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#!/usr/bin/env python
Python WebSocket library
Copyright 2011 Joel Martin
Copyright 2016 Pierre Ossman
Licensed under LGPL version 3 (see docs/LICENSE.LGPL-3)
Supports following protocol versions:
- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-07
- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-10
- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455
import sys
import array
import email
import errno
import random
import socket
import ssl
import struct
from base64 import b64encode
from hashlib import sha1
import numpy
except ImportError:
import warnings
warnings.warn("no 'numpy' module, HyBi protocol will be slower")
numpy = None
# python 3.0 differences
from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
from urlparse import urlparse
# SSLWant*Error is 2.7.9+
class WebSocketWantReadError(ssl.SSLWantReadError):
class WebSocketWantWriteError(ssl.SSLWantWriteError):
except AttributeError:
class WebSocketWantReadError(OSError):
def __init__(self):
OSError.__init__(self, errno.EWOULDBLOCK)
class WebSocketWantWriteError(OSError):
def __init__(self):
OSError.__init__(self, errno.EWOULDBLOCK)
class WebSocket(object):
"""WebSocket protocol socket like class.
This provides access to the WebSocket protocol by behaving much
like a real socket would. It shares many similarities with
The WebSocket protocols requires extra data to be sent and received
compared to the application level data. This means that a socket
that is ready to be read may not hold enough data to decode any
application data, and a socket that is ready to be written to may
not have enough space for an entire WebSocket frame. This is
handled by the exceptions WebSocketWantReadError and
WebSocketWantWriteError. When these are raised the caller must wait
for the socket to become ready again and call the relevant function
A connection is established by using either connect() or accept(),
depending on if a client or server session is desired. See the
respective functions for details.
The following methods are passed on to the underlying socket:
- fileno
- getpeername, getsockname
- getsockopt, setsockopt
- gettimeout, settimeout
- setblocking
2013-03-20 12:30:16 +00:00
GUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
def __init__(self):
"""Creates an unconnected WebSocket"""
self._state = "new"
self._partial_msg = ''.encode("ascii")
2012-04-25 19:44:01 +01:00
self._recv_buffer = ''.encode("ascii")
self._recv_queue = []
self._send_buffer = ''.encode("ascii")
self._sent_close = False
self._received_close = False
self.close_code = None
self.close_reason = None
self.socket = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
# These methods are just redirected to the underlying socket
if name in ["fileno",
"getpeername", "getsockname",
"getsockopt", "setsockopt",
"gettimeout", "settimeout",
assert self.socket is not None
return getattr(self.socket, name)
raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
def connect(self, uri, origin=None, protocols=[]):
"""Establishes a new connection to a WebSocket server.
This method connects to the host specified by uri and
negotiates a WebSocket connection. origin should be specified
in accordance with RFC 6454 if known. A list of valid
sub-protocols can be specified in the protocols argument.
The data will be sent in the clear if the "ws" scheme is used,
and encrypted if the "wss" scheme is used.
Both WebSocketWantReadError and WebSocketWantWriteError can be
raised whilst negotiating the connection. Repeated calls to
connect() must retain the same arguments.
