use ring.adapter.jetty)
;(:import [org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.base64 Base64])
;[ BufferedReader DataOutputStream]
;; Netty TCP Client
[java.util.concurrent Executors]
[ InetSocketAddress]
[java.nio ByteBuffer]
[java.nio.channels SocketChannel]
Channels SimpleChannelHandler ChannelPipelineFactory]
[org.jboss.netty.buffer ChannelBuffers]
[ NioClientSocketChannelFactory]
[org.jboss.netty.bootstrap ClientBootstrap]
[java.util.concurrent Executors]
[org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.base64 Base64]
[org.jboss.netty.util CharsetUtil]
;; Jetty WebSocket Server
[org.eclipse.jetty.server Server]
[org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio BlockingChannelConnector]
[org.eclipse.jetty.servlet ServletContextHandler ServletHolder DefaultServlet]
ServletContextHandler ServletHolder DefaultServlet]
WebSocket WebSocketClientFactory WebSocketClient
(defonce settings (atom {}))
;; WebSocket client to TCP target mappings
(defonce clients (atom {}))
(defonce targets (atom {}))
;; TCP / NIO
;; (defn tcp-channel [host port]
@ -38,22 +43,21 @@
;; nil)))
(defn make-netty-client-handler []
(proxy [SimpleChannelHandler] []
(channelConnected [ctx e]
(println "channelConnected:" e))
(channelDisconnected [ctx e]
(println "channelDisconnected:" e))
(messageReceived [ctx e]
(println "messageReceived:" (.getMessage e)))
(exceptionCaught [ctx e]
(println "exceptionCaught:" e))))
(defn netty-client [host port]
(let [pipeline (proxy [ChannelPipelineFactory] []
(defn netty-client [host port open close message]
(let [handler (proxy [SimpleChannelHandler] []
(channelConnected [ctx e] (open ctx e))
(channelDisconnected [ctx e] (close ctx e))
(messageReceived [ctx e] (message ctx e))
(exceptionCaught [ctx e]
(println "exceptionCaught:" e)))
pipeline (proxy [ChannelPipelineFactory] []
(getPipeline []
(doto (Channels/pipeline)
(.addLast "handler" (make-netty-client-handler)))))
(.addLast "handler" handler))))
bootstrap (doto (ClientBootstrap.
@ -69,22 +73,50 @@
;; WebSockets
(defn target-open [ctx e]
(println "channelConnected:" e))
(defn target-close [ctx e]
(println "channelDisconnected:" e))
(defn target-message [ctx e]
(let [channel (.getChannel ctx)
client (get @targets channel)
msg (.getMessage e)
len (.readableBytes msg)
b64 (Base64/encode msg false)
blen (.readableBytes b64)]
(println "received " len "bytes from target")
#_(println "target receive:" (.toString msg 0 len CharsetUtil/UTF_8))
#_(println "sending to client:" (.toString b64 0 blen CharsetUtil/UTF_8))
(.sendMessage client (.toString b64 0 blen CharsetUtil/UTF_8))
(defonce clients (atom {}))
(defn make-websocket-handler []
(reify org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocket$OnTextMessage
(onOpen [this connection]
(println "Got WebSocket connection:" connection)
#_(let [target (tcp-channel "localhost" 5901)]
(let [target (netty-client
"localhost" 5901
target-open target-close target-message)]
(swap! clients assoc this {:client connection
:target target})))
:target target})
(swap! targets assoc target connection)))
(onClose [this code message]
(println "Got WebSocket close:" code message)
(swap! clients dissoc this))
(let [target (:target (get @clients this))]
(swap! clients dissoc this)
(swap! targets dissoc target)
(onMessage [this data]
(println "Got WebSocket message:" data))))
(println "WebSocket onMessage:" data)
(let [target (:target (get @clients this))
cbuf (ChannelBuffers/copiedBuffer data CharsetUtil/UTF_8)
decbuf (Base64/decode cbuf)
rlen (.readableBytes decbuf)]
(println "Sending to target:" (.toString decbuf 0 rlen CharsetUtil/UTF_8))
(.write target decbuf)
(defn make-websocket-servlet []
(proxy [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocketServlet] []
@ -103,13 +135,15 @@
target-host "localhost"
target-port 5900
(reset! clients {})
(reset! targets {})
(let [http-servlet (doto (ServletHolder. (DefaultServlet.))
(.setInitParameter "dirAllowed" "true")
(.setInitParameter "resourceBase" web))
ws-servlet (ServletHolder. (make-websocket-servlet))
context (doto (ServletContextHandler.)
(.setContextPath "/")
(.addServlet ws-servlet "/websocket"))
(.addServlet ws-servlet "/websockify"))
connector (doto (BlockingChannelConnector.)
(.setPort listen-port)
(.setMaxIdleTime Integer/MAX_VALUE))
@ -124,5 +158,8 @@
(println "Not serving web requests"))
(defn stop []
(.stop server))))
(.stop server)
(reset! clients {})
(reset! targets {})