
176 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* noVNC: HTML5 VNC client
* Copyright (C) 2010 Joel Martin
* Licensed under LGPL-3 (see LICENSE.LGPL-3)
* See README.md for usage and integration instructions.
"use strict";
/*global $, RFB, Canvas, VNC_uri_prefix, Element, Fx */
var DefaultControls = {
load: function(target) {
var url, html;
/* Handle state updates */
/* Populate the 'target' DOM element with default controls */
if (!target) { target = 'vnc'; }
html = "";
html += '<div id="VNC_controls">';
html += ' <ul>';
html += ' <li>Host: <input id="VNC_host"></li>';
html += ' <li>Port: <input id="VNC_port"></li>';
html += ' <li>Password: <input id="VNC_password"';
html += ' type="password"></li>';
html += ' <li>Encrypt: <input id="VNC_encrypt"';
html += ' type="checkbox"></li>';
html += ' <li>True Color: <input id="VNC_true_color"';
html += ' type="checkbox" checked></li>';
html += ' <li><input id="VNC_connect_button" type="button"';
html += ' value="Loading" disabled></li>';
html += ' </ul>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div id="VNC_screen">';
html += ' <div id="VNC_status_bar" class="VNC_status_bar" style="margin-top: 0px;">';
html += ' <table border=0 width=100%><tr>';
html += ' <td><div id="VNC_status">Loading</div></td>';
html += ' <td width=10%><div id="VNC_buttons">';
html += ' <input type=button value="Send CtrlAltDel"';
2010-06-15 23:56:38 +01:00
html += ' id="sendCtrlAltDelButton"';
html += ' onclick="DefaultControls.sendCtrlAltDel();"></div></td>';
html += ' </tr></table>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <canvas id="VNC_canvas" width="640px" height="20px">';
html += ' Canvas not supported.';
html += ' </canvas>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<br><br>';
html += '<div id="VNC_clipboard">';
html += ' VNC Clipboard:';
html += ' <input id="VNC_clipboard_clear_button"';
html += ' type="button" value="Clear"';
html += ' onclick="DefaultControls.clipClear();">';
html += ' <br>';
html += ' <textarea id="VNC_clipboard_text" cols=80 rows=5';
html += ' onfocus="DefaultControls.clipFocus();"';
html += ' onblur="DefaultControls.clipBlur();"';
html += ' onchange="DefaultControls.clipSend();"></textarea>';
html += '</div>';
$(target).innerHTML = html;
/* Populate the controls if defaults are provided in the URL */
url = document.location.href;
$('VNC_host').value = (url.match(/host=([A-Za-z0-9.\-]*)/) ||
$('VNC_port').value = (url.match(/port=([0-9]*)/) ||
$('VNC_password').value = (url.match(/password=([^&#]*)/) ||
$('VNC_encrypt').checked = (url.match(/encrypt=([A-Za-z0-9]*)/) ||
2010-06-13 16:57:23 +01:00
$('VNC_screen').onmousemove = function () {
// Unfocus clipboard when over the VNC area
if (! Canvas.focused) {
2010-06-13 16:57:23 +01:00
sendCtrlAltDel: function() {
updateState: function(state, msg) {
var s, c, klass;
s = $('VNC_status');
sb = $('VNC_status_bar');
c = $('VNC_connect_button');
2010-06-15 23:56:38 +01:00
cad = $('sendCtrlAltDelButton');
switch (state) {
case 'failed':
c.disabled = true;
2010-06-15 23:56:38 +01:00
cad.disabled = true;
klass = "VNC_status_error";
case 'normal':
c.value = "Disconnect";
c.onclick = DefaultControls.disconnect;
c.disabled = false;
2010-06-15 23:56:38 +01:00
cad.disabled = false;
klass = "VNC_status_normal";
case 'disconnected':
c.value = "Connect";
c.onclick = DefaultControls.connect;
c.disabled = false;
2010-06-15 23:56:38 +01:00
cad.disabled = true;
klass = "VNC_status_normal";
c.disabled = true;
2010-06-15 23:56:38 +01:00
cad.disabled = true;
klass = "VNC_status_warn";
if (typeof(msg) !== 'undefined') {
s.setAttribute("class", klass);
sb.setAttribute("class", klass);
s.innerHTML = msg;
connect: function() {
var host, port, password, encrypt, true_color;
host = $('VNC_host').value;
port = $('VNC_port').value;
password = $('VNC_password').value;
encrypt = $('VNC_encrypt').checked;
true_color = $('VNC_true_color').checked;
if ((!host) || (!port)) {
throw("Must set host and port");
RFB.connect(host, port, password, encrypt, true_color);
disconnect: function() {
clipFocus: function() {
Canvas.focused = false;
clipBlur: function() {
Canvas.focused = true;
clipClear: function() {
$('VNC_clipboard_text').value = "";
clipReceive: function(text) {
Util.Debug(">> DefaultControls.clipReceive: " + text.substr(0,40) + "...");
$('VNC_clipboard_text').value = text;
Util.Debug("<< DefaultControls.clipReceive");
clipSend: function() {
var text = $('VNC_clipboard_text').value;
Util.Debug(">> DefaultControls.clipSend: " + text.substr(0,40) + "...");
Util.Debug("<< DefaultControls.clipSend");