self.client = True;
uri = urlparse(uri)
port = uri.port
if uri.scheme in ("ws", "http"):
if not port:
port = 80
elif uri.scheme in ("wss", "https"):
if not port:
port = 443
raise Exception("Unknown scheme '%s'" % uri.scheme)
# This is a state machine in order to handle
# WantRead/WantWrite events
if self._state == "new":
self.socket = socket.create_connection((uri.hostname, port))
if uri.scheme in ("wss", "https"):
self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self.socket)
self._state = "ssl_handshake"
self._state = "headers"
if self._state == "ssl_handshake":
self._state = "headers"
if self._state == "headers":
self._key = ''
for i in range(16):
self._key += chr(random.randrange(256))
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
self._key = bytes(self._key, "latin-1")
self._key = b64encode(self._key).decode("ascii")
path = uri.path
if not path:
path = "/"
self._queue_str("GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" % path)
self._queue_str("Host: %s\r\n" % uri.hostname)
self._queue_str("Upgrade: websocket\r\n")
self._queue_str("Connection: upgrade\r\n")
self._queue_str("Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s\r\n" % self._key)
self._queue_str("Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n")
if origin is not None:
self._queue_str("Origin: %s\r\n" % origin)
if len(protocols) > 0:
self._queue_str("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s\r\n" % ", ".join(protocols))
self._state = "send_headers"
if self._state == "send_headers":
self._state = "response"
if self._state == "response":
if not self._recv():
raise Exception("Socket closed unexpectedly")
if self._recv_buffer.find('\r\n\r\n'.encode("ascii")) == -1:
raise WebSocketWantReadError
(request, self._recv_buffer) = self._recv_buffer.split('\r\n'.encode("ascii"), 1)
request = request.decode("latin-1")
words = request.split()
if (len(words) < 2) or (words[0] != "HTTP/1.1"):
raise Exception("Invalid response")
if words[1] != "101":
raise Exception("WebSocket request denied: %s" % " ".join(words[1:]))
(headers, self._recv_buffer) = self._recv_buffer.split('\r\n\r\n'.encode("ascii"), 1)
headers = headers.decode('latin-1') + '\r\n'
headers = email.message_from_string(headers)
if headers.get("Upgrade", "").lower() != "websocket":
raise Exception("Missing or incorrect upgrade header")
accept = headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Accept')
if accept is None:
raise Exception("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Accept header");
expected = sha1((self._key + self.GUID).encode("ascii")).digest()
expected = b64encode(expected).decode("ascii")
del self._key
if accept != expected:
raise Exception("Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept header");
self.protocol = headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol')
if len(protocols) == 0:
if self.protocol is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header")
if self.protocol not in protocols:
raise Exception("Invalid protocol chosen by server")
self._state = "done"
raise Exception("WebSocket is in an invalid state")
def accept(self, socket, headers):
"""Establishes a new WebSocket session with a client.
This method negotiates a WebSocket connection with an incoming
client. The caller must provide the client socket and the
headers from the HTTP request.
A server can identify that a client is requesting a WebSocket
connection by looking at the "Upgrade" header. It will include
the value "websocket" in such cases.
WebSocketWantWriteError can be raised if the response cannot be
sent right away. Repeated calls to accept() does not need to
retain the arguments.
# This is a state machine in order to handle
# WantRead/WantWrite events
if self._state == "new":
self.client = False
self.socket = socket
if headers.get("upgrade", "").lower() != "websocket":
raise Exception("Missing or incorrect upgrade header")
ver = headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Version')
if ver is None:
raise Exception("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Version header");
# HyBi-07 report version 7
# HyBi-08 - HyBi-12 report version 8
# HyBi-13 reports version 13
if ver in ['7', '8', '13']:
self.version = "hybi-%02d" % int(ver)
raise Exception("Unsupported protocol version %s" % ver)
key = headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Key')
if key is None:
raise Exception("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key header");
# Generate the hash value for the accept header
accept = sha1((key + self.GUID).encode("ascii")).digest()
accept = b64encode(accept).decode("ascii")
self.protocol = ''
protocols = headers.get('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol', '').split(',')
if protocols:
self.protocol = self.select_subprotocol(protocols)
# We are required to choose one of the protocols
# presented by the client
if self.protocol not in protocols:
raise Exception('Invalid protocol selected')
self._queue_str("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n")
self._queue_str("Upgrade: websocket\r\n")
self._queue_str("Connection: Upgrade\r\n")
self._queue_str("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n" % accept)
if self.protocol:
self._queue_str("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s\r\n" % self.protocol)
self._state = "flush"
if self._state == "flush":
self._state = "done"
raise Exception("WebSocket is in an invalid state")
def select_subprotocol(self, protocols):
"""Returns which sub-protocol should be used.
This method does not select any sub-protocol by default and is
meant to be overridden by an implementation that wishes to make
use of sub-protocols. It will be called during handling of
return ""
def handle_ping(self, data):
"""Called when a WebSocket ping message is received.
This will be called whilst processing recv()/recvmsg(). The
default implementation sends a pong reply back."""
def handle_pong(self, data):
"""Called when a WebSocket pong message is received.
This will be called whilst processing recv()/recvmsg(). The
default implementation does nothing."""
def recv(self):
"""Read data from the WebSocket.
This will return any available data on the socket (which may
be the empty string if the peer sent an empty message or
messages). If the socket is closed then None will be
returned. The reason for the close is found in the
'close_code' and 'close_reason' properties.
2014-04-14 13:20:00 +01:00
Unlike recvmsg() this method may return data from more than one
WebSocket message. It is however not guaranteed to return all
buffered data. Callers should continue calling recv() whilst
pending() returns True.
Both WebSocketWantReadError and WebSocketWantWriteError can be
raised when calling recv().
return self.recvmsg()
def recvmsg(self):
"""Read a single message from the WebSocket.
This will return a single WebSocket message from the socket
(which will be the empty string if the peer sent an empty
message). If the socket is closed then None will be
returned. The reason for the close is found in the
'close_code' and 'close_reason' properties.
Unlike recv() this method will not return data from more than
one WebSocket message. Callers should continue calling
recvmsg() whilst pending() returns True.
Both WebSocketWantReadError and WebSocketWantWriteError can be
raised when calling recvmsg().
# May have been called to flush out a close
if self._received_close:
return None
# Anything already queued?
if self.pending():
return self._recvmsg()
# Note: If self._recvmsg() raised WebSocketWantReadError,
# we cannot proceed to self._recv() here as we may
# have already called it once as part of the caller's
# "while websock.pending():" loop
# Nope, let's try to read a bit
if not self._recv_frames():
return None
# Anything queued now?
return self._recvmsg()
def pending(self):
"""Check if any WebSocket data is pending.
This method will return True as long as there are WebSocket
frames that have yet been processed. A single recv() from the
underlying socket may return multiple WebSocket frames and it
is therefore important that a caller continues calling recv()
or recvmsg() as long as pending() returns True.
Note that this function merely tells if there are raw WebSocket
frames pending. Those frames may not contain any application
return len(self._recv_queue) > 0
def send(self, bytes):
"""Write data to the WebSocket
This will queue the given data and attempt to send it to the
peer. Unlike sendmsg() this method might coalesce the data with
data from other calls, or split it over multiple messages.
WebSocketWantWriteError can be raised if there is insufficient
space in the underlying socket.
if len(bytes) == 0:
return 0
return self.sendmsg(bytes)
def sendmsg(self, msg):
"""Write a single message to the WebSocket
This will queue the given message and attempt to send it to the
peer. Unlike send() this method will preserve the data as a
single WebSocket message.
WebSocketWantWriteError can be raised if there is insufficient
space in the underlying socket.
if not self._sent_close:
# Only called to flush?
self._sendmsg(0x2, msg)
return len(msg)
def ping(self, data=''.encode('ascii')):
"""Write a ping message to the WebSocket."""
2017-04-12 17:01:13 +01:00
self._sendmsg(0x9, data)
def pong(self, data=''.encode('ascii')):
"""Write a pong message to the WebSocket."""
2017-04-12 17:01:13 +01:00
self._sendmsg(0xA, data)
def shutdown(self, how, code=1000, reason=None):
"""Gracefully terminate the WebSocket connection.
This will start the process to terminate the WebSocket
connection. The caller must continue to calling recv() or
recvmsg() after this function in order to wait for the peer to
acknowledge the close. Calls to send() and sendmsg() will be
WebSocketWantWriteError can be raised if there is insufficient
space in the underlying socket for the close message.
The how argument is currently ignored.
# Already closing?
if self._sent_close:
# Special code to indicate that we closed the connection
if not self._received_close:
self.close_code = 1000
self.close_reason = "Locally initiated close"
self._sent_close = True
msg = ''.encode('ascii')
if code is not None:
msg += struct.pack(">H", code)
if reason is not None:
msg += reason.encode("UTF-8")
self._sendmsg(0x8, msg)
def close(self, code=1000, reason=None):
"""Terminate the WebSocket connection immediately.
This will close the WebSocket connection directly after sending
a close message to the peer.
WebSocketWantWriteError can be raised if there is insufficient
space in the underlying socket for the close message.
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, code, reason)
def _recv(self):
# Fetches more data from the socket to the buffer
assert self.socket is not None
while True:
data = self.socket.recv(4096)
except (socket.error, OSError):
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
if hasattr(exc, 'errno'):
err = exc.errno
err = exc[0]
if err == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
raise WebSocketWantReadError
if len(data) == 0:
return False
self._recv_buffer += data
# Support for SSLSocket like objects
if hasattr(self.socket, "pending"):
if not self.socket.pending():
return True
def _recv_frames(self):
# Fetches more data and decodes the frames
if not self._recv():
if self.close_code is None:
self.close_code = 1006
self.close_reason = "Connection closed abnormally"
self._sent_close = self._received_close = True
return False
while True:
frame = self._decode_hybi(self._recv_buffer)
if frame is None:
self._recv_buffer = self._recv_buffer[frame['length']:]
return True
def _recvmsg(self):
# Process pending frames and returns any application data
while self._recv_queue:
frame = self._recv_queue.pop(0)
if not self.client and not frame['masked']:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1002, "Procotol error: Frame not masked")
if self.client and frame['masked']:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1002, "Procotol error: Frame masked")
if frame["opcode"] == 0x0:
if not self._partial_msg:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1002, "Procotol error: Unexpected continuation frame")
self._partial_msg += frame["payload"]
if frame["fin"]:
msg = self._partial_msg
self._partial_msg = ''.encode("ascii")
return msg
elif frame["opcode"] == 0x1:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1003, "Unsupported: Text frames are not supported")
elif frame["opcode"] == 0x2:
if self._partial_msg:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1002, "Procotol error: Unexpected new frame")
if frame["fin"]:
return frame["payload"]
self._partial_msg = frame["payload"]
elif frame["opcode"] == 0x8:
if self._received_close:
self._received_close = True
if self._sent_close:
return None
if not frame["fin"]:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1003, "Unsupported: Fragmented close")
code = None
reason = None
if len(frame["payload"]) >= 2:
code = struct.unpack(">H", frame["payload"][:2])[0]
if len(frame["payload"]) > 2:
reason = frame["payload"][2:]
reason = reason.decode("UTF-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1002, "Procotol error: Invalid UTF-8 in close")
if code is None:
self.close_code = code = 1005
self.close_reason = "No close status code specified by peer"
self.close_code = code
if reason is not None:
self.close_reason = reason
self.shutdown(None, code, reason)
return None
elif frame["opcode"] == 0x9:
if not frame["fin"]:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1003, "Unsupported: Fragmented ping")
elif frame["opcode"] == 0xA:
if not frame["fin"]:
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1003, "Unsupported: Fragmented pong")
self.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR, 1003, "Unsupported: Unknown opcode 0x%02x" % frame["opcode"])
raise WebSocketWantReadError
def _flush(self):
# Writes pending data to the socket
if not self._send_buffer:
assert self.socket is not None
sent = self.socket.send(self._send_buffer)
except (socket.error, OSError):
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
if hasattr(exc, 'errno'):
err = exc.errno
err = exc[0]
if err == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
raise WebSocketWantWriteError
self._send_buffer = self._send_buffer[sent:]
if self._send_buffer:
raise WebSocketWantWriteError
# We had a pending close and we've flushed the buffer,
# time to end things
if self._received_close and self._sent_close:
def _send(self, data):
# Queues data and attempts to send it
self._send_buffer += data
def _queue_str(self, string):
# Queue some data to be sent later.
# Only used by the connecting methods.
self._send_buffer += string.encode("latin-1")
def _sendmsg(self, opcode, msg):
# Sends a standard data message
if self.client:
mask = ''
for i in range(4):
mask += chr(random.randrange(256))
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
mask = bytes(mask, "latin-1")
frame = self._encode_hybi(opcode, msg, mask)
frame = self._encode_hybi(opcode, msg)
wsproxy, wstelnet: wrap command, WS telnet client. wswrapper: Getting the wswrapper.c LD_PRELOAD model working has turned out to involve too many dark corners of the glibc/POSIX file descriptor space. I realized that 95% of what I want can be accomplished by adding a "wrap command" mode to wsproxy. The code is still there for now, but consider it experimental at best. Minor fix to dup2 and add dup and dup3 logging. wsproxy Wrap Command: In wsproxy wrap command mode, a command line is specified instead of a target address and port. wsproxy then uses a much simpler LD_PRELOAD library, rebind.so, to move intercept any bind() system calls made by the program. If the bind() call is for the wsproxy listen port number then the real bind() system call is issued for an alternate (free high) port on loopback/localhost. wsproxy then forwards from the listen address/port to the moved port. The --wrap-mode argument takes three options that determine the behavior of wsproxy when the wrapped command returns an exit code (exit or daemonizing): ignore, exit, respawn. For example, this runs vncserver on turns port 5901 into a WebSockets port (rebind.so must be built first): ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=ignore 5901 -- vncserver :1 The vncserver command backgrounds itself so the wrap mode is set to "ignore" so that wsproxy keeps running even after it receives an exit code from vncserver. wstelnet: To demonstrate the wrap command mode, I added WebSockets telnet client. For example, this runs telnetd (krb5-telnetd) on turns port 2023 into a WebSockets port (using "respawn" mode since telnetd exits after each connection closes): sudo ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=respawn 2023 -- telnetd -debug 2023 Then the utils/wstelnet.html page can be used to connect to the telnetd server on port 2023. The telnet client includes VT100.js (from http://code.google.com/p/sshconsole) which handles the terminal emulation and rendering. rebind: The rebind LD_PRELOAD library is used by wsproxy in wrap command mode to intercept bind() system calls and move the port to a different port on loopback/localhost. The rebind.so library can be built by running make in the utils directory. The rebind library can be used separately from wsproxy by setting the REBIND_OLD_PORT and REBIND_NEW_PORT environment variables prior to executing a command. For example: export export REBIND_PORT_OLD="23" export export REBIND_PORT_NEW="65023" LD_PRELOAD=./rebind.so telnetd -debug 23 Alternately, the rebind script does the same thing: rebind 23 65023 telnetd -debug 23 Other changes/notes: - wsproxy no longer daemonizes by default. Remove -f/--foreground option and add -D/--deamon option. - When wsproxy is used to wrap a command in "respawn" mode, the command will not be respawn more often than 3 times within 10 seconds. - Move getKeysym routine out of Canvas object so that it can be called directly.
2011-01-12 19:15:11 +00:00
return self._send(frame)
wsproxy, wstelnet: wrap command, WS telnet client. wswrapper: Getting the wswrapper.c LD_PRELOAD model working has turned out to involve too many dark corners of the glibc/POSIX file descriptor space. I realized that 95% of what I want can be accomplished by adding a "wrap command" mode to wsproxy. The code is still there for now, but consider it experimental at best. Minor fix to dup2 and add dup and dup3 logging. wsproxy Wrap Command: In wsproxy wrap command mode, a command line is specified instead of a target address and port. wsproxy then uses a much simpler LD_PRELOAD library, rebind.so, to move intercept any bind() system calls made by the program. If the bind() call is for the wsproxy listen port number then the real bind() system call is issued for an alternate (free high) port on loopback/localhost. wsproxy then forwards from the listen address/port to the moved port. The --wrap-mode argument takes three options that determine the behavior of wsproxy when the wrapped command returns an exit code (exit or daemonizing): ignore, exit, respawn. For example, this runs vncserver on turns port 5901 into a WebSockets port (rebind.so must be built first): ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=ignore 5901 -- vncserver :1 The vncserver command backgrounds itself so the wrap mode is set to "ignore" so that wsproxy keeps running even after it receives an exit code from vncserver. wstelnet: To demonstrate the wrap command mode, I added WebSockets telnet client. For example, this runs telnetd (krb5-telnetd) on turns port 2023 into a WebSockets port (using "respawn" mode since telnetd exits after each connection closes): sudo ./utils/wsproxy.py --wrap-mode=respawn 2023 -- telnetd -debug 2023 Then the utils/wstelnet.html page can be used to connect to the telnetd server on port 2023. The telnet client includes VT100.js (from http://code.google.com/p/sshconsole) which handles the terminal emulation and rendering. rebind: The rebind LD_PRELOAD library is used by wsproxy in wrap command mode to intercept bind() system calls and move the port to a different port on loopback/localhost. The rebind.so library can be built by running make in the utils directory. The rebind library can be used separately from wsproxy by setting the REBIND_OLD_PORT and REBIND_NEW_PORT environment variables prior to executing a command. For example: export export REBIND_PORT_OLD="23" export export REBIND_PORT_NEW="65023" LD_PRELOAD=./rebind.so telnetd -debug 23 Alternately, the rebind script does the same thing: rebind 23 65023 telnetd -debug 23 Other changes/notes: - wsproxy no longer daemonizes by default. Remove -f/--foreground option and add -D/--deamon option. - When wsproxy is used to wrap a command in "respawn" mode, the command will not be respawn more often than 3 times within 10 seconds. - Move getKeysym routine out of Canvas object so that it can be called directly.
2011-01-12 19:15:11 +00:00
def _close(self):
# Close the underlying socket
self.socket = None
def _mask(self, buf, mask):
# Mask a frame
return self._unmask(buf, mask)
def _unmask(self, buf, mask):
# Unmask a frame
if numpy:
plen = len(buf)
pstart = 0
pend = plen
b = c = ''.encode('ascii')
if plen >= 4:
if sys.byteorder == 'big':
dtype = dtype.newbyteorder('>')
mask = numpy.frombuffer(mask, dtype, count=1)
data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype, count=int(plen / 4))
#b = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).data
b = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).tostring()
if plen % 4:
if sys.byteorder == 'big':
dtype = dtype.newbyteorder('>')
mask = numpy.frombuffer(mask, dtype, count=(plen % 4))
data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype,
offset=plen - (plen % 4), count=(plen % 4))
c = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).tostring()
return b + c
# Slower fallback
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
mask = [ ord(c) for c in mask ]
data = array.array('B')
for i in range(len(data)):
data[i] ^= mask[i % 4]
return data.tostring()
def _encode_hybi(self, opcode, buf, mask_key=None, fin=True):
""" Encode a HyBi style WebSocket frame.
Optional opcode:
0x0 - continuation
0x1 - text frame
0x2 - binary frame
0x8 - connection close
0x9 - ping
0xA - pong
b1 = opcode & 0x0f
if fin:
b1 |= 0x80
mask_bit = 0
if mask_key is not None:
mask_bit = 0x80
buf = self._mask(buf, mask_key)
payload_len = len(buf)
if payload_len <= 125:
header = struct.pack('>BB', b1, payload_len | mask_bit)
elif payload_len > 125 and payload_len < 65536:
header = struct.pack('>BBH', b1, 126 | mask_bit, payload_len)
elif payload_len >= 65536:
header = struct.pack('>BBQ', b1, 127 | mask_bit, payload_len)
if mask_key is not None:
return header + mask_key + buf
return header + buf
def _decode_hybi(self, buf):
""" Decode HyBi style WebSocket packets.
{'fin' : boolean,
'opcode' : number,
'masked' : boolean,
'length' : encoded_length,
'payload' : decoded_buffer}
f = {'fin' : 0,
'opcode' : 0,
'masked' : False,
'length' : 0,
'payload' : None}
blen = len(buf)
hlen = 2
if blen < hlen:
return None
b1, b2 = struct.unpack(">BB", buf[:2])
f['opcode'] = b1 & 0x0f
f['fin'] = not not (b1 & 0x80)
f['masked'] = not not (b2 & 0x80)
if f['masked']:
hlen += 4
if blen < hlen:
return None
length = b2 & 0x7f
if length == 126:
hlen += 2
if blen < hlen:
return None
length, = struct.unpack('>H', buf[2:4])
elif length == 127:
hlen += 8
if blen < hlen:
return None
length, = struct.unpack('>Q', buf[2:10])
f['length'] = hlen + length
if blen < f['length']:
return None
if f['masked']:
# unmask payload
mask_key = buf[hlen-4:hlen]
f['payload'] = self._unmask(buf[hlen:(hlen+length)], mask_key)
f['payload'] = buf[hlen:(hlen+length)]
return f